24Th Sunday Ordinary Time 15092019.Pub

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24Th Sunday Ordinary Time 15092019.Pub ST JOHN VIANNEY PARISH ST JOHN VIANNEY PARISH MONTE CECILIA SCHOOL 317 Hillsborough Road 34 Whitmore Road HILLSBOROUGH HILLSBOROUGH Parish Priest: Fr Francis Poon Principal: Michele Mill Phone : 625 5154 Phone: 625 5018 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C 15 September 2019 1st Reading: Exodus 32 : 7-11, 13-14 Psalm Ps 50 RvLuke 15 : 18 I will rise and go to my father. 2nd Reading: 1 Timothy 1 : 12 - 17 Gospel Acclama3on : Alleluia, alleluia4 God was in Christ, to reconcile the world to himself, And the Good News of reconcilia'on he has entrusted to us. Alleluia4 H i sn ha y c 2ospel: Lu/e , : - 32 n nbo h!l d!b: ha Christ J_sus c% nt' ( w*l t' s+ ,-.r. 1 2y3l4 5 ( 6ea8es 9 (5... 1 T5<= 1 : 15 If you wish to have your name in the newsletter for prayers or to include a notice, please let the office know by Thursday of every week. OFFICE HRS: MON, 5ED, FRI 7.30am- 2.30 pm Parish Secretar1 : Julianna Lee-Joe Ph : 924 3440 : Email : [email protected] : www.stjohn.ianne1.org.nz 2od calls to e.er1one. The church is wai+ng to welcome you and help you along your )our- ney. If you would li8e to 8now more about the Catholic faith2 please contact the Parish OCce. Our Parish Priest would be happy to assist you to get acDuainted with some basic beliefs of the Catholic Church and begin to e:perience its life of faith. Children's choir Calling all our young children to join our choir in prepara+on for the Children's 5hite Sunda1 on 2 nd Sunday of October. We celebrate .others/ 0ay and 1athers/ 0ay2 so this for the children. Come )oin us today a3er the 4am .ass for an hour in the hall. Hope to see many of you there5 Famil1 Life Interna3onal visit:7 We are honoured to receive a visit and tal8 by 0ame Colleen Bayer of 1amily Life Interna+onal at both .asses of 4 and , SeptemAer. Colleen will e:plain the dangers of the Abor+on Reform Bill and how you may ma8e a submission against it. The 1amily Life pro-life educa+on bus2 /Gianna/s Choice/ will also be on site. Eou s+ll have enough +me to ma8e a submission although +me is running out. Eou may ma8e a submission online by going to the Parliament website: 8ey words /New Aealand Parliament Abor+on Reform Bill submissions. /Submissions close Thursday 14 September. Every pro-life voice counts. BLESSIN2 of parish choirs 21 - 22 September. Our parish choirs bless us with their talent each wee8. In turn2 they will be receiving a special blessing2 on the wee8end of 21 - 22 September2 at the Vigil and Sunday .asses. Hol1 Cross Seminar1 invites you to celebrate with the seminary sta? and students the 1east of the Holy Cross. .ass will be held at Sacred Heart church2 1 Vermont Street2 Ponsonby2 at ,pm on Monda1, 9 SeptemAer . Principal celebrant will be Bishop 0enis Browne. ABORTION LA5 REFORM in NE5 CEALAND: DHa.e Your Sa1 A1 7 SeptemAerE The Government has introduced a new and very liberal abor+on bill into Parliament which would provide abor+on fully on demand up to 20 wee8s of pregnancy and then much easier abor+on right up to the +me of birth. Submissions have been invited from concerned New Aealanders up to the closing date of Thursda1 7 SeptemAer. Please have your say. 1orms are in the foyer. Place completed forms in the bo: provided. Limited copies of a special edi+on of FAMILY LIFE on this maBer if available in the foyer. Ma1oral Elec3on Forum This is your chance to as8 all the .ayoral candidates where they stand on issues important to the Catholic community. 7-7pm at St Columba Centre 40 Vermont St Ponsonby on 5ednesda1 2, SeptemAer . All welcome. Supper provided. SJV Food Bank . When we give to the VOCATION TO PRIESTHOOD needy, we share Jesus' love. 