No. 3. Año I. El Salvador, C.A., May 1 1984.

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No. 3. Año I. El Salvador, C.A., May 1 1984. SEMANARIO DE ANALISIS POLITICO Director Alfonso Quijada U rias No. 3. Año I. El Salvador, C.A., May 1 1984. that we Ould authorize him to carry out preventive mili- tary operations against what he calls "terrorism". But To ourpeople and all the peoples of the world what is really at issue is legitimizing state terrorism on a world level, something Washington is involved in up to its ears. Before the people of the United States, the FMLN declares: the path taken by Reagan has reached the F.M.L.N. COMMUNIQUThe victor will be whoever is imposed through this point that a choice must be made between accepting THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT struggle taking place behind the backs of the Salvadoran the FMLN's proposal for dialogue and negotiation, PRESSURED THE SALVADORAN GOVERN- people, who have never had a genuine opportunity to teading to the establishment of a broadly based provi- elect their rulers. Once again the vote will be a farce, MENT, RIGHT—WING POLITICAL PARTIES, sional government, or carrying out against our country a and the government that emerges will have to follow the military intervention that is more direct and more AND PUPPET ARMED FORCES TO HOLD dictates of Yankee imperialista. Reagan has already raid massive than the present intervention, It has already PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. THE AIM WAS that he will support any president, including one put in been shown that the dictatordiip's army is incapable of TO AID REAGAN IN HIS CAMPAING FOR power by a coup, and that the will continue pressing defeating us and is clearly losing the war, despite ahead with his plan of war for El Salvador and Central REELECTION AND TO GIVE POLITICAL Washington's multimillion dollar support and advisers. America. We reaffirm that a U.S. invassion will meet unyielding COVER AND LEGITIMACY TO HIS ESCALA- Reagan failed in his aim of improving the image of armed resistance by the Salvadoran people. TION OF MILITARY INTERVENTION IN the genocidal Salvadoran dictatorship. The March 25 From all of the aboye, we can conclude: OUR COUNTRY. elections were a shameful and scandalous manipulation. 1. It is a proven reality that the FMLN effectively controls one-third of national territory, and that its WASHINGTON SUCCEDED IN DRAWING The Death Squads, firmly rooted in the armed forces that the United States supports, stepped up their political-military struggle exercises a poweful in- THE ATTENTION OF THE WORLD TO THE massacres. In the U.S. Congress, there has been an fluence in the rest of the country still under the MARCH 25 ELECTIONS, WHICH IT FELT increase in opposition to approval of White House repressive role of the military dictatorship. CERTAIN WOULD BE AN IMPECCABLE requests for military aid to the puppet army in our 2. It has been demonstrated once again that withotit the country. The truth is, however, that this aid has been SPECTACLE BECAUSE OF THE MILLIONS prior establishment of a broadly based provisional sera, recently and without interruption, behind the government, El Salvador cannot hold genuinely OF DO LLARS IT HAD INVESTED IN back of Congress. dentocratic elections within the framework of war. FINANCING AND MODERNIZING PREPA- The CIA's mining of Nicaragua's ports is part of the 3. Under the genocidal dictatorship and the schemas RATIONS AND PROCEDURES. Reagan administration's plan to regionalize the war in imposed up until now by the United States, all elec- Central America, block the liberation of our peoples, tions are a farce. They are part of the United States' Confident that the electoral eomedy would be and sínk into us even more deeply and lastingly the aggressive military plans, they lengthen the war, and impressive and convincing, Reagan authorized General claws of their domination. they increase the suffering of the people, the des- Gorman, head of the Southern Command -, to' carry out a Hipartisan opinion in the United States, as well as truction of the country, and the loss of its indepen- plan of militar), aggression at the same time as the many govermnents and world public opinion, have dence, Thus the sole genuine alternative for a politi- eleetions. Gormar pressed the Honduran army to carry 'condemned the mining of Nicaragua's ports and pointed cal solution, of a character that is both national and out an incursion across the Salvadoran border, deplo'yed to the Reagan Administration as responsible for it. This democratic, is the FMLN-FDR's proposal for dialogue U.S. naval forces and troops to the region, and from is a clear demonstration before the consciousness of the and negotiation -- and not, despite Washington's Honduran territory directly committed 5,000 1.S. world that Reagan's obstinate aggressive action in Cen- claims, there electoral farces. soldiers to the plan. At the same time, as part of the tral America directly affects world peace. Reagan is 4. The second round of elections will be another farce, plan, the puppet Salvadoran army carried out a tnajor suffering a severe political setback in this affair, but his and the FMLN will continue carrying out people's operation against iones controlled by the revolutionary veto of the UN Security. Council resolution and his war before, during, and after thern. movement, mainly in Morazán. arrogant staternent rejecting in advance the judgment of 5. The escalation of U.S. military aggressíon against Despite the costly and meticulous preparations, the World Court convey his contempt for international Nicaragua and against the people of El Salvador the March 25 elections