Venezuela Situation As of June 2018
FACT SHEET Venezuela Situation As of June 2018 Between 2014 and 2018, some The majority of Venezuelans who Thousands continue leave 282,180 asylum claims have been have left their country have no Venezuela daily and legally enter lodged by Venezuelans, over 113,000 regular status, and are therefore in neighbouring countries. in 2017 alone. While refugee more vulnerable to any form of UNHCR is stepping up its procedures are overwhelmed, 5,661 exploitation, abuse, violence, response accordingly. have been recognized as refugees trafficking and discrimination. thus far. approach may allow to cope with the magnitude of the problem. 1 FACT SHEET > Venezuela Situation / June 2018 KEY FIGURES FUNDING (AS OF 13 JUNE 2018) USD 46 M requested for the Venezuela situation Over 1.5 million Venezuelans have left their country since 2014 Funded 44.5% 20.5M 2,000% increase in the number of Venezuelan nationals seeking asylum worldwide since 2014 567,561 beneficiaries of alternative protection arrangements since 2014 6,192 individuals reached through protection monitoring Funding gap 55.5% 25.6 M Asylum Applications 2014-18 Primary Countries of Asylum 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Costa Peru USA Brazil Spain Panama Mexico Rica 2018 90,000 9,506 6,917 2,313 1,506 1,794 2,278 2017 33,149 30,119 20,637 10,622 4,430 3,175 4,042 2014-2016 3,848 5,190 5,190 4,916 1,186 1,832 474 2014-2016 2017 2018 2 FACT SHEET > Venezuela Situation / June 2018 Operational Context Growing numbers of people continue to leave Venezuela for different reasons, including insecurity and violence, lack of food, medicine or access to essential social services, as well as loss of income.
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