'Come to Are you hearing the calling of God to serve me all you who are burdened, and I will Him through Priesthood? give you rest.' (Mt 11:28). All donations of non -perishable food Find out more by contacting Fr Sherwin Lapaan, Director of Vocations items are gratefully accepted by Monte Cecilia Housing Trust and Divine Mercy [email protected] Youth. www.aucklandpriests.co.nz Central Auckland Grief Support is a peer support group for adults who have gone through grief or loss, such as separa+on or divorce2 the death of a signiGcant person in their life or other ma)or family changes. Our ne:t mee+ng is planned on Saturday 21 September 2pm in the Hills- borough area. To Gnd out more and to register2 please contact .abel at 25-8378. Holy Cross Parish, Papatoetoe is see8ing a Parish Secretary who will support the Parish Priest by providing a friendly and welcoming environment to Parishioners and visitors and e:cellent secretarial and administra+ve services to ensure the smooth and eCcient func+oning of the Parish OCce. https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/administration/staff -vacancies/ Forming Inten3onal Disciples with Sherry Weddell Saturday 2 SeptemAer 0am-4pm 2 registra- +on 4.30am2 lunch N5 register with frchrisdLgmail.com P St .ichaelIs Road2 Remuera. JLT : Saturda1, 2 SeptemAer ULT is bac8 this month at St Patric8/s Cathedral. Hoin us for a beau+ful night with our Lord through praise M worship2 an inspiring message and Adora+on. We are also blessed to announce Rain 1orest as our guest spea8er. Rain has been involved with the Life Teen movement for a few years and will be sharing her e:perience. JLT will Aegin at 7.30pm 5 All are welcome. SCHOLARSHIP FOR STUDY AT GOOD SHEPHERD COLLEGE Bishop Patric8 0unn is pleased call for applica+ons for a scholarship 8nown as the Ruth .iller Scholarship for Study at Good Shepherd College. This scholarship will be available for a selected number of people who intend to do one or more Theology papers at Good Shepherd College towards a Graduate 0iploma of Bachelor of Theology degree in 2020. 1or further informa+on about this scholarship and to receive an appli- ca+on form2 please contact Linda .cOuade2 Vicar for Educa+on2 Email: lindamLcda.org.nJ . Logo Compe33on. The Auc8land 0iocesan Commission for Ecumenism and Interfaith Rela+ons (A0CEIRR is mandated by the Bishop of Auc8land. It is loo8ing for a logo2 and see8s for your ar- +s+c and design s8ills. The logo design reDuirements is to capture the statement SUnity in 0iver- sityT. 1or further info2 visit hBps://www.auc8landcatholic.org.nJ/mission-evangelisa+on/ ecumenism/ . Email ecumenicalandinterfaithLcda.org.nJ to submit your design2 and if you have any Dues+ons. Entries close on .onday 14th October2 2014 . Monte Cecilia Catholic School’s PTA invites you to The Cup Kick-off . Hoin us to watch the Grst All Blac8s game of the tournament live. Rugby trivia2 bar service2 food and entertainment will guarantee a fun night for this adult only fund raiser. 21 September, 8pm +ll late here at St Hohn VianneyIs Hall. Buy +c8ets online at www.montececilia.school.nJ/product/cup-8ic8-o? or email monte.cecilia.ptaLgmail.com Cathedral Pasifika Dinner-Dance Eou/re invited5 Hoin us for an evening of dinner M dancing - celebra+ng contribu+ons of PasiG8a culture. Bring family and friends. 21 September, 7-11pm, 89 Galway St, Onehunga. Tic8ets N50 includes food M entertainment. Available at eventbite.com. Tic8ets not reDuired for children under 13 years old. Catholic 5omenEs League is organising a 2ARA2E SALE on Saturday 4 November2 4am - 12pm here at the Parish Hall. .ar8 your calendar5 0ona+ons of pre-loved or new items would be appreciated. Parish weekend collection on 8/9/2019 amounts to $1222.60. Thank you for giving generously. Monda1 Tuesda1 5ednesda1 .ass 4.00 am .ass 4.00am .ass 7.00pm Reconcilia+on .45pm Rosary .40pm Thursda1 Frida1 Saturda1 .ass 4.00am .ass 10.00am .ass 4.00am (Hillsborough HeightsR Rosary 4.30am Reconcilia+on 4.30am Vigil mass 5.30pm Sunda1 .ass 4.00am Readers Sat ,.30pm Sun 7.00 am 15/04 Aunsh8a SeDueira2 Carmen Harries Claire Barry2 .avis Hamlyn 22/04 An)u Anil2 Hean Simpson Evonne TogaG+ Wulf2 Royston 0/Lima Eucharist Sat ,.30pm Sun 7.00am Ministers 15/04 .argaret and Peter Aldous2 .ini Hoseph Lilian 1o/ou2 Ho)ie and .illie Ocampo2 Aach Pinto2 Lu8anne Lowe 22/04 Hilda Leung2 Sangeeta SeDueira2 Anita Priscilla Sevele2 Ralph and Sifa Lautua2 .eneJes .aureen Lowe2 Hoey Hamlyn Altar Ser.ers Sat ,.30pm Sun 7.00am 15/04 Alston and Brydon RoJario Hordan and Nathan Pinto 22/04 Hayden SeDuiera2 Ashton Suares 1rancis Wulf-TogaG+2 Edward Grey Music Sat 0pm / ,.30pm Sun 7.00am 15/04 0RC Paul 22/04 .elroy Hoel M Honeil Projector Sat ,.30pm Sun 7.00am 15/04 Lobo family 22/04 ViB family Children's 15/04 Hoel 0/CruJ 22/04 Claudia Cachay Liturg1 Counters 15/04 .alcolm2 Royston 22/04 Claire and Steve Barry Cleaning 15/04 Tran family 22/04 Hulianna Lee-Hoe Flowers 15/04 .avis Hamlyn 22/04 .avis Hamlyn Tea 15/04 Evonne Wulf-TogaG+ 22/04 Wong family .
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