The mechanisms and functions of spontaneous release

Ege T. Kavalali Abstract | Fast synaptic communication in the brain requires synchronous vesicle fusion that is evoked by -induced Ca2+ influx. However, synaptic terminals also release by spontaneous vesicle fusion, which is independent of presynaptic action potentials. A functional role for spontaneous neurotransmitter release events in the regulation of and homeostasis, as well as the regulation of certain behaviours, has been reported. In addition, there is evidence that the presynaptic mechanisms underlying spontaneous release of neurotransmitters and their postsynaptic targets are segregated from those of evoked neurotransmission. These findings challenge current assumptions about neuronal signalling and neurotransmission, as they indicate that spontaneous neurotransmission has an autonomous role in interneuronal communication that is distinct from that of evoked release.

10–13 Docked vesicles Our current insights into the mechanisms under­lying relatively intact . Thus, although these experiments Synaptic vesicles that are synaptic transmission originate from experiments that proved the vesicular hypothesis of neurotransmitter tethered to the presynaptic were conducted in the 1950s by Bernard Katz and col- release, they raised the question of whether spontane- membrane or the active zone leagues1–3 (FIG. 1). A key aspect of these studies was the ous release events originate from the same vesicular traf- structure. According to current discovery of spontaneous neurotransmitter release ficking pathway as evoked neurotransmission14. Recent views, not all docked vesicles are fully primed for fusion and events, which seemed to occur in discrete ‘quantal’ advances in our understanding support the autonomous release of neurotransmitter. packets (FIG. 2). This fundamental observation enabled nature of spontaneous neurotransmission and indicate its the complex and seemingly intractable nature of action key role in the signalling that leads to synaptic maturation potential-evoked neurotransmission to be analysed and and homeostasis. This Review presents an overview of the understood on the basis of its unitary components2–4. experimental results and conceptual developments that Although the original work solely relied on electrophysi- have given rise to this revised outlook on the mechanisms ological analysis, later studies that used electron micros- and functions of spontaneous neurotransmitter release. copy provided visual validation of the hypothesis that neurotransmission occurs through fusion of discrete Spontaneous release mechanisms synaptic vesicles that contain neurotransmitters with Specific fusion machinery. The tradi- the presynaptic plasma membrane5,6. tional view of spontaneous neurotransmitter release The quantal hypothesis of neurotransmission now posits that these spontaneous events occur randomly has overwhelming experimental support, and we are in the absence of stimuli owing to low-probability con- beginning to understand the exquisite molecular mecha- formational changes in the vesicle fusion machinery15. nisms involved7. However, the discovery of the molecular Random fluctuations of the vesicle fusion machinery can machinery that enables presynaptic vesicle fusion to occur be augmented in response to subthreshold elevations in also uncovered some unexpected distinctions between the presynaptic Ca2+ levels, which facilitate neurotransmit- 16,17 Department of , processes that lead to spontaneous and action potential- ter release when the is at rest . Spontaneous University of Texas evoked neurotransmitter release. Early studies that used events were initially thought to arise from fusion of the Southwestern Medical Center, clostridial toxins to impair presynaptic machinery com- same docked vesicles and primed vesicles that mediate 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., ponents8,9 and later work that used genetic manipula- release after the arrival of a presynaptic action potential Dallas, Texas 75390–9111, tions to selectively knock out the function of individual (called the readily releasable pool (RRP)). Indeed, sev- USA. e-mail: Ege.Kavalali@ fusion proteins showed varying degrees of presynaptic eral electrophysiological and presynaptic optical imag- release impairment; however, in most circumstances, the ing experiments have documented a correlation between doi:10.1038/nrn3875 process of spontaneous neurotransmitter release was left the responsiveness of evoked release events and that of


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a b 1 2 1 2

Microelectrode Motor fibre

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience Figure 1 | The earliest recordings of spontaneous synaptic activity. a | The preparation used by Bernard Katz and colleagues, in which they initially described spontaneous cholinergic neurotransmitter release events, is shown. b | Intracellular recordings near the sites of innervation (1), but not recordings at distal regions (2), showed random spontaneous voltage fluctuations that were sensitive to cholinergic agents, nerve denervation and osmotic pressure2. Part b reproduced from Fatt, P. & Katz, B. Spontaneous subthreshold activity at motor nerve endings. J. Physiol. 117, 109–128 (1952). John Wiley & Sons.

spontaneous release to presynaptic Ca2+ concentrations and comprise distinct populations. Furthermore, these at the macroscopic level, which provides quantitative SNAREs may be involved in the formation of alternative justification for their emergence from the same pro- fusion complexes with specialized functional properties cess18,19. However, an increasing number of molecular that enable them to selectively mediate spontaneous or studies have identified mechanisms that either promote asynchronous neurotransmission29 (BOX 1). or suppress spontaneous release that are dissociable from Recent studies have examined the synaptic function of their impact on evoked release20,21. these alternative SNAREs and have uncovered their com- In the brain, the canonical synaptic vesicular SNARE plementary roles to synaptobrevin 2 in synaptic transmis- (soluble N‑ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attach- sion. In , VTI1A is localized to cell bodies, where ment protein ) protein synaptobrevin 2 (also known it is involved in the endosome and trans-Golgi network, as vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2)) as well as to presynaptic terminals, where a splice vari- forms a complex with the plasma membrane SNARE ant of VTI1A is enriched in purified synaptic vesicles30. synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP25) and syn- VAMP7 is expressed throughout the adult brain. It is taxin 1 to drive rapid action potential-evoked synaptic typically found in the cell body and of neurons vesicle fusion22. Therefore, loss of synaptobrevin 2 in but has also been shown to be present in presynaptic ter- mice results in near-complete loss of the Ca2+-dependent minals in certain brain areas, such as the hippocampal release that is evoked in tight synchrony with presynap- dentate gyrus31,32. Simultaneous optical imaging of syn- tic action potentials. By contrast, a sizeable proportion aptobrevin 2 and VTI1A or VAMP7, as well as electro- of spontaneous neurotransmission and asynchronous physiological experiments, have shown that although both release (which is loosely coupled to stimulation) are left VTI1A and VAMP7 could be slowly mobilized in response intact in these mice11,23. This observation suggests that to strong stimulation, VTI1A was preferentially trafficked there may be a specialized role for alternative vesicu- under resting conditions27. Further experiments showed

