Honley with Parish Magazine

MAY 2009 St. Mary the Virgin

St. George Brockholes

Price 30p

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Dear Friends

I write this letter in the afterglow of Easter, whilst ‘Alleluias’ and ‘Christ is Risen’ are still ringing in my ears. The Easter celebrations at both churches were great occasions with many people joining the throng of attendees.

It was good to see Dean Henry celebrating with great gusto and style at St Mary’s and fantastic to see so many children at St George’s. Both Churches looked radiant in their decoration and all credit and thanks to those who cleaned and decorated them for the occasion.

St Mary’s alterations, by way of the forward dais, were finished right on schedule and the work completed a great credit to the craftsmanship of John Dean and Bryan Hodgson. Their competence, enthusiasm and patience is borne out by their excellent work, and many thanks are due to them for the finished article.

I am thankful also to all those who gave their time and talents to the production of the Good Friday play “The Hopeful Grave”. The acting, along with the musical reflections, were excellent and grateful thanks are due to Dennis Thewlis for his masterful direction and leadership. 1

One of the thoughts that came to me during the Holy Week and Easter Services were the wide variety of people that Jesus gathered around him. All of them were different, all of them were human in their faults and failings and all of them had their own unique gifts and talents.

I guess it was not until after the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost that the fruits of each of these disciples became plain for all to see. Through the Holy Spirit, God encouraged and enabled the disciples to take their talents and use them for the furtherance of his kingdom here on earth.

As we bask in the afterglow of Easter with our eyes firmly set on the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, it would be good for each of us to spend time discovering our own talents. Which gifts has God given us so that we might use them for the furtherance of his Kingdom here in this place?

Someone said to me that each character in the Good Friday play was typecast, however the truth is very different. Each of the actors used their talents to play their part to the fullest.

May God bless you and strengthen you in the use of your particular talent for the increase of his Kingdom.

Yours in Christ’s service




From the Parish Registers Funeral

St Mary’s March 23 John Kevin Charlesworth In May we remember in our Year’s Mind Elsie Wilson d. 1 May 2005 Frank Booth d. 2 May 1978 Sydney George Felgate d. 2 May 2002 George Radcliffe d. 11 May 1983 Carren Faith Dickinson d. 12 May 1971 Catherine Hampshire d. 15 May 2001 John Wigfield d. 17 May 2005 Charles Ridgwick d. 19 May 1962 Gilbert Lodge d. 25 May 1977 Kate Thomas d. 26 May 2002 Philip William Chapman d. 26 May 1970 Jeffrey Kneale France d. 27 May 1999 Margaret Lockwood d. 29 May 2008 Our ‘May’ Sponsors was a significant year for many things. Not least the major journeys for some individuals. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on moon. The first trial flights of Concorde took place and the QE2, sailed on her maiden voyage. Two other, more local firsts were made during that year. In April, Alison Bray travelled from the Holme Valley Hospital and a few weeks later in May, Simon Dean left Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. 40 years later they still lives in the village with Andrew, a 7 th generation ‘Honleyer’ and now fully fledged teenager.

It is with great pleasure that we are sponsoring the magazine and share in our happiness reaching these milestones in our lives together. As we have changed and grown older, the church building has also been modified to meet the needs of the people for the 21st century. St Mary’s has always been a welcoming and supportive church to us and our family and we hope that there will be many more years of worship and fellowship in the future.

3 Alison, Simon and Andrew Dean

ST. MARY'S CALENDAR MAY Sunday 3 4th Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Service 6.30 pm Parish Eucharist Monday 4 6.30 pm Slimming World Wednesday 6 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group 7.30 pm Mothers’ Union Meeting Thursday 7 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group Friday 8 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal

Sunday 10 5th Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 4.00 pm Christian Aid Service Monday 11 6.30 pm Slimming World Wednesday 13 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 14 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group 7.30 pm Honley Civic Society Saturday 16 12.30 pm Wedding of Rebecca Hirst and Craig Noble

Sunday 17 6th Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion (+ Children’s Club) 3.00 pm Evensong and Holy Baptism Monday 18 6.30 pm Slimming World 7.30 pm Honley Churches Together Meeting Wednesday 20 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Mothers’ Union Prayer Group Thursday 21 Ascension Day 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group 7.30 pm Ascension Day Service

