

Winter 2020 • A section of the Anglican Journal Official Publication of the Diocese of Montreal Dismantling Anti-Black Racism in the Diocese of Montreal CHRIS BELLE I get from the , anyway. Here now is a sample of one of the Rev’d Christopher Belle is the the verses: Incumbent of St Joseph of Naza- When I was young I us’d to wait reth, Assistant Priest at St Marga- ret of Antioch and Regional Dean On Massa and hand him de plate; of the South Shore Deanery Pass down de bottle when he git dry And bresh away de blue tail fly. and I don’t care Jimmy Crack corn… Jimmy Crack corn and I don’t care Jimmy Crack corn and I don’t care, What an eye-opener for me. Ole Massa gone away. I did not know this was what -from “The Blue-Tail Fly” by the song meant. I discovered Minstrels (1946) this song’s meaning in the Dio- cese of Montreal. These were Our television screens have the lyrics on the song sheet that been inundated with images was handed out to everybody of racial discord as thousands in attendance (including me) upon thousands band together at the ‘Welcome Back’ Sunday to speak out against police School picnic on my first Sun- brutality aimed at people of day as a priest for the parish. colour. There have been cries “It’s also a chance to welcome for justice, racial equality, Father Chris on his first Sunday defunding the police, ‘Enough with us!” Smiles everywhere. is enough!’, and so on. For a These people like me; they re- while, it felt like there was ally, really like me! a new instance of racial When it was time, I took discrimination, perpetrated in Detail from cover of The Celebrated Negro Melodies, as Sung by the Virginia Minstrels, arranged by Th. my song sheet. I looked it over. a violent and, all too often, fatal Comer, , 1843. Scanned from and the Rise of Early Negro Minstrelsy by Hans Nathan. I heard somebody say, “Let’s manner, every other week. sing Jimmy Crack Corn”. I was The rallying cry “BLACK to dismantle anti-Black racism “ Clearly, teaching is shows from the mid-Nineteenth on board. I knew this one. I did LIVES MATTER” has been in that country. As with many needed. People need to be century. (Minstrel shows con- not know it was a full song. I heard loud and clear for years things (other than shopping made aware of how sisted of white men perform- scanned the page until I found now, as people all over the and gas), we Canadians tend their words and ing in ‘’, doing their the lyrics. I started to sing. world stand in solidarity with to comfort ourselves with the actions affect others.” best impression of what they And then I stopped. Mid- Black people who have had to blessed assurance that at least thought Black people sounded line. Hang on. What is this suffer life-threatening injustice we are not on par with the would insist that we don’t have like). This song is about a slave I’m singing? Does anyone else for way too long. Enough is United States. We are not as bad a racist bone in our bodies. lamenting his master’s tragic hear this? Does anyone see MY enough, indeed. as they are. Surely there’s no anti-Black death, after being thrown from face?!? Now, it should be noted that Sooo…why do we need racism to dismantle here. a horse. It seems the horse was I look around. People are many of the cases that have to worry ourselves with Hang on. bitten by the dreaded Blue-tail singing lustily, just leaning into really sparked recent public dismantling racism in the The lyrics printed at the fly, sending the beast into a this song about a black slave outrage (George Floyd, Breonna Diocese of Montreal? We’re a beginning of this article come frenzy. Sadly, it was the job of whose job was to make sure the Taylor, etc.) have occurred in bunch of God-fearing people, from a little ditty called ‘The the slave to brush away these ‘massa’ (and his HORSE!!!!!) the United States of America. who love the Lord, and love Blue-Tail Fly’, a song performed flies, a job he was only too hap- were not bitten by flies. A job he We can certainly see the need each other. So many of us during those delightful minstrel py to do. That’s the impression continued on page 3

Bishop’s Action Appeal Responds to Needs at Home and Abroad

NICKI HRONJAK benefit from her annual appeal: ministries are stretched for funds as they have had to adapt When you opened up your Local Missions the services they provide to the paper this month, some- As you may know, each vulnerable, the isolated and the thing should have fallen November, our bishop typically newly arrived in our midst. I out - an envelope with the hosts an annual dinner to raise hope you will take the time to message“Urgent Appeal”. funds for the diocese to help read about these ministries in Instead of recycling this piece us keep our financial committ- the aforementioned letter or of mail, I encourage you to ment to the Mile End Mission, visit our website, www.mon- open it! It contains information Tyndale St Georges Comunity treal.anglican.ca. about this year’s Bishop Action Center and Action Réfugiés. Of Appeal, which asks for your course, due to the pandemic, Disabled Palestinian Children support for ministries that our this year’s dinner was can- The other beneficiary of this bishop holds dear to her heart. celled. year’s appeal is the Princess This year Bishop Mary has Yet the need for our support Basma Hospital in Jerusalem. A Ahmad with his therapist (pre-Covid) at the Jerusalem Princess chosen several recipients to has persists. All three of these continued on page 3 Basma Centre. 2 anglican montreal • december 2020

