·INSIDE 'Aging Society' Excellence-Network Network the Only One of 15 Involved with the Social Sciences
Concordia University, Montreal Vol. 14, No. 28 June 7,J990 Concordia Psychologists join ·INSIDE 'aging society' excellence-network Network the only one of 15 involved with the social sciences LAST IN A SERIES Last October 26,federal Minister ofState for Science and Technology William . , ___ ,_,,___, __ ._ Winegard announced the creation of 14 na ,,_,."'_,_,_I_ tional Networks of Centres of Excellence. About 500 researchers in 36 centres (most ly universities) will share $240 million in new federal funding over five years. A 15th network, the only one in the social Several female Concordia scien sciences, has just been announced. Concor tists contributed to this book, d_ia University is proud to be involved infour which explores the history of of the 15 projects and to play a con°tributing women in science , . Page 9 role in a fifth. Eight honorary degrees are Tim Locke awarded this year. An artist, a poet, a scientist, a political scien tist and a researcher are among· the recipients wo Concordia Psychology profes . Tannis Arbuckle-Maag Dolores Gold .. : ...... Pages 12, 13 sors ~nd members of the University's TCentre for Research in Human Development, Tannis Arbuckle-Maag and cial sciences. which· fo"ster the independence of older Dolores Gold, are contributing to Titled "Prpmoting Independence -and Canadians and increase their productivity." Nine months into her new position Concordia's growing reputation as a re Productivity irr an Aging Society," the Arbuckle-Maag and Gold ~e only two of as Vice-Rector, Academic, Rose search institution by being invited to join the network's research focus will be on normal 24 researchers from 11 universities and.two Sheinin shares her !~oughts in a wide-ranging interview newest national Network of Centres of Ex aging and, according tb the grant proposal industrial concerns, from Victoria, B.C.
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