Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION DETAILS APPLICATION NO: CMA/5/31 Erection of 5 no. wind turbines with a maximum tip height FULL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: of 115m and associated buildings and works NAME OF APPLICANT: EDF Energy Renewables Sheraton Hill and Hulam Farms, Sheraton, Hutton Henry, ADDRESS: County Durham ELECTORAL DIVISION: Blackhalls Henry Jones, Senior Planning Officer CASE OFFICER: 03000 263960,
[email protected] DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND PROPOSALS The Site 1. The application site comprises of 6.6 hectares of land at Sheraton Hill and Hulam Farms to the north of the settlement of Sheraton and to the east of Hutton Henry and the A19. Land within the application site comprises of an existing access road (Bellows Burn Lane), agricultural land associated with the farms, agricultural buildings and residential properties at the Hulam farmstead. The Bellows Burn watercourse crosses the application site at a point within its far south. 2. Sections of Footpath No. 14, Bridleway No. 1 and Bridleway No. 13 (all Sheraton with Hulam) all cross the application site. In addition Footpath No. 3 (Nesbitt), Footpath No. 9 Byway No. 18, Bridleway No. 20 and Bridleway No. 10 (all Sheraton and Hulam) are all within the immediate vicinity of the application site. The locally designated Easington Area of High Landscape Value is partly located within the application site. A small section of the application site (to the east of turbine 5) also includes the Hesleden Dene Local Wildlife. 3. In addition there are a host of local and statutory landscape, heritage and ecological land designations also located within relative close proximity to the application site.