Primed vesicles lar SNAREs in the maintenance of spontaneous and that gain or loss of function of VTI1A alters the regula- Vesicles that are docked and asynchronous neurotransmission. tion of a high-frequency spontaneous release event. These that have advanced through all Several additional SNAREs with structures similar results support the hypothesis that VTI1A selectively the necessary molecular to that of synaptobrevin 2 are expressed at low levels on maintains spontaneous neurotransmitter release27. rearrangements of the SNARE synaptic vesicles. These include VAMP4, VAMP7 (also Recent evidence also indicates a key role for VAMP7 (soluble N‑ethylmaleimide- sensitive factor (NSF) known as tetanus-insensitive VAMP) and VTI1A (vesi- in the regulation of spontaneous release. Earlier stud- attachment protein receptor) cle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs homo- ies showed that VAMP7‑containing synaptic vesicles fusion machinery; that is, logue 1A)24. These vesicular SNAREs typically function are responsive to strong stimulation and may therefore vesicles waiting for the influx of in the fusion and trafficking of subcellular organelles perform asynchronous neurotransmission and spon- 2+ Ca ions to trigger fusion. 28,31 According to the current view, within the neuron and possibly guide the biogenesis taneous release . A newer study demonstrated that 25,26 vesicle priming requires partial of synaptic vesicles through the secretory pathway . although VAMP7 in its native form did not show much or full assembly of the SNARE However, there is also evidence that these alternative trafficking under resting conditions, VAMP7‑enriched complex, as well as interaction SNAREs are not homogeneously distributed among syn- vesicles could be swiftly mobilized by the small increases of SNAREs with other key aptic vesicle populations25,27,28. This molecular diversity in presynaptic Ca2+ concentration that occur in response fusion proteins, such as MUNC18, MUNC13 and other suggests that some synaptic vesicles that drive sponta- to neuromodulators, such as the secreted glycoprotein 33 components of the presynaptic neous neuro­transmission are likely to diverge from the reelin . These findings are also consistent with experi- active zone. classical synaptobrevin 2‑dominant SNARE composition ments that took advantage of a membrane-binding

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a b Stimulation Stimulation

Synchronous-evoked release Synchronous-evoked release Asynchronous-evoked release Spontaneous release


Asynchronous-evoked release Release probability

Spontaneous release ∝Ca2+

Time Figure 2 | Three kinetically distinct forms of neurotransmitter release. Three forms ofNature neurotransmitter Reviews | Neuroscience release with distinct Ca2+ dependence and time courses occur at the . a | Graphical recording traces show representative examples of events that are detected in response to synchronous- and asynchronous-evoked release, and to spontaneous release during a typical electrophysiological experiment. b | The graph shows the relative time courses of decay in neurotransmitter release probability seen after presynaptic stimulation. Presynaptic action potentials and the resulting Ca2+ influx cause synchronous vesicle fusion within 1 ms. In some , vesicle fusion is only loosely coupled to the timing of a presynaptic action potential and may thus outlast the duration of the action potential for 1 s or more, which leads to asynchronous neurotransmitter release. In addition, neurotransmitter release can occur spontaneously in the absence of presynaptic action potentials. However, the rate of such spontaneous release is proportional to intracellular Ca2+ levels.

fluorophore–cysteine–lysine–palmitoyl group (mCLING) traffic independently and maintain distinct forms of to label recycling synaptic vesicles and image their molec- neurotransmission. These observations were also con- ular composition using super-resolution microscopy25. This sistent with biochemical experiments that demonstrated approach revealed a relative enrichment of endosomal that VAMP4 forms a stable complex with syntaxin 1 and SNAREs on spontaneously recycling vesicles compared SNAP25. However, unlike the synaptobrevin 2‑driven with their counterparts that trafficked during activity25. complex, the VAMP4 complex did not readily interact Taken together, these findings addressed a long-standing with complexins or synaptotagmin 1 — proteins that question by demonstrating a physiological role for syn- are essential for fast synchronous neuro­transmission34. aptobrevin 2‑independent spontaneous release events11,23. This biochemical insight may explain why VAMP4 This work has also shown that these alternative vesicular preferentially affects asynchronous release. SNAREs are molecular tags for independently function- These experiments suggest that even the seemingly ing synaptic vesicle populations and provide a potential similar synchronous and asynchronous fusion events that molecular basis for the selective regulation of spontaneous occur at a single synapse can be diverse. Interestingly, neurotransmitter release. this premise is consistent with experimental results A recent study queried the synaptic function of obtained using fluorophore-assisted light inactivation of another endosomal SNARE, VAMP4, and showed rod bipolar cell ribbons, which caused an acute reduc- that, whereas synaptobrevin 2 is involved in rapid Ca2+- tion in the amplitude and frequency of asynchronous dependent synchronous neurotransmission, VAMP4 quantal events. However, after light inactivation of the 2+ 35 Super-resolution selectively maintains bulk Ca -dependent asynchronous ribbons, the initial evoked responses remained intact . microscopy release34. As indicated above, asynchronous release events Along the same lines, at the Caenorhabditis elegans A form of light microscopy that are dependent on presynaptic action potentials, but their neuro­muscular junction, distinct isoforms of the active achieves a spatial resolution of 50–100 nm, which is beyond timing is only loosely coupled to the action potential zone protein Unc13 (which is the C. elegans homologue 15 the limit set by diffraction; it stimulation . In these experiments, VAMP4 did not show of mammalian MUNC13) affect the spatial segregation of includes stimulated emission robust trafficking under resting conditions, although it synchronous and asynchronous release but do not alter depletion microscopy (STED), was shown that VAMP4‑enriched vesicles can respond to spontaneous release36. photoactivated localization elevated presynaptic Ca2+ signals and promote release33,34. Despite the evidence that supports a key role for microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical Accordingly, multicolour optical imaging of VAMP4 and alternative SNAREs in spontaneous and asynchronous reconstruction microscopy synaptobrevin 2 trafficking at individual synapses revealed release processes, it is important to note that in mamma- (STORM). minimal overlap, which suggests that these two SNAREs lian central synapses a substantial proportion (70–90%)


