B8426 REAL ESTATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Fall 2019 Professor: Zach Aarons Professor: Brian P. Lancaster E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 917-297-7751 (cell) Phone: 860-898-0436 (cell) Office Hours: By Appointment Office Hours: By appointment Teaching Assistant: Shrey Gupta E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 917-900-5159 (cell) Office Hours: By Appointment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule and Location Mondays, 5:45 pm - 9:00 pm Classroom: Uris 141 Course Description: Real estate has historically been an entrepreneurial industry. Great fortunes and enterprises have been created by real estate entrepreneurs who started as investors, brokers, property managers, contractors, inventors, and even programmers. While investment management has become more institutionalized, there remain strong opportunities for individual investors to find deals and projects that fly below the radar screen of larger institutions. At the same time, real estate technology companies are threatening traditional business models in real estate services (brokerage and modeling), property management (energy efficiency and tenant services), capital markets (crowdfunding and financing), and, of course, ownership and leasing (AirBNB and WeWork). Some real estate owners and managers have responded to technological innovations not just by becoming early adopters, but also by creating their own venture capital arms to invest in the firms