Jervis Langdon, Jr
Mark Twain Circular Newsletter of the Mark Twain Circle of America Volume 18 April 2004 Number 1 The Death of Jervis Langdon, Jr. Jervis Langdon, Jr. 1905-2004 Gretchen Sharlow, Director Center for MT Studies at Quarry Farm Shelley Fisher Fishkin Stanford University It is with deep appreciation and respect that the Elmira College community I was saddened to learn of the death of Jervis mourns the loss of Mark Twain’s grand- Langdon, Jr. on February 16, 2004, and wanted to nephew, Jervis Langdon, Jr., who died take this opportunity to remember him as a gra- February 16, 2004, at his home in Elmira, cious, generous and public-spirited man. I had the New York, at the age of 99. pleasure of meeting Jervis Langdon, Jr. and his With his 1982 gift of the beloved wonderful wife, Irene, three years ago in Elmira. I family home Quarry Farm to Elmira Col- was struck by the way he embraced the legacies lege, and his vision to nurture Twain both of his great grandfather, Jervis Langdon scholarship, Jervis Langdon, Jr. made a (Olivia Langdon Clemens' father, and Sam Clem- major impact on the world of Mark Twain ens' father-in-law), and of his grand-uncle Mark studies. The Elmira College Center for Twain, with wisdom and sensitivity. Mark Twain Studies was developed in In May, 1869, his great grandfather, Jervis 1983 with a mission to foster the study Langdon, purchased the East Hill property in El- Mark Twain, his life, his literature, and his mira that would become Quarry Farm, the home significant influence on American culture.
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