Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report Similarity Found: 43% Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 Statistics: 2184 words Plagiarized / 5054 Total words Remarks: High Plagiarism Detected - Your Document needs Critical Improvement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JURNAL ILMU KOMUNIKASI : VOL. 3 NO. 2 (2020) 72 ELNG BR AN STIECOMBK TWENTY TOUR Iin Rachmawati STKIP PGRI Bangkalan Korespondensi/ email:
[email protected] Abstract. Fandom had found anywhere in the world. What makes this research is different from others that the 1990s boy band Westlife has proved that even after 20 years of career and decided to comeback in 2019, their fans has still been excited on watching their shows. Due to that reason, the researcher is interested in digging more about how fandom and cyber fandom work tWle’s twenty tour 2019 as well as about the fandom context of Westlifers. In general, this research will use qualitative descriptive method by using purposive sampling technique. The result shows that the role of fandom and cybe r andom estfIndonesiiquie mport owardsal estif this fan base provided everything they need to get closer to their idols and other fans. Also, there are four basic fandom contexts appeared in Westlifers: (1) virtual communication, (2) creativity, (3) knowledge or information, and (4) civil strength or organization. Keywords: Fan culture, fandom, cyber fandom, Westlife, fandom context. INTRODUCTION Jenkins in Textual Poachers defined fans as active customer from media products which construct their own culture and subculture from all those popular cultures (Meyer and Tucker, 2007: 103). Sullivan (2013) stated that fans will stick to their favorite media emotionally through thinking about plot, character, and messages from the related text media deeply.