Sunday 24 7th Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Monday 25 6.30 pm Slimming World Wednesday 27 9.30 am Holy Communion 4

7.45 pm Men’s Society Thursday 28 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room Friday 29 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal

Sunday 31 Pentecost 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer JUNE Wednesday 3 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group

Sunday 7 Trinity Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion No evening Service 6.30 pm Songs of Praise at Wakefield Cathedral

Advance Notice

Concert in St Mary’s Church

Honley Male Voice Choir

Saturday 27th June at 7.30 pm

Helpers’ Rota Type of Sidesmen Reader Intercessors Serving Service Coffee

May Family Pauline and Graham Jane and Alison and 3 Service John Adams Wardman Graham Wardman Simon Dean

May Parish Mary Stapleton Cynthia Diana and Andrea and 10 Eucharist Janet Sykes Hepper Huw Griffiths Clive Green

May Family Diana Griffiths Margaret Jean and Maureen Allen 17 Communion Peter Wildman Wainwright Leslie Chadwick Pat Allsop

May Parish Bill Kemp Diana Clive Elaine Shaw 24 Eucharist David Wainwright Kaye Waind Betty Staniforth

May Parish Mary Briggs Pat Anne and Sandra and 31 Eucharist Jean Cheeseman Dransfield Godfrey Blount John Dean

Jun Family Anne and Huw Pauline Ellis Sarah and 7 Communion Godfrey Blount Griffiths Bob Etherington Wayne North


HONLEY NEWS Easter Reflection

I would like to thank everyone who took part in the Good Friday play, “The Hopeful Grave” (directed by Dennis Thewlis) for all their hard work. Each one of you got into the character you were playing so well and with such conviction it moved me to tears at times. It also made me really think about the people who had been involved with Jesus before his crucifixion.

I didn’t realise St Mary’s had so many good actors and actresses. Thank you also to the choir for their excellent contribution and to Mary Briggs and Pauline Ellis for their narration and not forgetting Vernon on the organ.

Well done to everyone for a very special Good Friday Eve of reflection.

Elaine Shaw Lent Lunches - Honley Churches Together

Many thanks to all who made soup or helped at the Lent Lunches and to all who supported the lunches week by week. This year, we raised £645 for the Honley Aid in Sickness Fund.

Gillian Greaves

Christian Aid Week: 10th - 16th May

If you can help by delivering and collecting envelopes, please let me know. We have not been able to cover all the streets in the village in recent years, so new helpers would be very welcome.

I realise that this is going to be a big challenge this year, but may we have the strength which God provides to meet this task and help other people who are much worse off than we are. Thank you.

John Ambler 6

Report on the DCC Meeting 17 March

The Vicar opened the meeting of fifteen members of the DCC with prayer. Matters Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting covered progress on the changes to the front of church, magazine sponsorship and the “Investing in Faith” Initiative.

On the latter subject the Vicar reported that the Deanery Consultative Committee representatives had visited all parishes and would shortly make their recommendations for change. Concern was expressed at the lack of communication from Woods regarding the work required to repair the organ and the Secretary was asked to write to them seeking clarification.

Treasurer Ian Walter presented a summary of the financial report for 2008 which showed a roughly break-even position. He also had produced a letter setting out the problems for future finance and it was agreed that he would speak to the congregation on this subject on Sunday, March 29 th and that the letters would be distributed to the congregation and members of the electoral roll.

Correspondence included an estimate of £1,000 for repairs needed to the church clock, a letter increasing the cost of cleaning the roof gutters from £185 to £245 per visit and a circular from the Bishop of Wakefield with a report on the recent meeting of General Synod explaining why he had voted against the appointment of women bishops at present .

Under Any Other Business David Wainwright raised the question of who should be responsible for holding the finances of the ‘Coffee Wagon’. This matter was left for further investigation.

The Churchwarden’s decision to make part of church available for 7 exhibitors to use at the Holmfirth Artweek was fully supported by the DCC as was Clive Waind’s suggestion that a series of summer concerts in church could raise much needed funds.

