Department of the History of Art University of Pennsylvania Arth 301-302. Empire and History Assyria, Persia and Rome Spring 2003 Undergraduate Seminar Wednesdays 2-5 pm Course homepage: <> Instructor: Prof. Holly Pittman (
[email protected]; office: 898-3251; office hours: Thursdays 3:30-5 pm by appointment-sign-up at Art History office-) Teaching Assistant: Ömür Harmansah (
[email protected]; office hours: Friday 10-12 by appointment) Collaborating: Xin Wu (
[email protected]) Books on Reserve for general reference Larsen, Mogens Trolle (ed.);. Power and Propaganda: A Symposium on Ancient Empires. Copenhagen, 1979. [Museum Library desk DS62.2 .P68] Kuhrt, Amélie; The Ancient Near East: c. 3000-330 BC, 2 volumes. Routledge: London and New York, 1995. [Fine Arts Library Reserve DS62.23 .K87 1995] Roaf, Michael; Cultural atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East. Oxfordshire, 1996. [Museum Library Reserve DT60 .B34 2000] Henri Frankfort, The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient (Yale University Press Pelican History of Art.(with revisions by Michael Roaf and Donald Matthews), 1996. [Fine Arts Library Reserve N5345 .F7 1970] Torelli, Mario, Typology & structure of Roman historical reliefs. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1982. [Fine Arts Reserve NB133 .T57 1982] Weekly schedule and required readings (in progress) Week 1. January 15. First meeting: introduction. Week 2. January 22. Empires. Lecture and discussion on empires: development, types, and their various aspects. Introduction to the three empires of the course: Assyria, Persia and Rome Readings: [On reserve at Fine Arts library Reserve Desk, also available on line on Course Blackboard under Course Documents: You will have to 1 be signed up for the course to have access to the blackboard page for this course.] Sinopoli, Carla M.; "The archaeology of empires," Annual review of anthropology 23 (1994) 159-180.