21 July 2020 REF: JW191273 Post Approvals Section Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment GPO Box 858 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Via email only:
[email protected] Dear Sir/ Madam, RE: EPBC 2017/8067 - Sanctum West Master Planned Community – Notification of Amendment to Black-throated Finch Management Plan We act on behalf of Maidment Land Pty Ltd in relation to the abovementioned decision notice (Approval). The purpose of this letter is to notify the Department of changes to the Black-throated Finch Management Plan (the Plan) prescribed by Condition 1 of the Approval. In accordance with Condition 9 of the Approval, the approved plan has been revised and a copy of the revised plan is enclosed herein. The revised plan will now be implemented as at the date of this notice. Amendments to the plan were made in Section 6, paragraph 2 and in the monitoring program (Table 7) and implementation schedule (Table 8). These changes are considered largely administrative and relate to a delay in the timing and implementation of the ongoing monitoring plan to reflect unforeseen delays in the commencement of the action. In accordance with Condition 9, it is not considered likely that the abovementioned changes will result in a new or increased impact. Implementation of the Plan has commenced consisting of baseline seasonal monitoring events in 2019 in accordance with Condition 1. Consideration has been given to the currency of the baseline data and a commitment made to ensuring baseline data has a maximum currency of two years. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact myself via email
[email protected], or phone (07) 4410 9000.