were a failure. The dictatorship law and the will of humanity. The FMLN has from the constitutes an extremely grave threat to world peace could not organíze voting throughout the entire country, very first moment categorically denounced the mining and amounts to a shameless effort to colonize Central the eleetions were held amidst enormous disorder, and of Nicaragua's waters and, like the Sandinista National America, they occurred within the framework of a powerful Liberation Front, warns of the seriousness of this act of political-military action. by the FMLN, The FMLN terrorism by the government of the United States. We The FMLN callas on all workers, in factories and broke up the puppet army's military operation, thereby reiterate our condemnation and urge that no confidente offices, in the countryside and in the cities, on the frustrating the Yankee's interventionist plan prepared be placed in those who have earned the rejection of the entire people of El Salvador, to redouble their effort to along with the electoral collusion. world. It is necessary to increase pressure to force the defeat once again the electoral farce and U.S. plans for Contradictions among the ruling classes were Reagan government to retreat from such actions. intervention, to step up the struggle for the most deeply exacerbated by the holding of elections. This in turn The removal of General Alvarez and his clique in felt demands, and to join the people's army in massive increased dísorden and multiplied the cases of fraud. Honduras hrought forth political inconvenience for numbers. On the other hand, despite public pressure, threats of Reagan. Although the U.S. ambassador in Tegucigalpa Wc also direct ourselves to businessmen, and we say fines, and de facto reprisals, more than half of the and the Pentagon affirm to have means for rebuilding to them: You have a place in the independent and electorate did not vote. A large part of the crowds seen their mechanism of control over the Houduran army, free future of the homeland if you do not help the in the streets were actually the same people going from the FMLN believes that this is an opportunity to seek dictatorship to continue to impose bloodshed and if you one voting center to another, unable to fínd the correct political solutions that will open the road to peace and one in all the disorder. do not aid the United States in its aggression. assure future relations of cooperation and brotherhood We call on the soldiers and officers of the dicta- No vote was held in 86 of El Salvador's 261 munici- among the countries of Central America. To thís end torship's army to reject the role that has been imposed palities. Thus reality made olear that the FMLN ín the FMLN, conscious of what is represented by the on them of serving as butchers of the people and ins- effect controls one-third of national territory, where real possibility of taking power and beginning from there is already in existente a people's power that has truntents of Yankee imperialista We call on them to the fact that most of the border between Honduras and join the ranks of those who are fighting for freedom, for emerged in a genuinely dernocratic way. The reality El Salvador marks off territory under our control, social justice, for a just peace, and for independence of of March 25 also demonstrated that the FMLN has publicly declares its readiness to maintain respectful the homeland. great influence in the entire country, as well as the conduct toward the republic of Honduras, so long as The FMLN calls on all the peoples of Central Ameri- capacity to destabilize the military and political plans of Honduras is not used to attack us and so long as the both the dictatorship and imperialism. ca to unite in defense of our self-determination and United States does not use Honduran territory to peace, to unite in face of the colonial plana of the U.S. The failure of this farce, proceded by a nauseating harass and attack us.
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    Peace Agreements Digital Collection El Salvador >> Peace Agreement >> Annexes to Chapter VII Annexes to Chapter VII Table of Contents Annex A Annex B Annex C Annex D Annex E Annex F Annex A Places where FAES forces shall be concentrated by D-Day + 5 A. Ahuachacan 1. Llano del Espino, Beneficio Agua Chica and Geotérmica Ausoles (Ausoles geothermal station) and Finca San Luis 2. Beneficio Molino, Beneficio Sta. Rita, Repetidora Apaneca (Apaneca relay station), Puente Sunzacate, Finca Alta Cresta 3. Military Detachment No. 7 (DM-7) B. Sonsonate 4. Complejo Industrial Acajutla (Acajutla industrial complex), Puente Hacienda Km 5, Puente Río Bandera 5. Military Detachment No. 6 (DM-6) C. Santa Ana 6. Beneficio Tazumal, Beneficio Venecia, Beneficio La Mia and Cerro Singüil 7. Planta San Luis Uno and San Luis Dos 8. El Rodeo 9. Sitio Plan El Tablón 10. Cerro El Zacatío 11. Santa Rosa Huachipilín 12. Banderas 13. Cerro El Zacamil 14. Second Brigade D. Chalatenango 15. Cantón and Caserío El Encumbrado (El Encumbrado canton and hamlet) 16. Cantón and Caserío Potrero Sula (Potrero Sula canton and hamlet) 17. Cantón and Caserío El Carrizal (El Carrizal canton and hamlet) 18. San Rafael 19. La Laguna 20. Concepción Quezaltepeque 21. Potonico 22. Fourth Infantry Brigade 23. Military Detachment No. 1 (DM-1) 24. El Refugio base E. La Libertad 25. Presa San Lorenzo (San Lorenzo dam), Beneficio Río Claro and Beneficio Atapasco 26. San Juan de los Planes 27. Cantón and Caserío Las Granadillas (Las Granadillas canton and hamlet) 28. ESTRANFA (Transport Unit) 29. Artillery Brigade 30. Atlacatl BIRI (Rapid Deployment Infantry Brigade) 31.
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