The Special Online edition of the Parish Magazine for , and Colaton Raleigh

Editor's Note: During the time of Coronavirus Emergency our volunteer distributors are not able to get out and deliver the usual printed version of the Parish Magazine – it will be back as soon as possible, but meanwhile this monthly online edition hopes to inform and entertain you during the period of lockdown. With all the local clubs closed, there is obviously no news of activities, nor any diary of coming events. But in this wonderful spring weather there's plenty to enjoy in our gardens and countryside – so plenty of nature news – and time to think about those less fortunate, and with appeals from struggling charities. Plus articles to interest you and hopefully some to tickle your sense of fun. The above picture – created from flowers in the garden – is a reminder of support for all our carers and a reminder of God's promise that "All will be well". Haylor

Church Community The three village churches are closed The Village Halls at Harpford, Newton for worship and all other purposes – Poppleford and Colaton Raleigh and funerals, weddings and private prayer the NP Playing Fields Pavilion are Services have moved online, or are closed until further notice, which being broadcast by the BBC on both means that all the local clubs and radio and TV. societies have suspended activities. The key contact is the Vicar, Revd. Doctor's surgeries and functioning, Mark Ward, who can be contacted but GPs are reducing numbers of tel: 01395 568390 patients at the surgery because they email: [email protected] are dealing with a lot on the phone; so do contact the GP if you need to and they will do their best to assist in He is sending out a weekly contact the safest way possible. list of local and diocesan service links, including an opportunity to join Harpford have set up the Harpford the local church on Zoom on a Support Group offering help, Sunday morning. If you would like to particularly to the housebound. share in this information, please send [email protected] him your email address. Newton Poppleford and Harpford St Luke's Church also has members Coronavirus Support Network contactable by telephone for pastoral support or prayer: The Parish Council, in conjunction June Smith 01395 562994 with a growing list of community Audrey Callis 01395 568742 volunteers, and local businesses, is Church of launches free asking residents to look out for a dial-in worship phone line leaflet being delivered in the first few days of May which will outline the The Archbishop of Canterbury has community support and assistance launched Daily Hope, which includes available to anyone in need in the music, prayers, reflections and full parish, be that for shopping trips, worship services at the end of a collection of prescriptions, advice or telephone line. It is available 24 just a friendly chat on the phone if hours a day on 0800 804 8044 and you are feeling a little frayed and has been set up to reach people anxious. unable to join online church services. Woods Village Shop at Colaton If you are talking to anyone you know Raleigh are offering customers in who does not use the internet, could Colaton Raleigh free delivery to those you give them this telephone number who can't get to the shop. and suggest they give it a try. If you are worried about recommending Call on 01395 568406 and they can take credit card payments over the something untried, ring it yourself and phone. have a listen.

2 May 2020 Popplemag challenging times. But all of these From the Vicar characters from Old Testament A recurring theme in the Bible is history were like signposts pointing people—often good and godly towards the Messiah—the Christ. people—having to pass through a And of course the ultimate biblical difficult experience—sometimes a example of someone passing through very dangerous and traumatic something unpleasant is the Christ experience. And time and time passing through what must be the again, people entered into a crisis not ultimate danger—death! knowing how long it would be or what The night before Jesus’ death on the the final outcome would be. Here are cross he prayed and asked God the a few famous examples: Father to save him from his ordeal. Noah and his family passed through Like many before him, Jesus asked the flood. The world around them not to pass through the trial that lay collapsed into chaos, and in order to ahead. He would have liked God to save themselves the family had to go click his fingers and make it all go into the ark. They were shut in for away. Like Noah, Moses and Daniel, twelve months. Jesus was saved; but he was saved by having to trust God whilst still Later, when God rescued the having to pass through the trauma. Israelites from their slavery in Egypt, they had to pass through the desert Occasionally God does make before they could enter the promised problems disappear, but the far more land. They ended up spending forty common experience of people who long years in the wilderness before pray is for God to save us by allowing they eventually crossed the River us to pass through the thing that we Jordan into the land flowing with milk would rather not face. and honey. Mark Several centuries later the Israelites found themselves once again a long way from the promised land. They were forcibly moved to Babylon. They had to go through the mental and physical trauma of exile. It lasted seventy years! During the exile Daniel had to pass a night in the lions' den. This was a short time but must have been terrifying, even for a man with the great faith of Daniel. He entered that unwelcome interruption to his life without any guarantee that he would come out unscathed. There are other examples in the Old Testament scriptures of people passing through difficult and Popplemag May 2020 3 FRIDAY 8th MAY - VE DAY 75 2.55pm: Playing of the Last Post Buglers, trumpeters and cornet players might like to consider playing the Last Post from the safety of their front or back garden, outside their front door or from their balcony or window. We would ask you not to play in an area that could attract a group of people however. 3.00pm: The Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW II We would very much like to encourage you all to still take part in the Nation’s Toast from the safety of your homes to pay tribute to the many millions in the and overseas who sacrificed so much to secure the freedom we have today. We would invite you stand at 3.00pm and raise a glass or cup of refreshment of your choice and undertake the following toast: “For those that gave so much, we thank you.” As you will know from the Dame Joan Collins has kindly agreed announcement made by HM th to lead the ‘Toast’ on behalf of the Government on 16 April 2020, the women of the nation. Dame Joan Coronavirus lockdown has been was a young girl living in London extended by at least a further three during WW II. weeks. This means that community events to celebrate the 75th This will be the first time such a anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8th tribute has ever taken place so May can no longer go ahead as please encourage others to join in originally planned. This will be a from their own homes. great disappointment to all of you 7.00pm: Ringing out for Peace who have put so much hard work into Government restrictions mean that planning your participation. churches and cathedrals are closed However, we still feel some aspects until further notice, so I am afraid this of this important anniversary could aspect of VE Day 75 cannot now take still take place on 8th May in ways place. that will allow us to celebrate the VE More at: www.veday75 Day anniversary while following the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ essential social distancing advice that ensures that everyone remains safe. See also: plenty on radio, TV, & web

