Vol. 14 no. 4 1998 BIOINFORMATICS APPLICATIONS NOTE Pages 380-381 MView: a web-compatible database search or multiple alignment viewer NigelP. Brown, ChristopheLeroy and Chris Sander European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBLĆEBI), Wellcome Genome Campus, CambridgeCB10 1SD, UK Received on December 10, 1997; revised and accepted on January 15, 1998 Abstract may be hyperlinked to the SRS system (Etzold et al., 1996), a text field, a field of scoring information from searches, and Summary: MView is a tool for converting the results of a a field reporting the per cent identity of each sequence with sequence database search into the form of a coloured multiple respect to a preferred sequence in the alignment, usually the alignment of hits stacked against the query. Alternatively, an query in the case of a search. existing multiple alignment can be processed. In either case, Multiple alignments require minimal parsing and are the output is simply HTML, so the result is platform independent and does not require a separate application or subjected only to formatting stages. Search hits are first applet to be loaded. stacked against the ungapped query sequence and require Availability: Free from http://www.sander.ebi.ac.uk/mview/ special processing. Ungapped search (e.g. BLAST) hit subject to copyright restrictions. fragments are assembled into a single string by overlaying Contact:
[email protected] them preferentially by score onto a template string, while gapped search (e.g. FASTA) hits have columns corresponding Often when running FASTA (Pearson, 1990) or BLAST to query gaps excised. Consequently, the stacked alignment is (Altschul et al., 1990), it is desired to visualize the database a patchwork of reconstituted sequences that nevertheless is hits stacked against the query sequence.