Incomplete 1936 Or 1937 Jan.Pdf

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Incomplete 1936 Or 1937 Jan.Pdf • -3--.. NAME Ark ansas (Co~ . ADDRESS Taldo, Richard: ·n.· Tontitown " liederlcehr, Honry J • . -1-lt Mil~s E. o~ Altus Wiederlcebr, Herman J. B. 1-1-1' Miles N. E" of Al tua Winfrey, Benjamin A. · · . Route 5, Rogers fonder State Bonded Winery, The Sitka. J e.chary, Shel'mBJl · Spring~le Zn1dareic, 1-3/4 Miles E. of Altus Bonded Storerooms lTone Bonded Publio Storerooms None california. Carbon Canyon Road, J1t M. 'S. W. Qf Chino, San Bernardino Co. :, \ Ac~.mpo "it'irtery · s. P, Tracks & orange S~., Acampo Ace iinery . (C. A, Ewing) Concord Accornero, Giulio 9~1 B~shore Blvd, I s~ Franoisco Ad.elan to ii.ner;y P. 0. Box 66, Adelanto Alba Grape & Fruit Co. Escalon, Calif., P. 0. 901 'Battery St., San Francisco Albert i, Giuseppe 529 Yt. 4th St,, Hanford Alciat1 Bros. San Martin Alexander, Christ Route 2, Box l~S, Lod! Alfonso, Ben Baseline Ave• • N. W. ·or Santa Yhez P. o. Almaden Vineyards Corporation Kooa~ : ~toad, Los Gatos • • t t : . .. Alpine lf1nery Alpine Alta Loma i.t.nery Route 1, Box 800, ~indeor ··. .· ; Alta line~r & D1&t1llory. Inc. Route 2, Eox 197, Dinubi . ,· Alves, Jade OJai • \ NAME .California (Conti~ -ADDRESS A."ldriano, Eugenia Route 1, Box 34l, · Los Altos, Andrieu, Gabriel (Andrieu1 s Rosort) Big Canyon, 4 Mi. · North of·Middletown ArekeliM, Inc,, K. · Me.d.era Arcuri, Liborio 20568 Lassen St., Chatsworth Ardizzone, Frank End of t7oodwl!.rd Ave.;· 3un1Md Arndale Vineyard (George· A, Sawyer) Mi ssion Road, 2! Mi. s.: T1, of Livermore. Arrighi, Ce.nnen Ma ry ~ ox 2, Concord · · Associated Farmers !finery, Tnc, Mills Athenour & Bros., A. Lo s Gatos Atlas Import & Export Co~oration Oekdale Audenino i1inery Route 3, Riverside Drive , Ontario Bacchi, Bartol~eo Route 3, Box 169, Heal ds'burg Be.gnani, 01 usewe 814 Montgomery St,, Srm Francisco . Be.gnasco 1 Mike & Be.gnasco, Louis Pleasanton-Sunol Road, Pleasanton Be.l doc chi , Romeo P. R. F. n: No. 1, Box ll8, ~indsor B~llentin~, John J , ta.rium Ba.nchero, . Louis Box 490, Nape. Ba.ndi or.a., · Emil . Reduood Highweyj Cloverdale Bandoni, Alborto Valerie & Bryant Sts. 1 Dos Palos Bare~ John V~ Davis & Thornton Roads, Woodbridge ' . Ba.rengo. BJ;"o s. Gel t .. · Be.rge,.tto' s San~ Oruz Winery Main & Br.i,dge St ~ .,.. Soquel Barletta. Winery .. 359 - ·: 13th St., San '' .' . ' : . Diego Bartolini, GiuQeppe Bush Ave. , .·.p. 0. Box 612, Martinez .· . ,. : J?-.,.rtoloemi.1 .nemetrio Talmage: . .. ·\'. '·. Bartolucci, ~dre.a OakVill~ ,. B&.sso lllneey 1832 Johnson St •• Los Angeles . ·~ ~ .ADDRESS Batini, A., Batini, J. 1 end Bi\tini, o. · ·50 W. 5th St, , Eureka Battista Wlnery · Route 2, Ukieh-Taho~ ilighl:r8.f 1 Ukiah Bauchiero, ./.ngelo Thomas Lane, Gilroy Baulina, James Farmington Bayview i1necy 3030 Ingalls St., San Francisco Bee.r Oreek Vineyard Assoc1'ation · 5 Mi. s. E. of Lodi .. Beck, Henry · Kentuc.k;( Flat School. District, Box 14, · Grass Valley Boauty finery (John ·Laee) Route 1, Box 156, Redding Beaulit'<u Vine;rarda Rutherford Del:ll~r, Benj.e.ruin J. Glen Ellen Bella, Frank 418 Piper St, 1 Healdsburg Bolla Napoli 'lin.ecy . Route 2, Box 3241 Me~teca . ' . Bel vino Yineya~d R. R. No. 2, Palmdale • • • • & Ber~.rdino, Joe 1929 Kettner Blvd., San Diego Beringer Bros. St. Helena Route 1, Box 577, Escondido Gilroy ·'· Berte1.11. Margaret , . 