6 May 2020 Popplemag Thy Kingdom Come Prayer for a Pandemic MAY 21st - 31st 2020 May we who are merely I have been keeping an eye on the inconvenienced, 'Thy Kingdom Come' web site fully expecting that it would be cancelled. remember those whose lives However, it is going ahead, and I'm are at stake. sure that nobody can argue with the May we who have no risk factors, fact that the world, in the present remember those most vulnerable. situation, certainly needs urgent prayer for God's Kingdom to come. May we who have the luxury of Most of the plans we had in mind at working from home, St Luke's for the 10 days will not now remember those who must choose be possible because we can't gather between preserving their health or together, but Mark Ward has agreed making their rent. that a Special Prayer Diary should be prepared nearer the time. Mark will May we who have the flexibility to circulate this as he has a wider list of care for our children when their email addresses than I have. If you schools close, would like a copy, but Mark doesn't remember those who have no options. have your email address, please let him have it, if you are happy to do so. May we who have to cancel our trips, There is lots of information, and remember those who have no safe resources, on the 'Thy Kingdom place to go. Come' web site which you might find May we who are losing our margin both interesting and useful. money in the turmoil of the economic market, Audrey Callis (Prayer Co-ordinator) remember those who have no margin at all. May we who settle in for a quarantine at home, remember those who have no home. As fear grips our country, let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ around each other, let us yet find ways to be the loving Why did the scarecrow get a embrace of God to our neighbours. promotion? Amen. Because he was outstanding in his field. Popplemag May 2020 5 Easter at St Luke's A very different season, what with stay-at-home and churches closed.

Good Friday at St Luke's

Bernard & Ruth Edmonds on their Diamond Wedding Anniversary and his 85th birthday.

And the flowers burst out for Easter Day, much to the delight of many who passed by on their daily walk or en- Lockdown Palm Sunday route to the village store. 6 May 2020 Popplemag "Our prayer points this week are to . . . And Far Away pray for God's protection to be upon us all during this pandemic of Corona Virus/COVID-19. We also ask for prayers for those who have been badly affected by Cyclone Harold. Pray for all Christians in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu who have lost properties, gardens and loved ones Melanesian Mission during this bad weather. Prayers for Many thanks for the calls and emails comfort and strength in this time of to ask how our Brothers and Sisters mourning for the families of the 26 are coping with COVID-19 and also lost passengers on board MV Cyclone Harold. It has also been Taimareho to Malaita. Pray for humbling to receive emails from Christians who are finding ways to Melanesia asking how we are all survive with little food after Cyclone fairing in the UK. Harold. At present (April) there are no "We ask you to pray particularly for confirmed COVID-19 cases in the the Brotherhood as Cyclone Harold Solomon Islands or Vanuatu. As badly affected the Central testing has been limited, this does not Headquarters where gardens have mean that the virus has not arrived in again been washed away and houses these countries. New Caledonia has were destroyed by fallen trees and reported 18 cases. the wind. The Beau Regional The latest cyclone swept across the Headquarters, Malo Island, Vanuatu Solomon Islands and Vanuatu earlier were also badly affected by this this month causing damage to roads, Category 5 Cyclone. bridges, buildings and gardens. "Please remember the Leaders of the There have been overcrowded MBH and ACoM as they face this passenger ferries and a boat sunk critical time of Pandemic and natural with dozens of lives lost. We have disasters. Pray that they may lead heard of damage on Santo, Ambae, with God's wisdom and knowledge on Malo, Port Villa, and at Tabalia, how they will manage and administer Selwyn College and Verana'aso. the recovery process in the next 6 Greetings from Melanesia months. Praying for all in the UK." "Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The MBH send our Easter Greetings to all our supporters, MMUK, MBH Companions, parishes, dioceses and friends of the Brotherhood in the UK. Thank you for being supportive not only in finance but very importantly in prayers for the work here in

Melanesia and abroad. We wish you a Blessed Easter. Popplemag May 2020 7 Christian Aid Week A very special Christian Aid Week celebration Please join us for our live Christian Aid Week Sunday service on the 10th May at 1.00pm introduced by Amanda Mukwashi, Christian Aid’s Chief Executive, we will have special guest speakers, prayers from our partners and a Sermon from Dr Rowan Williams. For many years, we at St Luke's have supported Christian Aid Week and promoted the bright red envelopes for donations to their vital cause. Under the current circumstances, sadly, house-to-house and delivery- only collections should not go ahead. Also events such as Big Brekkies, where food is shared, cannot go ahead. Christian Aid has plenty of alternative ways you can take part in Christian Aid Week, virtually meet, share and Throughout Christian Aid Week pray with people over the coming (Monday 11th to Saturday 16th May) months. Christian Aid Week is our we will also be streaming short single-most important fundraiser, so reflections each day so please join we’d welcome donations in the Virtual with us as we stand together in love Envelope to show love for our and solidarity with our brother and neighbours at home and abroad, as a sisters around the world. community. an-aid-week/daily-prayer-reflection Quizzes Lastly, quizzes have turned out to be the nation's favourite hobby during the coronavirus lockdown and at You can safely and securely make a Christian Aid we love to test our one-off donation using our online general knowledge. If you need form at some light relief and want to keep your mind sharp whilst raising funds, or call 020 7523 2269 to donate by please get signed up for our special nd telephone. celebrity quiz on Saturday 2 May For details on how to pay money we’ll keep you posted about any directly into our bank account please other quiz plans too. call 020 7523 2226 an-aid-week/daily-quiz 8 May 2020 Popplemag Letters for Creation

This Christian Aid Week we have joined with the Church of England to share children’s reflections with the Climate Crisis leaders of our world, and whilst Looking beyond the immediate virus children and young people are off emergency, this year is crucial in the school this would be a great activity struggle for climate justice. To rise to to get them thinking creatively and the challenge, we must underpin it in taking action. Share our online prayer. Prayer that will transform us resources and the actions that we take. Prayer Download Letters for Creation that will help us to understand God’s resources ► care for those who are most affected by the climate crisis, acknowledge our role in causing it and start anew. Prayer that will act as a deep source of energy for the struggle ahead.

Alongside our friends at CAFOD and Local charity, Hospiscare, is reliant Tearfund, and people all over the on raising 85% of its £8m (per year) world, we will fill every day with funding needs from you. These are prayer for a world where everyone incredibly difficult times with can flourish and creation can breathe cancellations of events and other easy again. We’re asking everyone activities that will hugely impact around the world to join us through Hospiscare’s income. prayer to stop this climate crisis. If you are in a position to make a Join the prayer chain for climate donation, set-up a regular monthly justice at: direct debit, or consider leaving a gift in your Will, the charity would be rayer-chain/signup extremely grateful. Just visit or call 01392 688020 to make a difference to people living with a terminal illness. On behalf of Hospiscare’s nurses, clinical team and the patients they care for, thank you.