The Architect had completed the Quinquennial Inspection of church and parish rooms and his report is awaited.


It was agreed that mats be purchased to cover the heating grills in the main aisle during weddings and other special functions when ladies’ high heels may be prevalent.

The temporary licence for the table used as a moveable altar expires shortly and in view of the reorganisation of the front of church it was agreed that a renewal of the licence should be sought or a permanent faculty obtained.

Cliff Green, DCC Secretary The Churchyard (Extension)

This has been truly a living garden of the Resurrection over Easter. The daffodils have presented a golden carpet and there have rarely been such beautiful displays of flowers in the vases of the Cremation Area. Our continued thanks go to Kevin Littlewood and his father, Roy, for their valiant work in caring for this churchyard. (I hesitate to keep on adding “extension” after “churchyard” and it is not technically a “cemetery” which is generally used of a burial ground provided by a local authority). Kevin has recently re-cut the edges around the War Memorial, restoring the setting to its original proportions and proper dignity. If you don’t have time to go there, please see the photographs on the church notice board.

In recent years we have been grateful to a small group who have assisted with tasks on the second Saturday of the month. Now that the churchyard is in a manageable state (thanks to many years hard labour) there is less need of heavy work. However there are a number of less arduous jobs that need to been done such as trimming the path edges and weeding grave plots, which we have planted.

The plan now is to seek volunteers to come not on Saturday but on any Monday or Thursday morning from April to September between 10.00 am - 12 noon when, weather permitting, Kevin will also be there. Please bring the tools you think you will need. If you need guidance or to know of any particular “project” you would like to undertake, please consult with him. Henry Stapleton


On May 6th our speaker Hilary Wilman is coming from Leeds to talk about the work of C.R.O.P. - an organisation which is trying to abolish the grooming of girls for prostitution. Not a happy subject but I hope for a good attendance. I have invited our friends from the Deanery and expect a good number of people from our congregation.

The Mothers’ Union Festival takes place at 7.30 pm on Monday 11th May at Kirkheaton Church. Please see Beth Pearson for transport. If you are taking your car, please let her know.

June 3rd sees another June Jamboree at Clekheaton Town Hall £5 a ticket from either Council or the Diocesan Secretary.

On the 11th July the Action and Outreach Unit are hosting a “Fun Day in the Fields” to celebrate the International Year of the Child. It will take place at the Community of the Resurrection at Mirfield (well on the cricket field). It sounds as though it will be a super event so gather up any children you have around and have a good time. All sorts of nice things are going to happen!

Posts are open for Trustees, a Diocesan President (Margaret Stears is retiring), a Deanery Chairman and other positions in our organisation if anyone is interested. I repeat that I shall give up my Leadership in January and will need to know quite soon if anyone feels they can take over.

Count your Blessings leaflets will be around to raise money for the World Wide Fund. Many thanks to those members and friends who are knitting away for our good causes. Neo-natal units need Angel Pockets, Teddies for Tragedies go all over the world as well as Great Britain for children in need of comfort and New Hall Prison needs Baby Bags. I have lists of the seven items needed for each bag and I shall be making bags as my holiday task in Dorset.

Safe journeys to those going away. Rest and refreshment to those at home as the more pleasant weather comes.

Brenda Wildman 9

Arts and Crafts

Many of you will know that every year Holmfirth Civic Hall is the centre of Holmfirth Art Week and that a whole range of likely (and some not so likely places) are venues for the Artweek Fringe.

This year the Artweek runs from 5 July - 11 July and St Mary’s Church is a new venue for a Fringe Exhibition. It seems likely that there will be six or seven different exhibitors in church. They are responsible for the security, supervising and the selling of their work.

It is hoped that St Mary’s will be able to add to the occasion by providing light refreshments for the visitors each day from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm. We are looking for volunteers to do this.

If you able to help please sign the sheet at the back of Church. The catering will not be an arduous task. We are talking about light refreshments and not a banquet. More details will be available later.

There will be a Honley Preview evening on Thursday 2 July from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. More details will be announced in Church.

