Automatic labeling of troponymy for Chinese verbs 羅巧Ê Chiao-Shan Lo*+ s!蓉 Yi-Rung Chen+
[email protected] [email protected] 林芝Q Chih-Yu Lin+ 謝舒ñ Shu-Kai Hsieh*+
[email protected] [email protected] *Lab of Linguistic Ontology, Language Processing and e-Humanities, +Graduate School of English/Linguistics, National Taiwan Normal University Abstract 以同©^Æ與^Y語意關¶Ë而成的^Y知X«,如ñ語^² (Wordnet)、P語^ ² (EuroWordnet)I,已有E分的研v,^²的úË_已øv完善。ú¼ø同的目的,- 研b語言@¦已úË'規!K-文^Y²路 (Chinese Wordnet,CWN),è(Ð供完t的 -文YK^©@分。6而,(目MK-文^Y²路ûq-,1¼目M;要/¡(ºº$ 定來標記同©^ÆK間的語意關Â,因d這些標記KxÏ尚*T成可L應(K一定規!。 因d,,Ç文章y%針對動^K間的上下M^Y語意關 (Troponymy),Ðú一.ê動標 記的¹法。我們希望藉1句法上y定的句型 (lexical syntactic pattern),úË一個能 ê 動½取ú動^上下M的ûq。透N^©意$定原G的U0,P果o:,dûqê動½取ú 的動^上M^,cº率將近~分K七A。,研v盼能將,¹法應(¼c(|U-的-文^ ²ê動語意關Â標記,以Ê知X,體Kê動úË,2而能有H率的úË完善的-文^Y知 XÇ源。 關關關uuu^^^:-文^Y²路、語©關Âê動標記、動^^Y語© Abstract Synset and semantic relation based lexical knowledge base such as wordnet, have been well-studied and constructed in English and other European languages (EuroWordnet). The Chinese wordnet (CWN) has been launched by Academia Sinica basing on the similar paradigm. The synset that each word sense locates in CWN are manually labeled, how- ever, the lexical semantic relations among synsets are not fully constructed yet. In this present paper, we try to propose a lexical pattern-based algorithm which can automatically discover the semantic relations among verbs, especially the troponymy relation. There are many ways that the structure of a language can indicate the meaning of lexical items. For Chinese verbs, we identify two sets of lexical syntactic patterns denoting the concept of hypernymy-troponymy relation.