Popplemag May 2020 9 the road to Brooklands Cross where Walks you cross the road onto Want to go for a walk, stuck indoors a footpath through a metal gate. and needing some exercise? Here Head uphill and keep ahead to are some suggestions for easy local descend through an orchard to walks in and around the villages footpath junction. Here turn R and using our footpath network and (now continue along to Back Lane. Turn L not-so-) quiet lanes and tracks. here to return to the Pavilion. Please keep to the paths, keep your Newton Poppleford around dog under close control and pick up after it. the village walk. 1.8 miles with Hopefully the descriptions given 144 feet of cumulative ascent. should be all you need, but if you This walk can be started from any have an Ordnance Survey Explorer convenient place around the village, map number 115 it could be helpful. though this description starts from the Walks designation - L indicates left car park in Back Lane by the tennis and R indicates right. courts. Cross the road into Webbers Southerton walk. 2.5 miles with Meadow and veer diagonally R to 308 feet of cumulative ascent. cross the footbridge into the second Starting at the Pavilion, cross Back field. Follow the path around the river Lane and head up the footpath bank and through the metal gate to opposite. Ignore paths to the R and the A3052 where turn R. Cross the L and just after crossing a stream the road with care at the refuge and path turns sharp L. In 100 yards, turn proceed along Otter Reach. R (at footpath sign) uphill to go Just before the road turns R go through a gate in the L corner. Go through a kissing gate on the R along through another gate on the R and on an un-adopted road. As the road to Venn Ottery Road. bears R, go L onto a marked footpath L here for about 10 yards to find a for 200 yards. Ascend R up concrete track on the R, uphill at first then steps with central handrail to turn first levelling out. This path is not a right L and then R to a road. Keep uphill of way and care must be taken as on the road to School Lane where there is considerable badger activity. cross over and straight onto a At the end turn L down a wide track footpath up concrete steps. Follow to the road at Southerton. footpath which gives good views over Here on roads go R then shortly L the village, over King Alfreds Way to and L again. Very soon at a footpath the Toll House on the A3052. sign on the R, head on the obvious Cross the road with care down Venn line through Southerton Park. It’s Ottery Road to cross the bridge over here that people gathered in early Back Brook. Soon after turn R onto a evenings last winter to watch the footpath and keep straight on to aerial display of starling reach Meadow Drive. Continue over murmurations, a truly amazing the road on path along the brook spectacle. Carry on to a road where passing the playing fields to the turn L (East Way). Go along starting point. 10 May 2020 Popplemag Harpford Woods walk. 3.2 river. After 200 yards turn L and miles with 496 feet of cumulative follow footpath for half a mile to a ascent. path junction where L to road at Starting from the tennis courts car Yonder Hill garden. The garden is park in Back Lane, L to go straight quite extensive and is open to the along riverside footpath where road public at weekends in season under bears sharp L. At Red Bridge turn R the National Gardens scheme. over river, (taking care on eroded Here R on lane and bear L to B3178 path) to road where L through road. Turn R on road verge and Harpford. carefully cross after a few yards onto Turn L by church (look at the new a broad stony track (Naps Lane). wall on the R and see if you can spot Follow ascending track to the top of the ammonites in the stones) and in a hill and after 160 yards L on another few yards R to ascend Knapps Lane. track (Pound Lane) and descend to At top of hill straight onto footpath Hawkerland Road where turn R. In a ( Way) keeping on this few yards L on lane and cross a path to descend to a shallow ford. stream to a T junction L again on Just past ford ignore path on R and lane to reach B3178 road. Cross with sharp L under old railway bridge. care onto footpath, pass pub (Otter This is the disused Sidmouth branch Inn) on L to reach a road. Turn R to line, closed down in the 1960’s by return to the start point. Richard Beeching. Ascend path until All of these walks may be used for just before Ottery St Mary road where walkers and runners only, no cycles L onto broad track to rear of disused or horse riders please. Your dogs will recycling centre. By wooden steps be welcome as long as they are kept on R, turn L on track passing Woods under close control, especially if Farm on the R. Woods Farm is livestock is present. owned by the Sidmouth Donkey Because of the self-isolating rules Sanctuary though is not open to the currently in operation, many more public. people than usual are taking to the Walk along path for quarter of a mile footpaths in and around the village. It and look for waymark post on R to has been apparent however that leave woods and enter a field. Follow some people are not keeping to our obvious path across field and admire paths and wandering over farmland the views towards Tipton and Ottery at will. Just because a grassy field St Mary, then through gate to turn L looks inviting, do remember that downhill to ultimately cross old grass is a crop for animal feed for railway bridge. Path becomes a road either hay or silage, trampling these which you will recognise as the areas or letting your dog foul in them outward route. Retrace outward is not acceptable. Do please act journey back to the car park. responsibly in the countryside and enjoy it by keeping to footpaths or 3 miles Colaton Raleigh walk. obvious open areas like the with 279 feet of cumulative ascent. Commons where free access is Starting from Colaton Raleigh church, available. head down the road towards the Ted Swan, Parish Footpath Warden Popplemag May 2020 11 growers. EDDC have confirmed Ward Councillor's there is no help available for certain of these small businesses and Report partnerships. I await Mr Jupp’s Support during lockdown response. I hope everyone is staying safe and Red Bridge - Harpford well during the current situation. If The number of people enjoying walks you have concerns about your own in the local area has really increased. situation or any friends or neighbours Regular walkers will know how who are not accessing the help they vulnerable the red bridge is now, with need, please contact me so I can the river bank on the north side help or refer them on to someone eroding under the end support and who can. Tel 07475 201 340. threating the safety and longevity of A number of people have contacted this path remaining open. Residents me to offer their support and would will be aware of my efforts over the be happy to help if asked. The help years to keep this footpath open and might be shopping, medicines and the lack of interest on the part of DCC prescriptions, advice on accessing to do so. This may