After School Club CSSIW Registered No. W50000800 Registered Charity No. 1119483

Goytre After School Club The “Before School Club” at GASC The “All Day Club” at GASC

At Goytre Fawr Centre The Old School, School Lane, , Nr , , NP4 0AH Information for Parents September 2011 Issue 3 Welcome to Goytre After School Club Introduction We wish to provide a safe and familiar environment in which your children can play before and after normal school hours. Goytre After School Club (GASC or the Club), includes the “Before School Club” at GASC, the “All Day Club” at GASC and the “Bus Club”. The “All Day Club” is held on an occasional basis whenever the school is closed during term time e.g. for teacher training days. The “Bus Club” is an agreement between GASC and Monmouthshire County Council and places cannot be booked by parents. The Club is a “not for profit” organisation which has charitable status, registered number 1119483. Ages The Club is normally only open to those children of primary school age, older children may be admitted at the discretion of the committee. Application for a Place (P)* A registration form must be completed, which tells us about you and the child, so that we know who to contact in case of an emergency. A contract also need to be completed. The first named person on the registration form becomes a “member” of the Club and is entitled to vote at the AGM. Membership is valid until September of the following year. Application forms (booking forms) are issued each half term which are to be completed and returned before the start of the half term with payment. These forms can be obtained from the address at the end of this leaflet or from GASC at the Community Centre. There are separate booking forms for the three clubs. Bookings at short notice may be accepted for registered children for a single day, subject to the number of children and staff in attendance.

* a (P) indicates that further details can be found in the Policies and Procedures document.

1 Arrival and Collection (P) Before School Club Unless you have made prior arrangements, please do not bring your child to the Before School Club before 7:45 a.m. Breakfast is available and may include milk, water, fruit juices, selection of cereals, toast, yoghurts and fruit. At 8:50 a.m. the children will be escorted to the school at which time they become the responsibility of the school. After School Club Infant children will be collected from their classrooms by a play leader and escorted to the school hall. Junior children are expected to make their own way to the hall. When all children are present they will be escorted to the Community Centre for registration. Please collect your child not later than 6:00 p.m. All Day Club You may bring your child to the Club anytime after 8:00 a.m.. Please tell us when you will collect your child, but not later than 5:30 p.m. Bus Club The “Bus Club” is to provide after school care for those children who live in Little Mill while they wait for their bus to arrive at approximately 4 pm. CCTV There is a CCTV system in use both externally and internally. Closure Should the school close because of unforeseen circumstances, e.g. snow, then the Club will be closed. Committee The Club is managed by a committee elected at the AGM, in October each year, from the members. A member is the first named person on the booking form unless you specify otherwise. Communication Please tell your child when he or she is staying to the Club. Please tell the Club if your child is not staying when they have been booked in.

2 Complaints Should you have any reason to complain, please contact the senior play leader in the first instance. If you are not satisfied then please make your complaint in writing to the Chairman at the address above, who will act on any complaint you may have. CSSIW can be contacted by writing to CSSIW South East Region, Government Buildings, Rhydycar Merthyr Tydfill, CF48 1UZ Telephone 0300 0628757. Compliments Should you wish to compliment any or all the staff of the operation of the Club, please feel free to do so to them personally. However, if you put it in writing to the Chairman then the compliment can be recorded in the staff records. The Chairman Goytre After School Club, Goytre Fawr Community Centre, The Old School School Lane, Penperlleni, nr Pontypool, Monmouthshire, NP4 0AH Confidentiality (P) The details you provide on the registration form and any other details we hold about you or your child will be kept confidential for the sole use of GASC and not given to anybody else or any other organisation with the exception of CSSIW. The details are used by GASC for the running of its business. By completing a registration form you agree to GASC holding your name, your child’s name, your address, the bookings and payments you make on the computer equipment used by GASC, no sensitive data will be stored. However, the details you supply may be required by law to be given to an outside body, e.g. the police or social services, we would comply with such a legal request. You may request a copy of all the details held on you or your child by making a written request to the senior play leader, a fee of £5 will be charged for this service.

3 Discipline (P) Children are expected to behave in an appropriate manner and not to prevent the other children from enjoying the facilities of the Club. Unacceptable behaviour, e.g. spitting, swearing, hitting, bullying, etc. will be cause for exclusion from the Club. Parents will be consulted before such action is taken. If a child is excluded from the Club then no refund will be given. Emergencies (P) Should your child become ill or suffer an accident whilst at the Club, the first named parent will be contacted via their mobile phone in the first instance, unless we know to the contrary. It is important that the Club has your latest number. If we cannot contact you the other telephone numbers on the registration form will be tried. Entrance The entrance to the club from School Lane is via two gates, please close and latch both gates after you pass through them. Equal Opportunities (P) All activities will be available to children of both sexes. No child will be discriminated against because of any physical or mental disability. The Club intends to provide activities within the scope of each child. Facilities The Community Centre has three rooms: the Entrance Room, the Hall, the Top Room, male toilet, a female toilet and a disabled toilet. Outside is a small yard, and we have permission to use the school field. Feedback Please contact Joan Howells, the Senior Play Leader, about any aspect of your child’s attendance at the Club. Fees The fees for September 2011 are: No increase Before School Club £2.55 per child per session from last After School Club £5.10 per child per session. year! All Day Club £3 per child per hour or £12 per child per half day or