1032 s. Calabash st., 'ontana Besone Winery .1611 U St., ~akersfield '' Bettini, Ytnsueto Route 5, Box :26, Santa Rosa. Bianchini 1 Armando .L. Sonoma Grove, Sonoma Bianchi '!finery,. A. Route 1, Box 93, Manteca . ' . ' 131enchetti.,. La.wren.<;e,. Abr~~ . & .Anthony N. Y. Ranch Highway, Jackson • . I • • • . • . ': :· • • • . ' . • .• . l3i .'fiJ'lt-l"y .. g :Bea,r • '.'• . , . Boute 1, Ilox 48, Cucamonga \, ·.. Biaagno, Salvatore Route 2,, ;~ox 7~, HaeJ.dsb.\\rg • ' ... ' I • I I Bieo.eglie. Bros. St. Helen~, ,; :Bilceglia Bros. San Jose NAME :Alack, Hollis M. P. 0. Box 116, Clov~r~le Bogni , An t one Livermoro Bonelli Winery, Battista Ro\,,te 1, Box 4? 1 Escalon 'Bonesio :Bros, Route 1, Box 1C51 Gilroy Bordi, Placido Moun ~ai n View Borello, Charles Route 3, Box 76.4, . San Jose P. 0. Box 542, Escondido Borra., George : Bossa, Albert J. Route G, Box 692, Santa Rosa Bottasso & Son R. F, D. }1o. 3, Eox 3?6 1 Santa Rosa. ".( Bouret, Gregory G ~ Los Gatos Brea, Salvatore Brea Ranch, Wooden Valley Road, Y.airfteid Briana Winery P, o. Box 266, El Monte Brignole, Rosa Route A, Bo~ 40, Cloverdale Brotherhood Corporation, The N. E. Cor. Sierr6. St. & S. P, Tracks, . Kingsburg _ . Bruno Bros. & Co. Route 1, . Box 509 1 Linds~ , . Brusso, Matteo 2424 N. Ontario St., Burbenk Bricca., P~t e r A, N. W, Cor. Spring St. & Hudson Ave., . St, Helena. · · Ruena Vista Winery 629 s. Hill St,, Los Angeles · Burbank Winery, The 21JO lf/ ·6th St., Burbe.nk Butala, Jr. 1 Joseph St, .H~lena •I ' ' • I ' Ca.brlllo 'i71nery . 2166-2172 Belt St., San Diego I) . .. .. .. Cadenasao, Frank G. u. s. Highw~ 40, 1 Mi. West of Fairfield ... ' Cadenasso, Louis (Vinl3 Hill Wine.ry) Muir Road, Vineh.\11 Dist. ,· !lartinez . Cala, Salvatore Old Sa."'l Francisco Highway, SUnnyvale California Grape Products Co., Ltd, Elk Grove California Grape i'roducts Co., Lt~. 689 Bro'l'll St. , Napa -7- UAME .~tfornia (Cont 1 d) California Growers 1rtnertes, :in'o. CUtlel' California Grape Products C<>., Inoa Ukiah California Kosher 11ine .r roduct s Co. Sixth & 'Baker, Ontario C9.lifornie. Mission Vi11t~e Co. · 3:30 N. Mission. Road, Los .Angeles California ~ineries &Distilleries, Inc. P. o. Box 428, Clovis Calistoga Vine Co. Calistoge. Calita.lia Winery (Ino·o) 606 s. Santa Fe Ave,, Los .Angeles Callerit. Route 2, l3ox 54, St. Helena· Cambiaso, John Route 31 ;Box 1821 Healdsburg Camelio, Domi~es Route 1, Box 160, Hughson Cameo Vineyards• Ino~ 6. Mi. N. E, of Fresn~ · Ce.mpini, Petor St. • Helena C-£'.rme.ssi,, Eugene Carpigneno, Jam~s San Martin Car rare. 1 E~"lle s t 2.2 tfilee So. of Novato Castro, Joe Route 'i, Box 2?5, Winto~ Ceccarelli, Giovanni 3 Mi. S, E. of Dos Palos, Dos Palos, Fresno Cty. Cerrato, Emilio Route 31 Riverside Drive, Ontario Cerrato, Robert Ontario Chavin's Winery, H. R. F. D. 1, Claremont, San Bernardino Co. I : Ohe-,rokee Vineyard AssrJIJiation, Inc. Acampo Cherpin, Eugene. Dox 355, Route 1, Fonte.ria Cherpin, Louis Box 36~, Route 1, Fontana Chiesa, John & Chiesa, Coetanzo Route 1 1 Box 8, . Gilroy Childress, · Orval c. Route 1, Box 1160 1 Modesto Chi aholru Farms Co. Windsor, Sonoma Co. Ciampi, Guido. Vinfiburg -8- N).ME Cal_i fo_rnia. ·( Cont r d) -ADDRESS Ciapuaci, Charles M. Yorkville Cimini, .Angelo 41 Monterey st.; Gilroy Cimino Estate, Frwlk ... (C. R. Nelson, Trustee) ". 