be the time to financial support, (perhaps for people start rallying support for keeping the who have never had to claim or rely crossing safe and open in its current on benefits before, lack of IT skills location and securing its future. DCC where applications must be made do not believe how well used and online), loneliness, low mood, valued this footpath and river domestic abuse. Practical help with crossing is and have shown complete dog walking has also been offered. complacency over the years. Our thanks go to all those essential Perhaps an online petition is the way workers in the NHS, shops and forward given the social distancing health services, EDDC council issues and that paper and pen officers and employees, who are signatures may not be appropriate at continuing to work, often from home the current time. and in different ways learning to use Wales and West Utilities newer technologies. I am finding ‘remote’ teaching useful, interesting vehicles sited at Homefield and challenging in equal measure. Farm, Venn Ottery Road The turnout for the Thursday night Chris Drake of Homefield Farm ‘thank essential workers’ clapping contacted me today to let me know and cheering can be heard in that the multitude of vehicles newly Harpford from Newton Poppleford. occupying some of his land belong to The turnout in Harpford is also West and West who were given excellent. permission to keep them there while Help for local growers and they are ‘sleeving’ the gas pipes running through the area. He has small farmers been told they could be in situ for up I have today written to East Devon to 5 months and he was concerned to MP Simon Jupp about the gap in point this out to concerned residents support for small rural farms and who may think he has (continued) 12 May 2020 Popplemag multiplied his vehicle fleet (He hasn’t) It is quite an easy site to use. and that they will be there However, if you don’t have the IT permanently (they won't) His site was skills to be able to do this, I will identified as the best place to keep always do it on your behalf. the vehicles temporarily whilst The debacle of the erratic and working in Newton Poppleford but intermittent painting of double yellow keeping away from residential areas. lines continues.. East Devon Parks now open Here is the link to the website The government has said that public parks must remain open. Just a few ansport/report-a-problem/ are still to remain shut such as Four Elms Hill Blackmore Gardens and Connaught The date for work on this is now Gardens where social distancing at showing as 15-19th June 2020, put entrances is more difficult. back from April owing to CV-19. I am Reporting potholes sure this date may change again I wrote about this in April's Parish depending on the situation. Magazine but am repeating it here. Scams Remarkably reported potholes are Please do be aware of the many being filled if residents report them scams that are on the rise which can and it is easy to see why this is a take the form of bogus charities, good time for that given the fewer testing kits and cures, donation vehicles on the road. scams claiming to be raising money Reporting a problem to Devon to fight the virus, refund emails County Council claiming to be offering refunds for I am always happy to report these holidays which may have had to be issues to Devon County Council but it cancelled, financial offers which may always helps if there is more than appeal to those struggling financially. one person complaining about these They can come via phone, emails things and you also get follow up and the post so do be aware and talk emails so you know how the council about these with family and friends. plans to deal with the issue. To find Lord Clinton’s representative the website you can simply search for Devon County Council Report a - offer of support Problem I was contacted by the above offering You will be asked for a location and help from Lord Clinton during CV-19. you have to click on a map to show I asked what was being offered, I where the problem is. I always use was unclear about the specifics of the the postcode EX10 0DW which response so I said I would give it brings you to the Cannon Pub on the some thought. High Street and that usually puts you I spoke to a few residents who in the vicinity of the problem you wish pointed out that re-instating the to report. doctors' surgery would be a start You are also asked if you would like though I didn’t hold out much hope. to upload a photo and this is always I emailed that suggestion to the very helpful in my opinion. representative. (continued) Popplemag May 2020 13 This went down like a lead balloon Here are the latest CV-19 links who said she was surprised at my from EDDC: response during CV-19 and that most Residents’ weekly Coronavirus other people she had spoken to were update: extremely grateful to Lord Clinton for his very generous offer and that she was not going to bother to contact me covid-19/latest-updates/east-devon- in future. I thought about the residents-coronavirus-update-24- withdrawal of the medical centre, and april-2020/ the retraction of the offer by CDE’s Business weekly Coronavirus builder Cavanna Homes to provide update: something for the village by way of compensation for the disruption covid-19/latest-updates/east-devon- caused by the construction of the 40 business-coronavirus-update-24- new houses and struggled to find april-2020/ evidence of his generosity here in Newton Poppleford to date. Other DV Toolkit resources residents have asked why CDE does Dave Whelan - Anti-Social Behaviour not open the railway line from Otter and Community Safety Coordinator, Reach so that people could walk sent this: safely between the villages during Nine really useful DV Toolkit CV-19. I will pass on the message resources for all different but don’t hold your breath. If you want circumstances that individuals may any other suggestions passed to Lord find themselves in. They are a really Clinton do contact me. good source of advice and contact Government changes rules material. for council meetings Domestic abuse recourses from Splitz can be accessed at the The Government have made the following link Regulations to permit virtual / remote meetings. toolkits.html EDDC Remote Council Val Ranger Meetings Ward Councillor; tel 07475 201 340 Concern has been expressed by email [email protected] some councillors that EDDC seem in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ no hurry to re-instate council meetings even using remote means. The latest national advice on This means that decision making is coronavirus (COVID-19) is available left to officers and a few members of on the Government website and Cabinet which is not a democratic NHS website way to run the council. In the You can find local guidance and meantime other councils such as information about the impacts on Exeter City Council and councils in DCC services on the Devon County surrounding counties are running Council website. Including regular meetings. bulletins about a variety of services.