Clive Waind

Easter Cards

Thank you to all the people who helped with the distribution of the Easter Cards again this year. We are always on the look out for anyone who can spare a little time a couple of weeks before Easter and Christmas to deliver cards to all the houses in Honley. Keeping the village informed as to what is happening at these important dates in the Christian calendar. Please contact me on 664347 if you can help.

John Dean 10


MAY Sunday 3 4th Sunday of Easter 11.00 am Family Communion (Refreshments after service) 6.00 pm Compline

Sunday 10th - Saturday 16th Christian Aid Week

Sunday 10 5th Sunday of Easter 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline Tuesday 12 7.30 pm D C C Meeting at 8 Crodingley Thursday 14 6.30 pm A D Meets Saturday 16 10.00 am-12 noon A D Coffee Morning - African Theme

Sunday 17 6th Sunday of Easter 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline

Sunday 24 7th Sunday of Easter 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline

Sunday 31 Pentecost 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline JUNE Wednesday 3 1.15 pm Churches Together Meeting

Sunday 7 Trinity Sunday 11.00 am Family Communion (Refreshments after service) 6.00 pm Compline Altar Flowers May 3 Mrs J Bainbridge May 10 Mrs J Gibbons May 17 Mrs J Swallow May 24 Mrs J Lock May 31 Mrs M Jianu June 7 Mrs H Dickinson 11


This took place after Church and a Faith Lunch on Sunday March 29 th . There were 15 people present.

The DCC report itemised the various social and fund-raising events held during 2008.

The Churchwardens report detailed work done on the roof and as a result the vestry could be repainted. A leak in the central heating pipe had caused damage to the floor and carpet – this has all now been repaired and/or replaced. An insurance claim was made for the damage but the repair had to be met from Church Funds. Contractors keep the churchyard looking respectable. Work is planned to prune various trees.

The Treasurer’s report showed a deficit in the General Fund for the third year running of -£849. The fabric fund, choir fund and churchyard are all still in credit. As the Parish Share (now Common Fund) is going up to £15,840 from 14,200 and utility bills are all increasing, the situation could well be more serious by the end of 2009. Giving and income from social events had increased – but we need to keep it up.

Reports were received from the Choir, Brockholes School, Deanery Synod, Churches Together and the Sick Visiting Fund.

Elections took place: Margaret Kenworthy and Rosalind Watt were re-elected Churchwardens. Martin Dove was re-elected to the DCC However there is still one vacancy on the DCC and on the PCC to be filled by co-option. The Sidespeople were re-elected.

The Vicar gave an encouraging few words in his report – we need to keep going as “Team Brockholes”. Martin Dove gave a vote of thanks to the Vicar and to Dean Henry for their dedication and leadership. Suzanne Dufton


AD May Meeting

This will take place in Church on Thursday 14 th May at 6.30pm. All young people aged 8 to 12 welcome.

AD Coffee Morning ‘African Theme’

The young people belonging to the AD Group will be holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday 16 th May between 10.00 am and 12 noon in Church .

There will be an African Theme to the morning and donations are invited which will be shared between Save the Children Fund and Church Funds. Do come along and support our young people in this effort. Everyone welcome.

Sue Clay, Verena Wood, Caroline Lee, Kate Drake OTHER ITEMS 6th Annual Quaker Peace Lecture

Moazzam Begg - ‘Looking forward to Guantanamo’ at Huddersfield Quaker Meeting House, Church Street, Paddock, HD1 4TR 7.30pm Thursday 14 May

The lecture will examine the history, present conditions and the future of Guantanamo Bay detainment camp; its impact on community relations in the UK, and ways forward towards a more just and peaceful society.

Moazzam Begg was held in Guantanamo Detainment Camp 2003- 2005. As spokesman for the prisoner human rights organisation, Cageprisoners, Moazzam appears extensively both in the media and around the country, lecturing on issues surrounding torture, anti-terror legislation and community relations. The venue is fully accessible and has a hearing loop. There will be time for questions and discussion afterwards.

Enquiries: [email protected] Tel 01484 664290


The Computer Swallowed Grandma

The computer swallowed Grandma Yes, Honestly it's true She pressed ‘Control’ and ‘Enter’ And disappeared from view

It devoured her up completely. The thought just makes me squirm. She must have caught a virus Or been eaten by a worm.

