1 Cor 15:1–10, “Of First Importance,” Easter 2012
1 Cor 15:1–10, “Of First We have some people already lined up… but there are some of you in here whom God has been working on, or He’s going to be Importance,” Easter 2012 working on you in the neXt few minutes, and you have never been baptized. Today, you will have a chance to take that step. • You say, “Well, I wasn’t planning on getting baptized Psalm 35:27, “May those who delight in salvation shout for joy!” today. I’m unprepared.” We’ve thought about everything. Psalm 47:1, “Clap your hands all you people, shout unto God with We’ve got shorts and t-shirts and hair products and hair a voice of triumph!” dryers and feminine products. We’re ready for you. • Summit, could we, right all all across the Triangle, at all of • You say, “Aren’t you supposed to take a long time to our campuses, clap our hands, and lift our voices for what prepare for this?” Well, you shouldn’t do it before you are this day means for us: Christ is risen! ready, that’s for sure, but in Acts 2, when Peter preached his first gospel sermon, it says that the people who heard This is it! This is everything. Here’s what I’m going to do this and believed were baptized immediately. Some 3000 on weekend. There’s a section in U.S. News & World Report called that one day. So that’s how we roll around here. “News You Can Use.” That’s what I am going to try and do for you: • Don’t postpone another day the life that God wants to give you news you can use.
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