14 May 2020 Popplemag update from EDDC 30/04/2020. Death Registrations for East Green Waste Service: EDDC Devon to 17/04/20: On a somewhat are proposing to resume our Green sombre note the Office for National Waste service from the 11th May. Statistics published updated Communications will be going out to registration data on Tuesday: our customers next week about this. An analysis of the provisional This does remain an area of risk, and information suggests that in the week is very dependent on driver up to the 17th April a total 659 deaths availability – if we get further sickness had been registered for the district so we may need to pause it again. far this year. Of this number, 11 were Customers are getting an additional attributed to Covid19 with 5 deaths 3 month period on their subscription being registered in care homes and 6 to compensate for the down time and registered in hospital. In that it is inconvenience. generally understood that Devon has Planning & Building Control: not yet seen its peak infection rate The Planning team remains busy there are concerns about the despite lockdown. Development general public assuming a management received over 50 relaxation of the lockdown applications during the last two restrictions. weeks (down 30% on usual numbers) wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw and now have just over 400 Police note of 1st May: DCC latest applications being processed. figures show a startling 10,000 more The 19/20 financial year monitoring daily trips on Devon A-roads for key areas of performance in compared to just one week ago. With planning shows:. that, an appeal again to stay home, We have successfully defended 75% and a reminder that the reason why of appeals against the Council’s the south west has one of the lowest decisions on planning applicationst. number of reported cases of Housing monitoring data shows that coronavirus (COVID-19) is because 1065 new homes were completed in we've heeded the government the year. This is the highest number guidance to stay put unless our ever delivered in a single year in East journey is essential and stay Devon since records began. compliant with social distancing. Building Control: little change in Please, let's keep it up. And the number of full plans applications, emphasise to tourists that they with the last week actually exceeding should stay away from the peninsula the number received for the same in order that the comparatively low week last year. The number of infection/death rate can be inspections has significantly reduced maintained. albeit many housebuilders are wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw starting to return to site. It is The Get Creative Festival which understood that Persimmon are back normally takes place in May has on site and Taylor Wimpey are moved online this year with resuming next week both having put #GetCreativeAtHome. in place social distancing rules. Popplemag May 2020 15 notify them of your written submission Newton Poppleford and send a copy to Paul Haywood and Harpford (Clerk), Newton Poppleford and Harpford Parish Council, Plumtree, Neighbourhood Plan Old North Street, Axminster, EX13 The Newton Poppleford and Harpford 5QF. Neighbourhood Plan was updated This consultation phase began on following the six-week public 18th March 2020. It was due to finish consultation which took place at the after 6 weeks but due to the end of 2019. Coronavirus situation it’s now been It was then submitted to East Devon extended a further 4 weeks so you District Council (EDDC) who put the have until 29th May 2020 to send your updated Plan and all its supporting comments in. documents on the East Devon District Please call or email Angela King if Council website where you can also you if you wish to discuss any of the read all the comments which were above ([email protected], received from the public last year. Direct tel: 01395 571740) Due to the Coronavirus outbreak you wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw can’t visit the District or Parish Council Offices to inspect paper History copies of the documents, but EDDC Bite-size history will try and make paper copies of the Neighbourhood Plan available on Every weekday just after 1.15pm on request. You can either email EDDC BBC Radio Devon Dr Todd Gray will on [email protected] be presenting ten minute features on or call 01395 571740, or alternatively little-known aspects of Devon history. contact the Parish Clerk, Mr Paul These are intended to offer a Hayward, 07711 929227 / temporary diversion from the current [email protected]. crisis and lessen our sense of uk. isolation. East Devon District Council are now Dr Todd Gray has a longer article on inviting further comments on the earlier pandemics published in the updated Neighbourhood Plan. If you Devon History Society's "Lock Down want to make a representation please Times". There are several other send your comments by email to interesting articles, including a record [email protected] of Devon in the 1920s with lots of which is EDDC's preference in the pictures. current circumstances. If you can’t Lock Down Times is available at respond by email you can send your comments in writing to Angela King, uk/news/dhs-lockdown-special- Planning Policy Section, East Devon newsletter/ District Council, Blackdown House, wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw Border Road, Honiton, EX14 1EJ. 90 years ago, on 24th May 1930 She’ll try to monitor the post but as British aviator Amy Johnson became staff are primarily working from home the first woman to fly solo from can you also call 01395 571740 to England to Australia. 16 May 2020 Popplemag do come with a heightened fire risk. We carried out a lot of work earlier in the year to widen the fire breaks across the heath and have continued to do some maintenance using the tractor mower to ensure all our fire breaks are as effective as possible. Hello from all of us at RSPB Our ponies remain out on the heath – Aylesbeare and hoping this edition they are all in good health and are finds you all safe and well. picking up the slack for us now we While many of our RSPB visitor are less able to undertake our usual facilities have had to close due to habitat management works. The COVID-19, as registered common wildlife is also carrying on as usual, land our reserve remains open for we’ve seen plenty of common lizards people to enjoy the natural world as and adders on the heath, they are part of their daily exercise. Here are a particularly sensitive to disturbance at few tips for enjoying our reserve this time of year so another good safely: reason to keep your dog on a lead! • Please DO maintain a physical This is the time of year to dust off distance of at least 2m from other your butterfly ID skills as they are out visitors not a part of your and about soaking up the spring household sunshine, orange tips, speckled • Please DO wash your hands wood, green veined white, before and after enjoying the brimstones, peacocks, red admirals reserve have all been spotted. • Please DON’T congregate on We await our summer residents, but paths or near entrances to allow a few species have made that others to safely enjoy the reserve incredible journey already, swallows, • There is NO car parking on the house and sand martins have been reserve seen on the river, wheatear, chiffchaffs, willow warblers seen on As the breeding season kicks into the reserve, as towards the end of gear for our ground-nesting birds we the month we welcome the arrival of also ask visitors to keep all dogs on Nightjars – one of our special visitors leads around the reserve. We know and probably my favourite bird, it is good to allow your dog some If you aren’t able to get out onto freedom but many of our birds are Aylesbeare during this time, check extremely sensitive to being disturbed out the RSPB website or find us on by what they view as a predatory facebook to get your daily dose of animal, and any disruption could nature and find new ideas to keep cause their brood to fail. We are yourself and the family entertained hoping that the fine weather will while you’re at home and in the mean a successful year for our key garden. breeding birds, with very early records showing like it should be All the best from us, stay safe! good year, but prolonged dry spells The team at Aylesbeare Popplemag May 2020 17 Clinton Devon Estates moment to check any off-road routes on a map or phone app beforehand Doing today what is and please don’t put those living in right for tomorrow. rural properties, farmer workers or their livestock at greater risk by taking The Rolle Estate Office and Bicton shortcuts or detours especially into Arena closed weeks ago, but where farmyards and fields. Signs were possible the rest of the Estate installed recently on 30 gates across remains open and operational. the farm to remind anyone who might All necessary adjustments have been be less used to exercising on made to ensure that the health and farmland about the importance of safety of tenants, employees and this. With increased footfall, it is vital visitors as well as livestock welfare is that everyone sticks to Rights of Way maintained, despite this and always picks up after their dogs unprecedented and very challenging EVERYWHERE they go. This situation we all find ourselves in. initiative has already reduced the Many staff are now able to work from number of walkers wandering across home but for the farm team this isn’t the farm and should hopefully keep an option as cows and heifers still our cows happier and healthier. need to be fed and looked after. Although many recreational sites The team at Clinton Farms has across East Devon have closed, the successfully adapted their entire East Devon Pebblebed Heaths milking operation to ensure staff can remain accessible for air and meet social distancing requirements exercise. Government guidance is whilst keeping the milking parlour clear about the need to stay home as running and caring for hundreds of much as possible, but there has cows, every day. Our milk vending never been a more important time to machine at Otterton Mill has seen contribute to mental and physical sales double since the pandemic wellbeing of local people enabling began and we have reduced the cost them to escape for far-reaching views to a pound per litre to further support and relative solitude. We have local communities at this difficult time. received thanks from many who All communities across the Estate value this aspect of the heaths, more seem to have established calm and than ever including several from key organised systems to meet the needs workers grateful for the chance to get of the most vulnerable and isolating. outside after a long shift. By working alongside these local resilience networks, Clinton Devon The Pebblebed Team Estates have been exploring ways to hope to continue to support public offer both practical and financial access whilst managing the site for support to many of these projects. wildlife over the coming weeks. Vital Contact us if you think we can help. conservation work includes keeping Many people are making the most of the heath safe from fire, improving their daily exercise to explore local habitats and surveying the rare footpaths, bridleways and even roads wildlife. more next page whilst the traffic is reduced. Take a 18 May 2020 Popplemag Clinton Devon Estates - cont'd Devon Wildlife Trust Our rangers are also monitoring visitor numbers and behaviour and staying alert for fly tipping and wildfire. Fourteen grazing ponies have arrived to help with vegetation management in the Hawkerland valley so if you are out and about, remember to close gates and take extra care when driving between Joney’s Cross and Hawkerland Road. There is also still a good stock of Pebblebed Beef for people to buy so Hello there! contact [email protected] for It's a tricky time. Many of us have price list and to arrange collection been social distancing/self isolating from Otterton. Delivery may be for a several weeks now BUT the sun available for larger orders. is shining, spring is springing, and If you can’t get out just now to see we're going to try to bring a smile by spring unfold in the countryside, giving you some wild things to do at maybe follow Clinton Devon Estates home, and some good news, so read or the Pebblebed Heath Conservation on! Trust on Facebook, Twitter or Keep an eye out for what is all abuzz Instagram to see regular updates and outside YOUR window with this information. Stay safe and well. handy BEE ID guide [email protected] 01395 443881 Heath Week 2020 – cancelled The partners who organise Heath Week met by video link and made the decision to cancel all the events scheduled for Heath Week 2020, which was due to start on 25 July. With your help, we had arranged an amazing week offering a variety of Social media moments! activities for all ages and interests. Just in case you missed it, you However, now the decision is made, LOVED this video of an otter Mum we must look forward to creating a and her 2 little cubs at the River similarly action-packed week for 2021 Teign. Click here to watch it. and hope you will still want to be Like these barn owls, we know that it involved. The dates for Heath Week, can feel a bit 'cosy'(!) at home at the next year will be Saturday 24th to th moment, which is why we're going t Friday the 30 July, with the Family to transport you to the world outside Festival Day scheduled for Sunday your window through this article. 25th July 2021 . . . continued next page Popplemag May 2020 19 On social media, you loved this, so we thought we'd share it with everyone. That's right, it's nature quiz time!