Bishop’s Message Advent 2020 Message de l’évêque Avent 2020 It’s Advent already and the pandemic is not over C’est déjà l’Avent et la pandémie n’est pas encore terminée ! yet!! In most years the season of Advent is filled with La plupart des années, la saison de l’Avent est remplie d’une mounting pressure: things to do, people to see, and pression croissante : des choses à faire, des gens à voir et des places to go! There is shopping, baking, cooking—per- endroits à visiter ! Il y a des achats, de la pâtisserie, de la cuisine haps gifts to be wrapped, decorating to do, parties to - peut-être des cadeaux à emballer, de la décoration à faire, des host or attend, and extra church services as well! fêtes à organiser ou auxquelles assister, ainsi que des services This year, while some of our congregations have religieux supplémentaires! opened up for in-person services with restricted num- Cette année, si certaines de nos congrégations ont ouvert bers of people, many have chosen to continue to meet leurs portes pour des services en personne avec un nombre online. Either way, we are a long way away from get- restreint de personnes, beaucoup ont choisi de continuer à se ting back to ‘normal’. So, what will this year’s celebra- réunir en ligne. Quoi qu’il en soit, nous sommes loin de reve- tion of Advent and Christmas look like in ‘Covid-tide’? nir à la “normale”. Alors, à quoi ressemblera la célébration de I know that many of us are tired and discouraged, l’Avent et de Noël de cette année sous la “vague Covid” ? missing our loved ones and our freedom to move Je sais que beaucoup d’entre nous sont fatigués et découra- around. I am, too. Some of us have been bereaved, gés, que nos proches nous manquent et que notre liberté de become ill ourselves, or lost jobs. Many people struggle mouvement est menacée. Moi aussi, je le suis. Certains d’entre with loneliness or are afraid of the danger this virus nous ont été endeuillés, sont tombés malades ou ont perdu leur brings to themselves or others. After eight months of emploi. Beaucoup de gens luttent contre la solitude ou ont peur special measures to keep one another safe, I am so impa- du danger que ce virus représente pour eux-mêmes ou pour les tient! I know that you must be too. autres. Après huit mois de mesures spéciales pour assurer la sécurité des uns et Here then are some things to think about: How do I live now, while des autres, je suis si impatiente ! Je sais que vous devez l’être aussi. I wait for the pandemic to end? What do Advent and Christmas teach Voici donc quelques éléments de réflexion : Comment puis-je vivre me about what the world is going through now? maintenant, en attendant la fin de la pandémie ? Qu’est-ce que l’Avent et Noël The Sunday scriptures during Advent have to do with the end m’apprennent sur ce que le monde traverse actuellement ? times and the return of Christ: we need to be ready and patient at Les écritures du dimanche pendant l’Avent ont trait à la fin des temps et au the same time! They encourage us to hold fast to our hope. They tell retour du Christ : nous devons être prêts et patients en même temps ! Elles nous about people who listen to God and respond faithfully when they do. encouragent à nous accrocher à notre espérance. Elles parlent des personnes They remind us that “nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke qui écoutent Dieu et lui répondent fidèlement quand elles le font. Elles nous 1:37) and that God’s Holy Spirit in us transforms ruins, brings about rappellent que « rien ne sera impossible avec Dieu ». (Luc 1:37) et que le Saint- justice and righteousness, comforts those who mourn, makes us “the Esprit de Dieu en nous transforme les ruines, apporte la justice et la droiture, planting of the Lord, to display his glory” (Isaiah 61). “He will feed réconforte les endeuillés, fait de nous « une plantation du Seigneur, pour his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms, and manifester sa gloire » (Esaïe 61). « Il paîtra son troupeau comme un berger ; il carry them in his bosom, and gently lead the mother sheep” (Isaiah prendra les agneaux dans ses bras, les portera dans son sein, et conduira avec 40: 11). I find these passages sharper and more exciting this year; they douceur la brebis mère » (Esaïe 40, 11). Je trouve ces passages plus tranchants seem to speak to us in our distress, and they give me hope. Perhaps it et plus passionnants cette année ; ils semblent nous parler dans notre détresse, is because we have fewer distractions and activities. et ils me donnent de l’espoir. C’est peut-être parce que nous avons moins de Recently, I’ve been reading Bishop Michael Curry’s latest book distractions et d’activités. “Love is the Way; Holding onto Hope in Troubling Times”. He Récemment, j’ai lu le dernier livre de l’évêque Michael Curry « Love is the reminds us that letting God be in charge of our traditions and our Way; Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times ». Il nous rappelle que laisser Dieu imaginations and our wills makes all the difference; that God’s Agape prendre en charge nos traditions, notre imagination et notre volonté fait toute la love is the engine for all Christians and the way to transform the différence; que l’amour Agapè de Dieu est le moteur de tous les chrétiens et le world. moyen de transformer le monde. While I wonder (and sometimes worry a bit) about what things Si je me demande (et parfois je m’inquiète un peu) comment les choses se will be like afterwards, I am also hopeful that God will use this time passeront par la suite, j’espère aussi que Dieu utilisera ce temps où nous ne when we can’t follow our usual routines. In fact, I feel positively pouvons pas suivre nos routines habituelles. En fait, je me sens positivement excited when I see how the church is growing and changing. We motivée quand je vois comment l’église grandit et change. Nous aurons été will have been strengthened because of what we are going through! renforcés grâce à ce que nous vivons ! Les gens me parlent des signes du People tell me about the signs of the Kingdom of God in their lives Royaume de Dieu dans leur vie - et je me réjouis avec eux. Quelque chose de – and I rejoice with them. Something good is coming out of all this bien sort de tout cela et nous ne serons plus jamais les mêmes. Le Corps du and we will never be the same. The Body of Christ is fueled by God’s Christ est alimenté par l’Esprit Saint de Dieu qui agit en nous. Et l’œuvre à Holy Spirit working in us. And the work that we are called to is love laquelle nous sommes appelés est l’amour - l’amour de Dieu en action. Nous – God’s love in action. We can be doing that work even while we wait pouvons faire ce travail même si nous attendons avec autant de patience et de as patiently and courageously as we know how. courage comme nous savons le faire. This is a blessing which nourished me as a young Christian and Voici une bénédiction qui m’a nourrie en tant que jeune chrétienne et qui which continues to inspire me. continue à m’inspirer.

Go forth into the world in peace; Allez en paix dans le monde. Be of good courage; Soyez courageux. Hold fast that which is good; Accrochez-vous à ce qui est bon. Give to no one evil for evil; Ne rendez à personne le mal pour le mal. Strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; Fortifiez les plus timides. Help the afflicted; honour everyone; Soutenez les faibles. Aidez les affligés. Love and serve the Lord, Témoignez de l’amour à tout le monde. Rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit; Aimez et servez le Seigneur, And the blessing of God almighty, vous réjouissant de la puissance du Saint-Esprit; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit et que la bénédiction du Dieu tout-puissant, Be upon you and remain with you always. Amen. Père, Fils et Saint-Esprit, Descende sur vous et y demeure à jamais. Amen.

