FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 34 • NUMBER 1 Wednesday, January 1, 1969 • Washington, D.C
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FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 34 • NUMBER 1 Wednesday, January 1, 1969 • Washington, D.C. Pages 1-30 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Agriculture Department Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Com mission Federal Highway Administration Indian Affairs Bureau Interagency Textile Administrative Committee Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration Public Health Service Reclamation Bureau Securities and Exchange Commission Social and Rehabilitation Service Treasury Department Detailed list of Contents appears inside. MICROFILM EDITION FEDERAL REGISTER 35mm MICROFILM Complete Set 1936-87,167 Rolls $1,162 Vol. Year Price Vol. Year Price Vol. Year Price 1 1936 $8 12 1947 $26 23 1958 $36 2 1937 10 13 1948 27 24 1959 40 3 1938 9 14 1949 22 25 1960 49 4 1939 14 15 1950 26 26 1961 46 5 1940 15 16 1951 43 27 1962 50 6 1941 20 17 1952 35 28 1963 49 7 1942 35 18 1953 32 29 1964 57 8 1943 52 19 1954 39 30 1965 58 9 1944 42 20 1955 36 31 1966 61 10 1945 43 21 1956 38 32 1967 64 11 1946 42 22 1957 38 Order Microfilm Edition from Publications Sales Branch National Archives and Records Service Washington, D.C. 20408 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FEDERALWREGISTER on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the. Office of the Federal Register, National a. g Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National Area Code 202 «34 Phone 962-8626 * (Junto ’ Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Admin istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, TT.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R eg ister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents for each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code o p F ederal R eg u la tio n s, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code o p F ederal R eg u la tio n s is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal R eg ister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R eg ister or the Code o f F ederal R egu la tio n s. Contents AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Proposed Rule Making INTERSTATE COMMERCE AND CONSERVATION SERVICE Airworthiness directive; Schlei COMMISSION Rules and Regulations cher gliders-------- ------------- ------ *4 Rules and Regulations Construction, alteration, activa Cotton, extra long staple; acreage Car service; certain railroad com allotments for 1966 and succeed tion, and deactivation of air panies authorized to operate ing crops; designated counties ports ________________________ 16 over certain trackage abandoned 5 Transition areas; designation and by Tennessee Central Railway in Arizona___________________ 25 Peed grains, 1966-69 program; alteration ----------------------------- Co. (3 documents)--------------------11,12 miscellaneous amendments----- 5 LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Notices See also Agricultural Stabilization COMMISSION California; filing of State protrac and Conservation Service; Com tion diagram__________________ 18 modity Credit Corporation; Rules and Regulations New Mexico; classification of Consumer and Marketing Serv Novice class amateur radio license; public lands: ice. correction __________ __________ 2i Multiple use management------- 18 Rules and Regulations Transfer out of Federal owner Notices ship ___________________ 18 Special types and methods of pro curement; correction--------------- 9 Hearings, etc.: MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Georgia Radio, Inc., and Faulk ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ner Radio, Inc___ '--------------- 2o Notices Notices WLVA, Inc___ _1_____________ 20 Pacific Far East Line, Inc.; ap plication ____________________ 19 Allis - Chalmers Manufacturing Co.; extension of operating au FEDERAL HIGHWAY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE thorization expiration date regarding La Crosse Boiling Wa ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations ter Reactor----------------------------- Biological products; delegations of Proposed Rule Making authority to Director, National CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Motor vehicle safety; consumer in Institutes of Health___________ 10 formation; extension of time— 17 Notices RECLAMATION BUREAU Hearings, etc.: Blocked space air freight tariffs. 20 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Notices Mohawk Airlines, Inc__________ Colorado River Basin Project, WELFARE DEPARTMENT Central Arizona; meeting re COMMERCE DEPARTMENT garding Central Arizona Project See Public Health Service; Social p lan s________________________ 19 See Maritime Administration. and Rehabilitation Service. COMMODITY CREDIT SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE CORPORATION INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU COMMISSION Notices Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making Hearings, etc.: Cotton loan program; subordina Pine River Indian Irrigation Proj- tion of prior liens by prior lien B SF Co______________________ 28 holders ______________________: 8 ect, Colo.; operation and mainte Comstock-Keystone Mining Co. 28 Farm storage reseal loan program; nance charges________________ 14 Klingsport Power Co___________ 28 1969-79 storage period_________ 6 Mooney Aircraft, Inc__________ 28 Mountain States Development Soybeans; 1968-crop loan and pur INTERAGENCY TEXTILE chase program; support rates, Co ________________________ 28 premiums, and discounts--------- 6 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Original Electric Heater Corp_ 29 Texas Uranium Corp__________ 29 CONSUMER AND MARKETING Notices Wheeling Electric Co__________ 29 SERVICE Certain cotton textiles and prod SOCIAL AND REHABILITATION Rules and Regulations ucts produced or manufac SERVICE Lemons grown in California and tured in certain countries; en- Rules and Regulations 6 try and withdrawal from Arizona; handling limitation__ Financial assistance programs: Proposed Rule Making warehouse for consumption: Coverage and conditions of eli- Cranberries grown in certain M alaysia_____________________ 24 g ib ility ____________________ 10 States; handling--------------------- 24 Fiscal administration.____ ____ 11 Portugal______ ______________ FEDERAL AVIATION Republic of the Philippines___ 26 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION Trinidad and Tobago__________ 26 See Federal Aviation Administra- Yugoslavia___________________ 27 tion; Federal Highway Adminis Rules and Regulations tration. Airworthiness directives: Beech Model 55 and 95 Series INTERIOR DEPARTMENT TREASURY DEPARTMENT airplan es______ ,-------------- - 8 Rules and Regulations Vickers Viscount Models 744, See Indian Affairs Bureau; Land 745D and 810 Series air Management Bureau; Reclama- Labor; equal opportunity in em planes _____________________ 8 tion Bureau. ployment _________________— 9 3 4 CONTENTS List of CFR Parts Affected The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1969, and specifies how they are affected. 7 CFR 25 CFR 42 CFR 722_____________ 5 P roposed R u l e s : 73______________________________ 10 775____________ 5 221_________________ 14 910____________________ 6 45 CFR 1421 (2 documents)_____________ 6 41 CFR 233__________________ 10 1427______________________ 8 4-4__________ 9 237_____________________________ 11 P roposed R u l e s : 10 -1 2 ________________________ 9 929___________________ 13 47 CFR 14 CFR 97____________ 11 39 (2 documents)_______________ 8 49 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 39------------------------------------------------- 14 1033 (3 documents)___ _________ 11,12 71------------------------------------------------- 15 P roposed R u l e s : 157----------------------------------------------- 16 375_______ 17 5 Rules and Regulations SUBCHAPTER C— SPECIAL PROGRAMS inure to the benefit of the experiment Title 7— AGRICULTURE [Amdt. 13] station. Chapter VII— Agricultural Stabiliza PART 775— FEED GRAINS Notwithstanding any other provision tion and Conservation Service of this subparagraph (2), barley acreage Subpart—;1966—69 Feed Grain excluded under subdivisions (i) and (ii) (Agricultural Adjustment), Depart Program Regulations of this subparagraph which has not been ment of Agriculture M iscellaneous Amendments designated within the total intention as diverted under any land diversion pro SUBCHAPTER B— FARM MARKETING QUOTAS The regulations governing the 1966-69