
Excavations at , , , 1998


\\llh comribUlion; b) 1'1111 • \ "LlRf.WS, Ibt III L E\ <'Rl. RO\\ E'\A GALE. S. II \\I1L10,-DI ER, P. A I L\RLlI,\t" 1'\1 HI" 10'\, M. LAIIlLA\\', J. l. McKIi'l f\ and LORR.\I'\ I MIl'l /,\\1

and illustration> BY S. 1'... J\MES


~~t"\t'\ Irr/ult'oiogy wm colll1m\.\I01Jed to untieitalU' tht' arr/wl'oiolrral eX(lwtiOll mId rt'cordmg oj fln1f"n QI"((I.I lolllllmg J.8/w. al Walthjieid. OVord.,IWl'. m (l{/t'fmrr oj illww;"g drt,elopmnz/. Til, tJt'l'l'loJmwnt \11, u'(u lora/I'll on 'hI' mlrthem .\ldt oj Ualdlji,liJ on th,. Jring'~ oj (l Corallian itmt'\/ont ndgt. -t,rhnfo/()K'((l[ t.V(llI(l/wm dunllg (1111/ Hlhvqut'llt 10 th, (om/nl(twll of th, Slm'l't'nham B)'jJflH to lht 1JOP1h 11IId rt'l't'a/nl fI wudl Middle Irml Agt' mdOJfd\t-t,lemt'lIt lind (111 Earl) SIl.\on 't'lnt'ln).

/1U'ff prill.ci/)al "rf{il oj archaeoh'fr1col (trlll'lt) Wt'1'f ('ncOImlned, Th,.'it 1L't'Yt: LIlt _\oulhtm fdgt oj tin t.{n(l .\flddle Iron .Igr njdO~UYf Oil Ihl' (rl'\l of lilt CorallUlIl ilm,\IOIU' ridgf allhf lL'f\lfnl flul of thf \llf,' a compln. oj Lalf Imn 1{!tIRo1TUHlO-Brih\h rnclo\t,rt' d,lfht>\ muJ a..... \(Klali'd Pi" at thl' foot (lllht' Coral/lim ndge: (Iud a HlUI" Rmuano-Brih,h rYl'lIuliiOIi rnllt'tt1) {md fwther mdo_myt'\ to the east oj FmmgdOl/ Road,

INI R(1)LCl 10 '

'l A Tc ... sex t\rclli:leology was commis ... ionccl b}' Laing P,anner ... hip Iiousing to undertake V V'=Ir<.haeologiGII excavation and recording in advance of the construction of extended facilities at the Joint Sen ice COI11I11"nd and Stafl College USCSC) at Watch field. Oxf()rd,hire. A condition aLtached to planning con ... ent for the dc\elopment required the implementation of a programme of archaeological mitigation \\ork designed to ensure the prest.'l\'

I \.llli Bartlett. J S,C S.C Wtll(hfield. Shri\(.'nhdlll: RL'I)Oi't un \n.haeogt"Oph""lcal ~UI\('\ (ullJ?uhl. (lient repuH. 199;). • ' \Il\nh;Jcnlogl(.dl f."aluauon at JOll1l SCI "i(c Command dnd ",Ian College Wi.Jlchfieid. Shri\cnhalll. .,hilc' (..\0(: \rc.haeolog'!. unpubL dienl lepOII. 1997). ~., •• \ \l (.11" KJRBt.(.h. I r \L

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FI ~. I "'iilt, lot ,won plan \\" \ I ( II f J 1- In., II R I \ I " II \ \I () X I () I{ D .., II I K ~ ~2:'

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HI(.:!. Area !txaunn plan

\ Blief~ is'iucd b, the Deput) COlllll) Archaeologist Tt:'quircd the excavation of II areas tor.alling I;,omc 3.8 ha .• in order to investigate fealUrC\ or areas of archaeological interest identified during the C\'aIU3Lion. Field\H)rJ.. \\<1, undertaken o\er a period offouneen \\ccks between 22 J line and 25 September 199H.

(;fO[()f{'!i. Tnpograph} flud Lallduv \Vatthfield lies in the Vale of the \\Thite Ilorse on the watershed of the Ri\crs Ock and Cole. 32 km. SW. 01 Oxford and 8 km. NE. 01 (Fig. I) . rhe delclopmcnt site was Im'med adjacent 10 the e,bung JSCSC facilitl to the .... . of lI'atchlicld, S. of Majors Road (the B1508). rhe sile comprised approximatel) 19.7 ha. cenucd on Sl.; 257 907 and was di\'idcd Into two parts on either side of Road. which joinli the B·1508 and the A 120 Shri\cnhalll Bypass to the N. of the site; excavation arellS 1-8 la} to the E. of this and areas 9-11 LO the II. (Fig. 2). rhe Im.Dority of the site. comprising Areas I-H and 10. la) in anlble fields sloping gent!) from \\'. to E. at between 93 m. and 100 Ill. 0.0, '1 he underlying natural substrata (oT11pri ... ed interlea\ing sands. c1a~!t i.lnd gra\e1s \\uh Ji·equent outcrops of Corallian Limestone bedrock. nlC we tern part of the site. (ompl-i ... ing Areas 9 and 11. lay at between 100 m. and 106 tn. 0.0. on the creM and east-fiRing slope of a ridge of ferruginous sand o\"erhing Corallian Limestone bcdrod..

-f r( /ult%gtm/ IJarkKl"Ou"d lht.' earliest finds from the immediate \'ic: inity of the .!llle comprise an assemblage of worked flint of Latc Mesolithic date, reco\'ered from exca\'ations during the construclion of the Shnvenham B\pas!t in 1983 and subsequent!\ iTT 1989. immediatelv to the '\. of Area I t I in

3 '\\al( hfidct. Shri\"t~nham: Brid lor an An.haeologlt:.ll Rcwrding .-\{lion' «holl Count) .·\rchdeol . ~t:n·lct:s. unp"bl. blief, 1997). I C. \(ull, 'h;Cd\-ali()1l and Sune) at Watchlicld. O).ior(hhil"t:. HI~ti·92·. 11(Jultol.Jnl. 119 (1992), 12H-2Hl. :.?:ll \ \ l (. II \, B I H. n I, ( h. t- I \ L an arca now protcncd.h a ~(hedulcd Monumt·nt. 1 he 'ale 01 the White 11m e Sunc\,; a large·s<"alc licldw~lll..ing ",urvey conducted to the fo. of \\-atchfield, also found e\ Idencc of \le.,olithic atti\it~, mw,th confined to the Cor,-Illian IOIl11auoll. E\ldence of 'leolithic and Bronle \ge acti\it~, Icprc",cllLCd b) residual fineb and a ",mall T11l1nbel of let-Hurl'''', \\d.!t abo rcco\cred from th(' 19H3 and 1989 exca\ations.h The ",.lIne eXGlvation .... aho revealed the l"Cmain.!t of a ,mall enclosed sculement of ~Iiddlc 11'011 Age d"llc, the .... outhern edge oh\hich lay within the pn.'..,cnt ..,ite, tlnd ~m Earl) Saxon (cmelt.'r). In the Lilt' Iron\gt', the Vale of the ''''hite Ilor..,e f()lfllcd the tribal boundan helWt'('1I Lhe \Irebates lO the S. and the Oobunnii LO the 7 I he \ '~l1c of the \\'hlt(' Hor,e Sunc, prodllced no e\idenu.-' of Late Iron Age acti"l\ III Ihe \iClnit) of " 'atchfield and. with thc exception of the hilllorts to the '\i and S. ofLhl' \ 'ale, \(~I'~ liulc e\'idence for Iron 'He "t<:ti\"iL) \\ithin the area of Ihe sun'e\ (I~ a \dlOle.H rhe ' ·a le of the White II~r~(' lies \,"ithin the ROJ1l~1I1 road network and i~ c1o..,c to ,c\l'nd toWIlS, most notably the fivl/IH Glpit<.ll at ('irenu',ler (ConnlUm [)Obll"lIIl1um), and \\'anborough (DllW(OnlOl1lllm) near Swindon, I he Lpper rhames Valle~ to lhe' and the 1)0\\'11, 10 the~, were "reas of eXLenr,hc Ronl'-tno·British acti\'ily. ("he fiddwalkillH 'lInc\' located po""ible buildings of \ <.lriou", k\l'I, of '(Kial SLatu, in .!tc,"cl'allo(-ation..,. Clnd ..,uggested that Lhese existed within a dearcd, ordered and intcnsi\'e1y exploited lan(het'll di,"-O\t'rcd jll the \\'atfhfic.:.'ld art'a I h(' ('adiest documental") reference to \\'Cllchlicld ( 1I (l'f/nffld), in a chaner of AD 9~ll, stall·S (hiu it \"h an eSlate of20 hides when il \,as graIHt'd to

") \1 lingll" Ill, Inf, of Ih,. IIllI/l" Jlmv \/I,-l't'\ (IHR ~IX. 1!'~1I)" Ii Scull, op. lil. noll" I i l. "(·!I",ood. Irihill Bound.tlll",! \ 1t:\\l·cI hom thl· I't"'''Pl"ltl\t· ot 'umi.,matlc E"cleflU:', III H Cllnlillt.' and D, \fib ~(.'(kl. hpt'rh ollht' /rOil 1j.{1" IIICt'lltlfl1 'mlilton r1ll.!lmui (19~·t). J91"~(I' H lmgle. oJ>- ut. Ilute ,l 9 Ibid 10 II. Pea"-~. I'll, Irrhtlt'fI/fJJ.,.,) II/ Un/fl/lIIl (1!1:\I)" 11 \1. (;dling-. Ih, Nan' .\"lImn of tJnlL,"m" (EP'''' ~tJ. 197 I). :\K:!-:\; (.e1hng. in Scull, op. lit nntl' I I:! Scull, up_ 01. nutt' I; AO( ,\nhi.tl'o!ng\. up"nt. uutl'~ , \\ \ r Co H Fit In ... II lot I \. t , II .\ ". ()" F () R 0 ... II I K t :!4!.'J


) he.: ~ile .. and )ocallum 01 the de,en eX(dhlUon .1.1('.1 weJt~ sp...... irit·d in Ihe Briel (Fig. 2) and "'ne markt'd Clul priul to topr,oil 'itrlppmg. Topsoil ;and mClburden ",as remo\t'd 11\ mach me ope-mung undel lonStam dnh.trological uptni'iion. All archaeological kalure\ "'t"re imt'\ligalt"(1 b\ hand exca\JlIon. In J:;eneral. all pll ... pt)'ilholes and nlher diS(.Tele reature \\er hall ~ti(Jned \ \ample of at least 15<::{ (2W in \rea..,.3 and II) of .allline--Ar fNlure \\J.S ex.ca\ated b\ hand. \11 humdn dnd anllll.ll hlll iab \\ere fulh t'X(d\ated . .I .. \\el(' ft'alult:" containing \'gnificalll archaeoJoK'lal dtpo"Il" \ plOgldmml' uf ("mironmenwl ~lIlpling \\.1. .1.1-.., undeltai...cn I he plObabilit'l- of e\idence for LaIc \Ic:solllhll f.:..trl~ '\t.."Olllhlt dlli\lI\- being preselll ill .\rea II I·ecluired d dinercn! field\\urk \tratq,') 10 be implemented. rlterdole. follo\>,lIlg the topSOil stripping III \rea 11. Iltl' expo!>ecl \lIr1a<.:e of lhe .. anth ~ubslrdta wac, di\'ided into ~O m. x 20 11\. sud;'Ke artefact wllt'clion unit!> and o,c.alllled in ordl.'r 10 identify concemr..lliom of fli lit\>, 01 k. Onl) onc wnlC:lllration \\as 1l00ed, OH'I lhl' ~lIIr..t<.:es of a .. nMIl numbt-r of nalUl.tl features. although Jl'~~l' l qUilntitic\ \>,lTl' Il'w\ered from almmt ilil tollet:lIon unil"


On th~ ba~is 01 spot dJtlOg. recorded stratig1aphic lelilli()llshIP~ and. III d le\\ ca'e~, leatme t')>C, the anhaeologicaJ feature .. md depo.. iL'i can be dl\ided IIlto eight phd'tCs 01 o((upation and demlt\. 1 he earliest of the\e wmpris('s a Lue Ci.ltiJI ph .. "c reple~~ntcd b, a ~mgle flint tool recmered from d much latel' Iron ,\ge pit in .-\rea II. Ilo\>,e\er. Oe<:all'ie of the rarit\ of such finds. and the prnbdbilll) th,1t mO\t:UlCIll ofthis piece m.1\ h,l\e been Illlllll1lill. II 1\ di~tlIso,ect helo\\ III more detail than i\ USll,l1 for residual 1ll,uc:ri.1I. Rcsidual flllll\>,()rL and t\>,o sherd!!. of Bmn/e \ge potten re{()\erro from Iotter features in 'iC\eraJ .\1 cas lepresent Ihe o,«ond phase. dated to the \lesolilhlt, '\eolilhic Jnd Bronze .\ge period .. I he third phal,('. dated to the Earh and \(Iddle Iron \ge. WlI1pll'tb endosure ditches. Sf:'\cral shallo\\ ,.,rulht:!!. . .,e\eral pits and IXlslholes and t\>,o Kra\-t:!!.. 0111 in Area II nil.' fourth and fifth ph~ .tTelt'presented h) .I number of encio!>ufe.:S, ditches. guUies, pit!>, buri.lh and possible pHe ,el.lted features. d.lIable to the Lne Irnn\gc: and earh ROOli.lIlo-BI irish periods, encoulllCI ed in six (If tite exC'a\'ation areas (:\Teds 2, 3. 1.5, 7 ilnd 10). L Il'ilr,uified riJl{b of late Romano~Brilish date. ret'o\ered h()m model n disturbance .wel lopmiJ. and i1 .. ingle prone blll ial. Ult into lhe upper fill~ of an e.lll, Romano-Brili'ih t"ndoslile ditch but utht"r\>, i.,e undated. lepll'\ent Ihe SiXlh. Llle Romano-British and"m S.lxon, phase. I he rinaJ phase.. ofacu\'it\ \\ere dated to the mt"die\al period (phase i) imd post-medle"tl <111(1 modern periods (ph~ g). 1 he ph'l'le i features comprised" number of pit'i in ,\rea II and a dillh III .\rea 9. The phdse N feottul"es and deposits include se\'er.tl 1'11\ 10 Area II , extenme I idge and furro\>, e'lnhworlts. It't.orded in ,\red~ 'I, 5. (i, 7.9.10 and 1 I. large .lIe.l!> of modem di~turb 1110del n fc,lIl1re~ ..\ series of IIlterluttlllg dil(;hes. pm~ibl) pal i~h bounddr) ditches. in ..-\rea I are ,ls~ul1lt"d lO be of cithel pmt-medie\al or Illodel n date. I he feature!>. depO\it.~. find~ and emironmt"nti.d e\ idence of Mchaeological intere!>t .1I·e described b) period below. Phase I : Late Glacial (12,OOO- B,500BC) b) PA. HARDI'\G I hl.' e .. rli I trace 01 aetl\ It) recognised on tht· "Ite d.uc:~ to the Lite (.I.u.idl period .md COJl1pri'i('d d dlagnO'iti( 'brul"t'd edge' fhnl hl.uJe. found in an Iron Ag<: pI! nO:\O. h~, 3). I he blade. which had Irregular imcr t: 'bnllsin~( alung one t"dge and a light orange slalll. ",as III a slighth rullc.:d wndiuon. The (lJ~lal end 01 a large brOKen blade and an elongated nake in a .. itnil.1r mndlllon to the ·bruio,c."Cl" blade. hhich \>,cre reco\'ered from Ih(' .. aml· area during machine slI·ipping. n1

f)1 \(u..\~i0l1 ' BIUI eel edge' blddes IMH' been found \\ilh ' lung blilde inclur,trit· .. · (b l.lCles > 120 mtn long) dnd ha\(!' as~()(.-iations \\-ith tht' l·in.t1 Upper Palaeolllhl( lndu .. tlic:~ of '\c>rtheln f.urope. Thc~ ha\e been dated to ( 10.000 SP .md plo\ide e\idence of some of lhe e.lllie.,t reoccup_llion uf Brit3m after lhe l.a~1 (;1,1(131. I:l

I:J J I.ewi'i, ' \ Lale GI.ldal dnd Earl.,. P()~lglilci.11 Site.1t JllIee \\',1\." Wharf. V'(bridge. LOlldon: IIllerilll repflrl·. in R.:\i}o .. Barton .. \J Roberts dnd 0 .. \ . Rut' (ed\.). Til, VJlt (;IIlf1f11 m -,"orih·Uhf FIIII/p' /lummI IdllpltJl/lln\ and f.nt',ffln""nlal Cho.ng, al th, ,."d oj lIu Plt1\/()unr (Cll\ Re ... Rep. 77. 1991). 241l-5,j; R. '\ f .. BartOli, P .\tHoine,~. Dumont and S. Hall. -'e\>' ()~L J):aler, from the Lue (.Iacidl.\rchaeologic.al Site of \\ingtnn \"I. h.ennt:t \,llIe\, Berlshire', QutJlt'nlilry Stu fr. 85 ( lgg~ ). 21 :il 22(, \. \ l (. II A"" B I RUt C Ioi. t:. I \ I.

B.u tvn h ..... identified 24 fil1d~POI" of long bl,td~ mdu.'iules \\ Ith 'bl UI .. ed edge' blades In £Oulhern BI ilalll. man,\" of v.hi<.h lla\e been found in the River rhames baslIl. 11 I he' n('.lrest comparable sa b (hal of \\lIlglOn \·1 in the Kennel \ all~\". \\ hefe an undisLUrlx.·d n.lking floor \\';:t~ rc\(:al~d"5 The ·bnmed edge' bl.tde from "·atchfielcl he .Jl the most westerh extent of Iht" dl.'itnbullon, III the' head\\aters of Ihe River I hillnes draiI1.lf.!:l', I he tondition uf the plcce "ugge~ls th.1t it is not ftJ llill but has undergone <;orne.- POSt depo!>itional mm erne.-nl 110"(:\'er, (he lact that t\\n Olhel pil' 16 Ill, J.cross (Fig. 3). Elncll Ollc-lI1ctre--square teSI plls. comprising dppm",imaleh !l(Yi\: of each tree lIuo\\, were exca\ aled III 0.10 Ill_ cI(-'ep ,pits to alia" the asse~sment of the \eniwl Oint distl ibution. The qUi.ll1t11) of flint reco\'t:red r.U1geciltom 3 pieces 10 103 pil'Ces per test pI! and IIlciuded a high plOportion ofbUl"IlllllollCrial (up w 5U1lll' ft.."t pitS). rhe assemblage Wa!! imuflil'ient to allow all "ccuri.lle assessment of lhe horilOlll•• 1 flint di~tnbull()n~ huwe\ t'1. 01111 IOta Is, induding WI ('S, \\,(:1"(: greater 10\\ aids the \\'. of Ihe -sampled al-ea, Filnt "iI~ distril>ul('d H:nicall) throughout the fills of Ihe fl-.lImes, but \'o'a parllcularh plenllful \\Ilhlll the LOne 100 3(H) mill I his \-crueal dUll ibuuon is sufficll.:nt 10 indicate th.u the material has undergone a degl'l'e of re"<)run~ "illull the sand. whICh prO\ide\ palll(ularh umlable cnnditinns for the letenllon of arld.lu\ 111 \"Il.lh J ht'lT \\'.1"0 IIl!i1lfficiem unbroken material to IU .. uh cll·lall(·d melli(ill.lIlahsis~ ho"t'H'r. It'<:onSlrUUlon 01 the b.I\IL It.'( hnolog) ill\ohed is possible. BJaddl'l' "Cit' prochl("('d from single or oppo\cd pl;:1Iform COiCS and (I"('sllng " •• , lI)ed to pre-pille the front uf the (Olt bdmc the !"l'lIlm .. tI of the iniual blade. Core edgt!> wele HI elll{lhened during blade lel production U.,IIIK pldtfol"m al-)1 aSlon to remO\-e o\'erhi.lIlg. RNoudlcd 1001 .. included four microllths. of \\hich three "ere oblique" blunted pOllltS ,mel one ~e laler perind\ ('olltrasled wnh thmt: from the \\e'oltthic COlllext!. and comprised \lIlitll. Ine~u".II. unprepaled nake (orcs. mall, of which mal nO! Il

II R"J ~ Banon. ' I.ong Blade technuluj:O iWel the Question 01 Bntish Late Plcis((xenc Earl)' Holext'lIt' LllhH\ssemblages·,1I1 'A~hton. E Heal)

AREA 11 L-__ ------, 1----'_·------~~ · 0 " ------A \ I - -<> ---.... \ i i ------_.------i "'. o f--- .... ,J ..,. I ITIlllII CJ Pot.l-~I -CJ v=· ! Undo'" I i / • I .~ i ...... i • PtIa.--3 PItS'POt!1*- i ~=:},~- m""""3c:~ i o Pt._3d '* 0..... l_ -.-. -- o 'Om '=--'-'-='

Fig. 3 .•\Iea II: ,III f<.'.uures plan (ph.l~e


b idcn

I~ j J \\\ Illcr (ed.). (.nullar oj \1tm/li/l/( .\111'.' In F1I1{land o1ld 111I1", (u Ill, a (.fI:.i'lIur uJ l. 'ppn Ptdll'Q(,th" \111" HI Englmul alld nalf'\ Ed,t('rl by Cj BII"",II) (Geo. \IN,-.au ... CB.\ N.(' Rep. 20, 19ii)_ 19 Tingle. 01'. en. note 5. :w Ibid , 117. :!~~ \ \, (.' II \' B I J.t 13 .. (h. ~ 1 \ 1

lilm «UUIU\!f)l\\ 1l·~.lrclillg Iht Ildtlln: ollhe meltl'iln ll·pl(:~{'nlt·cI here. I he pnl1np.t1i.I\\t"l1Ibltl~t· !rom Iht' Irt·(- hollow\ I, hld\ tn be 1C'lldual ()I H'c!t'I>CI"'llcd; dll\ m \/111 (·,idcl1tt" 01 tht· Il ..Hure nllhe \k.. ollihic .IUI\II, ol1lhe '11(: h,l\ b(·t:n Il'mo\ed b, mOlt: I('celll OIgncultul.II p,.,I(II(<". I hl' ,1"'t.'mhl.I~t.' fmlll Willchlicld wnl.til1l'd no diagnmlit dOlling maleri"L I he nuu-(}ltth~ are dOl11l1lillt'd h, nbhqud, hlul1tt·d point!'l. "hldl hlllllllw I11ml comlllon 1'1)(' 01 rnkrulith on !tlno" \k..ulilhic '\lIt'\ Illigit' comhuh-d Ih.1I 11111"'llif lht' acu\il\ III Iht.> \·alt.· of lil(" Whm' Ilm\t' \\.1\ likeh tel 1M,' of I .• llt' \lc\oluhic d,ul,,!1 Ihe plt''!t'nu' of .1 ~eometric IlllCrolilh \ugKt· .. t, Illi.1t "'Oll1l' 01 Iht: almll, at \\.llChfidd ma, al\(I Ix" of Lill' \Il'\ulnlm (i,IIt· Phase 3: Early and Middle Iron Age (7 00-100 BC) III \'\L Gll\ .... BIRBECK hlCkl1u' fill \(·"It:Illt:1l1 .mel .ICU\II, d\llin~ thh pCllod I' wnfinl·d HI Are.1 II (hg. 3) anel" rt.'Plc .. c·/H(:d In a (ol11pll" '1(:11(''1 01 intercutting dndll", comprising 11ll' S, t'Utl ;tl1n.' and as!'I(Ki.lled anlt:nnae cillclll's of iln LII h'-\liddk 11011 \gt' t'ndo,ulc, p.lIl" I)f \\hich (to the ~, of Ihl' ,ill') had been prt'\'iou'\l) o,UhJl'" In .lItil.u·ulogi('11 (·,c;l\,lIion,!.!!.!\ nlllllht'l of guille... glllling ),t1.t, .111 F clllt.1i (;111:\),Ill'.uh 2 Ill. \\ide rl' \ nUlIlhl'! ol,hallo\\ gull ie, 10 tht.· ""_ of thC'l'lIdmUH' (I-Ig :\1. IHUll' 11101(' than O.:!() III cict:p ;111(1 ht·I\\e.·l·n n.:!o .lIld 0.;'0 Ill , wi(it... hCle aho (\;llilhl(,. 011 Ihl' )),1\1" 01 ;1 H" I ,mall .1'i"'l'lnhlagt' of pont'I \. If) tht: \luldll' lion \~(' \11 \\e.'Il' .Ilig-ned appro"m,Ht'l~ l'ilhel "\1· 10 \W 01 ,\\'. LO "iF. 1111'0, ollc'lIlalioll, appl'U"I1l,lIl'" 011 11ll' ,alllt' ,1hgnmt'llI m perpl·ncllcul.1I ICl Ihl' ph."'l· :\e .mel :\d ,lllIt·nn.l{' dildu·.., .... uggt· ... I ... Ihl'\!,!' I('.IIIIH·\ "l" (. (emlt.·lllpl)! ,In \\ ith eilht'l Ollt: en b(ltll of 111t.·'l' pll.l .. l'\ .IIHI pn)h.lbl, reple.·\(·nt tilt' II uncalt:cI It'nl

~I Ihul :.!!.! "-«.1111. op ell nUll'j \ .. mlotle II regutlr gulh of mdetenninal(: lun( tKm, nll1nin~ clu,," II tht, moder.He ea ... t-f~lcing ,I"pt: tu till' ~ elf thl: t'nd"\Ufl' l'lllrdIH(: ,,"a." al\t) dt:I.lleh pl.1u-d Oil Iht: '1II1,lIl' nf the ba\aJ fill pnm to Ihe uppt:r fill h(:I11~ dt'pcl'lI~d Ine kK'IlI\\t·IJ.:hts :dft' (h.lr.lctemlic. ul a \fiddle In Late Smn/e _-\~(:' nJX: ',hilh wllunut:a in U't' IIltO the lion ,\ge; giH'n Ihe l.1tk 01 ()lher Ihllll/t, \g(' fc.:alure'i and It .. plC),~lrnil' to Ih('l·"do\un' diltht, .. , ,111 lron\g(' ci.ttl: i'i a.'~ullll'd 100'lh" pll, I.;II~W quant.lIe .. 01 (harwili. prcciumin;tntl, oal.. \l.t·n' Il'(lI\l'l'("d from tht: lIppel lill. pmbahh rt'Pl't''''C'llting l.iln or hllll;ltC del>n ... \ I.u)..:<-" int'gul,n pit (jOOX. approxlnl.llch :J Ill, lunN. I In. ""de

hg. I Little .. keit.'toll III pit :;0 1~,.