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Box 1 | Divergent fusion machinery for spontaneous and evoked release The formation of a SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) and VTI1A (vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs attachment protein receptor) complex by SNARE proteins — homologue 1A) may selectively mediate spontaneous neurotransmission. synaptobrevin 2, syntaxin 1 and synaptosomal-associated protein 25 Furthermore, these SNAREs may be involved in the formation of (SNAP25) — mediates evoked synaptic vesicle fusion (see the figure, alternative fusion complexes with specialized functional properties that part a). Syntaxin 1 and synaptobrevin 2 are anchored on the plasma enable specific regulation of spontaneous release. Experiments have membrane and the synaptic vesicle membrane, respectively, by a shown that increasing the number of residues that are inserted between transmembrane region, whereas SNAP25 is attached to the plasma the SNARE motif and the transmembrane region of synaptobrevin 2 in membrane by palmitoylated cysteines. All SNAREs share a characteristic synaptobrevin 2-deficient neurons can rescue spontaneous release close SNARE motif that comprises a stretch of approximately 60 amino acids. to wild-type levels, but this insertion did not restore evoked release, which SNARE motifs associate into parallel four-helical bundles to form SNARE indicates that a suboptimal SNARE complex may be sufficient to trigger complexes. To form the synaptic SNARE complex, SNAP25 contributes spontaneous fusion37. The Ca2+ sensitivity of spontaneous fusion seems to two SNARE motifs, and syntaxin 1 and synaptobrevin 2 each contribute be mediated by C2 domain-containing proteins, such as synaptotagmin 1 one SNARE motif. The soluble protein complexin selectively binds to the and, possibly, double C2 domain (DOC2) proteins. SNARE complex with high affinity and regulates fusion. Under physiological a Evoked synaptic vesicle fusion conditions, SNAREs closely cooperate with Synaptic vesicle Neurotransmitter SM (SEC1/MUNC18‑like) proteins and synaptic active zone proteins — MUNC13 Synaptobrevin 2 and RAB3‑interacting molecule (RIM) — Synaptotagmin 1 to execute fusion. Studies so far suggest that these molecules either function as regulators of SNARE-dependent fusion Complexin by facilitating SNARE complex assembly Syntaxin 1 2+ or function in conjunction with SNAREs SNAP25 Ca to promote fusion. In addition, the rapidity and steep Ca2+ dependence of the evoked synaptic vesicle fusion process occurs as a result of the SNARE complex Fusion pore interaction of SNAREs with synaptotagmin 1 and complexins. After b Spontaneous synaptic vesicle fusion Ca2+-evoked fusion, SNARE complexes are disassembled by NSF, which is Synaptobrevin 2, followed by recycling of used SNAREs VTI1A, VAMP7 or others? and replenishment of vesicles from a reserve pool. DOC2 By contrast, spontaneous synaptic vesicle Syntaxin 1 SNAP25 fusion seems to have less stringent or others? or others? requirements (see the figure, part b). For ? example, in addition to synaptobrevin 2, SNARE complexes nucleated by the alternative vesicular SNARE VAMP7 (vesicle-associated membrane protein 7)

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience of these release events are carried out by the canonical complex potentiated both spontaneous and evoked vesicular SNARE synaptobrevin 2 (REF. 11). However, fusion. Importantly, both molecular manipulations had there is increasing evidence that spontaneous neuro- a greater impact on spontaneous release than on evoked transmitter release that is mediated by synaptobrevin 2 neurotransmission38. In addition to synaptobrevin 2 and and its canonical partners SNAP25 and syntaxin 1 is dif- SNAP25, a recent report indicates that the Habc domain ferentially regulated compared with evoked release. For of syntaxin 1 is essential for spontaneous neurotransmis- example, in synapses of synaptobrevin 2‑deficient mice, sion but that it is not required to maintain fast-evoked expression of a synaptobrevin 2 construct in which 12 vesicle release39. Taken together, these three findings sug- residues were inserted between the SNARE motif and gest that, although some spontaneous and evoked fusion transmembrane­ region was able to rescue spontaneous events may depend on the same SNARE machinery, the release, but it did not restore evoked release37. This sug- molecular interactions of the same components in each gests that the physical requirements for SNARE com- case may be distinct. plex assembly are more flexible for spontaneous release. These results also raise the intriguing possibility that Moreover, in SNAP25‑deficient neurons, expression distinct conformations of the same SNARE machinery of mutated forms of SNAP25 that resulted in desta- may form a substrate for selective regulation of spon- bilization of the carboxy-terminal end of the SNARE taneous versus evoked release by SNARE-interacting complex restored evoked release to a large extent, but proteins. Consistent with this proposal, the differen- it did not rescue spontaneous release. By contrast, tial requirements for spontaneous and evoked release modification of the amino-terminal end of the SNARE extend to fusion machinery components other than