Official Newspaper of Editorial Office: Diocese of Montreal [email protected] the Diocese of Montreal 1444 Union Ave Montreal, QC H3A 2B8 www.anglicanjournal.com/subscribe Deadline for March 2021 Phone: 514-843-6577 issue: January 26, 2021 [email protected] Anglican Journal & Montreal Anglican A section of Anglican Journal. Editor: Nicki Hronjak Published four times a year. $10 per year Legal deposit: National Library of Quebec, Editorial Assistance: Peter National Library of Canada. ANGLICAN Denis, Wendy Telfer For subscription changes: Anglican Journal Circulation: Ardyth Robinson 80 Hayden St, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2 Printed and mailed by Webnews Printing Inc., MONTREAL Production: Nicki Hronjak 416-924-9199 or 1-866-924-9192 Ext. 245/259 North York, ON anglican montreal • december 2020 3

The Class of 2020 - Revive Group Celebrates the Journey

NEIL MANCOR to take some time to work on The Rev Canon Dr Neil Mancor prayer, Bible study and voca- is Congregational Development tion together. Because we know Officer for the Diocese. that flourishing churches tend to have discipleship at their I give you the Class of 2020! core. Members of our Revive groups It’s not about constantly came together recently for a having to improve everything, class photo. What an impres- but about finding the freedom sive group they are! and intimacy to pray together, We’ve covered a lot of terri- to feed on the Scriptures tory since COVID-19 first burst together, to be heartfelt com- upon the scene and upended munity. Because people beyond all our lives. Churches closed, our communities are more events were cancelled, and we spiritually attuned than ever all had to adjust to new ways before. of communicating and remain- There are many options ing in contact with one another. available for people to explore Most of us couldn’t tell the how they want to express difference between a Zoom their own spiritual identities. call and a Zumba class before People are looking for that March. Now most of us are not authentic community, a place only producing online wor- where they can be known, a ship, we are becoming experts place to call home. This should in directing and starring in our The West Island revive group “together” for a group picture. be in our DNA as Christians. own videos. Before thinking about reaching Social media, once the out into mission, it might be online environment and the launched two more Revive Spread out over three six- dominion of a few, has become the first stop to reach deeply group carried on. We prayed groups: one for the South Shore week modules, Revive explores a vital part of communicating within and renew, indeed together, read the Scriptures to- and another for the Eastern different styles of prayer, Bible our presence to the world. revive, the spiritual life of your gether and found the freedom Townships. study and vocation. But it is so I know how hard many of church. That is what Revive is to share from our hearts with The purpose of Revive is much more than a course or a you have worked and what all about. one another. Though I look to turn church leaders into programme. It is a way for us a great learning curve it has So congratulations to the forward to the day when we spiritual leaders. It is not so to renew and restore spiritual been. Congratulations to every- class of 2020 – Revive Montre- can meet in person again, we much a programme as a move- community, to grow closer to- one for doing so much to keep al. Thank you, bless you all for found that meeting online still ment which is helping restore gether as disciples, to pray and the show on the road. being part of this journey. offered us a way to be together spiritual vitality to the Church pray deeply. I believe that this Back in March, we had To learn more about Revive, with Christ amongst us and it in the only way possible: to is vital for all our communities only just launched a Revive contact Neil at nmancor@mon- was enough. pray, study Scripture and share of faith. Think about whether it group on the West Island. Very treal.anglican.ca. quickly we adjusted to the new Since then we have together. might be right for your Church

Congratulations to Debrah Galt and Susan Searle

Online Prayer Group Starts this Month

Starting December 15th, the Cathedral will be starting a new, online contemplative prayer group, meeting the second Tuesday of each month from 6pm-7pm, on Zoom. The format will be simple: a time of gathering, some shared time in silence to be held in God’s love, then a time of sharing any in- sights which may have emerged. All are welcome to join us! If you would like to “try on” this kind of prayer, but have not experienced it before, please e-mail [email protected], The Rev. Debrah Galt (left) was ordained to the vocational diaconate on October 2, 2020 in St Barnabas who will pull together a brief time of instruction for beginners. Church, Pierrefonds where she will continue to serve. The Rev. Susan Searle (right, pictured with Bishop Mary) was ordained to the transitional diaconate at St. John the Evangelist Church on the Feast of St Mi- Zoom Meeting ID: 840 3498 9612 Passcode 905425. chael and all Angels, Sept 29, 2020. She will serve as assistant curate at that parish. Photos by Janet Best.

Bishop’s Action Appeal continued from p. 1 Correction project of the anglican Diocese talks about past and current In his article about how Afro- ish’s strength in music. While of Jerusalem, and supported by projects that have been funded Canadians, particularly West he was in office the church the Compass Rose Society, the by your generosity. Indians, were integrated into celebrated its 100th anniversary Hospital provides rehabilitia- I hope you are motivated white parishes in the 1960s the in 1973 by installing a new or- tion and educational assistance to learn more about the needs name of the priest of St Mat- gan. He was also a fine trainer for Palestinaian children with of people here and in Pales- thias’ Church in Westmount of newly-minted deacons, two disabilities. tine - and to help. Please take at the time was misstated. He of whom went on to be elected We are urgently appealing a minute to respond to the actually was Archdeacon Jack Bishop of our diocese, Reginald for your help to continue these letter in this paper or visit us at Doidge who had come to Mon- Hollis (1975-1990) and Barry vital ministries during the CO- www.montreal.angican.ca and treal from Winnipeg to lead this Clarke (2004-2015). Jack and his VID-19 pandemic. If you prefer click the Donate Now button to Westmount parish. Jack was wife, Betty, retired to London, to see a video about the appeal, give. It is quick and easy and major advisor to several bish- Ontario, in 1984 where he died there is one available on our will make a difference in the ops and also developed the par- at age 99 in 2015. website in which Bishop Mary lives of so many! 4 anglican montreal • december 2020

