70th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (2007) 5054.pdf SPALLATION AND NEUTRON-CAPTURE PRODUCED COSMOGENIC NUCLIDES IN AUBRITES. J. Masarik1, K. Nishiizumi2 and K. C. Welten2, 1Department of Nuclear Physics, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia, E-mail: ma-
[email protected], 2Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA, Introduction: A purely physical model for the simulation of cosmic-ray-particle interactions with matter was used to investi- gate the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides in aubrites with radii ranging from 5 cm to 120 cm. Production rates of spal- logenic and neutron-capture produced nuclides were investigated and compared with measured cosmogenic nuclide concentrations to constrain the complex exposure histories of aubrites. Calculational Model: The numerical simulation of interac- tions of primary and secondary cosmic-ray particles was done with the LAHET Code System (LCS) [1] which uses MCNP [2] for transport of low energy neutrons. The investigated objects were spheres with various radii that were divided into spherical layers. We used the spectrum of the galactic-cosmic-ray particles corresponding to solar modulation parameter Φ = 550 MeV and a flux of 4.8 protons/s·cm2. The statistical errors of the LCS calcu- lated fluxes were 3–5%. The production rates of nuclides were calculated by integrating over energy the product of these fluxes and cross sections for the nuclear reactions making the investi- gated nuclide. For cross sections of spallogenic products, we relied on the values evaluated by us and tested by earlier calcula- tions [e.g., 3]. Previous calculations of the 53Mn production rate in aubrites showed good agreement with measured 53Mn concen- trations in the Norton County aubrite [4].