\pprnxltllilteh :W III to the ~\\" of the 1'11<1'"-' .\ ('ndmurt·, ".1\ a ,uh-£JI"(ul.tf pit (5019) ",,11I(.h tOlu.llned ,I (olI1pl<:IC, .Irtl(ulaled (.mlt' ",leleton hllll; Oil it, Il'lt .,idl' (FI,I{ 1); thl' pit wa.. plobJbh dug !.p(Oufi(,llh 10 dq}()~it tltt, (;\I(;t.,~_ \llholl~h no datable find .. \\Clt"t"(o'l'I('d fmm lhi .. ft..Hure, it iii induded in tilt· ...... IIh. \fiddle Iroll\\.:(' phd\(: 1)(."(au'oC Ullhl' proxllnil\ 1)1 aUl\II~ ulchi!. clall' 111t· bOil 1: .. M:rt! III PO(H wncilliun. hut It wllid be .. t'ell th,lllht',lIlun.tI ,,"d\ hOlIll'd .mel h.ld a hitlu'I' ht'ighl 01 tx-tv.t'en 1.03 m. and I In Ill. ,I \111<111 anllll.lll" modt'l n 'I.lnd .l~\ UII'! ,1IPpqV\ILI'~ 10 .l(, 01 p.1U111,-," .1 It' \.llli '''PU!I ,11<1"11'1' \111' p.lIlU'ltltl) l.Jljl!;m '1linoljll\ '.lllll' 1111.' .1IlNlpU.1 .1111 01 ,1"(1) PUll"l .11.)\\ ,.HI! 1'i'I \\VlIl'l," () \\1 \ ,.lllod .1~\ lin,! .IIPpll\" \pl!'~ 10 ....,~l'lC(tU.l ... '" ,111'1:lpmU I).lUll'llI01 11\ ' '(.)\(KII' WUIP_II'II .1.'''') 1()(I\ lUlU le!)l'I~) ,lJl" 1 (1'np".ll I' put' :( \\HPl! .1.1 '(I-UOIIIlUI!H .l,:hl Mut \I'.,)\\ 4't \\ p.)I1'I)()""" .....llfUd .1U1U'" lit 10 ,)IPUP.Ij 1~ Sl! ,)sn .l'iutll1P "h''! "lei 'PJHIPOUI UJ.xl pl'lj ll~lJl \mlp.II'I.}llI d.l.:HI\; T' - (9 '(: 1 ~I,~) IIOIPtllll U\\OU1un I() p,lrqo .1I10

100':.' .HI'IM til JPUlHJ tlOlIl'lUtltllll .ljqIlO(l .~ ')1\1

1\ 11'1 )"1 fill 1\1 ,\"1(') 1\.\ ori: W _.\ I ( " .. 1 .. I. I) .., II R I \ ...... " \". ()" 1- 0 R U .., II 1 R • 2:iI

(:100,(' to Ill(' fOlm.. r of the pha3t: :{d antel1lM dlldl CHl32) .... a~ a ~h_lllo ...... !iub urculal graH!' nOlO). 11m CClllIainc..'d the tiKltlh (ruuched kclt:lon 01 a \oung _"luh lemalt" h ing on iL\ righl !llde .... Ilh Ib head IU Iht: l­ I ht: I ('mamo; Cli ;. IU"OIl.Ile .... ere 011"0 rt'('o\ered lrom 111 or do<,(" 10 tht, lell hand of Iht: adul!

[kUmg I he d.lIl1lg 01 flll''I pha\("' relie~ enuH'h on Ihe pmlen d\"el11blage. Onh a ~ma11 nUI11I)(.'I" nf di.1Kllfl'Ilic lorm ...... (:It· Il'toglll .. nl. the mUSI commun Ix"ing ,1.1(1.. ~h()uldf'led or hu(-ket ~haped J;lI"~, 1 he other 10rm .. cornprhe 1""" .... lth nal,toppl'Cmbl'l~l'l(Hnprisl"d I"~I ( .... 0, lint' ~hell.tell1pt'red and tint: \4ln(h. \..\ tilt." majt)nt~ ullhi~ assemblage 1\ hkeh til h~H' hel"n pnKhlH'd IlX-,llh (a ll thc !le(l'S'"'''' mall'ri,lh al"C l",ISlh ,j('(c\!!iblt: III Iht" local area), cio,c dating I~ .. olllc .... hal probk"ll1alic Tilt: angulal 101 III muld lx' i.t' c.lrh .1\ lilt" mid 6th n'IIIUI\ Ue. b)' cnmpali.,on with .11,'il'mbl,lgt,,, fmlll o;tll"~ In lilt' north and e .... I. 'iUlh ;I~ ,\3ll\1l1l' ,mel ~ .lrl1loor;21IH)\\l'\er, no expanded I illl \t:,\d ... " hl{ h art' found in thl" t'lI1(' during Ih(' 19H9 (',(;1\ .lllIm.,.:! I Kd.lli\ei) l.trKC" numbers of ,ht:rch in fabrin a''''Klled In 100IeI ph" .. (,\, "Imost .tlIL"I!:' IrOI1 \gc" \\l'll' al .. o f('cmncd rrOllllhl" ph,l.,c 3 diICht: .. , h()\\e\er, tht:'Ie It'nclL'd 10 IX' H"" .. m.llI. l"cple!!f'lIIing le~s than .Y; of Ihe tot.tI ,,,l,embl.1J;te h, "eight, and "f'll' gCIl<.'r'llI~ rt'(f)\c,'I("d lrum Ihe uppel- fills. 11lt"~c are alm()~1 u'nalllh Inll U~I\l', but IIla\ n:pl e3ent agl icullul.t1 ani\ tty uf 1.• .He II un \~e (tut' In this area

[),\rrl\ \lml 1 h(' plt:\cm e"a\ ..1I10n," along \\ ilh gl.:-opln \It<:110<1 al t' WllllHon in the Co,,"old!t to tht' nonh and "i.:.,1 and O\er much of ~()uth("rn Bltl.un.27 I\\'o en<.io't"d 't:tlkrnt:nl~ bearing .. ume similarilie\ It) lhal .1t WalChlidd h,l\e 1)(.'(."11 eXC3\ated at Cround"cll Farm and (,f()Ulld"("1I Wt· .. t, Blunsdon St. _\ndte\\. Will .. hlr("" r. 12 1..111. to Ihe ht.'~I.:!H Both ~ite"l.tt l' I(xaled III .1 "Imilar P()\iliflll Oil the dip .,Iupe of lhe COlillhan ridge, till'll' 10 m Itltl'IT.Ift: \\lIh the Oxford da)~. Lih' Ihese, the W.mhlidd encio'lul e probabh repre_~enlS a singlt' l'IIlIII} unit (xull" ing the S"lme site fur .. e\eral gellC'l'

:!:l (:.1). De Rothe, rhe Iron Age pUller,,', in ~I P,lIllngwn" I.", Fv(l1'tllwn (If an Iron -fgl" .~l"ltl'!I"d, HIlJl/:.r '~J:t' RII/g-(lIlrll" (II1l11V1I/1011 F("(llflrt\ (ll -f_\ht"U, /wdmg 1--'\11.,1(, 'bmgdlm (Ovoul\J"uJ 197-1-76 (o.\l Rep. 1 cn.\ Res. Rt·p. 2M, 197M )" 10,7-1; (,. Lalllhl"icl.., ' I he I rnn\gl' I}Olll"l) ", In G. Lambnek dnd \1. Ruhill'lon . Imll ,1J:t muJ Hmnml RII'l'nld, 51"1I11'ml'II/I til hm"om; (),,}rmNlllf (o'\l Rep. 2 CBA Rc ... R('p" 32, IH7H), :15-16. 24 SHill. op. CtI. note-t. ~:I U.. mleu" 01" ltt. note 1; xull, op. ell_ n01t: 'I :!Il R. IIl1lglc\ dnd D_ \Iile!!, ',UpC(l~ uf lIon \gc ~t-"L1lemt:nt in 111(' Lpper Th.llne \ alley '. III CunhfTe .tIIt! \hlt'!I" up" (it. HotC 7, pp. 52·71 :!i B_ ( :ul1bflt', /u", AK' Comm"mll(\ III Bntfllli (IMI). 2M C. (,mgt'll. '''_xfd\atiOn of'an lron\gt' ~nd()\Ulc" ,II Crottnd\\l·III",lTffi, BIUllsdot1 '-,t. \ndle", 1976·7", If ',11\, I If/Illilil. .\'tli. IInt.\Iag" 7() ( 19f11). :13-76: CUI\\\old Arlhaco!' I I me 'Excavation and Fieldwurk III \\ Ilhhirt' - HIUlhdon '-,1 Andlt'"', Ir,Il,. hrlull'ol. Xnl Jll\/. ""g_91 (\~~H~), 1.:")3 , !II CtlJllilk np. (it nme 27, :.!:\~ \' \ I C. II \..... n I K U ~ . (h. f. I .\ I.

Rd,lll\d, 1.lrgt· qll;lnll[lt· ... ()I anim;11 hone.- \\e.-rt' n.·tmt'rt'(l fmm b.uh pll~ and clltlnsun dilthl· .... I)(·lhar", indit.ulIIg a hi,l\ w\\.lIch.1 pa .. tural t·(unonl\. Ihcu., .... a hlglu'r It·H·1 of l.lltl<: IIMII h.I\ bt'l'n I()lwel 011 ollwr ... ltc· .. of Ih(· P('I!(>rl 111 the Kent·li.ll '.!rea. \\hl(h al"e Hille.d" domin.Hc'd h\ .. hn·p, It mal he.- .. IKnific.ant lh.H t·" .1\ .Iliun" \\ ilhin tht· l·luin..ufe pnKluc.eci a high proportion ()f .. hl·l·P J.;IMI h()nt·;~) thl' i.lppan.'111 dOlllllldll(C" 01 l.Utll· built· ... hum the HIII('1lI eXC3\dliom mal be tht' prociUCI nl cli'pmal pr.l(.tIU·", I Itl" Ullll ... lI.llh 11II(h !t·H·1 of pig IHllt'd .11 11(',111)\ (;mund\\t'll fafm i.. nm rept:.lled hl'n', althuugh uther a .. pt"( 1\ "I till' animal hont­ _1"l·lllhl.lgt· ;1I t· "1I1111.u ,\ I

\chc.:nc.: ... 011 (Ondulull" 11101\ hale allec.lt·d thc ~unl'dl nl (harrt·t! ... c..'{·ck 'if) Ih,u Ihe "cltlt·mt·nl'., n:it,IIl(C- on llOp pludu(lion I" UI1c.t'II.un. I ht: n:~ul", Irum the pha .. c-:i f(:.IIUIl·... dn Inllt.·mOlc: Ih.tIl IIldUdll'lht" U"'l' 01 (t·ll·.II ... , 1ll.lInh \\ Ill.lI ••mel the Ic'\\ rl·llldm .... p.-trtl(ulal h Ih"... c ft o III Ihl' cllllllt' .. , all" pI nbahh Oll'fl'" c hann­ (K(Ullt'IIU" (.h.lnt)'!1 lrum Iht' phil\l' j I('atufe.. \\;1 .... tI~() \t'n 'p.lI .. ,', hO\\l'\l'I, the U~l' "I OJI... 'hh. h.l/d. IIMplt' .lIul hl.l( I..thm II. prohil!>" for lut'!, i... indicdll-d. Oil lilt' 1->."" of ,"(11 d .. mall .'kIllIple of th(' \(,,,1('111(.:111 alc.l. Ihl' l'UHlOIlIl( IM ... e (dllllni 1)t'di'-C.ernt..:L hO\\ol·\l·I.lhl'l.lIgt· Iltlill1lill('~ ol'lI1imal bones mil" \uggc .. ,;t hi.l., 1O\\.:.u-c1 ... pa ... tol.tl'lgiindlllit'. although -'<)111(' .1I.lhlt.- (UilJ\'lIioll \\,1\ pIl'mlllahh pl'lllI~d 1 he dIIllO\' (ompl'·I'· .11>\('n((· OI'HlIl·lt)(.11 mlOd1l(1I011 .. uggCH\ lh'lI Ihi ... \\.1" prol)'!h" it 1tlgg'C"l" \0111(' 1m III nil iILl"! illIl\ 11\ ht·\ unclilormill lunt'lan praoi(es. Ilowe\ er. the lilt I.. 01 lInt'C.ttlIH)(.d c1,lIl1lg c.'\ ici('llu' 10 Ii III.. thi .. pllil'l' (If l'lll Imull' \\lIh Ih(' gl,I\(' 1I1<.'

J Iw 1.. 11(' Iron \gt· ph .... (· i.. Icprt.· ... (·l1tecll)\ it ~lIh-rl·(I.tnKul.lI clil(Ii('d t'mlo"'ult' fapplO'IIllOlI('" .·,n III. II, :U Ill.) .Ind "I' pil~ in\I('J 10, plOhilhh forllllng p.ln 01 .11.II/o:CI ... t·lIlc..·IlIt'1l1 \ "lIg'" dlldl ollh .... d,lIt· .III!! a glOlip 01 p()slh()ll'~ \\.l·ll· "I .... ) IO(aICcilll art'

I rl'fl I ()

I hl' 1..11(" Imll \~(' .lltl'll\ 1Il.\I(·'l 10 Hlj.!;\, 6 , I iiI..' I.ut'l It'fUI ht'lIlg 1I.1I11)\\{·1 .1111'1 ~hilllo\\t'l \\ IIh a mut h Ic\\ It·gular plOfill'. \mllllJr,: th,· ...... t'l1Ih1,,/o:t, of Lilt' IlCIn \~l'-( :onqunl P"IIOcl PC,lll'l\ Il'«()\("Ic:d lrolll tltt: fills of 1I1(,.,t· dltcht·., \\" .... 1 cnmplt:l(·.lhollgh Ilagmt'lll,U', I.ale 111111 \gt' 1I(·ll..t·

:\0 ">< ull. up, (II lIotl' I H (;tnj.!;dl. 01' UI. IlIlIt· ~X. :\~ R. \\"llllml(·l. 'I\Uli.11 PI

rhe S\\" side of the enclosure colllpri"ed .1 largl', irreguh1r dll(h (1-112) \, hich \ aried bel\\t'en I ,n ilL and 3.0 Ill_ in "idth and between 0..15 Ill. and 0.95 Ill. 10 depth. ,-:" ~ign of recuwng or mainlen,lnCe \\a~ identified; hO\\I.'\er, thl'> rna" be due to the hornogeneilv ollh(' filh. \\hich would lllah' an, such e"idencc diffic.:uh to detect \ \;1I-g~ a!iSemblage of Latc lI'on Age POtlCI, wa~ Ie<:()\"ered from ditch 1·1-12, nombh lO\\'ards lhe ~uthcrn limit of e,,,waUOH, .llong \\Ilh fragmel1l~ of it trie represent ,I( least 'iiO( 'itripped canle ( .. r(.lSSt'S, wnsisting Illilinh of thonlx \\ilh ">(llllC skull. pehis and occasional limb hones; il fe\\ fragment.s uf ~heep, pig and dng bonc!oo, "hich ma, be IIKldental. .... ere al3() reco\ered. Th{' c.Jllle C;Jrcasses \,ere prob,lbh the I emains of prime Ix'a",., ,Iaughtel'ed I<)r meal, and are Iikcl) to have been deposiled ill a Single epi\ode. Areas 4 and 5

Approximatch :S50 Ill. to the i\,E. ul the _'--re.l 10 endo\UJ"c \\as a ~t'wncl area of I.at(' Iron .\ge aClivin, ,epre~nted b, fe.HUr(·s excl\aled in\II~"h.:j and 5 (Fig. 2) . ..\ r.1Ihei illegular ditch I;U1 I: to \\". ,Itrn"s\rea 5. I he profile ollhi'i diuh changed fmm.1 "tC('P "Ided \ ' ~hi.lpt: (1.2:-; Ill. \\ide and o. .:",() Ill. ckepl to the \\., to a \er) irregular l "h.1pC (0.15 m. wide .md ().3() Ill. deep) 10 .....11"(1\ the L Fired cia" animal hone and a large assemblage or I,t-tcntun B0AD pollen ".1, rcco\ered fmm this lealurc. This included it ((lIdoned jar \\ith a pel-forated ba~e (fig. 14,28), thO roundl'c! \cs\els (Fig. I-I. If)·17), alld it carinated \C,~eI \.n Iron brooch (FIg. II, I). dat4lhle 10 the Llle Iron Agt· - mid 1'it cClllur~ _\0 Wt d

~" dIIlUf~no. A_ fidgoe _rid IIMr_ lpotl-~"l

I'I~, fi \n:" .. 1U: all ft:

D(I/I1IK I he d.lling olthi .. pha",e i", again almost (ompk'll'h h;I\t'd on lilt' pOllen il<;\{'lllhlage. I his i", dOlluntltt'ci In Iht' intH)(lu(11I1Il 01 grog lempl'n.'c\ pOllen ,lIId, LO ;I k'''-.<."I '''It'lIl. •• tine ').uuh hlblic. both olb!oenl from Iht· t'old,,:t 111m \gt· ,I'')t'mbtage, alliulUKh 'Olll(' of lhe (·,!lilt'l 1•• I)lit I,pt:" conunut:d in U\C, \ IMgt'1 ',.IIlgt: III \e ...... cI 1\ pt" i, It·prc'l'nted in lh~ LlIc I ron\gt' a,!"embl.tgt" although ill iI more re\l1 iued range 01 fahrlt \ ('h(· mml Wllllllon \t;'I... eI for-m i, Ihe Ilt't h'd JM' \\ IIh ht:.lc!cd. IIpllghl or ~udred nm. IJaraliel .. mil\ tx' found III Ihe ,I'''t"mhlagl' from Old Shiflord Fdflll, )landl"h·, r; hUlh Old ShifTol'd farm and Watchfi('hl ~Iu)\\ ,ignifit.tlll . Bdgll' innuellce and pml>.lhh leprc't'nl CKl UP,lIlOIl hom Ihe 1,1 lc!ltUn BC' into lhe ('.11 h 1'1 (c:nlun \() I hi' cI,lle I~ \upport{'tl b\ a ,ingle iron bnlo( h H:'(c)\en.'d from the: phao;e -l ditch in \rea!),

Dl\tll\\IOt/ rhe fulll"ll'llI nj the Llle hon \Ke "l'lIh:1I11,;'11I r('pn."t'1l1ed I" Iht' phase -l (,1ll10SlIIe cllltiu"S 111 ,\n'.. HI i ... IInn.'n.un, <1\ 1111\ prohabh l"tcnde(1 10 tht, , and S. Indt·(·(\, the complete ,\b,ellle of am identifiahl(· ,1I11llllt(· (II (.'\'('11 ,1I11f1ural elemcnl~. ,lith ,1\ po"holl"l, 111.1\ II1Ci!(<.Ut' lhal the.." j()(:u~ of Ihe setlit'fl)(·1lI 1,\\ hC\(lIld til(" hnlll" 01 t.'"a\.Hion. I-Io\\c\el, the rt'l,Hl\d~ I,II~(· .1'\t:mbl"Kt'~ of pOllen .1Ild tlnllll.ll III ilK I t'( O\,t.:ll'd h Ol!) til(' pha~e I ft'atull'" \IIKKt',1 lht, timt' plf),illlil~ of clomestK ;ltt!\ U\.

n IR 111111>\. Pottcn in (. ilt'\, '1lOn\ge ilnel ROIll,IIl ....t:lI!t-mt"nl at Olel ~hinord Farm, Standlakt:', {)\lllllltl"(l I, (P)~G), 12t::\6. \\ ATe II fit I U. ') II R I " t ... II \". 0 X .. 0 R n ~ If IRE 2:\!;

• ___ rL______---, AREA 10 i "" I Phase 4j I - I \ . - I \ \303 I \ ..,.d. i \ ",8 ___ ;:::/ .~ 1202 1138 \ . I \ . . \ 1I70! \ .... ! \ k7-' J .....,::;;;;;~... .,~~ .-- \ ~.,tiIr.. --- \ -- . .--...------

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

r'- ----.:::1 \ "'28 Iphase Sb lj \ I \ i \ i \, ii \ ! \ I \ i \ . ~o== ___= ~ ___= =~ '\ _----.1 '\..-.------_.- -­

Fig. 7. Area 10: Phase I. 5a and 5b features. !!:~t) \ \ l (. II \:-.J n I R nEe h. 1- J .\ I _

I he reClihnt'

-I It'll J (). PIIII\I' 511

Ih(' em'liesl Romano·BriU'.h feaIllH" 1t.'coKIll'ted IIl-\rl'a 10 (p IM"l' 501; ~ee Fig. i) compri'ted in the .. a me ,Irea orthe .'lite \\ere al\() dalable 10 thi .. period. Shunl) .. thel the IMckfilling of Ihe quan, pit. a number of ditchl''t, t)pir.tlh belhl'Cn 1.0 and 2.0 Ill. wide dnd bet\\t::en 0.20 .. otllh('J"1I limit. \\ith ~hal")\\ dittlH:' or gullie~. in gcnt.'l"alll·"~ Ihan 1.0 111. wide and up to (),:~O Ill. deep, wb-di\idin~· thcm.