Take action for insects today! Insects are in trouble. Today, 41% of insects face extinction. BUT it's not too late. Sign up to TAKE ACTION for insects in your home and garden. You’ll receive a FREE Action for Insects guide with all the information and support you need to start helping insects where you live. Sign up here! How many signs of spring can YOU spot from your window? Download the spring spotter sheet here

A big thank you to DWT supporter, Maia, aged 10, who has put together this wonderful 'Guess the Butterfly' quiz, for your daily dose of nature. During these difficult times it is not always easy to stay connected to nature so please share with us what you are doing at home to help wildlife or what you have seen that made you Spring is a time when so many smile. flowers are bursting into colour. How E: [email protected] many yellows can YOU spot? or post to our Facebook, or Instagram Download the spotter guide here! pages.

20 May 2020 Popplemag This has included vegetation management, fire protection and ensuring the welfare of stock. Additional provision has been made for them to avoid direct contact with other members of the team, contractors and the public. Paul and Spring is finally here and although the Ed's experience and expertise with appearance of warmer days may livestock and machinery mean they offer some hope, nothing could have could offer valuable support to other prepared us for what we are all Estates teams should this be currently facing with the Coronavirus necessary. pandemic. Everyone has had to Office staff have been based at home make unprecedented changes to for over a fortnight now but are able almost every aspect of their lives. to continue their management and Open Access areas such as the surveying tasks on site as long as Pebblebed Heaths remain available they go it alone! Monitoring can to the public, for air and exercise. continue for the time being with social Our car parks are still accessible too, distancing measures in place, the first although most people are following Dartford warbler surveys of the the advice to stay at home and only season were conducted last week make essential journeys. Had we (and numbers looked promising). closed all car parks, the impact might Despite all volunteering, school work have seen an increase in drivers and engagements being on hold for parking on roadsides and verges or in the foreseeable future, Kate, our nearby villages to access the heaths. Countryside Learning Officer has We took a little criticism about this plenty to keep her busy, supporting decision on social media but feel this all Estate teams and continuing work is still the best way we can serve our with local communities, albeit at more local communities. of a distance than normal! We've also had some lovely If you are unable to visit the heaths comments thanking us for what we but would like daily updates and do, including one from a key worker images of the heaths and its wildlife, who was grateful to have somewhere visit our Facebook page. Please like, to go with her dog and blow the interact or leave us a review. If you cobwebs away after a long shift. are not keen on social media then Implications of coronavirus on the you can still keep in touch by replying management of heathland by email, we'd love to hear how you The heaths are registered as are doing. common land and are in receipt of we wish you and your families the agricultural support though very best for the coming weeks. Stay Countryside Stewardship. healthy, stay safe and stay home and Within the Covid 19 restrictions, our we look to the day we can all spend rangers have been able to continue more time out of doors on the heaths. to deliver conservation work. The Pebblebed Team