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SNARE proteins. For example, loss of synaptotagmin 1 Cross-depletion experiments using manipulations to or synaptotagmin 2 — synaptic vesicle-associated trans- impair presynaptic function in a use-dependent manner membrane proteins that sense Ca2+ ions through their have explicitly tested these assumptions. Initially, it was two C-terminal C2 domains — impairs fast synchronous demonstrated that sustained prevention of neurotrans- synaptic vesicle fusion but elevates spontaneous release mitter filling of spontaneously recycling vesicles using in a non-cell-autonomous manner40–42. Synaptotagmin- the vacuolar ATPase inhibitor folimycin impairs spon- mutant neurons grown in mass cultures or slice cultures, taneous release events but results in a modest reduction but not neurons grown in isolation to form ‘autapses’, in subsequent evoked release53–55. However, under the show increased spontaneous release43–45. This augmenta- same conditions, strong depletion of evoked release by tion of spontaneous release can be suppressed by expres- sustained elevated K+ stimulation impaired both evoked sion of Ca2+-binding mutants of synaptotagmin, which and spontaneous events, which indicates that large suggests a key role for synaptotagmins in mediating the increases in presynaptic Ca2+ levels could mobilize all Ca2+ sensitivity of spontaneous neurotransmission46. At vesicles indiscriminately56. This observation is consistent the Drosophila melanogaster neuromuscular junction with optical experiments that demonstrated that under and, in some circumstances, in mammalian neurons, strong stimulation (>20 Hz) there were no marked dis- loss of function of complexin — a cytoplasmic neuronal tinctions between the vesicle populations that recycle at protein that binds to the SNARE complex with high rest or during activity57,58. affinity — results in increased spontaneous release47,48. However, later experiments using the small-molecule These observations suggest that there may be important dynamin inhibitor dynasore showed that inhibition of mechanisms that selectively suppress and regulate the GTP hydrolysis by dynamin does not affect spontaneous probability of spontaneous release events. neurotransmission; instead, it causes robust depletion of Although synaptotagmins and complexins affect both vesicles within the RRP and use-dependent suppression evoked and spontaneous release events (albeit in oppo- of evoked release59. This finding strongly suggests that site directions), the double C2 domain (DOC2) fam- spontaneous and evoked neurotransmission originate ily of proteins selectively maintain spontaneous49,50 or from distinct pools of vesicles that can be distinguished by asynchronous release51. However, there is disagreement their reliance on dynamin function. This result also agrees about whether DOC2 proteins function as Ca2+ sensors with the finding that after genetic deletion of two major or as Ca2+-independent regulators during spontaneous neuronal dynamin isoforms (dynamin 1 and dynamin 3), release49,50. Furthermore, a recent study at the D. mela- which are required for evoked synaptic vesicle endocy- nogaster neuro­muscular junction identified molecular tosis, a substantial proportion of spontaneous release interactions of the vacuolar ATPase V0a1 subunit in the is maintained60. However, a role for dynamin (possibly Ca2+-dependent regulation of spontaneous release52. The dynamin 2) in spontaneous synaptic vesicle endocytosis growing list of molecular players that specifically regulate cannot be excluded: at the D. melanogaster neuromus- spontaneous neurotransmission shows the physiologi- cular junction, the temperature-sensitive dominant- cal importance of this form of release and also suggests negative dynamin mutant shibire shows use-dependent specific molecular manipulations that can be used to suppression of evoked and spontaneous release61. In con- selectively probe spontaneous neurotransmission and trast to the swift recovery of the RRP and evoked release elucidate its role in neuronal signalling. after strong vesicle depletion, the recovery of spontane- ous release is delayed and requires repopulation of the Distinct vesicle pools. The molecular manipulations reserve pool, which supports the idea that spontaneous described above provide strong evidence for diver- and evoked release originate from distinct vesicle pools61. gence between the presynaptic machineries that give Taken together, these results show that strong activity- rise to spontaneous versus evoked synaptic vesicle dependent stimulation can indiscriminately mobilize fusion. However, despite their mechanistic insight, vesicle pools, whereas moderate activity may use a dis- these manipulations inevitably leave open the question tinct pool of vesicles that strictly require specific dynamin of whether the processes of spontaneous and evoked isoforms for recycling. By contrast, vesicles that normally neurotransmission are segregated under physiological fuse spontaneously can only respond to strong stimula- circumstances in unperturbed synapses. The traditional tion, and their recycling does not depend on the major assumption that the vesicles that give rise to sponta- neuronal dynamin isoforms. neous release and those found within the RRP share a The premise that spontaneous and evoked synaptic common identity provides specific testable predictions vesicle recycling pathways are segregated also received about the relationship between the two forms of release. initial support from optical experiments that monitored According to this premise, for example, the propensity the uptake and release of styryl dyes. In particular, experi- for spontaneous fusion at a single release site should ments using the styryl dye FM2‑10 showed that the kinet- be directly proportional to the number of vesicles ics of dye destaining is strictly dependent on the presence within the RRP, as each vesicle is expected to have a or absence of stimulation during the dye-loading phase; small but measurable propensity to fuse spontaneously. vesicles that were stained in the absence of activity were Therefore, depletion of RRP vesicles should also impair only mobilized to a small extent during activity55. These subsequent spontaneous release events, and long-term experiments also demonstrated that spontaneously endo- exhaustion of spontaneously recycling vesicles should cytosed vesicles are more likely to be reused spontane- reduce evoked release. ously55. Later experiments using the alternative styryl dye