'\Ii Ibid. 9:~-17:l. :~i CunliO(" lip. lll. tHllt· 33. W.'\r(III-ItIIJ. \IIKI\t'II\\f O'I-OK()\IIIRI ~.'7

:\n 'itructul"e., "'<:1"(: identified either ",uhin Lhl' larger enclo"lUl"e or the smaller \ub-dh i .. iuos_ II O\H:\ cr. ,1m wuld be due to the nature of the underh ing 1(t.'(,lnR'. if timber bc:am·,lot or post·built stntuure .. had bt:1.: um .. trultt'd Ull the limestone uutcrop III "11.: lentre of the area. II IS unhleh thai the~ \\()ulct h.l\e penelr,ned the bedrock to lea\e am negame fCalllrl"'t. Funhelmurc. small, ephemeroll (eatuft: 'ill(h a, pc''Ilhol~ \\()uld he difliwlt 10 dt'lt.'t:1 III Ihe !ianeh .. ih clepO!lI13 tn the W of the area. It \\as noted dunng t')"l.I\,IIIOn Ihal the dl'nsit\ of lind .. In("l"t:3 ed w",ard., tht' ,. of the .Ife:.'. \\hich could "uKKe\t Ihal tht, maUl IikU'\ oflhe 'tClllcment. including .111) 'ItruclUlcs.la\ 10 the ,. of tilt" .lft,,1 of eXCd\aUOIl. On the ha"I" ul pOllen dating .•1 .,mall nUllllx'r III 1'11., III llll' «('"Iltrt' (lIthe "ite \\CI"("' al 0 .Ulnbuicci W Ihl l',lIh- post-<:onqut'." ph~. Illest' comprl!.ed a ial'Ht' .,uh·H'ttangular pil. 1353. appro,"natel) 1.0 m_lung. I 5 m_ "'Ide and up to U. 2 m. deep \\ith ((.'ep. irrc).,rul.lr '1ldc~ and J Il.u ba~. and thr "malll'r .,ub-urwlal pit$. all apprnxim.. m.'h 0.60111. in diameter and 0.15 tn. dt·(·p. Of pantcular IIllere!lt \\as pit 1·112. \,hkh had beelt lint·d with blue-gl e\ marine c1,,)-. po.,.,ibl) indicating a "wrage fUllctlon. Em iron mental .,ample'i from pit 1355 cOIll.IUled \en fe" gl".um but a 1.II1;l·r number of cnllllc..'r Of ~pdt glumc bases (chan) ed., ill pit 1J55 are ptubabh i.I b~-produ(t of "mnn\\ ing. \\ hil" the qUi.lllut\ of gr.lin 111 pit 1412 nlil~ .,ugge$t Ihe di'l>mal or stordgc of prepared gr,.in

Ilea I ()·Plw\l' 5/1

Suatiglaphk t'\ldcltte. (ombined \\ith ceramic daling. suggest" Ih •.11 the earl\ posl-

Irt'll 7·Phrul' 5 huthel po'isible t'ndosure diuites of e,lrh Rom.Hlc~Briti,h datl' \\cre II1\CStigiued in .\rea 7 (fig. HI. ,Ipproxlmateh 2j() 111.10 lhe E. of..\lca 10 .. \ large Ic("tihltear e1il{h (7flO) cMended~. fro111 the nonh('lI1lil1ll1 of t'xcwation for ilpproxinte)ond the castel n limn of t'xGtv,llion Geoph) "Ii«11 suney ~ugge\l$ lhal Ihi~ I()tmed the S. "licit, of .1 largc n:cklng-ular enduslllt· of unknu\\-n fUIlUioll. th<: majorit)" of \\hith 1.1) to Ihe ~. c)1 the ext.l\alion area. and the ~. ~ide uf" .,mallel ('ndc)"Illle, lhe maJont' of \\hich la, ""ilhin lhe ext.I\.llion ilrea. 3H

3H B.trtlett. 01'. lll. note I. :!:iK \ \ l (, II .\..... n I R Ii l- (h. F I \ I

AREA 7 r----_----. I-----~------~ ~ . '" I I . *,., .

I a I I :~: I i ~'" I I (}m I I'~ I " '" '-! ,- ! , I i\ n. ' '. I l______Cf~ ______j

O-="-oc=c__ -==," ~ ______.OOm """* Cr_llOfIlM.. = ~nt 'tdIle anc:Ilur,_ (PDllt-..,....,•• )

Fig, t'!. ,\11..',17' illi featllll')' plan

I hll.'t· ,-\, dmhes. all databk to the 2nd lI.:lItll., \1), furm du:~ .. ,md \\' side, ullhc \1ll~lIler cndU'lll1l' \I tht: t ."de: 1)1 the area t\\U pi.u-;dlel ditdu: .. extended 101 ,lpprUXIIlI,lIt'h :sO Ill" 1('1 1111 Ililll ng Wit/1I11 till' (:X(,l\i1til)lI dreil I he e'.l\tClnIl10St uf these (UI i'i unn'rtain; ho\\t','er, the pl(:~en(e ()f tl(:II1<1ll"(1 hUlI1an hOIlt' and it!) proximit, tel lhe small Cll'Ilh\lioll «('mcter" bet· lx'lo,,) 'iuggesls lhal II i~ IX)\slbh I eI,lIl'd 10 '101lll' 101 ill of lI1ortu;lr~ pl';ICllce. -\ "lrKe. shallo", pn (i29) .lIId ,\ pm~ible poslhole (7H4) III Ihe \(IIIH,' aH',1 ",ere .tl'lo of 2nd-celllun\D dalt'. Im\ .ttch Ihe (entre cif tht· endmure "a'l a ... nhlll I ..... h.tped g-ulh (iK I), .... 111(h was 0.60 Ill. wide on a'l'r.lgt', bt'wnllllg 1.00 m. "ide.1I il~ (mner, with iI regular L-'ihaped plillile .. \ moderale a ...... emblage 01 ROlllano­ Brill'iih pOllen, d.H.able 10 the 2nd (emun ,\1), ,IIlIIII;l1 bune and ,I (Oppel allo\- penannul,lI hrocK'h (!-il(. ((), K), onl\ hllMdh dalable tobt'l\\l'Cn the lSI

E ~. '"


Fig. 9. Arca 7; plan .mel ~c(liolls olle.lIl1lt: H67

I he large qual1Llties of ch.u-coal (01oslh Oil)., '!apM)(l(1. bUl with "ome black.lhurn and ha\\ thm II). sm.tll qualltlllt·s ofcremaled bone and the 111 ~tlu bunullg sugge", Ihat lher;(" 01.1\ represent the remaim olp~ re bast''! 01 rdaled feallllt''i. The al eit ()f III ltlU bUllling probahl) represent" t11(' area OCt upied by lhe p> 1e'!, ilnd tht.' two !e,Hure" Ill." have functioned as flues. hhich eXlendecll>e\ond the pyres 10 ellSure a sulliu('nl flo\\- 01 o ~gen to .ud efficlellt {l'rmation \ "mall grUllp .. ffoul uem.uioll bOlMls (752, i.~-l . 73.5 and 767), cumpming the remilln... 01 Ollt' infant and three .Idul~. \HTr localed in the area around lhe )X) ..... lblt' p)re.re1.ltcd It.'alures .. \11 "ere contained III small. Irn.'gul.lr feature ... cut into natural cia, filled f

, f1"t'm 2 and ]-Phml' 5

111(.' eadiest 1ci11111("~ recorded 10 lhc~c arcas (I-Ig. 2) lOmpri~ed .1 group 01 large and "·cl") urcguli.1l 1Illcrtl11ling pll.!; in Area 3, Ihe pits wele gt.'ner.dh .. ub-(irClilar 111 plall. up to 3.00 m. in diameter ,mel 0.90 Ill. dt.'ep. "uh IlTegular Sldl..'S find flat ~(;". (UI illlo lltt.' lilllt.'lItlOl1t' bcdmcL.. TIle !oand~ cia, fills WIll.lIned ()nh .. m.lil quanmic'i of l11uestone nibble. sugge..'lting that the limestone (:xl,Hilted .... as rcmo'cd from the \ut". I ht· \C(luelue of fill'i ~lIggC"ilS lh.1t the pi15 "'ere bildfilled "(lOll .Ilter lhe\ M.'re eXG1\;ued. The function of Iht,\(· plilit i uncert.un. IH)\\e,er. tht' ab-.ence or Iimt'!olone rubblt" ",hich would hllh.ll Ihn "'ere.: dug 10 ubl.tin IlI1u:,lon('. A small a'.!.ol'Olblage: oj Lilt: Irun \gt· .lIld l'.trh R()m.tI1n·Unti~h 1>OIIc:n ....ome Cli.lldbll· 10 IItl' pel ioel .\D 50·) 00 "as rccc)\l'IC.'d from the: fill ... ul tllt·"l' pi" I-he pit group "',I, lUI on ItS l'. .,Ide b\ a Idl);\." lUI,\lllnl'al' dill-h. "'hith ran " frum the <.QUlhl'ln 110111 01 l'\,(.t\.ttlun 101 .tpP1()xlmaleh 13 Ill, IX'fure turning III thl' }o ,md wntinuing bqond Llll' e..lIne featurl' ... s d Idl'gl' 1-.,,\\ , ellu.h ('l!wunll'I('d III Iht.· , ul_hea 2. (rom ",hkh no dal.thlc: fin(b \\l·rt· f(·tUH·red.:i9 \ "('wnd, 1


1'111: ;H~t·mbl.lgt, 01 Rorll'lIlU·Bnllsh pOllen lrulll I'h."t' :; l"(Hnl}li't'~ Illmlh (O;l1'\('\\,.lIe\ with .1 ~1II,1i1 pt'l (t'IlI.lge ul lillt'\\.1H", including tUlllinelllt"n-.e 01 gl'ng·lt·mpeltcl \\.tlt· ... ,IUd 11I01t.· nlolCl.. BUlni"ht."d and ~ll1Ian ",.tI/..·,_ Tim phil'/'" l"I("nd, Iht" cI.ttc lange ul nnupatiun 111 \It',1 10. pmhahh into the t.·,II" 2nd Cellllll) ,\D. Iht' .h-.emhJ.lge rt."CI)\·crro lrolll\rea 7 ((llltl.l .. t, \\lIh th.u 11'0111 \Il'il 10111 th.1I il i, ,limO'll lOlllplt-ld\ ROIll'lIu"l'd. Onh .. 111.111 (Iuantltie... 01 RIOR·tel11jll·u·cI \\alC .Irt' Plt"CIlI .mcllhe a, .. t·mhlaRe i, dOIllIll'Ilt'{lln ".tnt!) l·O;tr-.ewal·t"; d 11111th hight'l (O!llt:IlUatiOn of HI.lt J.. l\ulIlI,lu'd \\;\re .lIld nHlU' \,lInlilll \\.IIe..' .1Ie..' .d,u pll,,·.l·nt. lhe \It·" i a~"Cmblag(' prnh;thh dalt" 10 Iht· 2nd (e!llUI\ \1) and po... ,ibh (·xtt.·nd, illin Ihl' :\1<1 u·lIlun\D. 1,.IIt.'r ROnMI10· HI ili,h itCLi\iq 011 tilt' ,II{' I' ,111/..'\1/..'(\ h\ POllt'l \ 1()I11l~ of :i rd· ()I Ilh·(l'l1Iun \1> d.lIl· .1Ilt! In UII(' :lrti'«,IlIt11\ ,\1) ('(lin and Ollt' Ith-{('TlIul,\f) uJln\1I 011111' Illalerial \\.t\ ll'('O\t'lt'd lroll! (·ilhl·1 UII'II.uiliccl (Olllt'''''' 01 from Ihl' "II f.ltt' 01 t·,uliel· le.nul t·, \\ helt.· il j" Irkl'h In he Inllll\l\t.·.

/)N U\\Un/

1Ill" 101111 .md nalul'(' uf the pha't·~, cKtUp.lllC1n III \1t'.1 10 i, \t'n ... lInil.1I Ie) Ihe Lile Iron . \~t: fKlUp.ttlOIl in Lht· "tim' .trt'.1 I Ill' gradual dlilnKt' to mOl"(" Rom.llli'l·t! IOl1m 01 pUII(;'n \\ith lillie tn no (h.IIIKt' ill agll( uhural pl.I{IKt.'~ i, J ("Ollllllon palll'll1 Oil 1111<11 'l'ltit-I1lt'llI'" in lilt' (hlol'(lshll"c rl'Kioll, Ihe I.n·flul III lilt' t'ndmlill" and ...... ,I)(lJlt:d paddlKI.., \\~I' .1!t(;'ll·t! ,,·\l·I.11 tilllt·~ 0\("1 Iht., 100 - ~()() 'e:al lifetime of Iht, 'l'lIlt·Il!{'nl. although Ihl' general morpholog\ dPl)l'.II' 10 haH' Il·m.lilu·d HJn'tant. rhl' pnx't"'''' i, p.II.llIt·lt'd 1)\ ,,·\l·r.11 ,ltc, in Iht· l -pper -nMmc:, \ 'allt.·" "lit h .h Old Shil1nrd I,mll .•lIld ei,<", ht"rl' 111 '-flUthern I\lIt.Ull . If) De..· ... p\l(;' the pOOl prt''!I('nalion 01 lht" l·miwnmt·Il1.11 ('\u!t-nu·. thl" I.uxc il!>~mblagt' of amm,,1 bUilt·" ,mel Illl' t·,idl'I1(C lor [rop processing rt.'(n\(·recllwm I'" l:iY. pmb,lbh indit.ltl' a mixed 1.111111111{ l"t:clllOIl1\, 1 hl" (>h.I\l' I .md phill,(' :> .lI1imal bOl1e .l'St:mbl .. ge~ '\I~.H~:c" ... t thill thl" IM'IOI41ill'gimen \\<1\ 1110,1 reli'lIll on (.ltill" \\ II h It· ... ,l· .. l1umht.'I' 01 ,ht·cp goal' .1IIt! onh \'t.'I' It.·" pl).\', although dlikr("nLi.ti PI"(;"(:1 ,.lIion ma, haH't.lu,t"d 'Ol1lt· IIIIt'l1Iollinll of ... 11(·t·p ){O.II (()IlIP,II{'eI "Hh limit'. hidt'llc{" rm' (t'n',11 pnK"t.· ... ~IIlR .•111(1 h\ IlIlpir<.lIlon .lr.lhl(' I,mnrng" "'-a, nnh t· :l. ,Ilthnugh II i.. IIJ..eh Ihill Ihi ... "I,,, p1.l\t·d "ollle p.1I1 III Ihl' I.CIIH' 01 ).H)."iblt" luel A5h ,JaR hum iron '"l1llilllg 111 I>llIh 1.;lll' Iron \)ott' .tIlei l'ar" R(}II1i1n()·nlili~h (0111,"1' \u).{g<'''I' "111111.:' on"it(;' mt"lal"'OIkinj{. pnlh.lhh 1111 a ... 11I.tll·\(;!I(, "mel Inl m(' 'i(,ld, ,,"hm 11t(.' 'l'lIit'l1Il'IH I Ill' h.lgnll'lUs 01 InulI1\\t'ighl 1('t()\'l'l"t'd Imm thl' ph,l ... t, I ('IHIII'lI1'l' diu h I 112.11,,) indical/..·.I\ It'''\1 ,111.111 \( .r1t· \H·.I\'ing nn Ill(" "Il" .•lg"lin pmbabh 1(11 U'lt' \\ II hill Iht' ,t·IIIt.·lI1t'l1l

'\11 Ibid III IIt·\, op. tit IWIt: :n; lllllJZ:It.·, .mel \tllt·" up. (II, noll' :!6. W /\ 1 C II I I ~, L D. ... II R 1 \: F :-oJ II,\. M, 0 '" to () R U .., II I R t. 2·11

..\5 In phase 4 lhe rectilinear endosure~ probably f"(:presenl a singlc- or extended-famil) farmstead", nh surrounding paddocks on whicll mixed farming W,I pracliced 1l1e potter) a wmblage from Area 10 Indic

41 -fimb\. OJ>. cit. note 3:, . -12 R. Philpolt. Bunal PrarllUl In R(mum Bn/am (B.\R 219.1991).71·76. 43 Peake, up. tit. note I (), :.n:l \ \ l (; II ,\ ~ U I R lJ, 1:. C k. t , J \ I

I hi, inhumation i'i dated to Iht: I,tter Rurn.tllfrBrili\h 01 Saxun pt:1 Hili on the b.t,is 01 Il .. 'trdligraplm pO'-.iuon, lhe L.no\\11 I,Ul" R ornann·Bnli~h a(lI\lt\ IIllh <: ,tll',l. .111<1 Ih<: ploxlmn, of the larh "',1,(111 ('mt:l(·n. appro"'lmatd~ 230 l1l, In Ihe 'W 14 \ .. inglc.: .. mall .. he, d of Lal(' Iron \~e pollen rt."'CO\ cred h nnl the g"I\ t lilll~ (en.ulIl) re"du.ll.


1'1 one hUII.II, .tppe.u \I)()I ddltalh Ihroughoul Ihe Ruman peric,,!. 1K"t'unung morc ('ommon In tht' -Ith celllUl\ I he\ oh('n ,he)\'. \1/0(11\ 01 toen::ion ..... hcre tht· pmliion or lilt" it! nh and houlden 'iiuggesl thill tht, h.lOd rna) 1M\'(" rn:('n tlcd behind Ihe bad. or !ndicatiom 1)1 ha,le ()1 ell t'ie'SIle'!i. Such burial, are often founci in dllthe!oo ancl.tlmml in\dliabh latk gr.nt fUlnilUre anellllf1im.l~ I hc ,L.eletcHl In gra,e I1II ..... ould fit \\cll .... ilh ... mh p.llalleb Prom' h\lll.lI .... tll" 1101 uncommon 111 1111: UPMt."llllanu'", .m:a III lhe I.ne RomiUlo-Briti\h pCliod and Iht· PltlClitt" al't() OUlIr'ii in ,\lIgio·Saxon <.emNerie" l Whilc III ... pJObabJt- IIMI Ihi~ burial is oleither 1.lle Rom,lIlt)­ nllli~h O! Saxon dille. Ihe lack of cullural mall"lIill rrom the Kra\(' prc.'dudes dose! dating. It h,b Ix.'en pmlul;ned thaI prune hurial~ of thi~ L.ind llla\ han" bee:n cleiJIxr

Phase 7: Medieval (AD 1066-1499) [H V\LGH.\ .... 131R13ECK

\it.·dic·\.l1 .l( li\ 1l~ \\a ... It·prt'c,entt'tlll\ .. en·ral pll ....lIIeI un'ltl.llllit'd finds III .\rea 11 and an Irn:guLII, (un IIlIIe.1I clHch III \Il'" 9 (Fig. 2). I his \arit'{l be-I\H-en 1,:; .lIld ~) Ill, 111 .... idth ,lIlel hel .... een 0.30 .lIld (I.HO III. in dt'pth ",lIh illq~'u l,u sidt·!', .ind base. Onh a \en sllMIi '1~!',("l1Ibl.lgt· of lllt'dit·\.11 .md c.nlit"r pouen \"<.!\ ft,,{'OH'I('d hom Ill(' lill, of Ihi ... ditch. and I.ngl' quallliu(· ... of lh.unMI \\t'H' Ilntt"C1. especialh Ilmard., Iht' (t·lillt· uf il\ length \\-Itlun the .IIC,I. nle function 011111\ fe,HUlt· i"'lIlllt·II.UIl. rhl' I)lb III .\re.1 11. the l11alOlil\ (If \,Iudl .... ere gUHIIX.'d in Ihe: cenlre uf lhe an:a ( hg, :lJ. \;tllt·

1)1\CltI\101I Ihc pau IIHhLIll"d ill tht, Vilinit\. Ihe nallin.' fli fhl' ani\il\ 't'pre'lenwd In the: pha\t i fealllle ... i, UIlU:lIam. Phase 8: Post-medieval and modern (AD J500-present) b) VALG llAI\ B1RBECf.

