April 2017 Sheddies’ Chatter The Men’s Shed (North Shore) Trust Welcome to the April 2017 Edition of Sheddies’ Chatter. Well, another month has gone by. Hope you all had a relaxing Easter and the rubbish weather didn’t spoil any of your plans. As usual, after sweating over having little to put in the newsletter, I end up with a mountain of stuff that runs to several pages. Hope you find something of interest. Also hope you enjoy the philosophies of Horatio Pringledink, seafaring philosopher, created by my dear friend Paul, who has kindly allowed me to use them here. You can see more of Paul’s amazing pottery characters at: https://www.artfindnz.co.nz/project/paul-heffernan/ Happy shedding. Roger Curl, Editor Overdue Subscriptions Many thanks to those members that have renewed their membership but there are a still quite a number that are now overdue. Those who have yet to pay the $90 sub are asked to do as soon as possible. The preferred method of payment is by direct credit to the Shed’s bank account: 12-3072-0772783-00 - The Men’s Shed North Shore Trust or by cash/cheque at the shed or by cheque to P.O. Box 311012, Glenfield. Members are reminded that only financial members are able to use the Shed’s machinery and vote at the Annual meeting to be held on the 7th May. If you do not plan to renew your membership please let us know by emailing: .
[email protected] Looking Good! Some of the new Library Boxes Shed Members Assemble Shed for Community Projects - Interested? Mairangi Play Centre The projects are continuing to come in on a regular basis In March, Trevor, Eric and Eddie volunteered to assist the Projects include: Mairangi Play Centre by assembling their new shed.