Provisii)Nal Atlas of the Mammals
I I T PROVISII)NALATLAS I I OFTHE T MAMMALS I OFTHE BRITISH ISLES I I I Edited for the MammalSociety by I Henry R.ARNOLD I I NaturalEnvironment Research Council, The Instituteof TerrestrialEcology, t MonksWood Experimental Station, AbbotsRipton, I Huntingdon, T I 1978 I f,3.00 rsBN 0-9042A2-19-a I Producedby the Biological RecordsCentre, Institute of Te.rBstrialEcology under contract to the Nature ConservancyCouncil Copyright tsBN0.004282.19€ I INTRODUCTION In 1965the MammalSociety began the collectionof mammaldistribution records on a 10 km. squarebasis. The recordingscheme was co-ord inated by Dr G B Corbetat the British Museumof I Nitural History. In 1971a setof provisionaldistribution maps was published in MammalRetuiew (Corbet1971)io providea statementof distributionas then knownand to stimulatefurther recording I by showingiust how muchremained to be done. The dataused to producethe 1971maps have been transferred to MonksWood and will be entered into the BiologicalRecords Centre national data bank. The presentset of mapshas been prepared as a secondprogress report and a furtherstimulus to recording.The mapsare stillvery muchprovisional, I particularlythose of the smallermammals. I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I My primedebt is to Dr G B Corbet,who laid the foundationsfor this setof mapswith the work he did on the fifst ten yearsof the Survey, lam alsograteful tothe many recorders,both within andwithoutthe MammalSociety, who have continued to sendin records. I havealso receivedinvaluable assistance from the organisersof specialsurveys and the I Group referees:-Dr S Harris(Harvest Mice), Dr P Chanin(Otters), Miss E Hurrell(Dormice), M Clarke(Deer), R W Vaughan(Seals), E D Clementsand MissFarquharson (Badgers), and Dr R E Stebbings(Bats).
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