\ I-\"nlUp 01 PU"tI-IIlt:dIC\.11 pit ..... SOIllt' mOlt" th.1Il 1.0 III clt:tV .lIlhough 111 gt.'nerallll()~1 \,ele It·,s Ihan hilll thl\ deplh. \"<,I ... t·,(a\'.IIc:d 1Il.\rea I I (Fig. J). 1 h(" nloljmil\ of tht·\l" \\ere dll'(("l"ed (marcl., lht" '" wmer of lilt· .lIe.1. Ollh \ton sm,tll.,,\emblagt"\ ullincl\ .... (·It" !t'ul\e!t'c! hom tht'\(.· fl:.t1ul·es and Iheir fUlllllon I~ lInn'II,lin Plough Itlno .... '!>. Il"pre\cllting Ihe rt'mll.lIll~ oilldgt· .Ind furnm c·.ll limmk'!>, "cl'e rc\ealed lIl\rea!\ 1. ~). ii. i. 9. 10 ;Jlld II . I lIe,l" \.Idce! bel\lcen (J.Il.p) .md 0.20 III III dl·pth. I he large cunJhnear dlt(h III Ihe ..,\\, Ilf \1t',1 II , .I!though undated. is as\umed 10 be 01 pml-lliecht'\',11 dal(·. un lhe ba.si., Ihal il appe.n ... lo lel))"e~t'nl .1 lield hOllnd..tn \\ hit h di\ide!i l\"

II \lllll. oj>. lit. lI(ltc-l . n Philpoll. op. (II, nUll' 42 III \f 11.IIllIan. 1,1 \fulle'iion .m

Undated Features by \ALGIIA:'-. BIRBECK '14111) katult:,>, espetlalh in .'red'" I, :! and) I. lOnt.llnc.:d nCl d.It.lble find .. ,mel cxhlbut"d nl) ~tlJuWJphi( u:lauumhIJJ\ \0, nh dated Ic.: .. ture.. , \\ here p

1111:. H"IDS


I ....·() ROlllan (uim \\CI t" I t'c()\el'ecl, bOlh dating '0 tlte late :hd {)I hh (l'lllUI in \D. Iltt' l',\1 hel" i~ a U,lIh,IIOII\ R.lCllillC of\!) :!7n-nO, "hile Ult' 'K"ulIld i\ a Win of it '(~Iuria i'.Xc'·l(llll'· win III \1) :BI)*I:l. Both wim .Ilt' \\Inn a .. \0,(:11.1\ ('urTod('(1. sugge'iling Ihat thc\ mel\ hitH' been in tinukllltUl It)! "'Hne nnl(' plIOI lfl del>mlllon noth ,Ire common I\pt..\ nn Brili"h "ites. I ht" Ual'barnu\ R.. di,\tt: \\.1' It'w\en.. d lrom Ihc,' uppt:r fill of diuh 11SK. and I" like" w he IIllrusi\t' III this pO\l-(mHjUt·\1 wntexl, 0'\ (Obl(.'(:t '\umbcl) 1002.3, WllleXI 1 HK). dilC.h I IX"'. ph.l .. t.'.h )...,1It:1 l nLlltm n C:-J emperor, Barbaruu\ CUP\ un Ob,cf'.. t: Radiate bU\t r,. leXl -Illegiblt·. \ \1\lIs(,d l·ngl.1\ Ing. \\'f)I nand (ell I oded, Re\t'r\t": 'ilanding fig.\\ ?slan. I~adh COl rtKkd. 'tllli \larL ))MI1le1el. I:~ mill \fetaL Oenominatlon' ?\ntnnmi.lnus ))escnp,ioll: Ineglll,)1 and damaged 110111 J lea\ il~ \\ en Il ;Ind {c)lnKled '1\,11 halutls R,ldi.lle' Date: \J) ~7()·291) Reic.-reru c\

~. 0'\ I(H):!7, comcxl 10(1), unslralilied Issuel l nkno"1l (.~ Emperor Oh\/"'r't': Illegibk Ilcavil) worn alld badh wrrodt·d. ReH'I\C: 2 \oldiel.," 2 stand.lld\ (Gloz'i,ll.xeITiw\ "pc). Iext: JIItgibl('_ \\0111 and lCllJ"eKlcd, 'hili 'l.trL I)iallll'ttl I (l mOl 'lttaIDt'llominaliun: ell ,\lIoy Follis D( .... <.nplluJI: Oamagt:d ovoid (Jan, "orn.mel (OrHKh.·(L hregul,lI 11.111 and 'lit' \ugge... t lOlltt'mpmaq (01'\. Date: \J) :HO*3 n Refell'nte\: ~COp\ a~ LRBC I. I~

rhl' IlIctal\O,UlL ('ompri-.cs 1.3.3 tnlll. 12 COppl'l ,111m .1Ilt! t\\() Ic.ld objects, I h{' majolll\ 01 the a"i\embl.IKt: "t'm t'''i fmlll \II aufied nmtex!.s .. \11 objects (C:'((~PI lead) have I)t't'll '-ri.,dio",1 ,Iphed, and \elet:ted uhlNt ... h,ne Ix'en SUbJl'{wd 10 rurther <()n"cnall()n treallll('nt (c.it'.t1l1IlK ,lIld (II \t.lhili'Ollion), Copper. \110)

I ht, <.Oppt·1 ,,110\- i1 ... .,l·mblagc II1dl1de~ clghl hi c)cKlll'\, .1 .. t"l1 box ltd, "lid ,I pm .... blc \Iud 01 I.KL \\-uh the t'x{eplion 01 tlte "tud ';1(1... reH)\cred (rom ;tn ~,"I h \llcldll' J lOll \J.:l' <.OIlIeXl in-\rca II. 0111 t!test.' HCm., .11 (. of !st- 01 ~nd-(ellllll' \0 date. \ posl-mcdie\.ll stnlpl·ml ,mel

• I ~3

c' 9


FI).:_ In, Oh Wl t .. 01 (OPPt'l .dlm \\ \ICIII·lf.lll. "'IIRI\ I 'II \\1. O'J-ORO..,IIIRI- 21~)

lOlltt",t in \rea i (fiR I (), 3). Oecol""3led example .11 e (()mm()11 III Britain. ah.h()u~h rare (JIl the <':Ollllneni. \1 Camuiodullum '\.lulu:im-d('",all\~ are no car her lhan ("I.luehan (Ha\'o 1...(.' dnd Ilull 19,1 i, t\ pe \ I I); lhe 1\ P(: pt:r'l ted unul the (:nd of Ihe hi cemun AO ..HI. 1\'0 001 Iht' broCK he' are CokheSlel t\ pe... ,\ compl(:tt' example. otlthnugh IOl(\...mg the Ide', IIlg c:ml'llllg the 'Ipnn~, \'0...., r("tOH."red from ditch Il~K; tllI.~ I) .1 pl,un bl()(xh \'ouh solid ""chplale (Fig. 10, 4).. \n IIl(Umplc.:I(' bnH)(h. \'ollh a fuur-t' \\.1\111 u~ fmm thl' ht.·hrjnnin~ of lhe hi n:nlUn \1) «.)(\D 60 (lia\'ok<:') ,md lIull ICI4i.I\I)(: Iloyl \ hoI,<. hnJ(K.h ull IIKI Hilll\pe .... a; rC'CO\cIl"t1 from h:.IIUff: il~ (fig 10, Il). Tne (at(hpialt' h bmLt"1I ;lnd dlt, hlll)r.;e .md pill art" 1II1 .... mg. I he nan'o\\ bfll,<. i., cit-CC)la(-d \\llh IXlid U()o;;\ muuldinW! "'ith tr.1(h of a ",hill' m(:t.:ll plating. llli ... i ... the .... lllpleSI and commonest 01 thl' Hod I hll t)Pl'lI. c1.ut."t1 in thiS munln .\0 13 tor. , \.I) bO·ll!l.·-,1) In .addition • .l C.lIlhpl.al(, 'rom "I hrooch oj unterl.un form c.llm: hOlillhe topsoil in .\Jea 10 (Fig. 1U.7). llle eiJ;::hth blOudt i!) a pCIlJnnulal I) pe. ,mel (<.IIItt.' II om gull) iK I (Fil(' If), ~). Wilh Ihe termin.11lI n,ittcned .Ind lOiled ha( k

Oll"r Ob/re/, \ probabll' ,eo.tI box lid .... i.I~.1I1 umlri.uilil'd find in \1t';.l1 (Fig. 10.9). II i~ rough" molCl, luoped at one end, Iht., boch I' dt'(or.llt'c! 11\ ro ...... of pllnlhed dnt\.\l CnldlC'!Ilcl tht., d,lUug e\idenu' 1"01 Ihi\ I'pe of '('OIl box i... ClmblguOll'l 'Ihhuugh Ihe\ .Ire IILel, Ic) be calli(:1 (I.ul'r 1'1 (t'IlIUn .\O?) th

Of the 1.1:1 iron nblCU\ Tccmered, ~:l from pmt-meclie\al or umlr.mlied contexts (7 IMil!o. II ... ht"e'l plait.' h.:lgmenl .. , j \trip hagment ,a cleat, .md a fining) ill(' not lCIlhldereci further hele. llu: remainder ollht.· a~'It'llIbl..lKt' l()mi~l'" I.wgeh of n.uls (62) and hobll,lil\ m "IUds (7)7). Olher Iclellllfi'lhie objt"tH mdud(' .t bwo( h . .J .. t)lu • a ~p.uul

\ ~illlpll' h(m blOo(11 was IC«)\"l'led fmlll Late IrOIl \j.W ditch 520 (Fig. I J, I). Pilll oflh(' tat(ltpIJtt'" l'i (>1("\('111 bUI lht.'IU'i1d .mcl plIl,lrc 11I1~"'lIlg. I hi~ 1\ prob•• bh a LI I ene Illhpe,.1 Lue Iwn \ge t\pe .... hich wntinued in u.,e into Ihe ].,1 n'nlun\J) (lIa\'okes .. mel lIull 191i.l\pe., II 111 ).:':\ Sl,,, 'Spa/II/lie

One definite \t) 1m ,mel two furt.her !ot\ It tH ~p;.tlul"1C "'t'rt.' id('mili('d; .tll IIlcomplete. rhe pO'iti\ch idelllifi('d ",Ill" «lflU: from le.Hure 11M (Fig, II. 2), 11m hJ~ il .. hnuldell'd, sub-... quare el.~er. but withoul the Poinl (.1II110t be cliflcl'e lltl..ltt'd I)(.'t\'oeen ~Ianning's npes I .lIlei 2.51 I he (Itht.'r I .... U uhlt"Ct:.. hUIll pit i31 and 1>

41'1 (. Fe , 11,11,<. Ll· .... 1IIe1 M R. 1I1III, CamIlItNIUIII/11/ 1·"" Uf/lllri fill 1/11' n(lIlvlli(1/l\ (/1 (;o/(hl'l/(r 19J(}-IC}JiJ (1 <) 17). 19 Ihid ')0 J.\\. BI ~,.I il~f(llcl, Hod II/II. {·ol / . ..lul/qUlI/nJH/1n IItN/IIt"", Ihl' J)f/tdn/ CollrrtlOlI, 8nll1" .\I/t.\r/III ( 19b2). H .lIld Fig. ~; '-J. ClIlIlllm. nit' HUlllall\mnlf Fou/l jmm !\((Il'OI/flllI III Cokhl'l/rr liJ7J -9 (Culc he~tlel \1( hacol Rq>. 2, 19M3). 10. 51 L h).... Ie ... " he Ol-iglll\ and Oe ... e!0pllIcllt of the Penannul.u Urooch III f.urope'. Pmf Prl'/ml. \0(, 2(; \19GO). 119·77. .12 (.nllnnn. OJ!. til. nOle :;0, Fig. 106,251 i Y'i I 10"", k(·\ .. md Jlull, up. ("il. nntt' 4X. ~,I \\.11. 'I.mning, ("flla/flKllt' oj til, Ilrllnflllo·/Jnlil" Irllli l iNd., IltllIIl{' mut U(apt!ILI 111 tilt RI111'" \l1t'f1I", (191'\:\), hK. 24 Yi Ibid .. Fig 2l, t,p<,:" 1.1. 2a3a. 1.1 -,Il Ibid pI. :\1. 1.:1-L3. !n6 \\l(.IIA~ HIRBECh. 1-:1 .\1 ••

, , , ' 't .. '" - @ ,

2 -~-:--~ 3

"',- ,-~

"==-__ e==-..==~~ ~ ______';'OOmm - 'i-®J . '~ 5 , I

Fig. II. Objt;'(b oi iron.

7row/Jorl A possible I) nch-pin \\a~ recovered Irom Jt'alur~ i I H (Fig. I I ..1). II has a laperil!g square-sC'{'lioned SI~1l1 wilh

.)'!I'//cluml ill' IILS

rhis C

M'.\ulllJl1(,()u,\ o/~jt'(L.~ these COlllpri'>C a thin tirclilar object \\ilh a {Cllll;t1 pt'lfur

;:'7 Ihld. pI. 31. 1140. ,)H Ibl(l. Fig. 32_ ~1 9 IIml " .\ r (. II to I I L D .., II K I \ to: 1'\,' II -\ M. () X to 0 R 0 .., II I R L 2-17 h\t DJ ,lllL\/rail"t/l)byru I'll(. 10

I Coppcr



FU:>.Tb, P.,\, JIARDJI'C

I hc flilll artefacts have pro\'ided e\iden<.e of the t"drlle\1 prchl~l()ric aUl\il) on the ')Ile. rhe excavated In;-uerial has betll cat-alogued and tabulated by area .mel (:OIllCXI tYPl' (fable I). I he results \how that Ihe cll'mil} of f1illl i\ 10\\ acros\ lhe entire .. ite. with the 1.I1W~Sl c()O(:e'lII;uion recovered from \\ithlll an area 01 ,.lnd\- geolOhf) in Area II T1m f1intwork \\a5 collected from cle\en leM pi15 acro')s probable lree Ihro\\ hollo\\\ and ({lin pi i\ed iI bl.tde,let indu!llry of l\fe)oliliuc dale (!Ice abO\c). \1ml of the rcmtlining flinl \\as rccmercd rrom pits and Imear features or Iron Age .tnd Romano Hllmh d,l{c . I he Icchnolog), condition and associ'Hcd IClOu<.hed materi.d. which includes a 'bruised edge' blade (faille lIu1l'/nner) of Line Glacial dillC (s{'e abO\'e). IIldi(iHCS thatlhis matcl'iaJ is Illulliphase and likd) 10 bc residual.60 Some pieces are swined while others are paunated 01' unpillinated according to the ic)C.t1 geological (oJl(huoll\. Fdges often show damage cOllsistelll with hiHing be{'n In plough wil. Flint is not IltIli\e to Ihe sile and \\.IS probabl) IIllroduced from the chalk cup. 5 lm. 10 the F

Rr~idll.lll malt>nal I he ditch, pit .tlld gull, fill) contained u.'depo\ilt.'d \1t: ..Olllhlc

tMI J.P. hg;n.ul, ''\omellC'o; obsen'auoos '1m Ie gISt:nH:nt pi,leolilhI

\rea ;) all (onlc)'{s I ~ 7 \Iea 7 alic.oIlIC'l'i 4 (; 3 :1 \J('" 9 0111 (UIlI('xls I t I " 111"11.\ 2-7 II 1/ II II 5 II /0 9 II II II II 2 II II 1 " \re.1 I () <-le'll1l11j.\: I " LOp'>Oil r chl(h fill, 2 !1 2 17 :10 :, 3 ,. . 1 Ift'O 10 I/lb-lnlal fI 1/ 2 /J Ii 27 /1 () 2 Ii /I 2 2 J \rca II ck'

pH tills :1 :1 3 ~ .I 12 l;j 7 :1 4 p1VqUd1T' graV(.' fill., 2 "idgc.·+fulT(H\ 2 2 I In.'c throw, ;) :1 11;1Iural fe.lIlITesl Arm II \/lb-/ollil 6 6 /I JJ 17 17 52 125 191 9 2 6 f()9 8 I. 0:; lUL\l1> Ii H l!i 3H fi5 17 :,7 162 216 10 2 H 122 10 IH 1-12 ,V , r C II F I flO S II R I V I· N II A \1. () X FOR 0 S II T R I:..: 2·,9


loe \'oorled or utihsed tone r«o\el cd (ompno.es elghl obJeu. : 1\0'10 quems. '\'00 rubbers. (\'00 \\ heutone'i dnd two olhel· oblecLS Qllnru and ntbb""

\ wlllpleic IOlar, quermlone (f'ig. 12, 1).111 <.oarw !..mdstone. \\<1 retmered from pit 5030 m ~!.'cnmg ",hidl ("XIIS lhruugh the ba'i('. \ flHlher quem fragment. abo s.mdslCme. of unknown form, (dme from ditch 5276 (phase 3d).

hom ruhlx:r §lones, both in fine 4 gramed andslCIlIcs, (dille re~pecu ... d) from pil 5053 (phase 3) and gulh 125·1 (pha'i' 5a).

• -t


, , I

...... <=- -


-I - I> •, " 4 , '. .~==~---====-----==~~ '-

Fig. 12. Object of "lone, fired dav ,md \'oorkcd bone. 250 V A l C; II .I' N B I lot n E (' Ioi.. I:: I . \ I f'J,'/lt'JMmlt'\

1\.0.0 fragmt"nl~ of \\ heutone, both III fine-grdined \

(Jilin O~lt'(h

One- fragmt'rlI of limestone from ditch II :l2 (pha'K" .';b) ha, a perforation and (ould po'i~lbl) haH! been lIuli .. ed .t_~ ,I \cKlln - or Ihat(h\\eighl . .\ pm.-'iible 'itulle C;OUlltt"J' " •• , I (.>(()\erecl ffllm dnch 1266 (phase 5d). Li!lt (If illu"lliltt.'d nbjc(ls (Fig 12)

I QUt"l1lslOlle. O~ 10032. Area II. {Oillexl 50:\ I. pit 5030. phasl' 3. 2. Whelstone ON 10019, Area 10. ('tIntext 1000, topsnil


rhree "Imallll agmems of \essel gh:lSS \\-eJ'l' It'w\'ered fnun Romano-Bnu'ih (phase 5) COJ1texl~ in Area i one from ditch 717 and ont' Irom possible PYle base HG6. All Ihree .In! in a similar strong ~e ll o\\-broWIll'(Jimll, and (auld (ontei\;:lbh derive from the ~ame ves~1 rhe fmm i, unknoh n. blll !luch strongh <.:oloUlt.'d ,,;-t.I\\ \\as <.:ommon III the I 'it ilnd earl, 2nd <.:entulles \1)


Ihe p()lIer~ a\~embl.lgt' from \\"atthfield Wll5i!ll\ oj h,7nl ~ht'rd~ (':)~I,2IH g.) rhe pOllen .Is\embl,'ge 1\ di\ided into three main chronological pelioch: Iron -\K~' Romilnu-Bnush and l

I he it cm Agc and Romano-British pouen \\',l\ .II1<1h,ecl u~inK the ~ landa nl \\'essex\rchaeoloK~ pOllcq I('cording S\\lcm. "111(11 rollO\\s niltionalh recolllmendl'fi KUldellnesbl On lhe basis of domllldni inclusion t}pes Ihe a.!lsl'lIIblagl' was di\lded Into se\en broOid fablll group .. : (,roup C (cakareous), Grollp D (leached). (:,OUP " (lIint tempered), GIOUp G (grog tcmpeled), Group Q (o,andy), Group S (shelltcmpered) and Croup E ('esl'.lhlished' ""art: .. of kno\, n type or SOUfcC). Ihl'''(' group" \\'('n,' then .,ubdinded IIIto \Cparate r.. bm t~'pes dependent on the f!"equell'> and Sill" of the inliml

hon Ig' potln) Fabrl("s

I he I ron -\ge labl'in fall into six groups based on domlnilnt Ill( Imion t\ pe, and include 26 sc:p"ratl' fabn( npe!!, plus one filbrit onnown lype. 1\"0 of the f.lbric gl"Uups are calcarl'OUS (IImeslOne- Jnd 'ihdl-ll'mpl'lt'd rabllc\). ,md the leached fabrics of Croup 0 were almmt certalnl) al~o original"- calcareou .... Inwards lhe end of thiS period. the d,,,unttlon bel\\een nati\ l' Late I rnn\gl' and ' RolllalH~ed' w.ue.. i~ not .1I\\'a) .. dear-WI, for example, bet\\l'cn QI and tht., Romall()-Hliu~h !!<.lIld} fabrk QIOI (see helow), ()I the grogf.':l'd labric'i <;2

HI .. L \Iorris. JJIt'~'Ul/~U\ oj Pllttr,). Ut'\\t'.\: InhurmoJ{) (;Uldl'lml' -I , !jlllub,/,.: peRC, /997. Th, !jllld) uj J.llin l'Il'ht(Joni" PI/UI'I1 (;'n"ul Pol/clt'\ (Jud (.II,dl'lI,l1'\ for _ ~I/t1"\I\ (Prelll'l POllen Res_ Gp. Oua'i. Papcl'i 1-1, It'\ Iscd. 199·1). \\ \ I CHI 1 t:. I . n ~ II R I \ .. " II .-\ \. 0 X I' () R D S H I R .. 2!'J I

Lnne tone-tt"mpered fabrics

C I Soft. moderalel~ fine fabric cootamll1g abundant. poorh-soned . .!Iub-angular lime tone <4 mm. (mainh <0.5 mm.). C2 Hi.ud. fine fabnc t.:OnLaining spar~. well-sOIled. "ell·rounded oolitic limestone < 1.5 mm.: parse. "ell· sorted. well-rounded limestone < 1.5 mm. (:3 Hard. Irregular fabric col1laining common, well-sorted. well-rounded lime lone <3 mOl .• moderdle. well-~()rted. "ell·rounded oolitic lirneSlone 1.5 mm.; pa~. pnmh-q)rted "ihell <1.5 mm (:4 H"lrd . fine fabric containing common. "'ell·sorted. rounded quartz <0.5 mm.: sparse. moderately-sorted, well-rounded limestone 3 mm.; sparse shell <3 mm. C5 Hal-d. line fabric containing modenne, poorly·sorted. well-rounded limestone <8 mm. (mainh < I mm.); .!Ipar.. e. well-sort{"ti. rounded quarll. < I mm. C6 lIal d, fine fab"ic containing sparse. "eli-SOIled. "lIb-angulilr IJlllcslone < 1.5 mOl .: sparse. well,solled. rounded quartz grams < 1 mOl.; spar'ie. well-sortcd.

QI \ 'e r~ hard. moderately fine fabnc containing moderate. \\ell-soned quartz <2 mm.; rarf! well'solled, rounded glaucoltlle 0.5 mm. Q2 Hard. finf! fabric contajning sparse to moderate. weil·sorted. rounded quartz <0.5 mm.; fare possible glauconite Q3 Very hard. fine f.tbric containing moderate, well-soned. rounded quartz <0.5 mill. ; rare, poorl)'.sorled grog <5 mm.: rare poSSible glauconite; rare Iron oxide. Q' Very hard, fine fabric cOlllaining sparse, moderateh-soned. sub-rounded quartz <0.5 mill .. rdre. wel1- sorted, angular fhm <2 mm_ Shell.tempered fabrics 51 lI ard.moderately irregular fabric comail1lng moderale, poolly-soned shaH <10 mm .. r·are. poorly­ sorled, rounded quartz < 1 mm. 52 liard. fine fabric containing sparse to moder.tlc. rallly well soned sheil 0.5 mm.; rare. rounded qUJltz <0.25 mm . S3 Moderate" soh, fine fabric containmg common. modelClteh-sorted shell <3 mm., rare. sub-rounded limestone < I mm Fabric of known t)pe/source l251 Dres(C1 I b amphora 252 \\l CIIA"l BIRBl'.CK l: I \I

l.\BLE 2 I'OTI ERY. QL \\; IIH( \110" 01 IRO" \(;1 FABRI( "'PES Fabric lype No, W •. (g.) q; oflotal (bl weigh.)

UII"l/mu l~mJNrrd ( I 402 29M9 ('" 32 211 L:\ 197 I GOO ( 1 17 107 C5 5 69 C6 10 107 (:7 31 32·1 sub·total 694 5437 17.1 L'(lchtd D2 135 668 D3 44 17!1 sub·total 179 847 2.7 Nmllnnp",d fI 34 2MI F2 ;)-1 !'JOO F3 52 178 F4 28 198 1" 5 2 :1 F6 8 2;;6 t7 75 t;~9 sub·total 253 2405 7.5 GmK tnll/Jered GI 382 29tH (;2 757 f-;':) ~~2 G3 41 5 1M sub·total 1180 10014 31.4 .~udyJabnn QI 200 1317 Q2 392 :{953 Q3 31 18,1 Q1 18 282 sub.total 641 6036 18.9 Sh,lIlnnpmd 51 593 hl 15 52 5·1 !"i l fi 53 3 30 sub-Iolal 650 6661 20.9 Amphora [25101" Ibarnehord I 470 1.5 OVERALL TOTAL 3598 31870 \\ . \ I C H t I ... I. 1J. '> II R I \ f I'..- II \ M. ()" F () R 1) '> II I R f :!:')3

\11 fabm. apart from Ihe amphora could hd\e been J.t le~l rdameh loulh produced; the .. ite o\erhes a ~ub,oil uf ferruginoll\ Sdnd and cia) of the Corallian Bt'd~ which 111 turn oH!rlie CordlllJ.n hme\l()ne. while to the "Outh 1\ Kunmt"ridge da~ and Gauh (.Iii" of the \'a1e of the White Ilor,-e,62 Flint b nm immediateh local 10 the ,ne. but (Quid hale bt-en obtained from the ch.llL ~arp j Lm. to the east wme fdbllo exhibit a tendenC\ to be beller finished than

Kim ~herds and other dlel fonm t' 2: Slllftll, Angular \e~sels \\Ith fI.lred neck.,. genel~fks; nMl ha\e shoulder decoration (Fig. 13. 8·9; \sh\IlIe 81) i-OIm 1\1)(' I Slad·~houldered or bucleHhaped \t:· ...!tt'I., \\ith uprighl or plain rounded rims (Fig. 1:\. 10· II, .\5I1\llIe 82) form type j: Rounded jars or bO\.. ls, \\ IIh upnglll I im~, genelall} \\-cll·fini 'i hed (Fig. 13. 12; Fig. 1·1. 13·17; Ash"lIe DO) Form 1\ 1)(' b: I-Iandledjar, form unLnown .folg. I I. 18); one example on" Form t)pe 7: I .Ie! (Fig. 14, 19); one example onl}. denlr.ued Form t}pe 8: Iliglt 'ihoulderedjar, or oo\\b wilh be;'ldt-d IIIUS (Fig, 15,22·3; Ashville G) Form tvpe 9: NecLed jars wllh high.shouldered profile (Fig. 15, 2·1·5; A~Il\'ille E) Form t, pe I(): Cordoned jars or bo\\ls w Ilh squat profile~ (Fig. 15. 27·M) Form t)pe II \mphora (Dres'iellb) (Fig. 1,1,21)

Ihe sin gle amphora .)herd is a rim fragment from a I)l e~~t'l Ib lypt.'. stamped HA .