4 £20 per child per day. Fees are payable in advance for each half-term. The Club will be willing to listen to any cases of hardship that this may cause and try to make other arrangements. Payment of fees can be made by cheque, cash, voucher or bank transfer. The preferred method of payment is by cheque. Please make cheques payable to “Goytre After School Club”, and write your child’s name on the back of the cheque. If you wish to pay by bank transfer then our bank details are: Account name: Goytre After School Club Sort Code 40 –45-07 Account number 91379968 Please print a copy of the transaction and give it to us. We accept payment from several different child care voucher providers. If you pay cash, please put it in a sealed envelope and write your child’s name and the dates of attendance on it. If you would like a receipt please ask for one. Failure to pay will cause your child to be excluded from the Club. You will be expected to pay any fees incurred by the Club in connection with “referred” cheques. Games and Activities A wide range of games and activities will be provided, these may include: art and craft; painting; drawing; puzzles; board games; indoor and outdoor games. There will also be opportunity for reading and homework. Even though there will be plenty on offer, your child will be encouraged to take part and not forced. During the “All Day Club” activities may be organised away from the Community Centre. Health and Medicines (P) Please tell us if your child has any health problems. The Club needs written permission from you in order to administer any medicines. Please note that if your child is unwell we reserve the right to refuse admission. Holidays The Club operates during term time only.

5 Inspection Reports The latest CSSIW inspection report of the Club is available for inspection on the notice board by the signing in/out desk. Language The language spoken by the play leaders is English with the occasional use of some Welsh. Location The Club is located in Goytre Fawr Community Centre, which is opposite Goytre Fawr Primary School and next to Jack and Jill’s Playgroup. The Community Centre is a charity itself. See the map at the back of the handbook. Newsletter The Club aims to publish a newsletter twice a year to inform parents about the Club’s activities. Open Door The Club has an open door policy so that parents and children can come and visit to see the Club in action. The parents of children new to the Club are particularly welcome. Places The Club is registered for up to 32 under 8’s, there is no restriction on numbers for the over 8’s, though the maximum number of children we can take is 56, including the Bus Club. We will try and maintain a ratio of 1 adult to 8 children for all age groups. The places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Places can only be guaranteed when booked and paid for in advance. New booking forms are issued every half-term. Policies The various policies of the Club are available for inspection on the notice board by the signing in/out desk just inside the entrance. Quality of Care Review A report of the latest quality of care review is displayed on the notice board.

6 Racial Discrimination No child will be discriminated against because of their race or ethnic background. Refreshments Light refreshments are provided for children in the afternoon e.g. a drink and a snack and may include: water, fruit juice or milk; the snacks are: fruit, bread rolls, French bread, toast or crumpets. If your child has any dietary needs, allergies or major dislikes, please inform us on the back of the registration form and we will take this into account. For the “All Day Club”, your child will need to bring a packed lunch, breakfast and snacks will be available. Refunds Should a child be absent for any reason, their place must still be paid for, i.e. no refunds will be given, although exceptional circumstances will be given careful consideration. Registration The Club is registered with Care and Social Services Inspectorate for (CSSIW) as an out of school child care provider. Registration number W50000800. School Clubs Please inform us if your child is attending an extra curricular club in the school. We need to know the name of the club and what time he/she needs to be collected. If you collect your child yourself please let us know. Sickness If your child is too ill to attend school, please do not bring him/her to the Club. If your child is unwell we reserve the right to refuse admission. Special Needs The Club wants to provide the best care possible, but if your child has any special or different needs please contact us to discuss the situation before you book him/her into the Club so that we can provide the best care for your child.

7 Staff The Senior Play Leader is Joan Howells to whom all queries about your child should be addressed. The other Play Leaders are (in alphabetical order): Vicky Goldsmith, Diane Griffiths, Alison Price, and Sian Smith. The staff have between them two CACHE level 3 certificates, two CACHE level 2 certificates and an NNEB certificate. All play- leaders have their Emergency Aid Certificate and four have Food Hygiene Certificates . Food preparation is by Linda Robinson, who has a Food Hygiene Certificate. All staff have been cleared by the Criminal Records Bureau, other staff will be appointed as necessary and all staff will be cleared with CRB as required. Times The Club operates during term time only. Before School Club The opening times of the Before School Club are 7:45 a.m. (or earlier by request) to 8:50 a.m. After School Club The opening times of the After School Club are 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. All Day Club The “All Day Club” is held on an occasional basis whenever the school is closed during term time e.g. for teacher training days. The All Day Club will open on from 8:00 a.m. (or earlier by request) to 5:30 p.m., subject to demand. Variation of Day of Attendance It may be possible to vary the days attended, this depends on the number of children booked in on the new day and only within the same half-term. You must give the play leaders as much notice as possible of any change, ideally one week. Places cannot be guaranteed at short notice. This facility may be withdrawn without notice. A staff/child ratio of 1:8 can not be exceeded for the under 8’s.

8 19/10/2011 Disclaimer All details in this leaflet are believed to be correct at the date of publication, or will be by the start of the autumn term. The Club reserves the right to change the details as circumstances demand. We will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible about any change that may affect you. E & O. E.

G o S y p t a re r

Goytre Park Go yt Vil re G lag oy Hal e A tr l rm e s

Goytre After School Club G AS


G P o S r y im t c re h a o ry o l

For further information about GASC please contact

Joan Howells, Senior Play Leader, GASC 4 Midfield, Penperlleni, Nr Pontypool, Monmouthshire, NP4 0AS Tel: 01873 880493 email: [email protected] The Staff

Joan Howells Senior Play Leader

Vicky Goldsmith Diane Griffiths Alison Price Assistant Play Leader Assistant Play Leader Assistant Play Leader

Sian Smith Linda Robinson Trainee Play Leader Catering Assistant

Registered Persons with the CSSIW

Michelle Cooper Roger Howells