Taking Church Services Online During COVID-19 JEFF ALEXANDER liturgy and song lyric slides onto the video. Then we were Mr. Jeff Alexander is a member of into Holy Week; we were very All Saints, Deux-Montagnes. pleased that area churches came together and contrib- uted videos that were edited An evening in late January together for a virtual version 2020 was the first time I had of our traditional ecumenical ever heard of a computer observance of Good Friday. program called WeVideo. My cal College. Throughout these weeks, daughter needed to work on a This past May, in spite of we started getting fancier, add- video-editing assignment for the challenges of the COVID-19 ing transitions between videos, her high school media class, crisis and the impact on AFC’s aligning audio recordings with so she asked if we could get a investment portfolio, we said video to enhance the overall one-month subscription. It was Yes! to the parish of St. Philip, quality, and introducing other about $20, which didn't seem West Montreal, and their Edible elements. We tried to embrace too bad for a single month's Forest / Community Orchard the opportunities for creativity use. project. that weren't available for in- Two months later, WeVideo For nearly ten years now person worship. My daughter, became my constant compan- as Executive Director of wife, and I recorded a manna ion. the Foundation, I’ve had a “commercial” for a family When the directive came front row seat to some of the service using a rudimentary from the Diocese to discon- Canadian church’s best ideas: green screen (2 lime green tinue in-person worship, we the ministries and programs tablecloths thumbtacked to our scrambled for alternative ways parish visionaries might family-room wall). It was great to continue providing weekly undertake if only they had fun exploring how we could services for our parishioners. some strategic funding to help use these new media while still With my daughter’s patient as- them get started. Knowing reaching our church family sistance, I learned the basics of what I know about the for weekly worship. We were how this program functioned: innovative and compassionate even blessed to welcome our upload our content (videos, character of the church, Primate, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Linda pictures, and audio), plop them nationally, I cannot help but Nicholls, to be our Gospel into timeline tracks, snip off feel hopeful about the future. reader for one service! the unnecessary parts at the Please be assured that AFC A fellow parishioner named beginning and end, and create will continue to be a force for Leif Bedard, who works in a finished video product. It was JUDY ROIS In the Diocese of Montreal, stability: we have been there computers, became a member straightforward, versatile, and since 2010, we have said Yes! and will continue to be there of the weekly film crew; he set pretty fun. We also decided to The Rev’d Canon Dr. Judy Rois to more than $310,000 in grants no matter what the future up and monitored the video as is the Executive Director of the create a YouTube channel to and loans for your parishes. may hold. In order for AFC it was recording, and would Anglican Foundation of Canada. host our videos. Another steep The vast majority has been to remain strong and vibrant, “direct” Rev. David through learning curve on the rules of invested in buildings and pro- however, I am asking those the segments of the liturgy. YouTube! At the Anglican Foundation of grams, including projects that who can continue to partner Parishioners graciously learned The first-ever virtual service Canada (AFC) we love, more reduce barriers and make it with us to do so. If you are a to prepare at-home videos of in our church, on March 22, than anything, to say Yes! and possible for those with mobility member I ask you to renew them reading the lessons or was simply … simple. Our to help our parishes imagine issues to continue to participate your membership. If you have the Prayers of the People. My minister, Reverend David Hart, more. The Foundation has in church life. AFC’s commit- never been a member of the fellow lay reader, Anne-Claude led a basic Morning Prayer been saying yes steadily and ment to theological educa- Foundation before, please Geoffrion, led several virtual liturgy, recorded with just an unfailingly—through good tion has resulted in $38,000 in accept this invitation to pay-it- services and was a natural at iPad, that lasted 27 minutes and times and bad—for more than student bursaries and $23,000 forward. being in front of the camera. 15 seconds (thanks, YouTube!). sixty years. to Montreal Diocesan Theologi- continued on page 8 Saturdays became completely Between our own parishio- devoted to recording, editing, ners and the church Facebook and uploading the service. page link, this modest offer- As of September 13, we ing received 242 views. I was reopened to in-person services thrilled. For context, though, and are now livestreaming the average viewing time was through Facebook Live. Yet 4 minutes, 57 seconds, so some another learning! Amid the un- watched all the way through, certainty and restrictions to our some checked out a bit, and regular church life, however, a several probably realized part of me is grateful to have immediately that they hadn’t been pushed into something selected the funny cats videos creative and new that stretched they had intended. what we call “church.” The week after, we added music and figured out how to superimpose images of our

Dismantling Anti-Black Racism continued from page 1 wishes he had been better at. needed. People need to be Diocese of Montreal with the In the September 2020 issue made aware of how their skills and awareness necessary of the Anglican Montreal, Ms words and actions affect others. to create and foster healthy, Aylene Sutherland contributed Since July, a number of vibrant multicultural, multi- an article in which she writes, clergy and lay people have ethnic parishes which can sup- “The goal of Black Lives Mat- been meeting virtually to port the spiritual growth of all ter and anti-racism learning is to “…discuss the possibility of God’s people.” try to mend the fractured human inviting the Diocese to engage A motion to this effect family – in order to understand in anti-racism work, and to will be presented at Diocesan and internalize what it really discuss proposals on how Synod this year. If passed, it means to be “Children of God.” To this anti-racism work may be could be the start of mending attempt to reach this goal, clergy formally carried out.” The our fractured human family. and lay people as individuals need quotation comes from a docu- We must admit that systemic to address their own prejudices, ment outlining a proposal for racism exists in our very and racist attitudes, although they an anti-Black racism task force church, and this racism must may not be aware of them.” in our Diocese. We seek ”…to be dismantled. Together, we I am sure the parish in- enable a task force ratified by can make the Diocese of Mon- question did not mean to not (Diocesan) Synod, to engage treal great ag… only perpetuate, but celebrate the Diocese in a formal process Hmmm. We still have some (and pass on; Sunday School, to address anti-Black racism in time to flesh out this proposal. remember?) racial stereotypes. the Diocese of Montreal. Our We will work on it. To learn about the impact of Covid-19 on services for the homeless However, I was very uncom- stated objective is “To equip the (and how you can help), go to www.montreal.anglican.ca/mission- fortable. Clearly, teaching is clergy and (lay) people of the standing-committee. anglican montreal • december 2020 5

