Statutory Basis
ROCHFORD DISTRICT CORE STRATEGY REGULATION 26 DRAFT SECTION FOUR 11 4 CORE STRATEGY ISSUES INTRODUCTION 4.1 The Council considers that the following are the key Core Strategy issues. Whilst text relating to the issues is included, no policies are. If, following consultation, it is believed that the Council has identified the issues correctly, then detailed policies will be developed. The areas of policy are, in no particular order, detailed below: • The green belt & strategic buffers between settlements • Protection and enhancement of the upper Roach Valley • Protection and enhancement of special landscapes, habitats and species • Housing numbers & phasing • General development locations • Affordable housing • Employment • Good design & design statements • Character of place & the historic environment • Landscaping • Energy & water conservation and renewable energy • Compulsory purchase & planning obligations • Community, leisure & tourism facilities 4.2 THE GREEN BELT & STRATEGIC BUFFERS BETWEEN SETTLEMENTS 4.2.1 The Council considers that its policies hitherto have helped achieve the five green belt purposes, as laid out in Planning Policy Guidance Note 2 – Green Belts (PPG2). The application of these has the combined effect of protecting the historic fabric of the district, preventing the further encroachment of development into the countryside and of safeguarding the countryside to provide for recreational needs and the protection of the natural features, flora, fauna and their habitats. 4.2.2 The Council also recognises that by diverting development and population growth away from rural areas to existing urban areas, green belt policy also assists in the achievement of sustainability objectives. This is recognised in the East of England Plan, particularly in policy SS1 and its supporting text.
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