Oecorali o n and surface Ireatment

Decor-Ilion throughout the assemblage is 'i«II (('. Fin gcrllp or fingernail impressions are found o n shoulders and rims in fabric,> F2. F4. 51 and 52; where these ('an be hilLed lO ves~e l form Ihey occur on coarst.'warejars Orl)pe 3 (Fig, 13.9), One oftlle angul;u \e'isels Of1n>e 2 (fabric Q2) i~ decor;ltcd with impressed dots, which ha\e traces of pos .. ible white inla\ (Fig. 13.7); while inl

Ceramic \cqucnce and distriblllion

Wllhin the Olerall Iron .\ge as .. emblage. d ~

62 Scull. up, cit nOle I 63 De Ro<.ite, op, t.II. nOte 23. h·1 J. IllIlchhOe and R Thomas, 'Archaeological J mcsligatioll'i at Appleford'. Oxonrmsia. 45 ( 1980), g- III. 2!'l I \.-\ l (; It \ 'J U I R Ii 1- (K I· I A I



• ':.<- .- 'I. '.' ." .'--,-' ' - - "" ... -.. - .0, ...... { ~. , 9, ' , o " '" =';;"~-..;;""""' Fig. l;{, POllt:l,

slll'l &;), 521-' (I (i5 shcrds) and 5213 (151 liherds). '\1oderatt" qu.lIltititc''> II ere abo I n:O\cl t'd flOOl dill he'> !127fi (75 sherds). 5333 (53 ,herds), 5216 (·10 ,herds), !JO:i2 ($5 .,ht'l ch) and .;:\34 (2;) 'ihcl·ds). J he slte.s locotted bCl'... een '"0 ofCunline's LII h Imn \gc \1\le 1011(,,'1" Ihe \11 Cannings Cross-\It'ol\ JIlIl group to lhe soulh-we"l .md IJ1e Long WlIIl'nhalll-.\lIen\ 1)11 j{IOUp 10 Ihe l1ollh-easl, both \\uh iI datc nlllKt' of ;"h to :ire! (cmur-ics Sc.6.) Ihe W.. llchfielcl a"~l·ll1bl.lg(' Sl't'm" to hil\(,' mOle in common wilh Ihe 1<1I1t'1. palliutiarh the laler :o.lages of the stIle III "'hith Iht' ])() .... I.. l>ewll1t" ,>unplel

li5 CunlifTe. op. (It. note 27, Figs. 4 . 1. \6, \J(). tifi Ibid., lig. A22. h7 L O. Ix' Recht" ;'111(1 ( •. L.dmbrid,. I he Iron \ge I'ot!l'n . in 111Il( hlifT(" 1>.15-59; I.G. ,\11('11, .1/1 /ron ~gt' arid HOII/(l1w·8nlt,1i "~ntl(I\t'd .\fU/rmt'1lt at Hal/mil Frm1l, \'ortlimom; Ottm. (I hame \"<1ilt·~ Land~.apes: The Windnl'ih \'alll", I~H)); Lllllbnd... up. cit note 23; Dc' Roche. op. cil. nUlt" 23; GlIlgt"lI, op.w. nOle 2N. \\ \ r C J I t- I t~ I I). ., II R I \. " N II \ ~I. 0" ,. 0 R Il., II I R " 255 ( F 14


, < ~ I ""~-"" .. ,'~ "".: .. :. :,-::":' ' " -~ " .-. v - • ;.;. .' "'. 15 I1 • {

Fig. I I Poue!").

the angulal· fonns could be dated as earh as mid-6th centtar, bv cOlllp.lrison \\ith period I ill 1\5h\l11c .1I1e1 phase I 411 "-.lnnoor. there are no example ott Wate hfield of the expanded rim \ esscls which are found in the e.\rliest philses al,uhvllle and Fannoor•• mel a 0101 e restriCled elate r.lIlge of 51h to 3rd or. more prob'lbl). -Ith to .3rd centuries Be is therefore prol>o~ed forthe\lca II assf'mblage. The ,I" emblagco; from Areas 4, 5 and 10 appear to ontillue Ihe ceramic sequence from Middle lO Late Iron ..\,ge (see lable 4). Area 10 produced the largest 'ls'iemblage, but all three areas )-Ielded similar fabrics, often qUlle \\ell finished although 'itill handmade. and occa~ionall.,., cordoned (form 10). A good example i, the group from dil{h IliO. \\'hich also contained !.he tamped Dre\~1 Ib amphora rim (Fig. 14. 13. 14.21; Fig. 15.22.2·1). A date rAnge no earher than the 1st century BC. and probabl) extendmg at lea!>t into lhe earh part of the lsi (<:fl(ury\O, is therefore proposed for these assemblages. rhere is. then. a dear distinction (and an apparent chronological hiatus) between Ihe Area II assembl. tempenng agenls; 111 terms of 'esse! fonn. although the rounded fi>rlm and shouldered jJrtt continue, ne\\ bc;td-rimmed, ncckcc\ and cOldoned "e'i~e!s have been introduced. rhis can be seen as comparable to developments at Ashville, where the quantities of shell.tempered fabrics decrease from period I to 3 and the angular form' of period 2 are repla cd by nec:ked jars in pel ioel 3, ahhough at the lauer sile lhe sequence appears to be continuous.GH The (aluU!· ofsherds at Ashnlle is \ari'lble in period.s I and 2 but

&S De Roche, 01', cit. nOle 23. 2!"Jtl \\l(oIl\' BIRUF( l\. , I \I ( 22

~- ,I 23 ,,




? 30 ( ~ 31 ~ 0 ,.. ( J~ .. '" .J 33~ Fig. 1:1. I'nlll'1 \ . ------

l : \B LE 3. I'OTrER\ , IRO" AGE \F SEL FORMS FABRJC Shelly Sandy Limestone-tempered Flint-temp. Grog-temp. Forms SI S2 QI Q2 Q3 Q4 CI C2 C3 C6 C7 D2 F1 F2 F4 GI G2 G3 I ~ Jar, n::IHopped rim 2: Small angular \es~1 3 3: Larger should ered ,essel 2 I' Slad.. -shouldered vessel 2 5: Rounded vessel ~ G: lIandledjar > -I 7: Lid 2 ~ 8: lIigh-lIh()u ldeted, be,ad-I"immed vessel :r 6 2 2 9 5 :1 ~ 9: lIigh-'ihouldercd. ned..edjar 4 5 12 16 I ~ 10: Cordoned \essels TOTAL 6 2 5 8 11 2 2 " 3 22 23 4 J :r '" ..,; 7 = > ?:

0 ..,X 0

'"CO ~ :r '" "... " 25K V A l (; II A .... UIRBI-.Ch. E I AI.

nBLE I. POnERY IRO'\GE PO n ICR\ \ARt.\S 10 A o III BY PHA"l (. '0. \\t. In grammes) AREA 11 AREA 10 Fabric 3a 3b 3c 3d 3 unspec 4

~I 98 993 H 394 171 2169 170 166·1 40 182 form J !onfL\ J, -I jonn J S2 I 15 13 8 1111 19 137 3 9 '>3 :1/30 QI 2 16 4G 187 :lO 175 17 ' 70 13 / 86 fonll 5(x2) form 9

Q2 14 /80 7 51 155 I 2325 6\1/ 801 25 138 24 J 58 fonll 7 fOnl" 2, 5(x2), 7 form 5 fonll J

Q3 7 I 72 II 77 I J 3 fonn J Q4 (:1 15 3 10·1 3 26 6.J.1 [onn 9(x2) (:2 2 78 2 7 I 10 C3 12 50 12 78 3:1 199 7 81 8 76 fon" 9 (:4 10 C5 1/25 C6 I 13 (;7 01 D2 12 26 1)3 I 15 15 II 14 74 3/12 tl I 1 II F2 10 Ii 2·1 4 14 I 1 G 185 form J fan. Iii F3 20 I 10 1 /2 35 91 195 F4 2 7 I 8 I 7 F5 2,3 F6 21 188 form 10 1-"7 I 22 I 138 (,J 11 /33 54 527 fonnI8(.x2), 9(x2) (;2 7/3·1 t-ll :\7 6 ,72 :11 15 147 1710 /on119 (,3 6.67 jon. 8 TOTAL 139 / 1248 66 / 551 449 / 5498 323 3193 152 / 822 365 / 5033 W \ r C II .. I t_ L Ll. S II R I V t:. l'. II A \1 . 0 X FOR n S II I R F 2M} in ~riod 3 ;appears to be more consistent v.ith the careful pr~paration of days and firing conditions. rhis i.!i par-aJleled .11 Watch field with the inlroduction of dal-ker. harder fired fabrics. and rna)- reflect .i more peciali\ed. and perhaps more centralised mode of pouen producuon at thiS penod. CenaJnl~ the populdrlt, of grog·tempered fdbrics prefigures the dominance of the large.scale Sa\ernale1non.h WillShire gTog· tempered indu U) of the I t centun _-\0 and laler (~ helow). The dppearance of a tempering agent not IInmedidtel) a\ail.lble localh (flim) rna> also be noted in this respect. Further parallel ... rna) be found in the a~semblaKe from Old Shifford Farm. Standlake.69 In comr.lSIlO .. ite 'iuch as F.lI moor and WalLins Fal-m. whi<;h appear to hOI' e been abandoned before the end of the I 'I cemu~ SC. both Walchlield and Old Shifford Farm h'l\l' produced .1 c,ignificant ·Selgic·.innuel1<.ed assemblage of grog.tempeled warelli, altesung to occupauon from the lsi century Be InlO the early pan of the 1M century AD 111e I.trgesl qUillIlIt~ of Lite Iron Age potter) V.,I., reco\ered from ditches v.ithin Area 10. A large- number ()I sherds (148) was recovered from ditch grollp I 132 and in(luded a large number of leached shercls den\lng rrom a single rouncl('d jar (form t)"pe 8). Within Are .. 5, il large qU;lIllit} of ponery (293 sherds) came from ditch 520. dominated by rounded \'esscls 11\ lillle~{()lIc-telllpcred fabric CI and grog-tempered f

ROJluwo-8nt1.\h POU,,)' This part of the Jssemblage is charaaerised b) the introduction of mor 'Romanised' coarse· and finelol.ares (wheehhroYon. harder fired). although the continuation of the nali'e Iron Age grog· tempered and flinl­ tempered traditions IS apparent. The bulk of tim pOllery is d.ued from the mid lSI centory to no Iln of Wanborough in nonh WillShire. dated to 125-40 AD . 7()

QI06 Moderatel) soft. fine fablic containing sp.w'Ie to moderate, 'o\ell-sonOO. rounded quartz <0.5 mrn. (,catch·all' labnc for fine oxidlsed v.·are: ).

69 Tllub). op. CiL note 35_ 70 A. . \nder.. on. Tht Ro"um Pot~J) h!dw/" In Sorth 1~,ItJilrt (S",indon Archaeol. Soc. Rep. 2. 19i9). 260 \'AULIIA' 8IRBECh. • I AL

I \8LE 5. QL.\l'.'Tlfl(.ATIO" Of RO"1AI\()-BRII ISH HBRI(. TYPES Fabric type o. W •. (g.) 'k of total (b~ weigh.) Fmn"rart\ AmphOiae 94 Sanllan 92 215 Rht'nI"h ware MOl t.tria 5 265 New FOre'll colour coat 5 Oxlordshire (:olour coal 2 8 sub-total 102 588 2.3 CoannLlOrtS Flint-tempered FIOO II 59 F101 22 sub-total 15 81 0.3 Grog-tempered GIOO 271 56:l5 GIOI 290 2720 GI02 158 :!5·IO (,103 37 :109 sub-total 756 12204 46.8 Sand), Bla<.k Burnished ware 514 3315 QIOO 42 J93 QI()2 333 2017 QI02 850 5134 QIO:I 45 172 QI04 152 1188 QI05 28 174 QI06 81 271 QI07 17 31 QI08 19 \()() sub-total 2081 IJI75 50.6 OVERALL TOTAL 2954 26048 W.\ I (. II I I f l Il. "" R I \' I, .... II \ M. () X .. 0 R n ... II I R l: 261

Coan.ey, .Ires

CUdT\C\\.lIt" .. \\cn: di,ided inlCJ foUl lIl.tin falnll group,. \\.m:!> 01 lno\\n ..oUTle. grog·tc::mpelt·d. nUll· tc::mpered .tnd '!.and, ware... '111e \\are.. of ~"lO\\n <"Qur«,:' .II(: repu:-.ented I" the Slad. Burlll\}\(."(t \\are mdmtr) from uU: ('oule harbour area uf Do~1 (t IOU). \\ ithm lile Olher thrt:e group.. the fabril" are ... ubdi\ldcd Illalllh Into brO.td 'cJldhll1' fabrit l\ pt., \\Ilh pnKiucl\ from more Ihan one production (c::nlre. tach lahl k I'-pe «)\l'l ~ a broad range 111 ,ariation inlhlding till' .,ile .md frequenc\ ofinclu~ions and Ihe filing nmditio11\. I he ~m)(·tempert-d labril" 111 p.artllul.tI ,He Iilt·1 It) re.·pl<: cOl \anam from a lno\\n ~our("(·. (.rug·tl·mperc:d fJl)llc" (.1 DO ,'n, haHl, lIIodel'au:l~ fine fabl it.LOnL.lIning mockl .Itt' to common. )XXII h ·~rled. sub-rounded groK <~ mm (mainh 0.3 mill.); rare, roundt'd qu ... rt; Ruin .. 0.5 1Il1ll .. rare Iron oxi(k (Gener.tlh pale ",'n.') ) (, J() I \uft. fine f;lbric cOlllallling model ate. rnoder.lleI)-~)rtl'd. ~uh'lnunded grog <3 mm. (mainly I mm.); "Ipilne. rounded quart; 0.5 mm. (V.Iri.lhk (ulmlr) (;102 'jolt. 1Il0dt'Iaieh line lahric ('onlaining moderate. lIloderalch· ... oned "IlIb-mundcd gmg <-I mm .. 'P.lr'>t'. rounded quartl 0.3 min. «;e ner.\I1~ pmk) nr.lIlgc) (;103 \.!oder.:tteh hard. fine f.lbric cont.aining ~p'llse.11l0dC::I.Itt'I)·\()Iltd. sub·rounded grog <3111111.; IMe, 101IIldeci qUillI1 0.2!l mill. (Di\IIlH.U\e m;IIlK{'~ hwwn intenlal surfa(c .md dink gre) c,«:rnal "lUI face). (.104 \Iodcratt.:h ..oft. line fabric wntaJlling pC'IC)Jh-sorted ... ub-lOunded grog QIOO lI.nd. fine fablic cunt.lIning common. \\ell-..ortcd. ,uh-rounded quartz 0.25 mm .. sp.lrse bl.uk Iron oxide. «.. mh·all fine ~nd, fabdl. hald filed and gt'!lt'raJh paJe gre,) QIOI II.nd, lIlodt'latch coarse fabll( containing willmon. well·soned, rounded quart;

~ 100 11.11 d. linc: f.tl)! ic cont.llning p.lrse. \\ell-q)f ted. angul.lr flint <2 mm.; spar

Fabnt uf L.no\\ n 1\ pC' uon 81.1(k Bllllmhed \\are of Poole Harbour O1igin (BUI). For de".nptlon .. ee Seager Srlllih and D

I hl" ~TOK-telllpered tabrics discussed ht"H" are more 'RoIllJnl~ed' III nallll·e. and are gencraU\ harder fired than lilt' Latc Imn _\ge grog·tempered f.lbl·ic!o dt''I<.lIhed •• hme. 1I0\\c\cr. in "iome cases II was dlni{uit to diflt'rcntlh reprc,ent S.I\C:lIh1ke ",are or its vdrianl\ and are compar.lble to f~lbri( I as iclcnllfied at Ih(.' Oare production '1te.71 1 he other fabrics are likeh to bt lo<-alh

; I \'.(,_ S\\.tn, 'Oare Re<.olhldered and Ihe Onglns of SaH'1 nale \\'.Ire in Willshire', BntmulIIJ, 6 (19i5). 3f)-51 :lb~ \ A l (; II '\" 8 I R Ii L C" 1:. I '\ I prodliled hum utht:r kiln !tIle) III north Wilt"hilt I he d.llirlK of the S,j\erndl...e ~arcs and ulht:r grog· telllpt:1 ed \.triant!t 1'1 debatable, since Ihe gt'nerall, (1(ct"ph..-d I)OM.o(()nqllt"~1 dolling for the Industn ha rt.""Cellll, been chaliengt"C.i .•md a pre·conquest OIigin proJX,,,cd (liopl...l11~ 1999); l"ell Ihe more 'Roffiani"l·d· fabli( I identilied a' ().lIC h.l!> been found in appalt'mly prc~(()IHlue\' wntexLS. 72 rile \e,en .md)- fabrics wn"i'il mainl)' of cdt(h·all grOUp'i r.mglllK from "er~ fme (QI07), fine IQIOO .md Q I (2), IOcKIe-ratd} warse (Q l() I) to coar-.c' (Q 1O:i). I ht:~ ·c.mh·aU' group' are tile" 10 (OIlSi..!>t of lahric~ 'rum difl{'f(·nt \()urces, although 1ll0'i1 ,Ire Iih·" to haH'lx·t,:n ill lea'll f.tirh IOldlh produced. Kno'" " !tiles in north \\'t1tslllrc plOdlinnK similal gl"e) Wdl"e!t hom Ihl' I,H(, 1st (COIun well into the 2nd (emuI')" .\1) IIlciudl' WhitehiU LII m. J(xHhtll Fdnn and PUlton.7:\ Smld.lI grt:\ "'arc:\ \H'I C also 1)(.'l11g produced in tilt' Oxfurd!thll t' region. ,Inel Ihe \\ hilt' " 01 beaker" .Ire reslrlned 10 fint'l lahrin (I·ig. 15. $1·3). ·I·here ale also a large number ()I Illac1.. Blllnl~hed "',Iree,ened rimjars,7~.\ model ,lIt' lIumbel 01 bO\" .. or dishe .. \\ert" also re(OIdt'd III BloI(1.. Burni'ihed \\.ue, I.t'~" common \es~e1f()rms pre.. elll mdllde olle pldtlt,l. one lid-~.Hed jar. on(' pulley-.... ht'd rim .tnd CIne f1a~f)n .

CeramIc "t"qut'mt' ilnd di~lribulion Ihe tel.lmK sequence cominues 1I1.\r(';1 10 lrom I Ill' Lalt· lion \g(' (mid I\t2nd centul\\O), .mel flanged 1>0",15 {2nd :~rel (cntul\ U»); nil(> example of a elropped~f1'U1ge IXl",1 (mid :hd Ith (emUI\ .\0) i\ like" to be intrusi\c in ,Ill uppel' fill. FionKed b()wls "'('rt!' 4Ilso rccmcrecl from ft.,llure 711'1. ditch itif) .Ind pit i:\1 - \\-hiJe the.. e form .. roiliel eXI('nd

7'2 h.\nnahJe, '.\ Romano·Brimh Putlt'n in S,l\clnak(' "m(',1. h.ilm I·~', ~~IJL\. 4,"(/WI'ol. Xfll. 1/111 ..\I(lg. t)H t 1962). 142·55; S..... an, op, (11. nOl(' il; R.W Ilopkin." '''aH'mdke "'all" a Re,,""c"'IlICIl1 (If Ihe hidelHl" (L ni' HI iSlOi unpuhl. dls~ellallon, I 99H), 7:i \nde,,,oll, op. (II. nOlt' 70. 7·1 ( Young, O\/OId\h,,-r Roman Poll") (B.\R 4~\. 1977). i:i R '-,t:4lser Smilh and S.\l Oinil", 'Rolll

Small j~t1 -/bca k e r 2 ~ :1 Pia Iter I? = Flagon

TOTAL 3 24 14 6 2 29 7 16 35 3



'" J" = :!61 \\t(.II" UIRnl:(h. II \1

I.\BU 7 PO n l:R\' RO\1 \'()~BRJ IISII PO J It- R\ (\RI:. \S i \:\0 lUI 8\ I'll \Sl­ (;\0. \\'1 111 grclIll11lt")

AREA 10 AREA 7 Fabric 5a 5b 5 unspecified

(.1 1:;0 9:.!~ I ,'~_ .> 'ISh --- X /(" I. liI//I.' j I X/I.d I. lUI/ ( '-., 57 I CH PH II) II X/rdl X/I,]). RII/

( •. 1 20 :101 I(i 1:;~I HII/ /JII/ ..\1 JoIOO 2 t) 7 II 2 "I BIIf .\j [II} I· 101 2 10 I /.; I / i .\1

(, Ion i:\ IUil III :.!:nq II J I~:! Lli/. \10.21. BR/MI III/r,21. X/(x Il. RII/(\1 I \1 (.101 7'2 :HI I:!() IOIi fiO tUO liI//ld I. I II/ FlUid" \/(,2), 11lU(1,.5) J) ROlli

(, lit? :!~l 29-1 li:\ !J:,!li :HI ~tt)(1 BII/. 1.11/ HII/ .\1

(.1 0:1 'I 26 :.!J ,'_._1.1 3 H X/(\2) (,1100 20 S5 16 1111 \/1,2). III/ \J, 1'.11/. II. II. (,1101 1m 1i57 U3 Wl.j 10 22!I X/I.\2I. rli/ .\/1.,51.111/1,21 III. III/

(,1102 :lH 11 fi :\10 :!~J:!~' :li:l 1617 JM II.:(d), Uljr.\2) .\jl'S). UIf(.tl).j. III .1, ,\}(\-I}. Ulj(.d /J, f) /Wil/. (,110:\ 2 II :l:; :H:! :l 61 \/. 1-11/1\21 (,1101 II I III III Ini:! 111/. IIU Il.'(dl (,110:; :.?.'l 171 /.I1f QIOh 10 ' 20 IS I'G :H liS / HI " . III/ III/ <..! I oi I.') III 2 :, /IJI. " qlos 6 12 12 ' S2 1111 I .; In:! 21 1:\(J -126 2M21 DROIII 'If\2) DV(x2), lU/(x,/ IJ. {)flJrdJ. IR(,4/ ..V/.IIlf.Ih(,2)

S,lllli.1I1 4 ' :1 :\!I , :\ I 16 137

Rhl'lll"h \\;11(: I I

(holl 1i1H.'\\

't'\\ hilt,." I > linc.'\\,11 t' TOTAL 940 7034 1880 16087 1092 8076

t\c.'\ IlRI bead lim jill hmd; n BO\\I di.,h 1)(1\\1; nn 'dug di~h" DFtl = dl'Op-fhmgt'cI b()\\1; l:.K.I - c.·\(:II(,d 11111 ) •.11 , "1\ = flanJ.:l·d I)(ml; "I. \(. 11.1).1011, IIH \h. '111.111,.11 he.1"(.'I". 'I - neded J.u hu\\1 \\ A ,. C II .. I ,. L O . "i J I R I " ,. N If ,.\ M. 0 X FOR n Sit 1 K ~ 1ti~J the date range intn the 3rd ceOlur)' AD. the .lb!;enct: of Oxford 11Ire colour (C,.lted "

I fl.tI IOPI>Cd nm (fomlt\~ I), il1lprt'''I~''d Ull eXlt.·IIMI surf.lle belo .... rim. fdbric F'2 . PR:\ 11t~. \It'a II, COlllt'X15318, chich 5214. phase 3c 2 Hu lopped rim (form t>pe I), cunc:d nal;.. f.Jbl>K ~1. PR' 1167. \It'a II. cUllInt :;:Ht-I, ditlh 521-1 , phao;e 3<:. 3. n.1I topped nm (form t)pe I), finger IInpre"l.sed on top of rim, f.thric S2. PR' 933, \rea II c()nlt·,,' 5Ct\!). s\{'1 (form type 2), fabric Q2 PR' !.55. \Ica II. ('(mlel\l :-,()!")5. feature jO.'l(;. pha.'tt':i. 6. V~.-.el with plain, rounded nm (form I)pe 2). tuned ~h()lIldl'l, fahric S2. PR' IIHI. Are'l I I . WIIIt''-' 5342. ditch 5214. phase 3c 7. Angular 'e~1 (fonn type 2) "ilh ililpll's.!led dOl dccor..ttiull. r.tbril Q1. I'R!\ 1111. .\rea II. .\rca 11. (on text .5210. ditch 5334. phase 3a. 8. Long neckcd ..'c\sel .... illt rounded rim (form (\I:Ie 3), f,lbnt SI PR'\ IOO!. (onle"l 306H, elitch 521:\. ph"'" 3d. 9. C;II illdled shoulder (form type 3). IJnprt.'s~d, f~thril S I. pO\.!ltbl) SC 7). f..tbric Q2. I'RN IOj2. Area II. (Olltexi 511 I, dilch 51()7, phase :k 20. Body 3herd \\ollh impressed decoration, f.Jbri<.: F 1 I'RN 575. ,\rca 10. COntCxt 131 n. dilch I-H9. pha3e 5a 21. Staml>ed amphme 10), cUl"V('d rim, knife trimmed. {;Ihlic (;1 PR"Js 435/436/437, WIlIC).t 117(l. pic 1121. pha"C!ia 28. Cordoned jar (lorl1l t)pe 10). perforaled base. f.lhtl(. G I. PR' 1531. Area 5. conLext 512. ditch 520, pll.l~ I. 29. Storage jar. r.lbric G 100. I)RN 20, AI"C


\ toL.11 of (he Iragmenl~ of ceramIC bUlldmg IlIdlelldl ~a~ f(.""(mered. allirom phase 5 ((}ntexu. 111 \r~a 10 (

'-1\/ ol,l/lII/mll'd obJl'fJ.\ (hg. 12) :i (\ ImdmalloOOl\\Clghl. (Y\ l()(H I. (Unlt.'xt 507K. pit .-IOii.