Deck the Halls: Tips for a Successful Digital Advent & Christmas 2020

to wear? Come early? Coffee LEE-ANN MATTHEWS an image or graphic. It is best to use pictures from your own afterwards? Which door? What Lee-Ann Matthews is the diocesan church that reflect your identity to expect… etc. Web/Social Media Coordinator and as a community. MTL Youth Project Coordinator Photos should be good Open the Presents: quality, bright, colourful etc. Prepare easy online giv- Here is a checklist Consider using the same image ing options and speak to help make sure that on the bulletin of the service. openly about the impor- your church is ready for This will create a sense of tance of giving. this uniquely digital familiarity, cohesiveness and season... brand recognition. ie. graphics • Donation Buttons for Lessons and Carols, Christ- are easy to install. Canada mas Eve service, Christmas • Create a unique Helps already has every charity Holiday invitation/on- Pageant, or a listing of all your in Canada registered on their services on one graphic. line event to create some site. Contact them and follow Choose colours and fonts curiosity and encourage new the steps to upload the link. that will reflect your brand, guests. For example, consider People are carrying less cash personality and aesthetic creating a FB event for Lessons and are enjoying the conve- as a church. Once you have and Carols that emphasizes nience of online giving now Photo by Bruce Mars, Unsplash. done this, be intentional and festive, holiday music. more than ever. WIthout online consistent with your commu- giving options you are at risk tal platforms. Verify all details. offerings. nications. For example, you • Banner/Cover of losing those who may feel This can seem obvious but can may choose three colours and Photo on social platforms called to contribute. It is free make or break your credibility • Keep it Fresh! Clearly one font for your Advent/ and website: Must be seasonal, and safe. for visitors who are getting to indicate the most relevant and Christmas offerings and this festive for Christmas or somber know you for the first time or seasonal event that you hope to could serve as your template for Advent. Choose a theme • Be specific and who are deciding if they wish welcome guests to be a part of. throughout. You may use a free and image that best reflects identify a ministry. Over to continue supporting you. Update regularly! Guests will graphic design program such the flavour of your approach the holidays, when you are Remember, you are building be encouraged if they visit your as Canva for ideas, templates, to the season. Consider using welcoming new guests either trust and this means being ac- page and notice that you have colour schemes etc. this image on your bulletins as curate, transparent and reliable. recently updated your content. in person or online, find cre- well. This will create a more ative ways to request financial It’s as though they knocked • Make all infor- consistent, reliable experience • What is in it for and somebody answered the support for a specific ministry for your guests and let them mation clear, readable, (such as a children’s program, them? If someone is visiting door. Reply promptly to any and provide helpful know that someone is tending relevant washroom reno, website cost, your page, they are seeking inquiries. Be as interactive as details to encourage and assist to details and someone cares. something. Perhaps they are possible. etc.) Encourage monthly giving those who are considering and remind patrons of the ben- seeking comfort or community. visiting. For example, Covid-19 • All Information efits of giving especially during Create content that has value • Aesthetics Matter protocol? Parking? Wheelchair must be accurate Include these trying pandemic times. to the seeker. Make it easy for When communicating events access? Donations? How? What links to websites or other digi- them to access you and your or services, consider including continued on page 8

The Work of PWRDF - More Important Than Ever

ANN CUMYN information can be found at: https://pwrdf.org/govt- Mrs. Ann Cumyn is Co-chair of of-canada-grants-pwrdf-1-9m- the Montreal Unit of PWRDF for-amcc-partners-covid-19- response/ When the March PWRDF meeting was cancelled we Recognizing systemic had no idea that cessation of racism meetings would last so long! After a long hot, lazy (for There is another topic that some) summer it was evident is in the forefront of many that we needed to meet. Covid discussions and that is systemic 19 may rage on, but this only racism. There is a groundswell increases the needs around the to try deal with this, especially world. The work of PWRDF is as it affects people of colour. more important than ever. PWRDF is planning to be part of this discussion. There is Inspiring speakers ener- a poem by Elizabeth Barrett gize online meetings Browning, ‘How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.’ Our current challenge, common Without negating any part of to many events, is how to make her life and poetry we could yet another online meeting use this form of expression attractive. Zoom was chosen to ask ourselves, ‘How am I the focus of our Advent and often exorbitant income Covid. Eleven NGOs have been as the medium for several racist? Let me count the ways.’ fundraiser, which will be - a bondage from which it is selected to raise money on a reasons: a member had a zoom Once we start counting we will described more fully below. difficult to escape. 6:1 basis; for every dollar that licence; one could attend either be surprised by the number of With the knowledge that is donated the government will by computer or by phone; most ways. things happening at home Responding to covid give $6. PWRDF has access of the people attending could often draw greater interest, our worldwide to $1.98 million and will use see one another; and discussion October session focussed on a these funds to extend their Looking Forward among the attendees was As we wrap up the current problem that is both local and It is time now to move work in Burundi, Mozambique, relatively easy. year and look forward to 2021, word wide; Human Trafficking. forward into the future; a Rwanda and Tanzania - the The zoom meetings began PWRDF hopes to rekindle The talk, which was given by future in which Covid will countries helped through in September. We welcomed its project to raise funds for Penny Rankin, explored one be an inevitable, although the All Mother and Children Zaida Bastos, who had been Indigenous Midwifery. We of the more heinous crimes unwelcome, partner. Although Count. While the program has the speaker at the event last look forward to 2021, a year committed by and against we naturally focus on our own set up and equipped birthing year at the Glen, MUHC when we can use the new humankind - that of benefiting state of health and safety, it is clinics, because of Covid Birthing centre. Zaida gave skills that we have acquired from the degradation of fellow important to realise that Covid mothers are afraid to go to us a refresher on the PWRDF and eventually meet in person. human beings. We learned is a worldwide problem and them. This new funding will program, All Mothers and May God use our creativity that human trafficking is far that some countries are better help equip countries with the Children Count. This program to inspire us all to rejoice in more than just the sex trade. equipped to deal with it than necessary tools to enhance is continuing with the help the birth of our Saviour, Jesus There are many ways of using others. the safety of all. Montreal of current government Christ. people’s hopes to entrap them The Federal Government is PWRDF is hoping that our funding which will assure the into a bondage that supplies donating $20 million in total churches will take this project sustainability of the benefits. the perpetrators with a steady to help countries deal with on as an Advent project. More We hope that this will become 6 anglican montreal • december 2020 Black Lives Matter Waking up White - Understanding Black Lives Matter

