Notes 1: Introduction to Optimization Models
Notes 1: Introduction to Optimization Models IND E 599 September 29, 2010 IND E 599 Notes 1 Slide 1 Course Objectives I Survey of optimization models and formulations, with focus on modeling, not on algorithms I Include a variety of applications, such as, industrial, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering, financial optimization models, health care systems, environmental ecology, and forestry I Include many types of optimization models, such as, linear programming, integer programming, quadratic assignment problem, nonlinear convex problems and black-box models I Include many common formulations, such as, facility location, vehicle routing, job shop scheduling, flow shop scheduling, production scheduling (min make span, min max lateness), knapsack/multi-knapsack, traveling salesman, capacitated assignment problem, set covering/packing, network flow, shortest path, and max flow. IND E 599 Notes 1 Slide 2 Tentative Topics Each topic is an introduction to what could be a complete course: 1. basic linear models (LP) with sensitivity analysis 2. integer models (IP), such as the assignment problem, knapsack problem and the traveling salesman problem 3. mixed integer formulations 4. quadratic assignment problems 5. include uncertainty with chance-constraints, stochastic programming scenario-based formulations, and robust optimization 6. multi-objective formulations 7. nonlinear formulations, as often found in engineering design 8. brief introduction to constraint logic programming 9. brief introduction to dynamic programming IND E 599 Notes 1 Slide 3 Computer Software I Catalyst Tools ( I AIMMS - optimization software ( Ming Fang - AIMMS software consultant IND E 599 Notes 1 Slide 4 What is Mathematical Programming? Mathematical programming refers to \programming" as a \planning" activity: as in I linear programming (LP) I integer programming (IP) I mixed integer linear programming (MILP) I non-linear programming (NLP) \Optimization" is becoming more common, e.g.
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