1935-02-05 [P A-5]
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f on Stand Raises Blasts of the North LIFER'S FORM Kloppenburg All CLUES HELD Escape Wintry General Estimation of Bruno LEFT 10 GERMANS NOT CRIME-RIDDEN Picture of Hauptmann as Sociable and Schwarzkopf Summoned by Son of Rich Philadelphian Unpretentious Is Given to Jury—Story Capt. Rhoda Milliken Speaks Defense in Attack on Disinherits American of Package Left by Fisch Backed. to Manor Park Citizens’ Fingerprints. Kin in Odd Will. Association. BY ANNE GORDON SUYDAM. get eel traps with a friend could not Special Dispatch to The Star. murder a baby, and then snatch that Press. By the Associated Press. Washington is not the crime-ridden By the Associated N. 5.— same friend from his grave and sum- DANNEMORA, N. Y., February 5.— FLEMINGTON, J., February city many suppose it to be, Capt. FLEMINGTON, N. J„ February 5.— mon his shivering corpse In court for The State has bought a blue blanket For the first time since the defense Rhoda Milliken, chief of the Police Every available clue in the Lindbergh an alibi. and a wooden coffin for Alphonse J. opened its case Bruno Richard Haupt- Department's Woman’s Bureau, last baby kidnaping mystery led to "nobody Stephani, wealthy son of a Philadel- Personality May Shift. night told the Manor Park Citizens’ mann yesterday had a friend at court else but Hauptmann," Col. H. Norman phia wine merchant, who killed a Association at a “ladies’ night” cele- so his If Hauptmann, who laughed and Schwarzkopf, head of the New Jersey man 44 years ago and died in Danne- and a friend presentable that bration in the Whittier School. on Hunter's Island, Is indeed State police, testified at the twenty- mora State Hospital February 1, leav- very appearance did much to raise played Crime among women, however, has Richard crimes of murder and in the Dis- fourth day of Bruno Haupt- ing a rich estate and a strange will. the general estimation of Haupt- guilty of the been increasing steadily mann's trial for the crime his native Amer- trict the last two yesterday. Embittered toward mann. of besmirching the name of his dead during years, Capt. It was Col. Charles A. Lindbergh’s ica, directed that all his Milliken declared. She cited many Stephani Hans Kloppenburg is tall, clean- friend, the only explanation of this 33d birthday anniversary, and he fortune be given to the Frankfurter instances of the work of the bureau cut, thoroughly American in feature psychological phenomenon is that he was In court again, hanging closely on Bank in Germany, to be spent for and declared if it had not been for and type, and prepossessing In man- was able, as I have felt during these the testimony of the man who co- the welfare of the people of Prank- the support she received from civic ner. His answers were direct, oc- weeks of watching him, to shift in- ordinated the forces attempting to fort-on-Main or Hornbourg von der bodies the bureau might have been casionally he smiled a naturally dis- stantaneously from one personality to •olve the crime. Hohe. forced to discontinue its work. arming smile, and all In all, he seem- another. Hauptmann might plot with He heard a parade of defense wit- He asked to be buried "in a bluei A letter from the Petworth Citizens* ed a wholesome sort of person. After superhuman ingenuity and patience, nesses attempt to strengthen alibis army blanket or heavy sail cloth of Association asking the Manor Parle the string of unsavory alibi wit- but Hauptmann, undetected, would for the prisoner; attempt to incrimi- canvas.” group to send delegates to an executive nesses who have passed before us like never brood. With his supreme ego nate the Morrow maid. Violet Sharpe; He was 68 years old and librarian meeting on transportation was read. bad dreams, he was a distinct relief. deflated, he may weep in his cell as attempt to prove that a man in an for other prisoners in the hospital The Petworth group has invited all Once again the picture of Haupt- he trembles for his Me, but I doubt automobile containing a ladder near where New York sends its insane civic groups of North Washington to mann as a sociable, unpretentious, if ever be trembled for another’s, or the Lindbergh estate the afternoon criminals. meet and discuss plans for securing and rather agreeable young man for his own immortal soul. before the kidnaping was not Haupt- Will express transportation facilities to the Questioned. presents itself as we hear his friend It is well for Hauptmann that there mann. downtown area, possibly by way of Supt. Blakely R. Webster sent the tell of their monthly musical evenings was one friend of those