BILL & DOROTHY WILSON to absorb the ideas, the con- person was willing to give Will you let yourself be still, • Suggesting our family and Bill and Dorothy Wilson are active sequences of racism, and the up their immense power and to feel the pain, agony of lives friends read White Fragility. members of All Saints by the Lake, profound impacts on the lives money, high on the trip of ravaged by racism? Families • Reading How to be an Dorval. of people of colour. We began self-conceived superiority. This destroyed, children dying, lives Antiracist with the All Saints to understand what systemic history ripples through our lived in hopelessness with no by the Lake reading group. Dorothy and I are both white racism is and - how even though society, families, institutions; future. It is hard to live in a • Donating to Black seniors. We grew up in white we were ignorant of it (the best laws that guarantee equality province whose leaders will Lives Matter and local Black society in the West Island way to sustain it) - we have that are not equally applied. not recognize the reality and Organizations to ensure their living lives we thought were continued to participate in it and ever-present systematic racism. ongoing work. normal, average, mainstream. perpetuate it. We must support changes in • Learning with Black We always thought that racism Slowly we found ourselves how policing is performed, and Anglicans of Canada and was wrong and tried to treat changing, becoming aware that realize guns are not required West Island Black Community all people we met through life white is a colour; the colour for a family disturbance or a Association through Zoom with the same respect. of superiority, with many health check. presentations. Our awakening began advantages in life, freeing We white people stand • Listening to Chenjerai with a family conflict; for the people from suspicious and on the shoulders of those Kumanyika podcast, Scene On first time we had been called accusing looks from people white people who have Radio (Seeing White). racist and were confronted and police and opening doors benefited from the history We think of the pool Siloam, with a list of micro aggressions to education, employment and of systemic racism. We must a place of healing. We have a committed by us and the justice denied people of colour. take responsibility for the sense, we are the water, when family - an event that left us We became aware it was a white state of this world and realize God does not trouble the water hurt, confused and needing world that was presented to us. that power and money still everything looks peaceful and to understand. With many We followed the 400 year/12 influence the direction of our the all the hopes of human apologies and letters our million slave European, North society. equality drown. We must be emotional journey ended in American history and learned Our personal journey has troubled, feel uncomfortable al- detaching with love while how white people created just begun - there is much work lowing the truth to be revealed leaving the door open. the vocabulary of racism to be done within ourselves and healing to take place. We embraced by both politicians The couple learned about sys- and our society and the world. are all God’s people equal in Our learning began as we temic racism and it’s impact by started reading White Fragil- and church. It is true that, at We have taken our first steps his sight, this world and all the time, some pushed against reading White Fragility by Robin to educate ourselves and share its benefits are to be shared ity by Robin Diangelo; it was a Diangelo. difficult read and it took time the slave trade but no white what we’ve learned, by: equally.