4th St. Near Q. st. I Madora Clayton Valley Bran~ & Wire Co. Cleyton Valley Road, Concord ·.. Codiga, FHomeno. Rt"J.te 1, Bo>: 396 • MM te ca. Codiga1 Peter . Dey Road, Gilroy Colombano, ~~illo Morgan Hill Colom~oro & Son, A. Etiwanda, P. o. Box 114 : \ Colonial (}rape Product~ Co. of Caiif. s. E. Cor. Greenwich & Sansome Ste., Sen Franolsco · Col ton Wine & Distilling eo.· 231 s. Central Ave.·, Los Angeles Columbro, Jr., Angelo 928 s. San Joaquin St., StoCkton Concannon, Joseph Livermore Conra~i, Esta~e of Philip Spring Mountein Sta., St. Helena P. o. Con~tto, Anselmo 33 Re ck:er Highwey, Gilroy ' · · Contott\l, I'eter Route Z, Box 25, Hecker Pass ROad, Gilroy Coppo & Son, c. P. 0. Box 2, Mira Loma Coregliotti, Fountain Box 110, 'TUL>.sti Corde.sco Winery 2261 s. Euclid., Ontario Gorto~ass1,. Elisa. M. R. F. D. Colftn Costabile, Giuseppe A. 759 Castole.r St~, Los A.'igoles Co a ci, Eugene Stevens Creek Road~ 2 Mi. ~. of CUpertino Covick Co., Tho Oakville Creste. Blanca \71ne Co. Livermoro Crevelli, Antone Route 1, Box 139, Windsor Cribari & Sons, B. State Highway, Mo.drono Cribari & Sons, B. Route 2~ Box 662, Fresno ! • -9- NAHE. OucamongaGrowsra Co-Oporetivo \7inery Grove .Ave. & Cel1forn1a St., Ontario Cucemonga Pioneer Vineyard Association Cucamonga Cucamonga Valley Wine Co. 1101 E. A St. , Ontario Cucamonga Vintege Co. · Oucemonga Cucamonga Winery Cucamonga De Bartolo Tfinery 4393 Elenda St., CUlver Clty Dt Agostini, Enrico Auk-wn Road, ?l.ymou th Da.rdi, Es t11te ot 01 ind.a (Unoe'rto Dardi, Administrator) Kellog & P~terson Ave., Goleta Da Ro2a Winer.y & ~1stillo~ . Lod1 narrow Wine. Comp~. (George o. Darrow) Oakland-San Jose upper Highway, Mission San Jose DaYis, Earl P.· & Davia,' :Syr'on B. P. 0. Route 21 Pox 3695, Sacramento Do Benedetti, Giuseppe Pl~asant Hill Road, Martinez De Falco Winery 2119 Kettner Blvd., San Diego )e George, ~lvis Box 441, Cloverdale Route A, Box 22, CloverdAle Del Bono Bros. Route 1, Box 308, Madera Del Rio Winery 1/8 Mi. N, w. of Woodbri~ P. 0. San Joaquin Co. De Mattei, Michael 55 N. S~n Pedro St., San Jose Demutiis, Joseph Emilio Route 1, .Box 16-~ .• Loomis . De Turk Winery, The (Jos~~ ~·. Grace) 806 Donahue St •.. Santa Rosa ..., ·, Derobertis Winery ·' . , . County Road No. 8v~ N. E; of Lindoln Di Carlo Wine & Vineyard Co. Etiwanda Digardi , Joseph E. Vine Hill on Pacheco-Walnut Creek Road, Me.rt.tnez • 1. \, ' . Dimarcentonio, Rosa On Redwo~t)Ughwa.y, Hopland. · Di Marco, Antonio 1621 Spring St., St. Helena . -10- ~rAHE California (Cont'd) 'DRESS Dimauro, Joseph Scotts Valley, takeport Dioguardi, Leonard Route 1, ~ox 345, Sebastopol Domenichelli, P. L. & Doroenichelli~ A.G. Route A, i3ox 53 1 Geyserville Dorsa, Rosario Hamline Avo., Route 'Box 460, San Jose Dosia, Giovanni Route A, Box 74, Ripon Dagostino Viner,y Route 2, 'Box 2900 1 Sacramento Dugan, Frank J.
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