happier days Eleventh street from Georgia avenue Defense Calls Schwarzkopf. will to Attorney General John J. when would gather together in who took the stand in apparent hon- they and Cpshur street. W. H. Seaquist Col. Schwarzkopf was called by the Bennett at for an as the home with and esty to clear his name. Save for his Albany opinion Hauptmann guitar and C. A. Davison were directed to at- defense, which immediately began to to its His memorandum and themselves wife, the Fredericksons, who knew validity. mandolin, transport tend. dig at testimony on fingerprints found noted that in one American bank with pleasant nostalgia back to the him but by sight and who could not Mrs. Mills, wifa of the former Recently the association asked that at the Lindbergh nursery and on the Left: Dorothy Pell, daughter of Ogden alone—the Chase National of New old country. You can see them swear to his presence in the bakery Vanderbilt, shown in the the name of Calvin Coolidge be given kidnap ladder. Secretary of the Treasury, and Alfred Gwynne York City—Stephani had $272,781.89. earnestly tuning their instruments on the night of March 1, and Paul near Miami, the races. to the proposed high school in Manor Schwarzkopf was asked if a dowel latter's private box at Hialeah Park, recently during “We don’t know how much money and with that German com- Vetterle, who was an old friend of hts whose Cavalcade peculiar Park and protested the action of the pin resembling one in the kidnap lad- Right: Mrs. Dodge Sloane, society sportswoman, he had abroad," Webster said. “Part bination of thoroughness and senti- wife’s but who scarcely knew him, in California this month, shown out Anacostia Citizens’ Association in ask- der had not been found in a corner is to race at the Santa Anita track of the estate is believed to be in the out to have a the witnesses for his defense have mentality setting good that name for the for a stroll at Palm Beach. She is a New York City social registerite. to ing projected of Col. Lindbergh’s library after the hands of bankers in London and time. You can see Anna, who never been total strangers Hauptmann, —A. P. Photos. junior-senior high school in Anacostia. kidnaping. Paris. to a mandolin or and have seemed like hallucinations to _<• could lay her hand A letter from the Board of Education His reports, the police superintend- "Whether the will is valid or in- of most of us. any of the lighter chords life, pass- was read that the action of were I stating ent testified, did not contain that. valid, we are going to try to carry or as she If I Hauptmann, know that could have gone up, but with the ing pretzels darning socks, the two associations had been referred On numerous other questions Col. to Get out, so far as is practical, his request of whatever hope or confidence or even added weight it would have broken Jurors Due placidly awaited the day delivery by the board to a special committee on Schwarzkopf said he must refer to as to burial.” simple gratitude were left in me when he came down.” of her baby, and listened to the music naming of schools. official befote The In 1891, Stephani, cultured and would have risen from the ashes of reports answering. Bruno Case Week of her lord. Which, according to Subsequently, Ernest H. Pullman, police head said experiments with a Normal Weight 175. traveled, had just returned from a and my despair at the sight and the REILLY PROMISES many men. is the perfect only president, reported word has been re- ladder modeled on the kidnap ladder trip to Germany. sound and the real meaning of Klop- Hauptmann, when his trial began, natural state of womanhood. ceived from Charles B. Degges, secre- proved it had broken under a weight From Tomorrow In a law office in Wall Street. New penburg on the stand. I may be weighed a little more than 150 “PROOF” ON FISCH tary to the board, that the board will of 180 pounds. York, he quarreled with Clinton G. Tells of Hunter s Island. sentimental, and his testimony may but his weight normally was reconsider the Manor Park group’s re- pounds, Reynolds, the lawyer hired to dispose not have been of great value, but he Wilentz Shapes Case. around 175. Kloppenburg takes us to Hunter’s quest. AS RANSOM TAKER of his father’s estate. Reynolds was looked to me like a friend, and so far Fisher asked Schwarzkopf about a Wit- Island, and there again we enter Into Attorney General David T. Wilentz Defense Speeds killed. Stephani was convicted of the first real friend who has come to report submitted by Squire Johnson, the friendly communal life of a group by cross-examination, shaped the (Continued From First second-degree murder.