Anti-Black Racism and Womanist Theology – Some Living Questions

own African slave history and the meaning of Jesus' suf- is crying out to me from the images?) not withstanding, from my fering today, to ask ourselves ground.” • Can we ask ourselves grandmother passing for white individually and as church Dr. Cone challenges us: about the words we use in down to me perceived by the community: “The Lord is asking us today, prayers and hymns? world as white, I am white. ‘Where are your Black brothers • What does God require Not only do I not know enough • What is the meaning of and sisters?’ And many of us of us? “To love mercy. To act yet about womanist theology; the cross to white supremacist reply, ‘We don’t know. Are we our justly. To walk humbly with do I have a right to speak for colonizers? brothers’ keepers?’” our God.” Micah 6.8 Black women? Anti-black • What is the meaning of This is the you tube link to racism is the experience of my the cross to those whose ances- the lecture of James H. Cone I love the hymn, “Lift Bermuda cousins. It is not my tors enslaved and lynched? https://www.youtube.com/ High the Cross.” The music experience. Yet, I can live in • What is the meaning of watch?v=kyP7BrmII9U is powerful; the words are the questions Black liberation the cross to us in a church that Those present at the lecture beautiful. Except I find it theology and womanist enslaved and colonized people posed some pertinent questions difficult to sing the refrain – theology raise as they/we re- of colour? for all of us: “Till all the world adore his visit the Bible and the meaning • What is the meaning of sacred name.” ‘Lift high the of Jesus’ life, death, and the cross to those who are • Why are there no Black ROS MACGREGOR cross’ was written in 1877 by resurrection in the light of the lynched and oppressed today? theologians amongst the white George Kitchin at the height The Rev’d Roslyn Macgregor Black experience. (mostly male) theologians of the Victorian colonizing era. is a retired priest of the diocese, Delores Williams, the One womanist theologian taught in systematic theology? It’s triumphalist. Is this the Chaplain of Mile End Community founder of Womanist theology refuses to wear a cross, seeing • Why is Black Theology an message for today? It’s hard. I Mission and long-time member believes the paradigm of it as a symbol of oppression elective rather than a require- was a missionary. A missionary of the former Race Relations Hagar, Egyptian surrogate when it was meant to be a ment for theology students? that needed to be – and is still Comittee. slave of Abraham and Sarah, symbol of liberation. (If there is a Black Theology being – converted. is more appropriate to James H. Cone, was a course at all.) I’m a feminist. Feminism Black women than Sarah’s founder of Black Liberation at its best is a struggle for story. Hagar survives in the theology. He gave a lecture I add my own questions: equality. Many Black women wilderness. Black women, she entitled “The Cry of Black feel left out of the feminist says, have fought for survival Blood – The Rise of Black • What would it mean to Recommended movement largely made up and quality of life. Black Liberation Theology” at Yale de-colonize the Church? Books on Womanist of white women addressing women survive on their own Divinity School on April 17, • Who is God for us? We, Theology: white women’s issues. While wit and creativity…. And so 2017, not long before he died. who grew up with a white many white women are still much more. Dr. Cone says the rise of God and a white Jesus in our By the Rev’d Dr. Kelly Brown: marginalized (unequal pay Black liberation theology Black Liberation Theology was stained glass windows, our The Black Christ for equal work, for instance), begins with the Biblical born out of nearly 400 years Sunday school materials, our Stand Your Ground: Black Black women are doubly premise that God is always of resistance to the terrors of teachings. Bodies and the Justice of God marginalized in a patriarchal, with the oppressed. Jesus was white supremacy. “How can • What would it mean to colonial society: because they not only with the marginalized; we trust,” he asks, “a religion de-colonize the Church? By the Rev’d Dr. Katie Cannon: are women and because of the he was a man marginalized that denies the humanity of • What does God require Womanism and the Soul of the colour of their skin. in Roman society and by the some people by defining them of us? “To love mercy. To act Black Community In a Black Theology religious authorities of the day. as evil because of the colour of justly. To walk humbly with online course this summer, I One of the most powerful their skin?” He uses the story our God”? By Mercy Amba Oduyoye: discovered womanist theology. books I have ever read is James of Cain and Abel as a metaphor • Can we move away from Beads and Strands: Reflec- Forever waking up. Wham! H. Cone’s The Cross and the for our present struggles: the white supremacy embedded tions of an African Woman on How can I not have known Lynching Tree. The cross was The Lord asks Cain, “Where in our colonial church to hear Christianity in Africa about womanist theology? So a symbol of oppression as was is your brother, Abel?” God’s spirit anew? much to learn. the lynching tree. The ‘lynch- Cain replies, “I don’t know. • Are there small ways All available on Amazon.ca I thought I could write ing’ of Black people continues. Am I my brother’s keeper?” with great meaning to move an article about womanist We are challenged, in open- The Lord asks, “What have forward? (such as using Jesus theology, but I can’t. My ing ourselves to Black theology you done? Your brother’s blood Mafa African Gospel and other anglican montreal • december 2020 7

Equipping the Saints

LINDA MOORE mens they’re testing: lab techs “secular” career as well as my tearfully poured her heart out should treat each specimen as new career as a priest? I felt to me about how overworked Linda Moore is a third-year if it’s a valued friend or fam- that when I left my full-time she is, that she is on the verge student in the Master of Divinity ily member. The parishioner lab tech job in 2018 to study of burnout; just me taking the program at Montreal Diocesan replied, “I see the connection at Montreal Dio that God was time to sit and really listen to Theological College. She is prepar- between your lab career and calling me to leave that lab job her was what she needed that ing for ordination in the Diocese your future career as a priest. behind, that He had “bigger” day. Another coworker told of Vermont. Before coming to Dio, It’s your vision of ministry in plans for me. me that he is a nihilist and she had a career as a lab tech at treating people the best you I chose to get back into will never believe in God, yet a hospital. This summer, in the can, your mission of compas- the lab work this summer for he sits with me at the end of midst of a global pandemic, she sionate care of people and your income to pay tuition for my shift almost every evening and returned to that work on a part- concern that those working third year. I also saw it as a wants to talk about the Bible time basis. She writes about what with you have that same vision ministry to enable the lab techs and God. It’s as if God has she is learning from combining her and mission; have you seen there who I knew had been opened my eyes to see these studies, her parish placement, and this connection before?” under a lot of stress due to the ministry opportunities even in her work in a hospital. This connection was defi- pandemic to take some much- my secular career. nitely an epiphany for me. I needed vacation time. It was I now feel that that the I live in northern Vermont had thought lab work and min- tough adjusting to the fast pace various aspects of my life are and work per diem in a local istry are vastly different from of an eight-hour workday in becoming integrated. The hospital laboratory. At the one another. Lab work can be a hospital lab after two years coursework I’m doing at the church where I am doing my stressful with emergency stat as a student. I found myself college is flowing into the work field placement, one of the work and the constant pressure soon in various discussions I’m doing at my field place- parishioners asked me how I for a quicker turnaround time with my coworkers that I view ment and also into my hospi- measure my success as a lab for all test results; it doesn’t “Another coworker told me as ministry opportunities. On tal lab tech work. This more tech. I answered that I see ev- leave a lot of time for reflection that he is a nihilist and will my first day in the lab, one integrated approach to life al- ery aspect of my lab work as a of any sort. Life as a priest will never believe in God, yet he told me he didn’t want to ever lows me to be less anxious and ministry to the patients, to give have its own stressors with sits with me at the end of shift hear me talk about God and more open to God’s plan for each of them the best patient religion. After assuring him my future bivocational career. pastoral care, teaching and ad- almost every evening and care possible. This includes ministrative duties in addition that I was only there to do lab My mantra this year is “Just training new lab techs to see to what most people perceive wants to talk about the Bible work, he has recently begun to breathe and do what you can the big picture of patient care, as our Sunday ministry. Does and God.” ask me questions about God do; God’s got this.” that those aren’t merely speci- God want me to keep my and religion. Another tech