II()RKtD BONE bl RACHl:.L E\'l:. RY

1111 ce .... 01 h'd bunt' objt.."(u w('re n."t.:mc)"ed . ..\. hUI"<" meldpodlal hom dudl ):! I ... had pus\lbh been uuh-.ed .... a POlilt 01 .1\,1 (Fig. I:!. 1). SImilar <"',lInplc:s htln: been found c:Ja .. ,:! ,I .... h. u .. t:d 101 plt'Tnng hole~ in It:alhe .. 7i A perf01 tiled sheep 11l<"I ICWH'Il'd 110m gull} 1·140. Simiial pedorated .,hilft~ IM\'e ill'c.'n rec:ordc:ci from Oallebun and dt'M fibed a~ t la .. ~ I 1001, ( .... hl'l{' .1 tl"an~\t'l .. e perforation i" borccllhmugh the (enlrt.· 01 the .,haft) .... l1h an unklll)wn runoion.11'1 .\ small (,linch'ical obJe(J made hom.1 .,hull k'llglh nfloug hone ho\\(mt.'d out \\ith.1 double lllci'<.·d line ttmulld olle {'Ilel (Fig. 12,6) has rC("()\"l'1"('c! frum pha~e:\ pit 5UJO. Ihe ohJc<.t i:. 01 unk1lown functlull

/./\1 (JIll/llllmiNi ohJett, (Fig. 12)

Point CII .1 ..... 1. Or-.; IOU·HI. \rea II. lOlllnl .1Uh5. di(h 521 1. ph.l'it.' 3c :1 Pt.TfUl.t1c:d ~heep nl('tac.'I1-pal. 0' IOUIH. ,\n'.1 lU. Wlllex! 1(J19. gull, 1... ·10. pha,t.' 5h 6. Bom' obje

DI\ IRO"'IE:-':TAI l:.\,IDl:.~U

IlL \IA' BO'l:.I" JACQL'l:.Ll>';E I. \lcKI'Ll:.\

IllIllI.11l bOlu·. (Iemated and unblll"m. \\ .... n:('()\l'led fmlll 19 {unl("'xts in lhrce areas 01 the excavation 'me Rllluano-Il,lu"h conte'l!> III Area 7 CtHH.ll1l(·d \.u"ing quanutit'i of <.re:l1Ialtd bone: ,hrct:. I>o .. ~ibh fuUl dq>mit'!l rl'l)1 t'\enung the I elllains of burials. the I c,t of Iht: bonc bt'lIlg redt'pmited. Thl ee IIlhUmaUOIl bUlldl!> .... <.·IC e,<..I\.lIcd 111\1('.1 10. including two Romano-Brimh anclnlle Rom,lIlo-BritishSaxnn; one olhel dCp')slt I1la\ ha\<.· b{'('n the r('maln, of an inhumatlun bllli.1i ell h'l\e leplt''iented I('deposited bone. Six (e)fltt'xl~ in \1('.1 I) IIldtiding thn:e IIlhllmatioll bUlidls .mel 1I1I('c (Ol\elliol1\ of reciq>u!>lIcci bone. \\ell: alluf lum .\ge d.Ht'.

ii I ~dhH)(KI, 'Objt,tlll of Bon(' .tIIe1 \ntlel', III CUlllifk. 01'. lIl. nole :~j. PI" 3il-95. fol~. 7.36; :\.1 H~. iH Ibid h~. 7.:\7; :U77 \\ .\ T C " Y J 1:. L I) ..... II R I \ I .... if \ \I. 0"" () R 0., III R 1:. 2b7


\I1.11\'IS of the cremated rcmam5 foUo",e({ the "'nler'~ land'lId procedure to lble·. '? dcnOlcs ·probable· I h(" platymeric (degret" of anterior-poslerior lJauenlllK of the proximal femur) .and pldnCneml{ (m(:,\o-li..Ilt:r.ll flattening of the tibia) IIldlCe~ "'ere calculated where Plh!!lble,tH

R,,./t, (

ni~turban e ilnd condit ion

,\ mbnamial degrl'(' of 111.IIlcation wa~ noted in all alt.';IS of the Sill' ,lilt! tome(lut'nrh mOSl of 11ll' gri.l\'e'l- bOlh cremation and IIIhumation - \~ere yef\ ~ha.lI()w, with more than half hClIlg Ic\'\ Ihure ditch lIl\r('.1 II, '\ho", 5 characteristic c\'idence of cHud gna", mg. ~lIh '.tiline puncture marl..~ dnd gromes fOI nung ragged. ,\Orn l1largins.~6 The apparent singular occurrenc~ of gna""ed hUlllan bone l>hould be tempered b) the fo.lCl that lhe bone wa. recOl'ereel from the fill of a ditch onl) the wuthern end of which fell within the area (II) or excavallon. The bone did not originate from any of the eX(a\'aleel burials on site. ;Uld may hil\(' bcen ,"e l1lo\ct! by dog!! from 'I O\'er '\)ighd~. A ~ond, 68.1 x <4 • 111m area in the supenor-antenor of the right panetal, (').tends up to the edge of the wronal suture and to within (.30 mm. of the sag-mal. Sc\cral c1o!>e groups of fine. parallellinedl Illarks ((. 100-120) arc generally angled superior-medi .. tlto inferior-dorsal. with wme ven 'ilighl (hanges in angle and Wille o\crlapping. rhere i'i a p<)'Jsible third area o[marls in the fromal. .. lighth superior to that deo,cribed abo\e. but ro()(-marklllg to th(, hone makes it dIfficult to be conclu~l\e. ,\JI the mark.., hale dear. ~hilrp edge... ",ll1ch appear (() be .,light" angled and seem to ha\e been made "'Ith a sharp, narm'" blade 1Il1f) ·green', or at least not wmplcleh 'dn·,

79 J.I \fcKlIlle)-. Th~ ....,ngUrSaxon Crm,tIr; al Spong Hill, .\'orth f:J",lwIII pI. 'HI TIv Crr-mnJ/f1l1l (f..ast Ana-iian Archaeol. 69. 199-1). 1W C.C. Villi Beek, DenIal MOl'phoiog)·: un 11I,tJlml,d 1f/1U1, (19K:!); R.M.!!. M(MlIln and R. t: IllItchtngs, A Colour Atlm 0/ /-Iuman A MIa",) {I 985). KI W.M. Hd~S, Human {)\italogy (Mlso;ouri Architeot. ~oc 1987). I:S:.! D.R. Ilrolhwell, Dlggmg liP Botl/~ (1972); S: t: Brook~. 'Skclt.'t.i:ll\gt' at Dei.uh : the reliabiltl~ of eralH.11 and pubic age indicators', AlllmranJ"J. Ph)",- A,llh. 13 (1955). 567-9i; Bass. op. (it, note 81. ij3 B~s, op. Cit, note 81. K4 Ibid. 85 J.I. Md\lIlle)'. ·Cremated Human Bone from Burial and P\re-rdated Contexts', in AI' Fitzpatrick. ArrMloIogrcal F..)JavallOn.\ on lht Rami oj ''''~27 Ift~/hnmp"'1t B)fJnH. lit-It .)/1\\1''(, 1992, vol. 2: tJ,t ttmt'l'n~j (Wessex Anh.leo!' Rep. 12. 1997). 244-52 tl6 L.R. BlIlford,Annt'nl\ltn and Mooml M)lh (19M». lil<-l. I \I\L.~ ~. III \lA' BO"f Sl \I\lIKI !:: i

; Context Area phase type c.bone C'f skel. age ,ex pathology comment , wi. recoverl i-Uo\ 7 5 un.e.bunal 5i2.ig .... duh :'female ."l1tl; al)'.. ct"\'1; pet; op - J. .twcular ~ >:\() H. prcK.C\'i, finger phalangt" =.- T,:i 7 5 un.e.bUllill 25.2g 101.1111 / ,. :\.-, \1". " UI1.( ~:It'l1la le I up - I L 75(, 7 5 .burial 2177g ildull nbm orlnlalm; arlilultu ~ 1~--l5 H pnxt''i'l "~ 7r,7 7 :; Ig ~ 7 i6H 7 :; :- c.hunal 77.9g "Idull 77M 7 :; redeposilc"d O.5g 7~9 7 :; redeposited 0.1 g > 792 7 :; redeposited O.6g > IIlfanl 793 7 j rt'deposltt'C1 2.6g ,ubadult. .. duh

109M 10 5b :n.'depositt'd t. :Y~ llL'onate mho burial 1124 10 6 inh. burial , 60<. adult male (.tlle ; abstc.... ell; I'd, h~popl.l.3la; caltulu~; ( :\0--15 ) r pnl> - maxill;l,libiae & fibuli.lc !lhafts; fnbm orhltal",; cxo - p'ltella. r.radial lubelOsit); op - C 1,1 'L b~m, acctabulae. r.lsl rnclawr"al. 1st proximal loot phalanx; cy.,t'i - I'll proximal foot phalanx; piumg - auricular 'iurfaces. ncapula coronoid proccs'l; IllV - atlas

1:\·16 10 5b coffined ( 7$( mfant mh. buriaJ 6-9 month'l 5(K)2 II 3d mh. bun •• ) c.5(Yt adult? female fillle'; h~p()pli.l"l.i. Gl((uhl\; op - C1. III gl,lHo huh IS-30 \I iluntui

50():\ II 3d mh.burial { :\(Yt JUH'nilc ??m

5009 II 3d redelx).,llt·d < I~ adult h,popICl\la; Cdtlllll\; 111\ maxilla" 2nd 111(-j')()1 .. ho\dlt.·d

5011 II 3d mh. bUII;11 r.65"( adult female h,popl.,\,a; ul(ulll,); 01" Cl. IH-~5)1 pnb - (lbi,le & 1.lih,,!., "'h,tl1, Ill' IIli.L,ilIar) 12 ~ho\'(:Ih:d, pcgJ.{cd ,!,Upt'I'I1UIlH."I ..1I \ loolh

,,011.\ II 3d ?inh.bul ial { :1<;1 neon.lu: n ..'t.(}\ ('red .t, 'Ieit h,llId' 50) J

501 ~\ II :ld rcdepo'till'd (. 2lYc adull malt.· \\ (.'II·IH.·;lll~d Lll'p,-lllatIOIl 1,,11 un lIIilll.., .tIlei >-1':1\1. pallt.·I~tl n.lltl"1II1l1{ '-'Hit- J "I ,1.. .. 11 II 3d redepoMtl'd ( I', adult ?IlMIl' l'lI1l(l gn.t\\ II1K " hoi· Yo c. - uL'nr'llioll'cn:11IaLe - 051('Oph\I('\; (,"0 t."O"ito'!04:\; I'd - pc"(XIOnlal


" I. "'" < > r ~

~ r

Fig. 16. Human bone: lrepanned ~ku1l5013. \\ .\ I C 11 F I f_ I Il ~ II R I V f. N II \ M . 0 X lOR 0 S II I R t- 271 bone. I hell: IS no .. ign 01 healing. but It is imp«, .. sible 10 \al if the marl, .... ~re made Jwn- or jJo-.t M01'U'm. "111e mal L.s are (haraCterislKalh fine and shallu .... , .nc(-ling onh Ihe (Jutel' plate of the skull; the ~ition (right side onh) and high frequenn are not commemur.lle \\nh Iho\{' 'ieen m scalpmg. but the) are. alle.lst in form, sllnil.lr to Iho~ a"~)(l

Demographic clal,) rile remain, of a minimum 01 13 individuals \\t'l e identified, foUl' from i.llllongsl the {femated It' mains alld nine frum amongM the unburnl bone. rhe fhe IIldi,idll.lI, identified from Iron Age cOlllext .. \\ere ,til rcc()\t:red from \rea 11 rum IIldi\ldual'i \\ere re

H7 S \la\s and J Steele. 'A Mutilated Skull from Rom:'1Il ~t. ,\Ibilll , lIertfordshire, ', ~ntlqull.'f. 70 (1996), 135-61. C Roberts and h. ~Ianchestel". Tilt Ardw,oln/{f of OI\ttnf (199;). 85; Bmford, op.cil. nme 86. pp. 129·31. 'l.7'2 \ \ l (. II \ ," H I K H F (...... I .\ I

Dc'nl,t1 h'I)Opldsi,a \'0,'" noted in Ihe Ilt:lrndllt.-IIT 1f)00h tm",m lrom (he dt'llmions,XH \In'it "'cre Illild" •• flt'Cled "'llh unt'·(\\() f.ulII llIlt'S, The maxillan st"Cnnd tnci~ol .. and molars hnm 5003 hO\\t'\('I, each h.ul ;\ .. uong. dl'ep hnt' in lhe mid·no\\:ll. ~u).!;gt'\ling 'i()llll' tnmg lraumau< cpi"Odc - a (.', II m.n )>t.- ~i)(nifi(al1llhal thew le,ions \'oelc nUl(-d onh III tht, 1.!Lt" mhum.mull burial 1 121 I he \kul1, ~)() I :l. hel ... ;t \\cll-healed, '1lightl~ ellipufJI trcpanation In the left ,upenohmtl'riOI pam."l.al (~II( 16). Iht' It'SIIIIl 1Il('asmc .. ;! maximum 01'.')9, t x jO.O 111111 , in the.' t'ndocranial '1UrhKt', wllh r, tlU)-I().! mm. h(','cllt"d ('d"W Ki\inR a maximum dllllcnsioll of iii.!) x (ii,S mm, ill the exocr'lIli'll suriaH"_ rhe eX()(I,lIlial lIlilrgim .11"(' It'\'el Wilh lhe 'agillal and wronal 'illlllle~ bUI do not <:rO!lS lhem: thc endo('T.lIlIal margin lit,) .... lIhin 6,6 mm ollhe 'aglll,al sinw; and ""lIhin H.3 mm. of lht' (oron.11 suture, rhe mal'glll" oflhe lesioll'H(· in(omplctt' {\Ul" to pOll mmtrm damage. with t_ 36,:\ Illlll missing III the inferiohillterior ponion. The i.x'\('lIt·d ('d~W ulthe Il'~I()!1 is nlO" plonounced in lhe ~uperior-dOl~,-d and (\or\al portion, being both \,ider and ill ,I ~Iightl) 1110le ('wnd attt'lllpl at tlcpOIllilllon? I( ...o.n illu'[I;lIl'''1 Ih(' U'il' ul the '>(Tapmg I,ll her th.1II thc groo\ing mcthod, 1'lggOll nfltc(lthat of the c, 200 hllope.lIl trtp'IIl,!Uum f('COt dt'd ;11 the time, the most «)Inmon

1'11'\ S_" 1I111<;(1Il, "Dil't ,mel Dental Di .. ('do;e'. World hrluuol. II (2) (19i9). Ili-62, 1'19 H_ Roblt'do, G.J Ir.1l1(ho and n BlOlh .... l:lI, 'Crihl,1 Odm'lha: Ileahh Intil(atot'l> in tht'ldte Roman Population 01 L.IIlllinglOlI, Some!'.e!', ./,,/. p(JJ(JI'(t/J(itl/llIt,J..~ in) (IH95), IS:l-9:~ . ()(I II)ld !lJ J. W.llt-h ,md C. J)ulllg" '..\ Cmnp.n.ui\l" MI(lINupllal "'tllch ufthrt'{· huopean Irephined Sl..ull .... 1111 . Palrll'fI/JfltJwllJ10, :J (2) (19H9). 7:;-l:-\i n:? l'iggOlt, op, ('it, nme :14; S, PdtJ..t."I, (, R(ll:>ett~ and k.. rt.lall(hl·o,lt'r, "/\ Rt'\ie\\ of BI·llhll Irepanati()Il' \\ith Rt'pmts nn two Ne\'o Case.ll', OS.'),!' 12 (1981), 111,:,1:-\: Robt'II'1 ;lnd 1\1all(ht"'ter,, op. Cit nutel:-l7, PI', l.jJ ... 1. 9:' l'a,l('1 c:t 011.. 01'. cit. nOll" 93; J .1. \it J.i.inle) , .\ Probable 11 epanation from an Earh ,\ngln-S.lxon I ctnt'ten .It (hboT{)ugh, 'odolk', J"ll'nl(li ./nl. (NI'IHmlwt'fll. 2 (1992). 333-5; McKinley, '\ Skull Wound .mel PI)\Sible Itepilnillion (mm ,1 Roman (;enlt'len;tl 1\<11110<'1.., 11t'ltl()ld~hi .. e·, ibid, 33i-40; K" I't'nn, ,-I" ~"glfl­ \(1\011 (."nm'lt'rl III Oxlxmlllgh" Ur~l.\'or//llk· fx(atwtlm/\ /II /99() (t.il'it\ngiian\r(haeol. ()cca~. P"per 5, I~)~'H) . til Piggott. up. <:It. nmc 3-1; Robt.-n ... ,lIul \1andwSlt'r, op. tit, nole Hi, PI'. 91-1 95 PigJ.:otl. up. <:II note 34 9ti l)arl..i"l t·t .-II.. op cu. note 91 \\- ~ -, (. II 1- I t.. L D. ~ II R I \ f " It \ \t O}l. J- 0 R I) .., II I R • :1:73

\',(~rc:' obsen-ed in the medial <;urface of the tibiae and fibula ~hafUi, generall\ affecting the medial surfatt', Ihe characteristic (orm ,lnd di<;lribution of the le .. iom i, mu I IILel) to refleH minor trauma to the shin, \\ here lht' bone has little prutectl\e soft u~ue (O\erage.97 Ine poor <;L.det.l1 recO\t'r') of articular urfOlet''' and \enebrae M:'\t'reh limited the ubM'nallCln 01 JOIIll diseac;e, OestrUHl\e Ie-,ion.!. (indudlllg pitllng) and ne\\ bcme lormatinn (o,leophHCS) a<;<;ociated v. itll Joint" art' often dlfficuh to cia ~il), but some rna, represent the earh 'it..aRt"s of mteoaruuitisYs 'one of the obsened lesiom \\ere extensi\e or 5e\ere. I he t:au3ati\-e liluon of exosto~s (bon) gmv.th'i al tendon and lig-dmem lIlc,crtion.!.) mav mdude ad\an(ing dge, tlaUmdlll !llress, or various diseaS('~ ancl It is nOI al\\,l\s puso,ible to be condusi\e "nh l('speo to the .tetiol(~ 01 particular lesions.9f:J Morphological variallons or non·mel1 ic tram rl'ple~1H \-arialloll'l III Ihe sLeletal morpholo~, nme 01 whilh ha,·e been attributed to de\elopmental abnonn.lhllcs, for imtance, 'squaw"&, f'lcet.';' are mo,t often 111.111 (onlcal _crown) IS it Willmon variation in the ma_xilldl) !le(ond IIlllsor. to. ExagNcrated margin.11 lIdges ploduClIlg it sho\-el·form crown IS.l (omlllon '·ari6OCiated pre'i'iure) were probably IIltportant influences. 107 There is no evidence to suggest deliberate fragmentation of bone prior to buriahlcPQ~iuon. Lattle Plrc debri'i was noted in the backfill of the gra\cs -on"- slightlhalcoal flecking III burial 753 - , .. hlch IS surprising given lhe proposed do'ic proximity of the p~re sites. It is, however, possible that p)Te debris WitS IIlcorporated in Lhe upper fill of the gra\-·es and 'iub

97 Roberl.'i and \1ancheSler, op. cit. nOte 87, p. 130. !)S .J. Rogers and T Waldron,:4 Fr~ld Guul~ Wjll"'l f)l\fa.'>I /II In/UU'Q/(l1O (1995). 99 Ibid. 24-5. 100 Brothwell, op. cit. note 82, p. 92; T.1. Molles

rhe n.HUIt' of the remaining fc"tture!l from \\hKh Hem'llce.! bone \\ib leco\.ered I~ ddMlable. The qUilllIiuec, of bone are .tli \el") small «3 g .. mO!llh < I g.) and all rna} haH' been aCCIdemall} ledep<> lU:d. p.lIlicul.nI't III lie" of (he known trune.llion Thu.. c: wmaming dl.lTcoal - fl66 and 867 - rna, tt'pr~nt tht: remains of 1M' p~re base\ Of under-p;re draught pit" InIO ",hich lhe mall quantiues 01 erem.tled bone fell dUilng (I emalion ilnd ilfe residua] \\ ithin Ihe pyre dt'bn me \("r, 'irnall quantlt) recovered flom fealul e 71 K Illa\ comprise n:deposited p\'re debl;s. i.1«idenlall'l" U1 del.ber.llel, Illcol-porated within the fealure, lOH


