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Rules of Department of Economic Development Division 40—Office of Athletics Chapter 5—Inspector Duties and Rules for Professional Boxing, Professional Wrestling, Professional Kickboxing, and Professional Full-Contact Karate Title Page 4 CSR 40-5.010 Inspectors ........................................................................................3 4 CSR 40-5.020 Contracts and Penalties (Rescinded May 11, 1989) ......................................3 4 CSR 40-5.030 Rules for Professional Wrestling .............................................................3 4 CSR 40-5.040 Rules for Professional Boxing ................................................................4 4 CSR 40-5.050 Rules for Amateur Boxing (Rescinded May 30, 2002)...................................6 4 CSR 40-5.060 Rules for Professional Kickboxing and Professional Full-Contact Karate ............6 4 CSR 40-5.070 Semiprofessional Elimination Contest (Rescinded May 30, 2002).....................7 MATT BLUNT (4/30/02) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 1 Secretary of State Chapter 5—Inspector Duties and Rules for Professional Boxing, Professional Wrestling, Professional Kickboxing, and Professional Full-Contact Karate 4 CSR 40-5 Title 4—DEPARTMENT OF tants. After approval all handwraps must be (5) Contestants must wear proper athletic ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT initialed by the inspector present. attire, approved by the referee. Shoes must be Division 40—Office of Athletics of soft sole and laced with eyelets only. Chapter 5—Inspector Duties and Rules (9) An inspector must be present when each contestant is being gloved. After approval of for Professional Boxing, Professional (6) The use of grease, ointments, strong the gloving, the tape around the strings must smelling liniments, drugs, liquids or powders Wrestling, Professional Kickboxing and be initialed by the inspector present. during a bout is prohibited. Contestants shall Professional Full-Contact Karate have their fingernails trimmed closely. AUTHORITY: section 317.006, RSMo 2000.* 4 CSR 40-5.010 Inspectors Original rule filed April 30, 1982, effective (7) No form of full strangle hold shall be per- Sept 11, 1982. Rescinded and readopted: mitted. PURPOSE: This rule defines the duties and Filed March 2, 1989, effective May 11, 1989. responsibilities of inspectors. Amended: Filed Nov. 15, 2001, effective May (8) No contestant shall take anything into the ring with him/her or pick up anything thrown (1) The office shall assign inspectors as it 30, 2002. into the ring to be used in any way to gain an deems necessary. *Original authority: 317.006, RSMo 1983, amended 1996. advantage over an opponent. (2) In all contests, contestants, promoters, 4 CSR 40-5.020 Contracts and Penalties (9) No wrestling contestant may deliberately managers, matchmakers, judges, referees, (Rescinded May 11, 1989) lacerate oneself or one’s opponent or by other timekeepers, seconds, announcers and physi- means introduce human blood into the ring. cians at all times shall be under the direction AUTHORITY: section 317.006, RSMo 1986. The use of animal blood is prohibited. of the office or its inspector(s). Original rule filed April 30, 1982, effective Sept. 11, 1982. Rescinded: Filed March 2, (10) Tag team wrestling is a bout between two (3) Employees and inspectors of the office 1989, effective May 11, 1989. (2) teams of two (2) wrestlers per team with cannot have any interest in or connection a maximum of sixty (60)-minute time limit with, either directly or indirectly, any promo- for either one (1) fall or best two (2)-out-of- tion of either professional boxing, profession- 4 CSR 40-5.030 Rules for Professional three (3) falls, with two (2) minutes rest al wrestling, professional kickboxing or pro- Wrestling between team falls. Team falls occur only fessional full-contact karate in this state or when either contestant from one (1) team has have any interest, directly or indirectly, in PURPOSE: This rule describes authorized lost a fall. The bout shall commence between any contest or contestant. practices to be employed for professional one (1) contestant from each opposing team wrestling contests. while the contestant’s respective partners (4) The office and its inspectors may super- remain on the apron of the ring outside the (1) All professional wrestling contests shall vise the sale of tickets, check the counting of ropes and unable to enter the ring unless a be subject to the laws and regulations govern- receipts and enforce all rules of the office. contestant’s partner is defeated or is able to ing professional wrestling. The promoter touch the outside team member’s hand. The shall be liable for ensuring that all statutes (5) The ticket taker immediately must deposit outside partner must hold a three foot (3') and rules promulgated by the office are strict- every admission ticket, pass or complimenta- double rope with a knot in one (1) end and ly observed and carried