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FM1‑43 provided contradictory results56, possibly owing that the mobility of vesicles that are endocytosed after to the influence of prior background activity on FM1‑43 spontaneous fusion is reduced compared with vesicles uptake after neuronal silencing56,59. Therefore, the dye that endocytose during activity64. species used (FM2‑10 versus FM1‑43) and problems with Taken together, studies to date suggest that traffick- unequivocal identification of genuine presynaptic termi- ing pathways that maintain spontaneous versus evoked nals after spontaneous dye uptake were key factors that synaptic vesicle recycling diverge. This divergence may affected these results56. Subsequent studies revealed arise from parallel trafficking of molecularly distinct that multiple synaptic vesicle recycling pathways operate synaptic vesicle populations that are, in part, marked by in parallel even under resting conditions59. a non-overlapping distribution of vesicular SNARE pro- These initial experiments motivated the recent use teins. However, it is likely that the molecular composition of molecularly specific imaging approaches to address of these divergent populations may show partial over- the diversity of synaptic vesicle trafficking pathways that lap or that the vesicle composition can be dynamically maintain spontaneous and evoked release62. For example, altered during recycling, which results in mixing among a biotinylated variant of synaptobrevin 2 was used to label vesicle pools. For example, the findings that a distinction recycling vesicles, sequentially and irreversibly, with dif- between evoked and spontaneous synaptic vesicle recy- ferent colours under different conditions. These experi- cling is more prominent at moderate stimulations and that ments showed that fluorescently labelled spontaneously strong stimulation can result in indiscriminate release are recycling vesicles have minimal quantitative overlap with consistent with a partial overlap among vesicle pools that labelled activity-dependent recycling vesicles63. A recent can be controlled by activity. Future studies that aim to study used SGC5, a new-generation styryl dye, to exam- biochemically characterize the various populations of ine the movement of single synaptic vesicles and revealed synaptic vesicles, together with super-resolution imaging experiments with improved spatiotemporal resolution, a Segregation within a single synapse will help to construct a more concrete molecular picture of synaptic vesicle heterogeneity and its functional impact 62 Resting on neurotransmission . Postsynaptic pool receptor Distinct postsynaptic targets. A complementary set of studies have investigated the potential postsynaptic coun- terpart to the presynaptic segregation of spontaneous and action potential-evoked synaptic vesicle recycling path- ways. An early study took advantage of the use-dependent NMDA receptor antagonist MK‑801 and revealed that complete blockade of spontaneous NMDA miniature b Segregation into different synapses excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) results in unaffected evoked neurotransmitter release by subsequent NMDA receptor-mediated responses. The lack of interac- tion between the block of spontaneous NMDA mEPSCs and evoked NMDA EPSCs provides evidence that spon- taneous and evoked release activate non-overlapping populations of postsynaptic NMDA receptors65. A later study implemented a similar strategy using philantho- toxin, which selectively blocks GluA2 subunit-deficient AMPA receptors in a use-dependent manner, to dem- Vesicles onstrate that AMPA receptors are also segregated with Evoked release Spontaneous release respect to their responsiveness to spontaneous or evoked 66 Figure 3 | Segregation of spontaneous and evoked neurotransmission.Nature Reviews | Neuroscience a | Studies neurotransmission . in hippocampal synapses suggest that spontaneous and evoked fusion events may be mediated by separate pools of vesicles within the same synapse (left panel)55,59. Spatial segregation. In addition to using distinct presyn- According to another model (right panel), spontaneous neurotransmitter release events aptic and postsynaptic elements, it has been suggested that may originate from the resting pool of vesicles that are normally unresponsive to activity spontaneous and evoked neurotransmitter release occur at and that do not typically contribute to evoked neurotransmission63. In accordance with different locations within the synapse (FIG. 3). Direct visu- the evidence from studies of the postsynaptic region65, these observations suggest that alization of a physical segregation of evoked and spontane- distinct receptor populations are activated by spontaneous or evoked neurotransmitter ous neurotransmission processes in mammalian synapses release in hippocampal neurons. This model is also consistent with observations of has been difficult. Super-resolution microscopy experi- spontaneous and evoked vesicle fusion in goldfish retinal bipolar cells69. b | Alternatively, ments have provided evidence for the existence of nano- some synapses may have a strong propensity for spontaneous fusion, whereas other synapses may preferentially release neurotransmitter in response to action potentials. domains of postsynaptic receptor clusters and multiple For example, immature synaptic boutons typically favour spontaneous release and fail subpopulations of signalling molecules, such as calcium/ to respond to action potential stimulation104,105, which raises the possibility that a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II (CaMKII), population of nascent synapses in an otherwise mature synaptic network may selectively which are consistent with the idea of functionally segre- sustain spontaneous release. In addition, some presynaptic terminals may support action gated neurotransmission and signalling67,68. In hippocam- potential-driven release with negligible concurrent spontaneous vesicle . pal neurons, most synapses (~70%) exhibit spontaneous

