Ambassador College Begins Its 45Th School Year
VOL. XIX, NO. 17 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA SEPT. 2,1991 Milestone: Ambassador College begins its 45th school year By Betty Waters people, including official of other AC, sponsored by the Worldwide Tyler Morning Telegraph area college, area civic, busine Church of God, i in Big Sandy, BIG SANDY-Forty-five year and government leaders and Ward acknowledged. ago. Amba ador College got it media representative. Ward explained it is becau e in tart with four students: Monda), There was a congratulatory let- the late 1940 , a radio broadca t the college pecializing in "the ter from Governor Ann Richard, of Armstrong' program, The mi ing dimen ion in education" and Big Sandy Mayor Johnnie World Tomorro"', was heard by a and ho e enrollment has swelled Baird proclaimed "Ambas- Big Sandy family who to about 1,200 celebrated its 45th ador College Day," became intere ted, anniversary. The luncheon was t A went to California held to not only _=- V,,/' and met Arm- This article appeared in the "thank" area resi- '-.I"'WF-C._~ trong. Aug. 20 Tyler Morning Tele dents for support E.~ "A relation- graph. It is reprinted with and acceptance ......, hip began and STUDENT BODY-Ambassador students gather In front of the College permission. of the con olidat- - ~ eventually that Administration Building at the start of the 1991-92 school year. The 1,150 ed operation ,_""", family (the Ham- students who enrolled represent 39 countries. [Photo by Mike Bedford] Although AC completed a year said President mers) donated ago the herculean task of consoli Donald L.
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