out, including using ry ticket in a securely locked box. It shall be the other end looped over the ring post of only licensed individuals at all contests. opened only in the presence of the office’s his/her team’s corner. At tag contact between inspector who shall see that all tickets or (2) The referee shall score a fall against a partners, the contestant outside the ropes passes are carefully counted and reported to contestant when both shoulders are pressed to must have both feet on the apron floor and the office, along with the price of admission the mat at the same time for three (3) sec- can reach only over the top rope to make con- charged for each class of tickets and onds. tact. The referee must see to it that the exchanges and the gross receipts of all tickets wrestler in the ring, after tagging his/her and exchanges. (3) When any part of a contestant’s body is partner, retires to the outside of the ring as touching the ropes or is outside the ropes or the partner enters the ring. No more than two (6) Before the start of a contest, an inspector if, in the judgment of the referee, the contes- (2) wrestlers are permitted in the ring at the must check all contestants, promoters, man- tant is no longer able to properly protect same time during the bout. When a fall agers, matchmakers, announcers, seconds, him/herself, the referee shall call time and occurs, team partners may relieve each other. timekeepers, referees and physicians for the contestants at once shall release any holds If a wrestler is unable to continue, the part- licenses issued by the office. Any of those and return to the center of the ring to stand- ner must carry on alone. Time-out must be persons without a current license issued by ing positions and resume the bout. taken after an injury to permit the injured the office shall not participate in the contest, contestant to be removed from the ring. If until an application and fee has been received (4) Should a contestant fall or be pitched or neither team has won two (2) falls at the expi- and the application is approved by the office. thrown outside the ring, the contestant shall ration of the time limit, the team having one be allowed twenty (20) seconds by the refer- (1) fall to its credit is to be declared the win- (7) An inspector must be present in the dress- ee to return to the center of the ring to resume ner. If no falls are scored, the bout shall be ing rooms at the designated time for weighing the bout. If the contestant fails to do so, s/he declared a draw. It shall be a foul for a con- in contestants and inspecting all equipment. shall forfeit the fall. During this time, the testant, while waiting his/her turn, to release opponent shall retire to the far corner of the hold on the corner rope for any reason until (8) An inspector must examine and approve ring and remain there until signaled by the officially tagged by his/her partner or called all hand wrappings being placed on contes- referee to resume the bout. by the referee. After one (1) warning of MATT BLUNT (4/30/02) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 3 Secretary of State 4 CSR 40-5—DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Division 40—Office of Athletics infractions, the referee shall disqualify the rounds. The Office of Athletics may waive completed at least one (1) hour before the offender. In all other instances the rules gov- any of these restrictions at its discretion. contest time. The weigh-in will be within erning wrestling contests shall prevail. forty-eight (48) hours prior to the contest. (3) No professional boxing bout shall be Contestants will then have two (2) hours to (11) Any wrestler applying for a license or advertised or promoted as a championship make weight. The weights of the contestants renewal first must be examined by a physician bout unless it has the specific approval of the or the class in which they will box must be licensed under Chapter 334, RSMo or a office. announced at the ringside. In case of a sub- physician holding the designation of “medical stitution in a bout, the substitute contestant (4) Contestants shall only fight contestants in doctor” or “doctor of osteopathy” to estab- shall be subject to the same physical exami- their own weight category unless permission lish physical fitness. The office may order the nation as other contestants and must be is granted by the office. In no instance shall examination of any wrestler at any time to approved by the physician and office. the office waive the weight category require- determine whether the wrestler is fit and Contestants failing to appear at the appointed ments, when the contestant’s weight span qualified to engage in further contests. place and at the specified time to be examined exceeds ten (10) pounds excluding the weight classifications in subsections (L) and (M) of and weighed, or who leave the area before (12) The referee shall decide all questions weigh-ins or physical examinations are com- arising out of a contest not specifically cov- this section.