I’ve searched through the recycle bin And files of every kind: I’ve even used the internet But nothing did I find.

Desperate, I then consulted Jeeves And Google too; my searches to refine. The reply from them was negative Not a thing was found online.

So if inside your ‘Inbox’ My grandma you should see, Please ‘Copy’, ‘Scan’ and ‘Paste’ her And send her back to me.

Anonymous, Submitted by Clive Waind

Tea, anyone?

Apparently your daily tea and coffee really does taste better if you drink them from your favourite cup. Research has found that our enjoyment of the drink is bound up in the ritual of making it in our own special ritualised way. Scientists at Sheffield Universtiy conclude: "It might be irrational, but it's absolutely true. Your daily brew tastes better from you own favourite mug."

Parish Pump 14

Just for Fun Brainteaser - answer

Please find below the answer to last months puzzle - hope you found all 20! MaRY DEar

This is an excellent place for a holiday - we are iDEALly situated with a puB RIGHT ON the beach. Its prices are the LOWEST OF The three we have tried and everything is good - notaBLY THE food. All bedrooms, even the cheapeST ONE, have new foam mattresses - the softeST I'VE Slept on - so we DO VERy well by having a good night's sleep.

Both casino and puB LACK POOL'S for swimming, but there are walks along the coasT OR QUAYside, and when not sHOVElling sand the children are climbing fenceS AND GATEs, snagging their clothes on tHORNS EA horns each time.

Last night we met EriC ON WAY to the casino where we lost every SOU, THEN Danced a sort of foxtROT HE SAYs he invented himself - he nearly pulled mY ARM OUT However!

Hope we are not noW HIT BY bad weather. Never does tO BANk on it Love MariLYN TONy

Submitted by Roger Greaves/Clive Waind

Magazine Sponsorship

Thank you to those people who have already enquired about sponsoring an edition of this magazine. We have currently filled June, October and November for the remainder of the year.

If you wish to take the opportunity to sponsor a particular month, perhaps to celebrate a special birthday, anniversary or in memory of a loved one, please contact John Dean on Tel 664347.

Alison Dean 15

Material for Publication

All contributions to future editions of the Magazine welcome.

e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01484 323832

Address: 26 Croft Court, Honley, Holmfirth HD9 6HB

Deadline for the June Magazine: Wednesday 20th May



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VICAR Rev. David K Barnes 661178 The Vicarage, St Mary's Road, Honley

HONORARY ASSISTANT Dean Henry Stapleton 666629 PRIEST 20 Marsh Gardens, Honley

READER Jean Barnes The Vicarage, St Mary's Road, Honley 661178

PCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277

PCC TREASURER Ian Walter, 32 River Park, Honley 666202


SUNDAY SERVICE 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Family Service (1 st Sunday) Family Communion (3 rd Sunday) Sung Eucharist (other Sundays) 6.30 pm Sung Eucharist (1 st Sunday) Evening Prayer (other Sundays)

WEEKDAY SERVICES 9.30 am Wednesdays, Holy Communion See weekly list on Church Gate Notice Board

CHURCHWARDENS Clive Waind, 1 Derwent Road, Honley 661320 John Ambler, 19 Brownroyd Road, Honley 664368

DCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277

DCC TREASURER Pauline Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510

CHOIR SECRETARY Shirley Turner, 3 The Terrace, Honley 661481

VERGER Kenneth Ellis, 6 Springfield Avenue, Honley 662646

MU BRANCH LEADER Brenda Wildman, 17 Brownroyd Road, Honley 664357

WEB SITE www.honleystmary.org.uk POSTCODE HD9 6AH


SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 am Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Family Service with Communion (1st Sunday)

6.00 pm Compline (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Sung Evensong (2nd Sunday)

CHURCHWARDENS Margaret Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169 Rosalind Watt, 7 Smithy Place, Brockholes 663783

DCC SECRETARY Suzanne Dufton, 43 Holmebank Mews, Brockholes 661214

DCC TREASURER Roger Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169

ORGANIST & Verena Wood, 85 Brockholes Lane, Brockholes 664406 CHOIRMISTRESS