A Compact Model for Si-Ge Avalanche Photodiodes Wang, Binhao; Huang, Zhihong; Zeng, Xiaoge; Sorin, Wayne V.; Liang, Di; Beausoleil, Raymond G. Hewlett Packard Labs HPE-2018-05 Keyword(s): Avalanche photodiodes (APDs); Modeling; Optical communication Abstract: A compact Si-Ge avalanche photodiode (APD) model, including carrier transit time and electrical parasitics, accurately captures electrical and optical dynamics in a wide range of gain. Excellent matching between simulated and measured 30 Gb/s eye diagrams is presented. External Posting Date: May 18, 2018 [Fulltext] Internal Posting Date: May 18, 2018 [Fulltext] Copyright 2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP A Compact Model for Si–Ge Avalanche Photodiodes Binhao Wang*, Zhihong Huang, Xiaoge Zeng, Rui Wu, Wayne V. Sorin, Di Liang, Raymond G. Beausoleil Hewlett Packard Labs, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Palo Alto, CA, 94304, USA *
[email protected] Abstract— A compact Si-Ge avalanche photodiode (APD) each different gain-operation regime. For data communication, circuit model, including carrier transit time and electrical APDs are often operated above gain of 5 to enhance the APD parasitics, is demonstrated and accurately captures electrical and receiver sensitivity, but it also operates below the maximum optical dynamics in a wide range of multiplication gain. Excellent gain to avoid a poor signal-to-noise ratio and a large gain matching between simulated and measured 30 Gb/s eye diagrams fluctuation. Previous models for III-V or Si-Ge APDs lack is presented. accurate modeling in such a broad range of multiplication gain by considering both device electrical parasitics or carrier transit Keywords—Avalanche photodiodes (APDs); Modeling; Optical time dynamics [7, 8].