SHANNON L. M. HEALD Curriculum Vitae Psychology Department, University of Chicago 781-492-7568 5848 S. University Ave., Green Hall 302
[email protected] Chicago, IL 60637 Degrees: Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Chicago, 2012 M.A. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Chicago, 2005 A.B. in Psychology, University of Chicago, 2002 Employment: Research Professional, Center for Practical Wisdom, University of Chicago, Fall 2017- present Post-Doctoral Scholar, Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, University of Chicago Fall 2012 - Summer 2017 Honors: Elected Fellow, Open and User Innovation Society – Summer 2019 Elected Fellow, Psychonomic Society - Spring, 2016 University of Chicago Unendowed Merit-Based Fellowship - Fall, 2002 John Dewey Prize Lectureship - Spring, 2010 Wayne C. Booth Graduate Student Prize in Teaching Nomination - Fall, 2008 Doolittle-Harrison Travel Fellowship - Spring, 2008 Graduated with Honors (A.B.), University of Chicago – 2002 Peer-Reviewer for: Journal of Phonetics Language, Cognition, Neuroscience Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Journal of Memory and Language Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Journal of Neurolinguistics PLOS ONE Psychonomic Bulletin and Review Brain and Language Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology Linguistics Program at the National Science Foundation Language and Speech Peer-Reviewed Publications: 1. Stock-Homburg, R. M., Heald, S. L., Holthaus, C., Gillert, N. L., & von Hippel, E. (2020). Need-solution pair recognition by household sector individuals: Evidence, and a cognitive mechanism explanation. Research Policy, 104068. 2. Uddin, S., Reis, K. S., Heald, S. L., Van Hedger, S. C., & Nusbaum, H. C. (2020). Cortical mechanisms of talker normalization in fluent sentences.