Reducing Lead in Drinking Water A TECHNICAL GUIDANCE AND MODEL PLAN FOR MINNESOTA’S PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Reducing Lead in Drinking Water Published April 2018 Revisions March 2019, May 2021 Manual revised to incorporate changes made to the Environmental Protection Agency guidance, 3T’s: Training, Testing and Telling now known as 3T’s: Training, Testing and Taking Action and additional modifications. A listing of applicable references is located at the end of this Model Plan in the order they appear. Minnesota Department of Education Division of School Finance | Long-Term Facilities Maintenance 1500 Highway 36 West Roseville, Minnesota 55113 651-582-8779
[email protected] Minnesota Department of Education Minnesota Department of Health Environmental Health Division | Drinking Water Protection PO Box 64975 St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 651-201-4700
[email protected] Upon request, this material will be made available in an alternative format. i REDUCING LEAD IN DRINKING WATER Foreword Reducing potential lead risks in school drinking water We are pleased to present this guidance and model plan, Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: A Technical Guidance and Model Plan for Minnesota’s Public Schools. This plan reflects the commitment of public health, education, and legislative leaders, as well as those directly responsible for operating public school drinking water systems, to reduce the chance that children are exposed to the health hazards of lead through school drinking water. It provides information on both required steps (testing, reporting) and flexible guidance that schools can consider to meet their individual needs.