Republicans Bounce Rinaldi From
Property of the Watertown Historical Society i-3 > TTown o r4 Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litehfield County Vol.. 41 No. 5 :. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12.00 PER. YEAR. Car, Ri. P.S. PRICE 30' CENTS Feb. 6, 1986 January Building Heavy Foundations and superstructures' superstructures for one-family Republicans Bounce for one-family dwellings, and dwellings, at $829,793, and an ex- wintertime home improvements ercise building, placed at bolstered, the community's January $165,000'. " building report, which totaled an estimated $1,347,853 worth of The rest of the breakdown, is as follows: one-family dwelling foun- Rinaldi From PBC construction and. renovation. According to the monthly report. dations, three, $26,000'; roofs, Making good on a campaign pro- Filed by Building Inspector Robert three, $6,600'; residential additions mise to lessen 'the role in town Kontout's office, 129 permits were or renovations, three, $40,715; governmenfuf people serving, on given out, bringing in $7,555 in commercial additions or renova- more than one board or commis- fees. In December, 1985, 97 per- tions, four, $3,800; sidings, six, sion, the Republican Town Coun- mits'were issued, for a value total $29,040: decks,, two, $7,983; and cil majority Monday night ousted of SI .4 million. electrical jobs, 42, $70,405. Democrat Francis "Chuck"' A, year ago in, January, 1985,48 Also: plumbings, 17, $59,270; Rinaldi from, the Public Buildings permits were handed out for heatings, 17, $93,272; signs, 19, Committee. $632,999 worth of work. $14,815; fireplaces, one, $500; and The move brought a response Heading the recent list were 10 chimneys, one, $600.
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