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and evoked synaptic vesicle fusion, whereas the remaining by the reciprocal regulation of immature and mature synaptic terminals show a preference for spontaneous or forms of synaptic vesicle recycling by the synaptic cell evoked release. Using total internal reflection fluorescence adhesion molecule NCAM during mammalian synapse microscopy, evidence for the spatial segregation of differ- development73. ent types of neurotransmission was reported using single- vesicle imaging of goldfish bipolar cell ribbon synapses. Selective of spontaneous release. Vesicles released as a result of stimulation were predom- Although increasing evidence highlights the segre- inantly localized to the ribbon, whereas spontaneous gation of spontaneous and evoked neurotransmitter release often occurred at extra-ribbon sites69. A recent release processes at synapses, the physiological relevance study at the D. melanogaster neuro­muscular junction of this segregation has only begun to emerge recently. used transgenic expression of the fluorescent Ca2+- Experiments in multiple preparations have reported cases sensor protein GCAMP5 at the postsynaptic muscle in which spontaneous and evoked release events are dif- membrane. In this setting, GCAMP5 concentrates at ferentially regulated by neuromodulators and various subsynaptic regions of muscle fibres and functions as a cellular pathways21. These include sensor for Ca2+ influx through post­synaptic glutamate presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors74, nitric receptors. Using this method, unitary spontaneous, as oxide species75 or other putative retrograde messengers76, well as action potential-evoked, postsynaptic Ca2+ tran- antimalarial drugs77, induction of endoplasmic reticulum sients could be measured70. In most subsynaptic spots, stress signalling pathways, manipulation of transcrip- the coexistence of spontaneous and evoked signals was tional mechanisms78,79, alterations in presynaptic choles- observed. However, approximately 22% of all synaptic terol homeostasis80,81, and manipulation of presynaptic regions selectively participated in spontaneous neuro­ γ-secretase machinery and neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis82. transmission. Importantly, in synaptic boutons that This long list of observations raises the question of maintain both evoked and spontaneous neurotrans- the potential mechanisms at work. Currently, two non- Total internal reflection mission, there was no significant correlation between mutually exclusive mechanisms have been proposed fluorescence microscopy the propensities of the two forms of neurotransmitter to account for the differential regulation of spontane- A high-resolution fluorescence release. A similar study revealed substantial separation ous and evoked release. As indicated above, distinct microscopy technique that among the loci for evoked and spontaneous neuro- fusion machineries, which are possibly nucleated by takes advantage of a 71 laser-induced evanescent wave transmission . Interestingly, this study also reported a alternative SNAREs, or distinct molecular interactions of fluorescence emission which striking inverse correlation between the propensities for of the same fusion complex may form a substrate for is very close to the interface of evoked and spontaneous fusion events (BOX 2). differential regulation. This hypothesis has received two media that have different Overall, these studies provide a new perspective on support from a recent study that demonstrated that refractive indices. the relationship between evoked and spontaneous release the secreted glycoprotein reelin functions as a selec- Ribbon synapses processes at single synapses. In contrast to the classical tive regulator of spontaneous neurotransmitter release Synapses characterized by an view in which spontaneous and evoked fusion propensi- by specifically targeting a pool of vesicles that express electron-dense ribbon or bar in ties at individual synapses are expected to be correlated, VAMP7 (REF. 33) (FIG. 4). Other vesicular SNAREs, such the presynaptic terminal. The these studies demonstrate that the two forms of release as VTI1A or the Habc domain of syntaxin 1, may be ribbon is commonly oriented 65,70 71 27,39 at a right angle to the show either no correlation or inverse correlation at targets for other signalling pathways . Therefore, sig- membrane and sits just above certain synapses. Moreover, these findings suggest that nal transduction pathways that specifically target the an evaginated ridge. It is the nature of the relationship between spontaneous and SNARE machinery through post-translational modi- thought that the ribbons help evoked release and their functional influence are likely fications may elicit differential effects on spontaneous to guide vesicles to the release 72 sites. Ribbon synapses are to vary among distinct types of synapses . Furthermore, and evoked release. 2+ commonly found in the retina it is probable that there may be developmental effects Alternatively, distinct Ca signalling pathways that and cochlea of vertebrates. on spontaneous and evoked release. This is supported are relatively spatially isolated may differentially regulate the two forms of release. This hypothesis has received Box 2 | Propensities for spontaneous and evoked fusion within a synapse support from work that investigated glutamatergic trans- mission from solitary tract afferents, which found that According to the classical perspective, spontaneous neurotransmitter release events activation of presynaptic transient receptor potential cat- originate from the same pool of vesicles that are docked and primed for fusion (that is, ion channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) selectively the readily releasable pool). According to this model, at a single release site, the regulated asynchronous or spontaneous release events83. probability of evoked vesicle fusion is expected to show strong correlation with The same group of researchers also showed that evoked the propensity for spontaneous release. However, earlier experiments in hippocampal synapses65 and a recent study at the Drosophila melanogaster neuromuscular responses, but not spontaneous release events, could be junction70 have challenged this view and showed that, at an individual release site, swiftly inhibited by activation of presynaptic cannabi- spontaneous and evoked release events do not show significant correlation. Another noid 1 receptors, whereas inhibition of TRPV1 selec- study that was conducted at the D. melanogaster neuromuscular junction showed tively suppressed spontaneous release84. These results substantial separation among the loci for spontaneous and evoked neurotransmission71. show two neuromodulatory pathways that coexist at However, these experiments revealed an inverse correlation between the propensities individual nerve terminals and that can independently for evoked and spontaneous fusion events. Although accumulating evidence counters modulate spontaneous and evoked vesicle fusion events the classical perspective and supports the assumption that spontaneous and evoked at the same terminal. fusion events are, to a large extent, independent within individual synapses, these Recent studies also provide evidence that, in central recent studies also raise new questions on the exact nature of the relationship synapses, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are important phys- between the two release pathways. iological triggers for spontaneous release events because