I\m \mi.lll ...... cmblage n:pre.. enu; a (h~par.tte mix 01 dep«)sll5 ""hith appear 10 illuslrale c.h.lIlgc In mortU.IO !,1,l(tire)! ,mel Irt"allnelll Clj human H:rn.unll mcr lUlU.:. rhe hun .-\ge dep()~its mclude dual bllri'li.!. - not unc.ornmon III lhi3 pel"iod (e.g. Cockc, Down, Wih.shire)109 - and hmh potenuall) 'accidental' .md deliber.ltel) Icdc.:poositcd hUlllilll remilin3. Iflhe ~kuil5013,luund I}ing up'lde-dn .... n adjacem to frdgmelll 01 a caule likull in a large I'" ..... illl a deliberate depusu, was this p .. ulkulal ~kull (hu~n lx."(·au:!te of Ihl' trepanalionr I he' l"UundeJs of hone rellloH.·d from - ohen po.\1 mortt'm - lrepanned ~kllll~ appear (() ha\(' had an ,lInuletjc qualil) III prclll!.lOn· .mel a sim ll.1I 'super.,uuouo, esteem' 111<1) have been afforded the trepanned sku ll ,110 I he }{olll


I hc exnl\, pmdllled Mgnificant ,lInoums of ;llllmal bont" Iro1l1\reas 5, i. 10 and II l.illie 01' no honc "'d'i rC«)\elt'd from the mher area'S. \lost of the bc.me ... recmen:d ",ere from lIOn Age anel Romano-Briti.,h ('()ntext~ and lhe\e \\('I'e anahsed in del.til. A fuill('"(-ord (II the clllllndl bones can be found III the as"e"

R'.\ lIll.~ Prt'serv,. Gn.''''lIlg \\d5 prc\ellt al a 10'" (II tnodenuc It'H'1 ()\ crall. wnh more gna .... mg damage in phase 3. 1 lowe, er, ("()lmdl' l"able variation was found 111 phase ·1 '" hel (" gnawing W;l~ \en high III one ditch Jnd 10\\ eisewherc. Huml hone~ hefe o(."casionalh 1(lUnd, partltlti.lrh lrorn lhe phase :l ft:"ature~ of Area i

101'1 J I. Md'lI1il'), 'Smille .-\ge ' Ba. nms' and the i-"uneran Rites and Rituals of Cremation', Pm( Prrhul \0(.63 (1997), 129--15 . 109 J. 1.00cll, with ~. Ilamlhon-D\(;" I, 1:.. Loactel .111<1 J.I Mch.IIlIl'~, ' Further Imestigatlom 01 an Iron \Kl' and ROlllolno-Bnllsh F

Phase Ilorse Callie Sheep! Pig Red Cattle· S h ee p ~ Ma m Dog Fox Polecat fl are FowV Amph Sm Phase 3 excluding skeleton in pit 5019 -I Total 32 122 76 33 2 121 56 80 0 I 0 0 0 0 524 " Ptrrml 6.2 23.5 11.6 6.3 0.-1 2,.3 10.8 15.4 0.2 0 0.2 Ii 0 0 0 = Cattle:sheep:pig 52.8 32.9 1·1.3 4 12 163 48 7 0 502 50 59 8 0 0 0 0 24 68 941 :- Perccm 1.3 17.3 5. 1 0.7 0 53.:1 5.3 6.3 0.9 0 0 (I 0 2.6 7.'2 '" ~ Catde:shecp:pig 74.8 22.0 3.2

Phase 4 excluding pit 1418 ~ Total 12 128 47 6 0 142 46 59 6 0 0 0 0 24 68 538 = Pn"cf111 2.2 23.8 8.7 1.1 0 26.4 8.6 11.0 1.1 II 0 IJ IJ 4.5 12.6 " Catllc:sll CC p:pi g 70.7 26.0 3.3 ~ 5 I 2 1 38 3 0 '10 63 115 2 I 0 I I 3 2 32 1 5. 9 53 53 9 0 75 29 55 5 0 (I 0 7 0 0 295 '"z 5b 16 173 79 17 0 22 1 3·1 73 I 0 0 (I 0 0 0 6 11 = ~ Total 26 247 170 29 0 336 126 273 8 I 0 I 8 3 2 1230 :to Pefcn" 2.1 20. 1 0.8 2.-/ 0 27.3 10.2 22.2 0.7 Ii. I 0 (J.I 0.7 0.2 1i.2

~ Call1e:sheep:pig 55.4 38. 1 6.5 ~ Grand 70 617 294 69 2 959 234 412 17 8 27 70 2782 X Total .,. 0 Pel"ce nt 2.5 22.2 10.6 2.5 0. 1 34.5 8. 1 14.8 0.6 0 0 0 0.:1 2.5 Excl 70 497 293 68 2 599 230 412 15 8 27 70 2294 " skeletons "~ Perrenl 3.1 2 1. 7 12.8 3.0 0. 1 26. 1 10.0 18.0 0.7 0 0 0 0.3 1.2 3.1 CauJ e:s h {'{' ~ : Qi g 57.9 3·1.1 7.9 '" Ke) M:lln: mam mal Amph: Amphibian

~ '"~ 27(i \ A l (, II \ N I" I R 11 ~. C K r~ 1,\ I .

Species Representation I he lllaJOnlY of Ihe bones idenlified to taxon W('le of the Illilin domestic animals. caule. sheep.'goal. hor'>C Jnd pig (1~lble 9). O .. elall. Ihe assemblage is dominOlled by rhe bones of catLle with the bones of \heep:goat the Ilext 1ll0~t frequent. Of the 29.,1 o\'icaprid bones olll\- I H could be po\itivel\ identified as sheep and none could be identified as goat (using BoeS'inetk 1969 and P,-tlne 1985).110\ GO.elIIS almost ah.. a\-'s at a \ery low le\elill wllect!ons III -.outhern Fngland and il i'i a~umecl lhat aJl or 010\t of Ihe remains here are of sheep. II()ne and pig bont's are .limost equally represcnled. Remains of Olher laxa "ere extremeh rare wuh bones 01 dog. recl ekel. fox, pol<.'Gll. hare and fowl represented in .. malllltllnl>er., .. \ partial raven skeleton and the lema ins 01 ~me 'illlall m,tllllllals ilnd amphibi.. were also .. cen rhe ~mallC'r bones ..... ere recovered from sie\'ed samples. rhe Gmlt: relllams include a complele skelcton 11'0111 Pha .. e :{ I)il 5019 and a group of parlldl .. kclclOllS from phil .. e 1 Pil I 118. 1n t hc gcnt'! ill a,,!!cmblage taphonomic fauors are likely 10 have I.n.oured larger and more den:;;e bones (}n'l the !!malln .lIld 1110le fragile. However, even allowing 101'

PhllY ,\Ul1lm(l11e,\ and df.\rnplioll oj major group.\ of materilll

I)hil~e 3 blll>·M!ddle Iron .\ge, .\rea II .\ IOlal 01 611 hones "as recmel'ed from the numerotl~ ditch. gully and pit mntex15 assigned to this pIMsC'. Caltle ... heep, pig and ho)"<;e were identified I hi., pha\e ,,1.,0 oilt.'red Ihe only e\ ide nee of deer. t\\-o "mall pic'('t~" of alltler tip, one sawn, from pit 503(). 1'11<\ .. e 3. pI! ;;009 \ callIe skull. probabl> deliberalel~ placed up~ide dm, n wllh a human skull, was re(.'overed from this pit

Phase 3, pil 5019 (Fig.U rhis pit col1t.lllled, and was probabh dug for. il .. inglt.' catllt, (mGt!!s. F'<':<'I\ \\hith

Ph of horse. GIllie, .. heep anc! pig logclher with unidentified fl'agment~. hq) hOlles had been gnawed and a cattle-sized "ib had lJeen cut.

I}ha~e 3b lht' 2:) IXHle., from lhis phase l'Olllprised hor,\(', (attiC' and ,h('('p. hn> gnawed bones indicale Ihe pre~cn(l' of clog on ~ite ,

Ph,,"e ~c Ihe 11M bones from this phase were n:lameh \\ell pn:sern·d. \Imost ,Ill !lIthe malellal is from tht, domestic .. pede, with a relativel) high number of horse hOIll''' .. \ lew gllav.-ed bones again indicate dog. The .. k.ull of a mll'ltelid \'

111 J Bot'SSlled. 'Osteological DifTerence~ 1)('lwt'en Sheep (Ol,jl (Int'I Linne) and Goal (Capra II/reus Linne)'. III o. Hroth\\ell and LS. lIiggs (ed~_), ,')'Clt'fIU m ,Ir(/weoiog) (1969). 331·58; 5. Payne, '\101'pholugical Distinctions between the \1andibular Ieclh 01 youn~ Sheep. (h'IJ. and Goat~. Capra', JlIl. Irrlllleol.')(I. 12 (19M3). 139-ti, W ,\ ,- C II I· I E L D ~ II K I \ f. " II \ \1. () X FOR n S II I K f. 277

that thi~ Lull is of.tn •.lnimal ",hich died in the conlexi. II nl.l\ ha\e I><:cn deli\ed from the backfill or perh.1ps Irom a pdl, ahhough no sl..mning marl.. were ()b~rH'd I)ok~clt \\.1\ also idenufied at Gu. s.age \II S.linb in 00N:'1 and sc\er.11 \\ere recmered from a Rnmano--Hlltl\h ",dl at Oal..ridge, Basmgsu)l..e 115 ukt: .111 mu tehd~ tht:, GIn be utili<;ed for Lhe pelt. but lIla\ al~o be mnsldert.·d \ermin. Ph.1\e 3d Ini~ pha-.e mntributed I,B b()ne~, and included (Jule" '1 he: tauk bone are: of al lea'it lin' aninlal .. Boo('" of uthcr W,a IIlcludt" h()r~ and pig. Some of the bune '" l'rt.· dog goa\O,e:d and t\O,o ha\e butcher) IllJI ks. 1111 ce: of th(' caule bonc~ \\Cle complete and fu-,c:d, \\'itht'l~ lll·igim 'H'le cstim.ued from Ihese and rangt.· from 1.11 Ill. to 1.1·1 Ill, J hi'i group appears 10 repl"c\em limllt."fl, epl<.()(lic, dumping ralher than a gradual build· up, bUI "l."\("ral of the bones were ex»(KC'd long enough bt.-fnre di~pH .11 for dog~ to ho-ain acces\. PlltIse I. Llle Iron .\vc .\reas 10 and 5 \ total of ~lll bone~ wa~ recmered from ditch cnntnh In \1 ea I() .mel pits 111 both areas; Area 5 contributed jll\! 10 bonc,," in 101.11 In Art"a 10. pit 111M cOIlI.uned .. ('\.CI,tI p.uti,tl cattle .. kelelons .. \Jmo!)t'lli of the 'tlllall mammal and amphibian bones in the a!lsembl"Jr.:"e were rt'l{)\'ereci from a complete pot in diuh 1111. lltc~ wt.'re of <1 lo.td and it IIl1llimUIll of four woodmi<.e ilnd fOLII .. hort-I.lilt'd \'Ole\. Dclibenlle bUI"ial o;cems unlike" .111(1 it is prub.tble th"l the alumals u"ed lhe pot <1\ ~hehel

.\n.'01 10. PIt 141H rhls contained d complex sequence of deposition oJ pJI tial ~kelelOm of caule logether \\ ilh .t Jew fragments of pig. ~h('ep .Ind d()~. fhe rel1Mins \\(~re I"ather h.lgmel11an and frcquenth difficult 10 as .. ign to mdi\idual 0011<.'\ in Ihe case of the rib, and \enebrae. Although onl), one bone bore butcher, mark.... Ihe COIllCIlI\ of thi., pit .Ippear to be a dump of .It led-'.ol 'tIX -'-'tripped c."lllic (arC<1\,>(''i, comisting mainh of the IhclId' \\Ith Mll1le ~LlIlI, pehis and an occasiollallimb bonc. Other (dull' bone., in Ihe pit appear to be unrehut.'

115 R.A Ilarcourt, 111e Animal Bones', in GJ "aim.. nght. 'Gus\ilge .\11 SaintS: An Iron Age Settlement III Dorset'. IX)F Ardultol. Rtp. 10 (1979), 150-60; J, \I \1<1llb,, ' rhc .\!limal Bones from a Romano--Briti'th \\'-"1 at Oakridge II. Uasingstol..e', Proc Hon Ls Fid, Clubul/J/ Archllt,,1 SO(. 19 (1993), 17·76. :!7H \' \ l (. II \" n t N. I~ f. (; h. ~,I \ 1 •

,\I(;a 10. enclu.,u!l· dulll 1441 nle W It'rminal contamed " dump of ,ulImal I>UI1t:,. IllJlIlh of caillt.', I1li~ indudt:"1 a group 01 po",!bh assoo.ued (aul<: nb~ .lIld \(~ I lehrae of al It.'''''( t\\O .Hllmals. "'nnt" of lht.' lib.. :,ho\\ed healed breil!..:'

,'reil 10. encl05UH: dllc.h 11'32 ,tIld II :t, Thl' hune 11'0111 111(""1(' t\\O cil1che!l are \en ,unilar; .lhhnujiI;h dOlllll1<.11Cd In thc ~>nes (If tattle and wlllallling on I, Ill(' hOllC5 ul till' dome!.llC ~pt."Cie!ltht·" .Ht' It"", biiL\t'd in fa\flUr nl (."atllc than e!!tt.'\\here, ,\'-(-'it 10. d!lth 12HIl rhe 6:l bones from thi, le.lIme itre 1110'111" of the t' pt.·tlt'd dOIlle-'Ili{ unKulates, but 111 dddiliull lhe parti.11 ,L.e!ctnn of .. bud \\.IS found 1 his" wmpiu<.Ibk \\llh an Imllldlurc raH'n, both kg and \\InK hOlle .. M'It' It'(()\clt.'d but nu ... L.ull nr am Pdrts of lhe a'''l) .. ke!(.'ton, \ '1Il.11I fragmcn! of bird limh shaft in ilnuthcl liII could 111)1 be identified

/)t.\(II.\\um Lill.!l: Ihe .tiMtomlfal di .. tribution " hlased 111 f.. \olIl IIf loost' leeth (22.Sfk), In poorh pre~n'ed or hilgmclltt'd mal(,'l lillth('st' t:d millet iallll.t) h.l\l,ix'en I 1l1l.aill1 IMIUll'; till: depmitiun ofthc {dUIc: .md human ,l..ull in pit !}O()9 h.l!i lIt.·.II" delil>eI,lt(' dlld IIll1d.tlcd to dOllll"ti( dl'posal, COlllpll'te 01 pallial (;lr(.,,'('5. unmlt.tl .lsstKiiUiul1\. hmitt:d. but olth(O 10 m.lndiblc.\l wuh let,th ,i, wcre of malUrt' ilnd l)wbJbh ;aged '1II111I,lls. ,Inel four \H.'le of 11ll11l.IIUI"t' (but full gn," II) .1111111.lh "'Llh the thlld mular nOI )ct in \\C,II. l piph''Ii.l! hl~i()11 d

Sheep KOji! The bOIll'" of .,ht"f:'p were mort' une\enl, cli5tnhutt.,c! alit)" thl" ~L.elelon than thme of ct5 a SUI \ ".11 1'lIht'1 th'lIl iI rCllll'\.1I bia5 \., \\ Ith the catllt' loose tt'('th hen' thl' mo'l ht"«lt1t'1lI t:1t'!lH.'1lI at 2i.2f4: of the rem.un"

IIIi JM, \ •• Ilth), '\!limal nUlles ilnd du' i{olll;tIlo.lhiti .. h ~,(CJn()lln", III J Ciuuon·lhocl.. ,lIld ( GIiK~()1I {(:d,.?, ,~tllmnl\ /11 InJ/tIt'%lD (lHR. Inl. \(:t. ~27, P1MH, 125.:lH I 7\. (,r<.lllt, '\nimall1mbandn', iii Cunlillc:, lip. (II. IWI(: :i:~, pp. ·H)()-5·18:\. Clam, 'Sul\'l"ll 01 Sal! diu..'? . \ <.:riu(,11 ,Ipplai!lai ur animal bllllais in Blll,lln III thc It on .\ge', III ChHwn·lh(x!.. .md (.1 ig,on, op. (II. lIote llfi, I'P, 221-8~ \I Cleell, humall ItI CrU'l 1,1/1" rllIlI ,'hili (1992): S. Hamilton-Olel, 'I he \nimal Bone .. hom Cm,\~ell Road. Faring-doll' (in pi ep,); ..,. 1I,1I1111wlI-l), e'r and I, \1 \Ialtb\. 'Tht: .-\llIm,tI none~ fmlll.1 ~.Implc.: (II Iron Ag(' Cnnte,~·. m.J.( B\, ' rhe' \.uiabllin of I'.tunal ",.llIlpl~'" ,md Iht.'11 EfTcu, un\geing I)at<.l·,III n. \\"il .. on, ( (.IIK'OIl .md ..,. ' •• 1\ ne le(h.). 1Kt'ItIK mill \n':WE{ ~m,,,,,' Hmlf\ Jmm Itrllllrol/ll{u'ol SIIt'1 (I\'\R 109. HI~2), 2~?:\·~)(), "AI<-HFlfl U, ~IIRI\ 1"11'\'1, ()'FORn~IIIRf :li~1

Inc: a(her,e taphonomic effects on the d.lt.a for \heep can be seen m the number of mca.-.urable di~tdl tihiae. rhi I usu.llh Ihe most frequt'nth a\.ulolble m(:asuremt:IlI. 119 In this current collection JlI t three ubiat: \'+t'rc mea'lIrablt'. and c;i, bones in «)loll. :\.11 that c.an be: 'lId I~ that tht'\C: tall ",ell withm the range for olher Iron \K/,.' m.lten.lI from 'oOliLhern England. \ '1lnglc, com plett' bUl broken. meLaI,lfSUS from pit 5030 KI\C~.1Il l' IIma(('d \'. nher., ht.'lghl of 0.554 m 'fbis bone had b(.'·en modifit.'d. perhap:, during use, the c;hah being \'.urn mouth .lnd cOIlMder.lbh ndrro\'.cd .. \ similar but betll'r ~rt:..el\l'd lIt.'m \'.~ re-c:O\ered from a Romano-Brill h wntexl at the nearln site al Cox\\t'll Road. F.mngdnll . .W 11m \\.IS cll'arl) \'.orn and groO\cd in me at both ('Iuh uf the ~h .ah . pel hap~ as a handle or in ..omc pmu.· .. s .t.'i~)(i.12l "( hirlet:n .... cle iii stage 6 (JI ovel and no IIl<.:1lldible~ .... t're frnllliambs (MaJtby sl

11m S<' ViI{ .md do" lIorse and pig \\-ere at a \irniJarl) lo\'. le\(~ 11Il compari~()n \'.uh (allil' .nHI sheep. '\lam oj the h()~ bones \\-('re, fI)' would h.l\e been, complt:tc and all hones "Ilh dlti(UlauOIl'i \'.ere fu .. ed. Of the 14 mea\ured Ihree uOen:d \\-\lllel' height estimales of 1.130 rn .. 1 17~ m. and 1.2~):J m . •.tIld (hese pom-sited \'alut·s ,Ill' t)plc.11 ul Iron _\g~ m.ucrial. '0 height e .. timates could be made for the fc\'. bon(:'~ of dog but tht' bone, .Ibo Indicaung that these bone~ had been a\ ailahle to do...:\ .Ind \\('I'C not Imme:diatelv buried. Some bones will ha\(:' Ix.'t:n Id!..l·n ,,"a\ .lIld !>omc destro\ed wmplt·lt'h. adcllllg to the ad\cne w.phonomic elTt..,(I' on the d"l>embl.lge.

Other LIXiI Bones of other .Ullmals are \'er) few Ie:present lox, polecat and hare .. \11 of lhese Ill.!, hilH' been mili .. ed 01' reg-ardcd III a spcCJ are IIkel) Ie) be inut\C'nti.IL

II!I J\t Maltil), 'lron\ge. R{)mano-Rllu~h and .\ngh)-~.lxC)n \nll11;l1 Hmh

HI'g;QIlIlI (omlXItHlm \

I he V.lk 01 the \\"hlle Hor'ie form~ the buundan 1X.'l\o\(.'{,11 tht, [)obunniJ and the .\tn:batl'" and tilt" l ffingtnn \\'hlte II()I~ and C'anh",Ulls are just 6 I..m. to lin- ""lith, IlmH'\l·'. litLie t'\,dence ,,1 Iron Age .llLhit\ h.\d p,'e\ iOtlllil, been relorcit."

11m ,ample, though not well prc'it.'1 ,ed, has pnJ(lu('ed 'i4:unt" IIHt'1 c:\ung re .. ults. \ number o!llIlmuill dcpn'lil' .lrt.' present tnduding some c\iden(e of cal (ass pmll·,.,ing not p.II,t1ldl'd eI .. e,\ here. I here I' .1 hlglll'r It·\ l'i 01 (.lIlIe than e'pt.'Ctt,ci from Wessex Iron .\ge ~ile ,whi(h .Ife lI~ual" dominaled b, .. ht·t>p. I he \allt') 'IuuaU()1l III;!\ be rde\'ant. p('rhap~ providing better pa~lule lor (.ullc. but the ponr prc,enallon Illll\l <11"0 lx.. lal..('n IIlLO allOlillt. I he llnu~uall) high le\eI of pig l1uled al nead" (.rollnc!\\('11 Fallll i~ nol repeatl'd hell'. 'Ilthough ot her a~p('Cls of the aSllicmblage are ilinH"" Ihl'll' ;11(' \t'n ft'w .Issemblagc.. from lhi~ import.lIlt 1I11l.l1 boundan .md the rolle .. \,t1uahll' UUllllbutioll 10 the d.u,1 from 11m are..


<",llllplc .. \\Cle pnK.l·"sl'd;l1 Wcsse, \n, h;ll.'ol()~n 1)\ .. Iilnd.trcllllelhot"l" pau~ nl glulllt"s and p.lIl, of Ihl' ladm, IInh glunu.' h

12b Imgle. up. til. noll' 5, I:.!? I,], eO\. "1 lit' Animal B()nt'~·.1II ('IIl~c:II. lip 11 and \1 \ Rubin<;()II, n/l' Pr"Jllllmu rtlllf/IWjJf (lm/lrotl tKt' f.lu/ol/'f/\rtlifml'1I1 fit \l1I/~1t'\ ])'/(11. IltmJwlfk u'l/h lelJmd. Own. (Ole \, I~~):'). 1\0 ( ""t,Ile.:, \m' Fl/IItJ uJ til, Hnlllh /II", (2nd t'dn, 19(7). \\ Arc II tit I D. -; II R I \ t , II \ \(. () 'X FOR I) S II IRE ~H I

fll"u/u E.ub·\llddlc: lrun \Ile L\rea II) lllt: 1M' ditch \ample from lhlS area colllJ.ined onh Ie .... H:,reab and .... ced seeds. Slighlh more .... tl(' ICtO\ereO hom Ihe piu bm most .... cre poorh prt"'lenro. tht· (."(mdition of Ihe cereal rra~ments \uggcHlIlg hea\\ (halrlllg alHior lalcr damage. Wheal appear 10 be th<: maJur cereal bUI It can onh be tem3meh a~slgned lei "ipecie~, although ~me grains appnMch lilt: 1\ pic.lI form\ 01 TnlU"um \/H'lJa or T d,(o((um (speh or emmer), Chall h,lgment" .Ire fe .... and conlilln the pi (·'-Cn(t· of thc.. e glume .... heal.. /{mdnlln I'ulgllrt (hulled (Hn .... b.lrlt.'\) gnllm .... cre 11: ..... frequt'nt and 1;'fflIJ "p. (o.us) ouurred unh Ollce, in a .. ingle pit 'kImple. Wild plant set·d ... also fc .... III number, arc l'tplcal field or grd\'~land "1>t.'1.le ..

