'· Flores, Sarah Isgur (OPA) From: Flores, Sarah Isgur (OPA) Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2018 11:07 AM To: O'Callaghan, Edward C. (ODAG); Boyd, Stephen£. (OLA); Lasseter, David F. (OLA) Subject: Fwd: Face the Nation {CBS) - Rep. Jim Jordan (Immigration, Peter Strzok} Begin forwarded message: From: RNC War Room <
[email protected]> Date: June 24, 2018 at 10:58:00 AM EDT To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: Face the Nation (CBS) - Rep. Jim Jordan (Immigration, Peter Strzok) Face the Nation (CBS) - Rep. Jim Jordan (Immigration, Peter Strzok) http:i/mms.tveyes.com/transcnpt.asp?PlayClip=FALSE&DTSearch=TRUE&OateTlme=06%2F24% 2F2018+ 10%3A40%3A44&market=m101 &StationlO=270 MARGARET BRENNAN: we turn now to ohio republican oongressman jim jordan. he's a member of th e conservative house freedom caucus. he's just outside columbus this morning. congressman, thank you for joining us. REP. JIM JORDAN: you bet. BRENNAN: thank you. how should americans view those fleeing across the border? should they view them as victims or as criminals? REP. JORDAN: i th ink we should - america's the most welcoming co untry on the planet but you got to follow the law. secretary nielsen has been real clear, you show up to a port of entry, your family will be kept together, you'll go through the process and we'll see if you're a legrtimate asylum seeker. when i was in our office a week and a half ago they told me 80% of the folks seeking asylum are not actually eligible for it we want to do that, consistent with the law - BRENNAN: - narrowed the definition for claiming asylum, as well.