St Mark & St Peter Renovations Nearly Completed

be renovated, which is now completed. CHRIS BARRIGAR A guiding principle in the renovations The Rev’d Chris Barrigar is the incumbent of was to make the hall and church into St Mark & St Peter. flexible multi-use spaces; another prin- ciple was to reverse the interior direction The former churches of St Mark's, Ville of the church, so that the new sanctu- St Laurent, and St Peter's, TMR, began ary would be at the opposite end of the worshipping together as the new Church nave. This allows easier access for young of St Mark & St Peter (CMP) in June 2019. families sitting at the rear easier access As part of the merger, major renovations to classrooms and washroom facilities; it were undertaken of the former St Mark's also opens up the front for easier admin- building to provide a renewed space for istration of communion, and provides the new congregation. opportunity for more flexible use of the The interior of the whole building front. was renovated in two stages. For the first Another principle was to update the stage the old hall and kitchen were gut- technology with new sound, wifi, and ted and the interior completely re-built projection systems. The new sanctu- from the ground up. The offices and ary uses furnishings from both former meeting rooms were also renovated, and churches, including the altar from St a new lounge built in the space previ- Mark's and the altar rail from St. Peter's. ously occupied by the organ pipes. When (The altar has been put on wheels and these renovations were completed Sun- the rail is removable, so that the front can day worship moved into the renovated be used for different types of events.) hall so that the church itself could then

Church interior demolition (removing the old concrete floor in preparation for pouring a new concrete floor).

New sanctuary with the Rev’d Chris Barrigar hosting Sunday Zoom service; both in- person worshippers and Zoom worshippers in the same service via the new wifi and The beautiful original St Mark’s windows restored. projection technology. 8 anglican montreal • december 2020

A Prayer from the Diocesan Representatives Deck the Halls: Digital Advent / The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer - Canada Christmas 2020 continued from page 5 gagement. Encourage members Loving God, we are grateful to you masks to prevent a spread of the • Giving as a spiri- to go on social and “check in” for your protection during this virus. God of reason and truth, help tual practice: When donors and “like” the parish FB page, difficult time of COVID-19. We us to rid the world of conspiracy contribute to your charity, this rate the church, invite their know that you did not impose this theories and to instill your wisdom opens a reciprocal relationship friends to like/follow as well. virus on your cherished people. and understanding in all naysayers. and deepens your connection. • When your church is We know also that you are working Be with us when situations arise Emphasize the importance of empty, this does not mean hard to inspire scientists to create where there is resistance and pro- this relationship and find ways that your job is over. You may a vaccine, to sustain all health care vide us with the appropriate words of cherishing and honouring continue to connect with workers in their struggles, and to to defuse this confrontation. givers. How can you do this? existing and potential parishio- guide decision-makers on the right Use social media to express ners via email, website, blogs, path with wisdom and authority. Lord, we long to get back to some words of gratitude, notes of video and social media posts. Through you, our Lord, all things semblance of normalcy. God of thanks, be transparent and “The service has ended, but the are possible. miracles and restoration we sin- open in terms of your budget worship has begun…” cerely pray that we will soon see and spending habits, Write We thank you Gracious God for an end to this pandemic. We also blogs, sermons and create a Questions to wonder helping us to realize just how much pray that there won’t be any lasting series of posts about the im- about we were taking for granted. We la- negative effects on our children portance of your donors. Invite ment the loss of personal contact, and young adults who are seriously donors to share their thoughts • How can you interact but know that social distancing will affected by this change in routine about giving online, etc. meaningfully with your digital keep us safe. We miss our wonder- and this interruption in schooling community? ful church services, our gather- and work. Tree Topper: How to • What does your commu- ings with loved ones, and all the build and maintain a nity seek? spontaneous hugs and kisses that We thank you for hearing and digital community • What is meaningful in demonstrate our deep affection for answering our prayers. Help us your context? our family and friends. continue to faithfully serve you in • Capture email ad- • Have you considered a every circumstance. dresses of guests to follow digital survey to get feedback? We pray that you will help us to Lord, in your mercy, hear our up, thank, invite, encour- uphold your commandment to love prayer. age and inquire about them Remember that it is possible our neighbour as ourselves. We and their faith journey. Build to pray, inspire, worship, ask express this love by wearing our Valerie and Stacey relationships with a solid questions, inquire, dialogue, email correspondence. Use reflect and more. A digital com- For more information on AFP-C, contact Valerie Bennett and Stacey Neale at valstacey@bell-net Mailchimp or other email munity is a real community platforms to keep your lists and can be infused with the organized and provide beauti- Holy Spirit, therefore capable ful email templates. of connecting in wonderful and surprising ways! • Speak to your ex- Be ready! People are seeking isting community about meaningful, spiritual connec- the importance of digital en- tions more than ever.

The Anglican Foundation continued from page 4

The social and economic want to respond as generously impact of COVID-19 on people as possible. and communities will undoubt- Join us and help AFC edly give rise to compassionate continue to be able to say Yes! and innovative responses on to the dreams and aspirations the part of our churches. To of the people and parishes in those currently discerning how your diocese, and to so many to meet a real and pressing more across the country. need in their communities— To donate to the Anglican faithful leaders in the Diocese Foundation of Canada visit of Montreal among them—we anglicanfoundation.org.

Thanks to Gisele McKnight, Communications Officer for the Diocese of Fredericton, for providing this Advent activity graphic.