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Reelin neuromodulation, selective regulation of these chan- nels by neuromodulators may also confer differential Ca2+ influx APOER2 sensitivity to spontaneous release events. pathway Despite the increasing evidence for a potential role 2+ Ca2+ Postsynaptic for differential Ca signalling pathways in regulation of PI3K receptor spontaneous versus evoked release, the exact nature of the Ca2+ dependence of spontaneous release remains an open question; for example, striking differences between excitatory and inhibitory synapses, in terms of their dependence on spontaneous voltage-gated Ca2+ channel openings, have been reported85,88. In the , loss of synaptotagmin 2 resulted in an increase in mEPSC frequency that was sensitive to application of the fast exogenous Ca2+ buffer BAPTA, but not to appli- cation of the slower buffer EGTA or extracellular Ca2+ ions, which suggests a role for rapid Ca2+ transients that ER originate from internal stores89. By contrast, in wild-type calyces, mEPSCs did not show sensitivity to BAPTA, a RyR finding that is consistent with earlier observations in 89,90 Neurotransmitter hippocampal synapses . Interestingly, in wild-type hippocampal synapses, prolonged incubation with a membrane-permeable BAPTA variant can also sup- press a large proportion of spontaneous release46. Taken together, these findings support the role of Ca2+ ions as a crucial regulator of the rate of spontaneous neurotrans- mitter release. However, the nature of this Ca2+ sensitiv- Selective increase in spontaneous ity seems to be highly dependent on synapse type and is neurotransmitter release probably influenced by non-cell-autonomous factors41,42. Vesicles Synaptobrevin 2-enriched VAMP7-enriched VTI1A-enriched Functions of spontaneous release Postsynaptic signal transduction cascades. The rate of Nature Reviews | Neuroscience spontaneous neurotransmission per synaptic bouton is Figure 4 | An emerging model of the distributions of vesicular proteins among 43,55,91 synaptic vesicle pools. The model shown suggests that spontaneous and evoked fusion estimated to be around 0.01 Hz . However, certain may occur in the same synapses but be carried out by separate pools of vesicles that may neuromodulators, such as , may elicit an recycle independently. Moreover, this model suggests that vesicles that recycle approximately 50‑fold increase in the rate of sponta- spontaneously may have an intrinsic molecular difference that renders them selectively neous release events at individual synapses, which in vulnerable to certain signal transduction pathways. At central synapses, synaptobrevin 2 turn facilitates electrotonic summation of events at the is the predominant vesicular SNARE (soluble N‑ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) dendritic level17. In this way, spontaneous release events attachment protein receptor) protein that ensures rapid execution of synaptic vesicle influence electrical activity and have a global impact fusion. However, studies of synaptobrevin 2 suggest that a parallel pathway involving on neuronal excitability. In addition, single quantal non-canonical SNAREs may mediate fusion and recycling of a subset of vesicles10,11. release events may regulate action potential firing Work has revealed that both VTI1A (vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs and subsequent neuronal signalling in compact neu- homologue 1A) and VAMP7 (vesicle-associated membrane protein 7) could fulfil this role 92 and specifically traffic at rest. Molecularly distinct synaptic vesicle populations with rons with high membrane resistance . This electrical different fusion properties enable regulatory pathways to selectively influence a influence of spontaneous release events may indirectly particular type of neurotransmission, thereby triggering a specific cellular response. trigger downstream neuronal signalling. In addition, In this way, the nature of presynaptic activity can determine the influence of downstream experiments that were conducted after suppression of postsynaptic signalling events. This model can account for the selective regulation of neuronal activity indicate that local mechanisms that spontaneous neurotransmission by reelin. According to this model, reelin mediates are activated by individual spontaneous release events activation of APOER2 (also known as LRP8) and downstream Ca2+ signalling, which leads at low frequency can also directly elicit Ca2+ signals at to the selective mobilization of VAMP7‑enriched synaptic vesicles. In this scenario, rest. Postsynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors VAMP7‑dependent fusion machinery may be spatially distant from other vesicle pools (particularly mGluR1 and mGluR5) or Ca2+-permeable and may also be associated with a Ca2+-sensing protein that is tuned to changes in 2+ 33 AMPA receptors that lack GluA2 subunits are possi- resting-level Ca signals. The identity of this protein remains to be identified . 2+ ER, endoplasmic reticulum; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3‑kinase; RyR, ryanodine receptor. ble transducers for these spontaneous Ca signals; in addition, there is strong evidence that single gluta- mate release events can activate NMDA receptors at these channels open stochastically at rest85–87. It has been rest53,93–97. This characteristic of NMDA receptors arises proposed that among the presynaptic P-, Q-, N- and because there is an incomplete Mg2+ block at resting R-type Ca2+ channels, the relatively low-voltage activa- membrane potentials98. Furthermore, this form of sig- tion of R-type channels probably have a prominent role in nalling can be augmented when certain NMDA recep- spontaneous neurotransmitter release87. As presynaptic tor subunits with lower Mg2+ affinity (such as NR2C or voltage-gated Ca2+ channels form a crucial substrate for NR2D) are involved95.

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Synaptic scaling Recently, a striking example of neuronal signalling with spontaneous rather than evoked transmission is Upscaling or downscaling of mediated by activation of resting NMDA receptors has the key signal for retinoic acid synthesis. It was also the quantal amplitude of all emerged from studies that showed that blockade of spon- postulated that any treatment that lowers intracellular synapses onto a postsynaptic taneous NMDA receptor-driven synaptic events, but not Ca2+ levels below those produced by resting miniature neuron in response to long-lasting changes in evoked neurotransmitter release, deactivates eukary- neurotransmission will induce retinoic acid synthesis. neuronal activity. otic elongation factor 2 (eEF2) kinase, which results in This idea is consistent with a recent study that dem- reduced eEF2 phosphorylation and reverses the suppres- onstrated that altering resting Ca2+ signals in neurons sion of dendritic protein translation93 (FIG. 5). Later studies could also change gene transcription in the nucleus101. demonstrated that the same mechanism has a key role in These results, along with recent studies showing that mediating the rapid action of the NMDA resting release suppresses presynaptic function through receptor blocker in vivo53,96,97. Moreover, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) synthe- effect of NMDA receptor blockers on synaptic plasticity sis102,103, provide support to the premise that Ca2+ sig- can be mimicked by acute selective suppression of spon- nalling driven by spontaneous neurotransmitter release taneous release by the application of a vacuolar ATPase is a key regulator of homeostatic plasticity. blocker at rest, which depletes neurotransmitter from spontaneously recycling vesicles53. Collectively, these Developmental importance. Spontaneous neurotrans- results suggest that selective presynaptic impairment of mitter release is a dominant feature of nascent synaptic spontaneous release, without alterations in evoked neuro­ contacts104,105, and the propensity for spontaneous release transmission, is sufficient to cause postsynaptic signal- events shows a gradual increase during synapse develop- ling. However, it remains unclear whether there is a direct ment106. Early experiments showed that suppression of correlation between particular forms of neurotransmit- postsynaptic receptor activation, rather than sole inhibi- ter release driven by molecularly distinct synaptic vesicle tion of neuronal activity, is required to cause develop­ populations and specific postsynaptic responses. mental structural plasticity107,108. Furthermore, at the In addition to regulation of eEF2 kinase signalling, D. melanogaster neuromuscular junction, complexin- studies have shown that, under resting conditions, null mutants showed a marked increase in spontane- blocking Ca2+ entry or direct reduction of intracellu- ous fusion and a profound overgrowth of synapses47. lar Ca2+ levels using exogenous buffers induces retinoic A recent study used several loss-of-function and gain- acid synthesis and synaptic scaling (FIG. 5). These findings of-function manipulations to alter spontaneous release suggest that the removal of Ca2+ ions disinhibits retinoic and demonstrated that spontaneous neurotransmis- acid synthesis, which in turn provides the stimulus for sion, but not evoked neurotransmission, is required for synaptic scaling99,100. Interestingly, the application of the normal structural maturation of D. melanogaster tetrodotoxin (TTX) to block action potentials alone glutamatergic synapses. This study also showed that does not induce retinoic acid synthesis but does pro- spontaneous neurotransmission functions by using the duce synaptic scaling over a longer timescale. These guanine nucleotide exchange factor Trio and the Rac1 2+ Spontaneous neurotransmissionresults indicate that theEvoked Ca neurotransmissioninflux that is associated GTPase molecular signalling pathway to affect synaptic growth109. Although a developmental role for sponta- neous release events in guiding synapse maturation is Neurotransmitter supported by these studies, it remains unclear whether release Vesicle the same mechanisms and signal transduction pathways discussed above also underlie the role of spontaneous release events in these developmental processes.