Popplemag May 2020 21 Hopefully this summer our verges will Plantlife be awash with wild flowers and we look forward to a time when we are on the Verge able to get out and fully enjoy them In these challenging times, wild again. flowers on our verges and waysides Please share this so more people get are an uplifting sight, contributing behind the road verge campaign significantly to our wellbeing. It’s been wonderful to see on social Kate Petty media many photos of botanical Road Verge Campaign Manager gems that people have spotted whilst wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw out for their daily exercise; there is The voyage of HMS Beagle some solace to be found in nature. Two hundred years ago, on 11th May Roads have fallen quiet as lockdown 1820, the British Royal Navy sloop is observed, as has the drone of HMS Beagle was launched. It was many councils’ mowers. Councils are the ship that took Charles Darwin on under considerable pressure due to the voyage around the world between the Coronavirus crisis and many have 1831 and 1836 that led to his putting understandably reduced grass cutting forward the theory of Evolution. down to essential management to HMS Beagle was one of 100 ships of maintain visibility and ensure road its class, known as coffin brigs safety. There’s hope that reduced because they handled badly and cutting frequencies might be a silver were prone to sinking. But its captain lining for verge wild flowers, giving on Darwin’s voyage, Robert FitzRoy, once-familiar flowers, such as white made some critical changes to its campion, betony, greater knapweed superstructure and weaponry. and harebell, the chance to grow, This was the second voyage of the flower and set seed. Beagle; FitzRoy was able to recruit As well allowing precious wild flowers Darwin, who was intending to be a the opportunity to thrive, reducing clergyman, though he had recently cutting and adopting a more wildlife- graduated as a naturalist, as friendly management regime will also someone of a like mind who could be help tackle the climate crisis. Over relied upon to research geology and 300 local authorities have now natural history ashore. declared a climate emergency, so The voyage lasted five years instead sustaining reduced cutting regimes, of the intended two, and Darwin as recommended in our management became famous after publishing his guidelines, will also help councils journal, usually known as The bring down carbon emissions. Voyage of the Beagle, which was an We’ll do our best in the coming intriguing travelogue as well as months to support councils in their hinting at Darwin’s theories on efforts to improve verge species. management, and make sure we’re The ship itself was believed lost, but doing all we can to save and protect in 2004 its remains were perhaps these under-appreciated, yet located beneath an Essex marsh. abundant, strips. 22 May 2020 Popplemag able to follow along on our other Gardening social platforms. No better time to be out and about in Twitter @conservationfdn the garden, enjoying the fresh air and #gardeningagainsttheodds creating colour and food to refresh Instagram @conservationfdn body and soul. Even if you've only #gardeningagainsttheodds got space for a window box or LinkedIn @theconservationfdn hanging basket. #gardeningagainsttheodds The Conservation Foundation Or send your pictures, videos and stories to the foundation. have a number of encouraging We all know gardening is good for us. projects to help you enjoy gardening Now’s the time to let your imagination and your wider appreciation of the loose, get your hands dirty and start countryside around us. In particular Gardening Against The Odds. they have launched "Gardening Against The Odds", which celebrates wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw the power of gardening to overcome Take exercise for even all kinds of ‘odds’ and improve mental, physical and community half an hour a day – and wellbeing. lower depression! GATO is for everyone. If you don’t Here is some good news for us all: if know a dandelion from a dahlia, it you are feeling low, get moving. A doesn’t matter. With the help of the recent study at Harvard has found Conservation Foundation’s network that even just half an hour of exercise of gardening and environmental a day can lower the risk of friends and experts, we’ll share tips depression by 17 per cent. and ideas for first time gardeners as So – even though we are told to stay well as old gardening hands. We’ll home at present, do a work-out in look at no-garden gardening to make your living room, run around the the most of a tiny space and ways to garden a dozen times, or run up and use new-found green fingered skills down your staircase 20 times - to brighten the day for passers-by or anything to get your heart pounding cheering up local eyesores with some and your body moving! living colour. There will be wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw suggestions on what plants work well Tokyo’s Olympic Games in which spaces and also help improve the biodiversity. This year’s Tokyo Olympic Games Tell us what works – and what have been postponed for a year because of coronavirus. But 80 doesn’t. Share your triumphs – and years ago, the Tokyo Games disasters – and tell us if gardening against the odds makes a difference scheduled for May 1940 were cancelled completely, because of to how you’re feeling. World War II. Originally rescheduled We will be using our for Helsinki, they were eventually @gardeningagainsttheodds abandoned, and the Olympic cycle Facebook page as our main platform did not restart until 1948 in London. for sharing ideas but you will also be Popplemag May 2020 23 Help protect your local cancer [email protected] or charity contact us via Facebook or other To protect FORCE beyond the social media channels. Coronavirus pandemic, chief “Send your messages, spread the executive Meriel Fishwick has word and help save FORCE. called on communities that the “THANK YOU.” charity serves for their support. The charity’s income streams have This is her message to everyone who almost entirely dried up but the cares about FORCE: “We are Government has promised £370 thankful for the Government’s million for small and medium sized announcement of support for organisations at the heart of local charities, particularly those like communities which are making a big FORCE who are still providing difference during the COVID-19 services during the Coronavirus outbreak. pandemic. With its support centres in Exeter, “However, we will have to put a really Okehampton, Tiverton and Honiton strong case to try to get a share of temporarily closed, FORCE has these funds and that’s where you can redesigned its services to offer help. ongoing help and advice cancer “Quite simply we are asking people to patients and their families. write a paragraph on why Devon Patients are continuing to receive and its communities need FORCE chemotherapy in Okehampton and Cancer Charity. Honiton – FORCE pays for the “We must send the decision-makers nurses who deliver treatment. a clear message about just how Information, including benefits advice, important FORCE is to so many and counselling appointments are people. happening via phone and video calls. “Help us fight for our survival by If you or someone you know is joining this campaign, and encourage affected by cancer and needs everyone you can to get involved and support, please call: give us the people-power we need to 01392 406151 for cancer support fight for FORCE. 01392 406168/406169 for “You can email us at psychological and emotional support 24 May 2020 Popplemag a counsellor this can be arranged by – Tearfund your GP, or via local agencies, or still working around the world privately. Samaritans are there 24 “As you would expect, Tearfund's hours a day, every day, and it’s free work will continue through our to call them on 116 123. amazing network of courageous Focus on the things that you can Christian partners and churches change, not on the things you can’t. around the world.” So says Nigel Harris, CEO of Tearfund. Look after yourself - physically, emotionally, spiritually. Plan in things “We are doing all we can to follow that you enjoy at regular intervals Jesus where the need is greatest, during the day – a TV programme, a bringing practical help and powerful phone call, a book, a favourite dish, a hope to the most vulnerable people, game. just as we have been doing for over 50 years. Look after others. Even if only in small ways, but do what you can: a “We are asking for God’s protection smile, a kind word, writing a letter or and his wisdom to deal with this an email. unprecedented global situation. We would greatly value your prayers in the months ahead. -action/mental-health- resources/dealing-loneliness-and- “In the coming months, we may need isolation-five-top-tips to ask you again to dig deep to enable us to continue meeting the wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw needs of the world’s poorest communities. Myself and my whole team at Tearfund will be digging deep into our own reserves of time, energy and resources to enable our vital Mothers’ Union knows that these are work to continue.” very difficult times for families. More at: “We know that our work and wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw experience in re-building communities and supporting family Five Tips for Tackling life is going to be more important than Loneliness and Isolation ever once the threat of COVID-19 The Church of England has published subsides. Our members will be ready a leaflet giving five tips to help and be some of the first in line to loneliness: support those around them.” Until Pray. Light a candle, if safe, and pray then, it welcomes people to stay for hope, faith and strength to keep connected with MU on social media. loving and caring for each other More details at: during this time of struggle. involved/our-response-covid-19 Talk about how you feel. This may be difficult if you are self-isolating, but wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw do use the telephone, internet, and If you are swept off your feet, it’s time social media. If you need to contact to get on your knees. - Fred Beck

