FOI Ref 6871 Response sent 17 March Can you please provide the following details from the most recent records which you hold under The Licensing Act 2003: On-trade alcohol licensed premises, including: Premises Licence Number Date Issued Premises Licence Status (active, expired etc.) Premises Name Premises Address Premises Postcode Premises Telephone Number Premises on-trade Category (e.g. Cafe, Bar, Theatre, Nightclub etc.) Premises Licence Holder Name Premises Licence Holder Address Premises Licence Holder Postcode Designated Premises Supervisor Name Designated Premises Supervisor Address Designated Premises Supervisor Postcode The information you have requested is held and in the attached. However the personal information relating to Designated Premises Supervisors you have requested is refused under the exemption to disclosure at Section 40(2) of the Act Further queries on this matter should be directed to
[email protected] Full address Telephone number Licence type Status Date issued Licence holder 1 and 1 Rougamo Ltd, 84 Regent Street, Cambridge, 07730029914 Premises Licence Current Licence 10/03/2020 Yao Qin Cambridgeshire, CB2 1DP 2648 Cambridge, 14A Trinity Street, Cambridge, 01223 506090 Premises Licence Current Registration 03/10/2005 The New Vaults Limited Cambridgeshire, CB2 1TB 2nd View Cafe - Waterstones, 20-22 Sidney Street, Premises Licence Current Registration 17/09/2010 Waterstones Booksellers Ltd Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3HG ADC Theatre, Park Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB5 01223 359547 Premises Licence