Role in mature networks. Most evidence so far suggests a homeostatic role for spontaneous neurotransmitter Postsynaptic release in mammalian systems: suppression of sponta- eEF2 kinase Retinoic acid CaMKII receptor neous release events decreases postsynaptic Ca2+ signal- synthesis ling and, in turn, activates signal transduction pathways that lead to an increase in synaptic efficacy20,110. A similar Protein translation role for resting release in homeostatic synaptic plasticity was documented at the D. melanogaster neuromuscular Figure 5 | Postsynaptic signalling pathways that are differentially activated by junction111. As indicated above, blockade of spontane- spontaneous and evoked neurotransmitter release.Nature Spontaneous Reviews NMDA| Neuroscience ous NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic events, but not receptor-driven synaptic events, but not evoked neurotransmitter release, have been evoked neurotransmitter release, results in reduced eEF2 shown to activate eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2) kinase, which results in increased phosphorylation and desuppression of dendritic protein eEF2 phosphorylation and the suppression of dendritic protein translation53,93,94. In translation93. Recent work indicates that the same mecha- addition, studies have shown that, under resting conditions, suppression of dendritic Ca2+ signalling induces retinoic acid synthesis and synaptic scaling. These results indicate nism has a key role in mediating the rapid antidepressant 96 that the Ca2+ influx that is associated with spontaneous rather than evoked transmission action of the NMDA receptor blocker ketamine in vivo . is a crucial signal for suppression of retinoic acid synthesis99,100. By contrast, activation of These findings raise the possibility that selective manipu- dendritic calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) requires strong activity or lation of spontaneous neurotransmitter release in mature coincident dendritic depolarization and Ca2+ influx. Therefore, this pathway is synaptic networks may be used as a specific therapeutic preferentially activated during evoked neurotransmission110. strategy against neuropsychiatric disorders112.


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In addition to its role in homeostatic synaptic signalling is enabled by presynaptic segregation of vesi- plasticity, spontaneous release events may also have a cle trafficking pathways that mediate spontaneous and more instructive role in mediating plasticity, particu- synchronous-evoked release. In some cases, this segre- larly under circumstances in which the rate of spon- gation may also extend to mechanisms and signalling taneous release can be augmented in response to the targets of asynchronous release. Parallel signalling by action of neuromodulators17,113–115. Alternatively, spon- kinetically diverse release processes may enable the neu- taneous release events may have a permissive role in rotrophic, homeostatic or other functions of released synaptic plasticity by sensitizing signal transduction neurotransmitters to be isolated from their crucial role elements to activity-dependent signalling113. Recent in precise presynaptic action potential-driven informa- studies have also identified unconventional ways in tion transfer. Future experiments are needed to fully which spontaneous release may contribute to neuronal determine the presynaptic mechanisms that specifically excitability; for example, a new class of small mEPSCs affect spontaneous release events, which will in turn aid (‘preminis’) that arise from retrograde autocrine acti- the development of strategies to selectively manipulate vation of axonal receptors following spontaneous spontaneous release. Moreover, it will be important to vesicle release have been characterized116. Although devise monitoring strategies to directly quantify spon- the functional importance of these preminis remains taneous release in a pathway-specific manner in long- unclear, they provide a clear demonstration that spon- term in vivo studies of intact neuronal circuits. New taneous release events can influence the neurons from strategies that selectively target spontaneous release which they originate, in addition to their canonical events will provide insights into its autonomous func- postsynaptic effects. tion and address whether spontaneous release events can signal independently during ongoing activity. In Conclusion addition, these studies will help us to better understand This Review of recent literature on spontaneous release the signalling mechanisms that operate during neu- events highlights the growing consensus that release of a ronal silence and to uncover novel mechanisms that particular neurotransmitter may convey different mes- are activated following neuronal or synaptic silenc- sages to a postsynaptic neuron depending on whether ing. This information will be essential to provide new it is released spontaneously or in response to presyn- insights into the synaptic processes that are affected by aptic action potentials. This differential postsynaptic neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders112.

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