Carolina Volleyball

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Carolina Volleyball Page 2 • 2009 North Carolina Volleyball Media Guide Carolina Volleyball • 2009 Quick Facts / Table of Contents Ma^Ngbo^klbmrh_Ghkma<ZkhebgZMa^ Ngbo^klbmr h_ Ghkma <ZkhebgZ MZ[e^h_<hgm^gmlM [e _ < m m Eh\Zmbhg3<aZi^eAbee%G'<' F^]bZBg_hkfZmbhg(Jnb\d?Z\ml''''''''''''''''''''''''''* <aZkm^k^]3*012 Khlm^k ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '+ >gkheef^gm3+1%))) L\a^]ne^(=bk^\mbhgl ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', <aZg\^eehk3Ahe]^gMahki IeZr^kIkh_be^l''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-&*, =bk^\mhkh_:mae^mb\l3=b\d;Z]]hnk A^Z]<hZ\aCh^LZ`neZ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '*- L^gbhkPhf^gl:]fbgblmkZmhk3=k';^maFbee^k :llblmZgm<hZ\a^l(LniihkmLmZ__ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '*. :__bebZmbhg3G<::=boblbhgB @khniIahmhl ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '*/ <hg_^k^g\^3:meZgmb\<hZlm :]fbgblmkZmbhg ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '*0 Gb\dgZf^3MZkA^^el +))1R^ZkBgK^ob^p ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '*1 FZl\hm3KZf^l^lma^kZf +))1K^lneml(LmZmblmb\l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '*2 L\ahhe\hehkl3<ZkhebgZ;en^Zg]pabm^ M^Zf:pZk]l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '+) :mae^mb\]^iZkmf^gmP^[lbm^3MZkA^^e;en^'\hf AhghklZg]:pZk]l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '+* <ZkhebgZOhee^r[Zee +))2>nkhi^ZgMhnk''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''++&+, A^Z]<hZ\a3Ch^LZ`neZ!LNGRG^pIZems%01" >nkhi^(MOKZ]bh'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''+-&+. 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Fhk`Zg?hq Lh' ./ =L <aZi^eAbee%G'<'!>Zlm<aZi^eAbee" MkbZg`e^ / ;kZgZ`Zg?nee^k Lk' .*) HA Fnkkb^mZ%<Zeb_'!Fnkkb^mZOZee^r"(NG<@ ObgmZ`^O;< 0 La^e[^r;e^d^ ?k'# /+ F; @Zbg^lobee^%?eZ'!;n\aahes" @Zbg^lobee^Cngbhkl 1 <hnkmg^rChaglmhg Lh'# /+ HA(KL CZ\dlhgobee^%?eZ'!Ma^;hee^lL\ahhe" @Zbg^lobee^Cngbhkl 2 <ZreZLahkme^r ?k' .. =L(E KZe^b`a%G'<'!<Zk]bgZe@b[[hgl" MkbZg`e^ *) A^Zma^k;khhdl Lk' /, F; >ZlmEZglbg`%Fb\a'!>ZlmEZglbg`" E:O: ** >fberF\@^^ ?k' .** HA GZi^kobee^%Bee'!GZi^kobee^<^gmkZe" LihkmlI^k_hkfZg\^ *+ <ZffrDe^bg^km Lh' .*) HA(=L :nlmbg%M^qZl!P^lmeZd^" :nlmbgCngbhkl *- LnsZgg^AZr]^e Ck' .** HA FZkk^kh%EZ'!:\Z]^frh_ma^LZ\k^]A^Zkm" <ZcngeZg] *. 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LiZkmZgBgobmZmbhgZe >ZlmEZglbg`%Fb\a' From RDU and points east: ?kb' :n`'+1 ol':e[Zgr -i'f' Take I-40 West toward Chapel Hill. LZm' :n`'+2 ol'Lhnma^kg<Zeb_hkgbZ Ghhg Exit at NC 54 West (Exit #273 A) and ZmFb\ab`ZgLmZm^ 03,)i'f' follow for approximately 4 miles. Once in Chapel Hill, continue to follow signs ;^lmP^lm^kgLah\d^kOhee^r[Zee<eZllb\ Pb\abmZ%DZg' for NC 54 West, which means you ?kb' L^im'- ZmPb\abmZLmZm^ 03))i'f' will have to exit right under first over- pass. At the top of the exit turn right at LZm' L^im'. ol'HdeZahfZ *)3))Z'f' the light. Follow NC 54 West/15-501 ol'@kZf[ebg`LmZm^ .3))i'f' South until the second stoplight. Turn right onto Manning Drive. The Smith <ZkhebgZOhee^r[Zee<eZllb\ <aZi^eAbee Center is one-half mile on the left on ?kb' L^im'** FZklaZeeol'<hehkZ]hLmZm^ -3,)i'f' Skipper Bowles Drive. UNC vs. Tennessee 7 p.m. From points north of Chapel Hill: LZm' L^im'*+ UNC vs. Marshall 10 a.m. Take I-85 South to Durham, N.C. Exit <hehkZ]hLmZm^ol'M^gg^ll^^ *+3,)i'f' left at US 15-501 in Durham and follow FZklaZeeol'M^gg^ll^^ .3,)i'f' 15-501 approximatley 9 miles to Cha- UNC vs. Colorado State 7:30 p.m. pel Hill. Once in Chapel Hill, maintain ?kb' L^im'*1 Zm=^eZpZk^ G^pZkd%=^e' 0i'f' US 15-501 Bypass (Fordham Boule- Lng' L^im'+) Zm:f^kb\Zg PZlabg`mhg%='<' +i'f' vard). At around the 7th stoplight, turn right onto Manning Drive. The Smith Center is one-half mile on the left on ?kb' L^im'*1 Zm<e^flhg# <e^flhg%L'<' 0i'f' Skipper Bowles Drive. Lng' L^im'+0 @^hk`bZM^\a# :meZgmZ%@Z' 0i'f' From points west of Chapel Hill: Thur.
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