Popplemag May 2020 25

26 May 2020 Popplemag st Pentecost is in effect the birthday of 31 May - Pentecost the Church. Not a Ghost but a Gift Many people find the whole idea of We used to call it Whitsun – ‘White the Holy Spirit mysterious and Sunday’ because long ago children elusive. It wasn’t helped by the earlier marched to church in white on that title ‘Holy Ghost’. The spirit is not day. No processions nowadays, and spiritually a ‘ghost’ but a precious gift. we’ve even changed its name. It’s By Canon David Winter now ‘Pentecost’, which is more wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw accurate but needs explaining. Pentecost marks a vital event in Easter egg donations Christian history. It is celebrated 50 break records days after Easter. The year Jesus This Spring a record breaking 3,000 was crucified (which took place at the Real Easter Eggs were bought and Passover), the remnant of his donated to food banks through a followers, just 120 of them, were usually 'quiet' online scheme. The together in an upper room in 'Donate an egg to a food bank Jerusalem. They were afraid to show scheme' is run by the Meaningful their faces in case the authorities Chocolate Company which, for the arrested them. But on the day of past ten years, has been making The Passover they had an amazing Real Easter Egg. collective experience. David Marshall CEO said: "What is They described it in terms of wind moving is that people were donating and fire, a great surge of spiritual their purchase to someone they will energy and confidence. Afraid no never meet or hear from, but they longer, they burst out on to the trust that the Easter story, which streets where crowds were gathering come with each egg, will make a for the festival, led by Peter they difference and the chocolate egg give began to tell them about Jesus and a treat. One customer told us she his resurrection. As they did so, had a legacy from her father and although many of the people in the wanted to use some of it to send a crowd were foreigners who spoke pallet of eggs to those in need. other languages, everyone heard wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw them in their own tongue. Peter told them that what they were seeing was WHO’s Year of the Nurse the fulfilment of an old prophecy When the WHO (World Health when God would pour out his Spirit Organisation) decided to make 2020 on the human race, men and women, the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, young and old. they based it on the 200th anniversary As a result of his words and the of Florence Nightingale’s birth on 12th extraordinary spectacle, 3000 people May 1820. believed and were baptised in the But with the arrival of the coronavirus, name of Jesus. They were the it is a remarkably apt year to nucleus of what in 100 years would celebrate all that nurses do for us. be a Church that would turn history upside down. For Christians Popplemag May 2020 27 Meow Tailpiece “What is your kitty’s name, James?” Why Jesus walked on water asked the visitor. A tourist, planning a trip to the Holy “Ben Hur,” said James. Land, was aghast when he found it “That’s a funny name for a cat. Why would cost £50 an hour to rent a boat did you name it that?” on the Sea of Galilee. "Goodness,” “Well, we just called him Ben - until he objected to the travel agent. “In he had kittens.” England it would not have been more ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ than £20.” "That might be true," said the travel Now one for all you agent, "but you have to take into code breakers account that the Sea of Galilee is What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? water on which our Lord Himself Jesus had many sayings which walked." answered this question. Here is one "Well, at £50 an hour for a boat," said of them but you just need to de-code the tourist, “it's no wonder He it. To give you a good start the first walked." two letters have been done for you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JU JT MJLF B HSBJO PG Good view NVTUBSE TFFE XIJDI B NBO At his wife’s insistence, a man UPPL BOE TPXFE JO IJT HBSEFO purchased a home on a hilltop in a BOE JU HSFX BOE CFDBNF B very exclusive section of the USFF BOE UIF CJSET PG UIF BJS community. “I’ll bet there is quite a NBEF OFTUT JO JUT CSBODIFT view from way up there,” said his When JU=IT Enjoy friend enviously. wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw “Yes,” replied the homeowner in a resigned manner. “On a clear day Editor's Note you can see the bank that holds the I have produced this in A5 page to mortgage.” display easily on a tablet. Please let ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ me know if you have any comments, Asleep suggestions or material for the next th A young man fell asleep in the edition in June, by 25 May, please. Sunday morning service, and soon [email protected] began to snore. The preacher Popplemag is produced for the stopped and impatiently motioned to community and is published by St the young boy beside the man to Luke's Church, Newton Poppleford wake him up. The boy said: “Wake him up yourself, you put him to sleep.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Those who think too much of themselves don’t think enough. - Amy Carmichael 28 May 2020 Popplemag