Lite Iron ~ge - e"rl" R()mano-Rriti~h (Ared 10l I he dil(h ~mplt's included little c\ldence (If (creal gram'l. hut slight" mort· chaff. -nlC pH !kI.lIlples gd\C C()lllra~tlllg I esults; the sample from I>H 136S (colllnt I :~56) Hl1Hallled \oel) fe .... grams but a li1rg~r numl)(:1 of ('mllwr or ~pelt glulllc ba~s. whereas the \.l1nple from pit 1112 (Will ext I·, 10) produccd it much grCil1('r proportion of .... ht".u and unidentifiahle cen.:.l1 hagmclll\. bUI \(~ Iy Imle (hafT. rhe poor condition of mo~t uf the gr.tim in this "


lhe re~ull from the earlier ll"On Age samples Irol1l ,\rea I I do little lllore than Indicale cereals III use and the I'· .... remains hert', panicularl) those from the ditchc .... are pmbdbl) me'l"eI, eh'lIlcc occurrencc~. I he larger II umbers III lhe early Romano-Brimh pit '1.l1npl(·s (,\rt: .. 1 10), hO\\('\·er. arc more suggesuvc of delibe",lle deposition. and the c:haff and small ....·red <;ecds in pit 1365 correspond 10 a b,'-product of \\ mill) .... ing. Ill!: quantiH of grain in pit 1112, rno t of\\hich i \en damdgtel. rna, pelhap'l represent the dl3po'kll of burned prepared f.::r..lin, but ItS \oCT) degraded condition ~uggcSts th,lt less robust Items such as chall Of small .... eed .. c('d~ mal .... elllw\"c been dcstro\cd. Ill(' (h.11 red VI.lIlt fr.!gmenLS flom the Romano-BllIi .. h P\ le-relalcd featurcs in Area i pre lImabh .... (·re addition to lhe fuel. TIH.:ir deri"

1-.. II I \ .\ lit III( e [wn .\ 'e PI "h{'~: I \ &. :1Il LIlt' Irun .\i1.(' 10 1' .• 11 \ Rumall RUI1lOltlH·I\I IIIl> I < h ' ..HUI( · Dud, Ditch I'll Pit Dud, DII(h Pit I'll catuH: )'" I~ n.' b<1\(' 53:~1 527(i 50311 5053 I 117 1133 1365 1112 71~ 7:, I 866 (.ontext ,;2 J(l 5225 503·1 50811 Illfi 1068 135() 1110 757 n2 793 ".lInple IHI 2(H)X5 200U2 20059 20074 2006:\ 20069 20055 20061 20()(Ji 20014 :.WOOI too:! I > 7 S.unple \OIUlIIl' (hllC:~) )(1 J(l 10 )(1 I() 10 ., I() J(l 10 10 I() Cultivated Plants

Intll:~m (I '/11'/1(/ gr,ull'. ... pelt I 2 I 7 3 9 :1 glulllt· h

Int,ruIn 'P, ~ .'{1.1I1l\ Ul1l1l}("ufied .... 11(:".llS :1 6 2 I 3 ( 180 ('.50 :13 1:1 2 IIlIn/nun 'II/Klm' gl,WI, hullt'd h.llle\ >" I 2 3 I 8 2 \) :; I " r.lth,,> Ira"" I 3

h'nw ~p. H1<11 11\ o;\rs I I I 2 6 2 I .1\\ /I II agllu.'nt ... 2 3 22 :1 I (:ereali .1 IIlcl,:t. - J.{1'11Il\ IndetellllUl.lle (1,'1 e<.ll .. I I 2 I (.jO ( .20 5 11,lgllwnb «DIIII <11.:!.""lIn l. <051111 /).:!51111 3101 1.5ml >o.~lIn l U5m1

II I ',nn II/btl fidd 01 hi Odd hean I Arable and Grassland plants

/((Jllu,ulI/", \tI"llIl/\ /Nln..,j1mU\ hain til .. mall-lIo\\er('d I hUlIl'llllj> Chl'llO/XI(JlIlln alhuIn I 1.11 lll'tI I 2 UWllOiJud'llln \p. u,tX)M:lnOI I

11n/111'.\ /nm/III1(I,/HltlrilJ 'pe;.lr-ll';I\l'd ell 19 (ClIllIllOn CW.I( hl' .'I"lInna mnlUl, ""glultl rhid..\\t·t."d I I I I Canoph\-II.Kt".I(' Illdel pink I,tlnih I (/ Pfll.rKlltWm flf·,,,tlmt· L. knot!{I" .... I 3 2 "(1//0/)10 rmITJ{I/t'll/,n (I .) ,\ I.i)\"e hl,1( l.. huuhH'(.'t.i I I I I Rumtx cr IUfIO.\il (01l11110n "01 rei I 4 2 Rwfll'.,,(s p . dock I 1 ~ I 2 1'will sp. 'Iolctl or p,lnS) 2 I ',rw lumdll h'lir)" L.lre I r,cU'lltlrmjwrma (1..) Schreber Sl1l00UI Ian." 2 I I l,cUI h'nUIIJ'/ll'lrru~nlw t.1I cs I I I I I I 4 I 15 I rf i.aJhlrnJ m.uolUJ g •• I.... \ct{hling I 2 I ',c;w !..athynn sp. H,t{h or H'l(hlmg 2 2 I I I 3 2 2 Mtdu·ago It,pulma I.. bl.tC.k me-dick :\

-n1JoIuH11 lip. cJo\c"1 I 2 .., r. Med/c(J/Jo(/h{obl/11I sp. Illcdic:.kJclu\'t'r I I 2 Odorl1dt~f.llpJlrQjm .. p . ban'iia or c}cbng-ht 2 I

Shn"arrilfJ flf'l'f'l1.lj.l L. field 1ll.ldde..- 3 I ? I r C.abllm apannl' I_ dea' crs 2 2 I I 5 2 2 3 ::: cf Pulu~ona d'jlrnltnCO (ornmon tlc<1b;lne I . 11I11ll'/1/i5 cOlu/o L. Sli n king- 1lI,l)weed I I friplelirol/Jn1nu11I modol'utn(L.) sc'entlcss may\\eed ~ I Sthullz~BII)

Asler<1ccac mdcl. dal~_I.llnih I c;,,,",,, sp. sedi:c 2 I 2 I 2 d Fe.IlIt((l, l.ollUm Sil. fC"S(ul' 01 1](" grass 3 7 6 2 cf 1100 almlUl L annual gr.1SS II o d Alobtrtmu J1hltwn ~p. joxLdil 0"- {·.u's tail gr 2 2 .., Brol1llls .. p. brollle grillis I I I 2 2 5 3 I 2 o" [)(mlhoIJUl dt(uI1Ihm.1 (L.) DC he'llh gnlS'i I " Il oilce<1C mdet mdctcl mUlatt' small I 2 I I I 2 :l 2 ::: 3 II J> RT;tS-,CS = Wood o r Wood maryin plan(S " COf1,lus (wrllmUi L.- 'ihell fraRmem hdlcl I '" /'run".. ~ \pl1lO~1I L -fruit Slone sine I I +?l 281 \Al GIIA~ BIRI1ECI\. t- I :\1

CIl,\RCO.\L b) ROWE, ,\ GALE

~har(OdJ \\

Bulk ~)il ~.lJllple, "cre pnllc,sed b) flotation dnd "IIC\lI1g u .. II1K !tldnddn.J methc)(h rhe £101, and rc~"ldut'!t were ,}(Jllncd and (harcoal fragments s(.'parated lrum Ihe ch,lrred seed,. nle ch.umaJ \\.lS mOMI) I'athel "palse 2 mill, In radial CfOMHcuion "('Ie: plep.lred for c",.ulIination using !ttanddl'd method. Fragmelll' ..... efe fr"<:Iured lO cxpose fre,h If,IIlSn'I\(' suriaft'" and solH'd into group~ based on the ,lndIOlnic .. 1 featurc!t obser.. ed using a x20 hand len .. . Repn:M' IlIJli\c fragments Ii'om each .... mple \\(:1'(.' ,elcoed lor detailed .,lmil a( high magnificilllon Th(·... e were fra((ured to expose the tangential and radiaJ pl.wes. 'lIppuncd 11\ washed sand. and examllled lI'itng Ol Nikoll l.abophOl microscope al magnificiluons 01 LIp to ",,100. rhe an

I he.' eh.lrtoal Slrllttllre v.as matched (0 Ihe lax.1 CH ~T(lIIP' nll •• "',1 gin."n bell)" and a 'iumman ullhe r<:~lIh, h sho""l1 ill -);.Iblt' I t.nlC dl1.\tolllic.:al ~Iru(lun' 01 "(1Il1l' It'latcd taxa (.In not be di"llingui"lh{'d "lIh .lIn (erWIIl". lor ex.. mple. members of the: Pnllloideat' (Cratllt'lful, , \I/llu-~. P\l1i,1 and SOr/,UI) and Salicl(.'ae (.\0/1\ .md Hl/lIlJIL~), I he'-e .11'e indic.

\cer.IH'ae. kt'"r ~p .• maple CorylMeae. (;01)'111..'1 sp .. hale I

Fagau,.It". QUt'rcuI "'p .• oa~ Olean';It". fraxllua sp., ash


Sublalllih Prunoidcde, I~ 1/111111-1(1, blatiahtlln

Salit'acc'at' Snln sp., \\illo" and Popub/\ ~p" poplal. I hc,,-' l'lxa an: illlatoll1ilalh simil"r.

\le~()lllhic One of fOllr trec:-throws .

Iron .We Phases :t\-:~D Chilrt:o,,1 WitS rci;.III\t:iy 'pal:;c III the ~('(()nd.ln fill (5210) of tht: Earl)! "field It.' troll. \g:c (phase :1.\) ell( Imul (' du(h 5~i:H III .'\It·a II rhe.' '

l:il 1.(. iUlln, \ II lie' "ood et ill.. Flom t.umponl, I·;' (I~H.H·M()). \\ATCIIFIELD. SHRIV£NHAM. OXfORDSIIIRl:. 285

Samples from two piLS in Area II "ere also examined. The upper fill of pit 50i7 included loom weights and large quantities of charcoal, '1l1e charcoal-rich deposit (context 50i8) consisted of fragmenLS measuring up to 10 mm. in length. mO~ll> oak (QUUflU) sapwood and heart\\,ood but also small amounts of ash (Fraxmus). maple (Aur) and blackulOrn (P. spm05O). 'nle high pl"Oportion of oak. a fuel traditionally associated with furnaces. kilns etc.. suggesLS an origin from specific processes rather than morc general domeslI( fires. 132 TIU! second pit 5030. dated to Ihe Earl)-\1iddle Iron Age. \\as shallow and sub-rectangular 10 shape. 'me basal fill l'Olllained animal bones. worked nillt, burnt SlOne. pone!). a rotal) quern'iIOne and a small "mount of charcoill. The charcoal here included oak (Qut'Tnu) sapwood and heanwood. h;uel (Cm),ius). the hawthorn group (Pomoidcae) and blackthorn (p\pmosa).


Frat COllt Sample Acn COryhL~ Frw:mw Pomoideae Prwlus Quercus Salicaceae MESOLITHIC - Tree throw, Area II 5398 5399 20088 131s I:.ARLY-M I DOLE I RON AGE - Phase 3A - dilch, Mea II 5334 5210 20085 3 6 7rs I RO:-.l AGE PHASE 3 - P"S, Mea II 5030 5034 20059 4 2

LATE IRON .\GE- EARLY RO~[AN -dilches, Mea 10 I 133 1068 20069 6s 1132 1436 20077 91r ROMANO-BRITISH - possible p>re base. Area 7 866 762 20010 3 866 793 20021 I • 3, 2 Pil. Area 7 731 732 20001 7sh Key: r = round wood (diameter <20 111111.); s = sapwood: h = heartwood rhe number of fragmen~ identified is indicated.

Lale Iron A&e - car" Roman Area to comisted of a series of inter

Romano-Briti~h Area 7 appear~ to ha .... e been used for cremation PYles during the eady 2nd centur) AD. fwo possible pfre b'l!lCS or pyn.' related features consi!Jled of shallow scoops cut into the limestone bedr

132 11.1.. Edlin, Woodland CraJIJ til Hnlalll (1949); L. Arm~lrong, ~iOodroll~r.\ and Charcoal Bu.rnmg (1978). 2H6 \' \ l G II \ 7'oJ [\ I It n. l- (' h. i- I \ I

ha", thnm group (l'omoideat"), A flat pi(xt" "f l)dI1.. med~lII inK 10 mill. \\ ide " 3 mm. thl( 1... althuugh unidcntifit"d, alln051 certainl\ uriginated Irom a "'Ide plae 01 round",()()d ..\ .. ingle fragmem of coal \\as .. I"" preSt'nl. .\hhough IIlsufficielll LO indic3tf.: .... hctllt:r 'pI..'Clfic: \\C)(Ki.!l .... ere u<.ed m the make-up of the p~rc.', the (haRoal docs sho\\ that the fuel contained fairl) "'Id<: round\\o(xl. a ll1i~ture of wood SpeCll'll, ilnd that coal was also u~d . J he baw fill (793), onh present .tt the Sf:, cnd, of feature 866 contained a fe::\\ M;raps of chan:oallrom oak (QlLnrru) )ap\\ood. a\h (Fmxu"H). and .... 1110"'· popl,tr (.\aIIX.Pup"lru). nle presemc of tht: charloal ,It the b.lse of lhi~ feature (unci<:1 Ilc.uh lall..'J fills) suggcM't an origm either from an e'lllier nematiun ,Il the p~re site 01 frum SOIllC othel· ac'" II), 1l1e charcoal hom thi~ contexi differed slightly in cnnlent to Ih,1I from the main lill\ (see abO\e), and could Imply a dillcn:nt origin Ill(" upper fill {If pi! 7:11 c()I1mined pCll .. herd!i. bone and (hannal. 'fhe:: c.harcoal from the upper fill of Ihi!t pit wa\ \parse .md included oak (QunT/lI) sapw(Nxl ,md he,ll IW(K)(I. and member!i of the hi.lwthOi n group (Pollumlt'ae); also a h agmelll of coal. \II hough It I~ impos'iible 10 fOlm ,Ill)' conclusions concerning the ()I igin of the {h.tr(;oalfl'Om such a tllW sampl(", LI may be significant Ihat Ihis ~amplc is comparable to Ihal from Iht" p} re (sec above).


eh.lI{oal was eXtunined from features frolll ,\I'eas 7, I() and 11 nit:, fil\t 1...... 0 ilrea~ lil} 011 whilt is nO\\ al<.lble land sloplllg fmlll \\'. 10 E. on soils con .. isllllK of alternaLing band'i 01 .. and and cla\ a wnh outcrop'i of Corallian lil1le~I()Il(', Slighlh funher \\. Area II cK"(url'eci on Iht' ere.. 1 .mtl east-t.long slope of a ridge of fernlgilloll'. 'iilnd O\{'I h IIlg Cmallian IimeoslUne bedrock .. \nefa(tuai e\ Idenn' and earthworks aue-sted to Ihe ()(·(Up.1l10n uf th{' ~lle (if onl) \pOladically) from the Llle Glad .. 1 I>eriocl, CharlO.. 1 re~idues were frequelltl} plt:'selll LIl dlt(he~. pll~ and III features associated "'Ilh cremaliomandgran.s.Sampleswere~le{"ledforicit.llIifiet><.les on" \\" .. Identified. from the clearance of local so lib. (;h;1I co.II, probably from fuel debris, hom pit .. 5():~() and ;'j077 (.\rea II), and ditches 11 32 alld 1133 (Art'iI 10), peniuned to \OIriollS phases of the Imn .\ge .mel ('.II\) R()Ill;tIl()-Brili~h period. rhe .. e s.;.unpl(>~ identified Ihe use of maple (AUT). hazel (COry'hll), ,,~h (FnL\III1I\) , th(' hil\\thorn group (Pomoidt'ae), blild..lholn (I' Ipmovl), ,wd oa\.. (QUI'fCltJ) (see 1~lble I). lilt' pr("dulIlin.IIl(t' of n.ll.. (QIU'1ffL\) (sapw()ocl and h(",trlwoud) III pit 5077 suggests thaI this deriwd from it .,pecific pICKe", 'tail ,1\ kdn:!l 01 fUl'lIiICCS, I"athe::l th;-ltl 1I10le general domestic fires. rhe charcoal deposil in dit{h ll:t~ Wil~ lLnU~UollloidcCle), and hl.ltkthorn W l/mwIfI», including some wide roundwood, .. nd co,IL of the l)olll()I(ieile (e.g. hd\\thorn (Cmlflfgw). \\hitcbeam (.\m"hu.1 anti), w\\an (.~ tlllrll/XlnJl). and \\ild ~ervlCe (.. \ IOmm",!t.,». Hla, "ilfRI\...... 11_\'1. O' .. ORU!')IIIRt ~H7 and rna) ha\/! been \l3ed in conjunaion '" ith enclnsure ditches at \\'al(hfield. 133 \\"elland taxa Included either "'1110" (SallX) or poplar (PvjnJw). 11le taxa Idemified ('plcalh RTO'" on both acidic (sand\) and calcarrou (lime tone) 'oils although wme, e.g. oak, tend to fa\"emr ~IiKhtl~ acid condiuons. panlcularh on cia). A number of other \'ooocl," species III addition to lho~ n.llned abme probabl) gre" locaJh. but "'ere not sought out for U~ a:. fue! Ine \Ic ..olithic lancJ.;cape "'Quid cenaml), h.ne been more ",ooded than in later period and land use al Ihis ume would prnbabh' ha\(~ been confined to llalUldlh o("(urrmg ",oodland glades, although It has been sugge led that 10 !>Orne regions of Oxfords hire ",oodlands "'ere dunned during the late \Iewlilhi( to imprO\e gr.mng.l:H In later periods ",oodJalld cJearall<.e "'a.s cxu:n.si, c. e'pt."Ciall, In the Iron Age an? Romano·Brili~h pcnods when the expitllsion or arable farming was widespread in the south ~1IdlandsY~" Fuel (.md other wood, timber requirements) would hale been supplied rrom enclosed .mel managed woodlands. wood pasture. or b" lop and tOP from hedgerows and poll.lreb. Reu:m field ",alking in the vicinity or \\"atchfield. which was 'iined close £0 the Late Iron Age tribal boundanes or the Atreb.Hcs and the Dobunii has suggested thaI occlIp.niull in tillS regloll "'as spar~ during the Lite Iron AgeYl6 If the settlements here were indeed sll1all and sporadiC. farming would have heen Ie'!, intemi\t~ and demand" for woodland resources correspondlllgl) 10'" b·idence for coppiced woodlands al Wat(hfield is IIlconclusive, since the charcoal was most!} too rragmented to assess lhe maturit) and likel) dimensiolls of the wood Wood .md iLS by-products. ho",C'\er, have alwa}s been important economic comnHKlilies and in some areas of Britain, e.g. the Somerset Le,-ds,137 records Indicate lhal woodland "'as managed and mppiced as earl) as tJu~' !'\eolitht<: pel-iod, It seems likel" that some I atio of managed \\oodl.md would Ild\t: existed al \\'atchfield during the Lale Iron, \ge and einh Romano-British periods. ahhough with a relative!) low population 10 support. some patches of unmanaged woodland ma) hale penlsled. e pecialJ) in al·eas dlfliwlt to cultivate. rhe charred planl.s remains pro\ide sollle niclence 01 cereal us , principally .... heat. during all the principal ph.lSCS of occupation at Watchfield. !lowen:r, the e\ldence is too insubStantial to aUo", a more in depth asse sment of the economic base of the ite at an" peno


The exca\"auon has produced e\idence thal the area around the sile has been exploited at lea" sporadicall y rrom lhe Lale Clacial period LO lhe presenl. A1lhough finds or Lale Glacial, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age daLe indicate occupation of the higher ground around Area II, no features of these dates, with the exception ora few natural fealllres, were found. The earliest settlement feaLUres were of Early-Middle Iron Age date and represent a small. en losed selllemelllLO lhe N. or Area II, and possibly an associaled field system. Ihe Early-Middle Iron Age settlement appears to have been abandoned in the 2nd century Be. There then appears to be a hiatus in the archaeological record until the 1st century Be, when the Late Iron Age settlement wa~ established. The focus of acu\ity on the site shifts at this time, from the highel ground around Area II to the lower ground to the E. around Areas 10,4 and 5. The occupation here may represent more than one settlement focus. The Late Iron Age occupation continued in Area 10 into the earl)' Romano-British period. although the settlement represented by the femures in Area 10 appears to have been abandoned in the earl) pan of the 2nd century AD, Ilowe\·cr. Romano-British occupation

In J.II 1I.lr\'e). ,\I{d,n-wi Gordros (1990). 1~4 M. RoblOwri and B. Wilson.·A Survey ofJ::.mllonmeOli.ll Archaeology in lhe South ~1Idlan(h·. in K.C.\t Keelcy (ed.), FPlTJtTonm.mtaIArrhMo{Qgy a rtgimlfll rt'"t"fTll. ii (1987).16-100. 1~5 Ibid 136 Tingle. op. (1(, note 5. 137 J.M Coles and B.J Orme, Pr,.hn/ory ()j tht .\011"' .... ,.' Ln'tl\ (Somerset Levels Project, 1982), 2HM V . \ l (. II . \ N f\ I R B .,: (, h. F I \ 1. of the area dearl) continued in the 'Icinit' or the .!tile, pw,"tibl~ c.cnu-ed Oil the \Ubslantial building rl>


I he pl'(~ject wa'l commissioned b\ Laing P.. utnership I lousing. \\'e ... sl'x Archaeolog\ \\-'(mld Jill' 10 thank II ugh Coddington. DeplH)' County Archaeologist. for hi ... (ommelllS and ad\'ke during the excavation. l'he project wa~ managed for Wessex , \rchaeolog~ b) Chris ~foore . rhe exca\aUon \\<1 .... directed by Vaughan Birbeck, wit h the a,l,sblance of ,\ngeJa Batt and James \\'righl. (he contribution of Ihe man) ficld. findli and elwironmclIlal stan" is gralerulh ;uknO\dedged. Ihis repon hat, been edited I" Chris \Ioon', \\ ilh Ihe assisl ~lIlre of \lichacJ J. ,\J1CIl (elwironmcntal). LOIraine l\lepham (find ... ) and Pippa Smith (animal bone). I he illulill'atioilli have been prepared by S.~.. Jame,. I he findli and archi\'c will be deposited wilh the Oxlol'd~hire \llIseum ... Ser\'lu' 111 2002 (Ace. No. 1998.1 13).