Extensions of Remarks E111 HON. ED WHITFIELD HON. RICHARD

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Extensions of Remarks E111 HON. ED WHITFIELD HON. RICHARD January 26, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E111 RECOGNIZING MS. SAILOR Rex White was named one of NASCAR’s 50 OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL GUTZLER Greatest Drivers in 1998 and it is an honor to DEBT congratulate this North Carolina native on his HON. ED WHITFIELD induction into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. HON. MIKE COFFMAN OF KENTUCKY OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, January 26, 2015 Monday, January 26, 2015 DOLLY MAE NAVE Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January on behalf of myself, and Representative JOHN 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- SHIMKUS, to recognize Ms. Sailor Gutzler. On fice, the national debt was January 2, 2015, a small Piper PA–34 plane HON. JARED HUFFMAN $10,626,877,048,913.08. carrying the family of Marty and Kimberly OF CALIFORNIA Today, it is $18,087,425,445,178.53. We’ve Gutzler crashed in the remote forest of added $7,460,548,396,265.45 to our debt in 6 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kuttawa, Kentucky, located in the First Con- years. This is over $7.4 trillion in debt our na- gressional District of Kentucky. The family was Monday, January 26, 2015 tion, our economy, and our children could headed back home to Nashville, Illinois, lo- have avoided with a balanced budget amend- cated in the Fifteenth Congressional District of Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ment. Illinois, from a family vacation in Key West, honor of Dolly Nave, who passed away on De- f Florida. cember 23, 2014, at her home in San Rafael, IN OPPOSITION TO THE FY15 DE- Marty, Kimberly, their nine-year-old daughter California. As a dedicated community orga- Piper, and fourteen-year-old niece Sierra Wild- PARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECU- nizer and leader, Ms. Nave helped to trans- er were instantly killed in the crash. Miracu- RITY APPROPRIATIONS ACT lously, the Gutzler’s youngest daughter, form recreational facilities in the City of San seven-year-old Sailor, emerged from the Rafael for the benefit of countless Marin HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN wreckage alive and as the lone survivor. With County residents. OF MARYLAND a broken wrist, no shoes, and wearing only a In the 1980s, on behalf of Ms. Nave’s eight IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T-shirt and shorts, the second grader bravely children and the children in the local commu- Monday, January 26, 2015 searched the cold, dark forest for nearly a mile nity, Ms. Nave rallied the support of local con- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today until she found the only inhabited house in a tractors and volunteers to donate the equip- 1,400 acre area. in opposition to H.R. 240, the FY2015 Home- Young Sailor arrived at the home of Larry ment, labor, and funding necessary to breathe land Security Appropriations bill, which in- Wilkins, ‘‘with lips trembling, crying, trying to new life into public schools and city-owned cluded the adoption of five anti-immigrant talk’’ according to Wilkins. This brave young recreation fields and facilities. Ms. Nave con- amendments. By including these policy riders, girl, grief stricken and mangled, managed to tinued to improve recreational facilities my colleagues on the other side of the aisle point authorities in the direction of the crash, throughout her life, and founded the Marin have decided to hold hostage and disrupt but is left without her parents, and with the Bocce Federation in Albert Park, San Rafael. funding for the Department of Homeland Se- curity (DHS). Failure to promptly fund the De- trauma of this tragic event. Ms. Nave was a skillful community leader This tragedy made national news, and Sail- partment of Homeland Security puts our coun- or was deemed the ‘‘Miracle Girl’’ by People who possessed the necessary organizational try at risk. Magazine. Sailor’s strength and courage is skills to always put the pieces in place and get At the end of last year, House and Senate truly remarkable, and we want to recognize the job done. She was the project manager for Appropriators came to a compromise agree- her brave actions on that night and in the days the construction of Marin Community Fields in ment on funding for the Department of Home- following. Young Sailor has even noted that Larkspur and was in the forefront of numerous land Security at a level of $39.67 billion, $1.5 she has to be strong for her mom and dad, projects at San Rafael High, initiating the suc- billion above the President’s request. This because they would want her to be strong. cessful ‘‘Save Night Football’’ campaign. A agreement contained funding for many impor- Our thoughts and prayers are with Sailor volunteer at Albert Park for 35 years, she be- tant programs vital to our national security in- and her surviving family. It is truly a miracle came known as the ‘‘Angel of Albert Park’’ be- terests. Unfortunately, Speaker BOEHNER de- this young girl survived and we are certain cause she was one of its foremost advocates. cided to abandon that agreement and instead God has a purpose for her. have a negotiation between the far right and In 1993, she was a founding board member f the far, far right. and construction chair of the Marin Bocce In particular, I strongly oppose the inclusion IN HONOR OF 2015 NASCAR HALL Federation in Albert Park. The ten bocce of an amendment offered by Congressman OF FAME INDUCTEE REX WHITE courts are now used by more than 1,000 play- ADERHOLT that would deny the use of any ers a week. funds or fees for the administration to imple- HON. RICHARD HUDSON Ms. Nave’s work did not go unnoticed, and ment the President’s Executive Action on im- OF NORTH CAROLINA her longstanding commitment to others was migration that was issued last November. As IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognized by numerous awards including San many legal experts have determined, there is Monday, January 26, 2015 Rafael Citizen of the Year, the Marv Lechner clear precedent for this action, which seeks to Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Award from San Rafael High, and Woman of further secure our border and prioritize deport- ing felons over families. In fact, over the last honor and congratulate racing legend Rex the Year for California’s Third Senate District White upon his induction into the sixth class of 50 years, every President has used executive in 1991. She was also one of the first women authority to take limited action on immigration, the NASCAR Hall of Fame. to be inducted into the Marin Athletic Founda- After being diagnosed with polio as a child, including six Republican Presidents. tion High School Hall of Fame. White didn’t imagine automobiles as anything I was also very disappointed that an amend- more than a source of transportation. How- Mr. Speaker, Dolly Nave’s selfless efforts ment offered by Congresswoman BLACKBURN ever, by the time he started racing in have benefited countless residents of San was adopted in final passage of this bill. This NASCAR in 1956, White was ready to start Rafael and Marin County. Her legacy will not amendment would prevent Dreamers in the one of the most consistent careers in soon be forgotten as her accomplishments Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals pro- NASCAR history. can be seen all around the City of San Rafael. gram (DACA) from renewing the two-year De- ferred Action they have already received. This The Taylorsville, North Carolina, native fin- It is therefore appropriate that we pay tribute ished among the top five in 110 of the 233 would effectively end the DACA program— to her today and express our deepest condo- races he participated in. His skill on the short which has already provided temporary protec- lences to her husband, Rich; three sons, Rich- tracks that dominated the schedule in his era tion for 700,000 individuals who were brought allowed him to tally up top five and top ten fin- ard Jr., Paul and Tom; and three daughters, to the United States as children—and would ishes at a historic rate. Sheri, Kathy and Patti; as well as her twenty- subject hundreds of thousands of Dreamers to White won six times during his 1960 cham- four grandchildren and seventeen great grand- deportation. pionship season and his victory total ranks children. Ms. Nave was predeceased by her If our Republican colleagues want to ad- 22nd among all-time premier series winners. sons, Bruce and Louie. dress immigration issues, they should start by VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 27, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26JA8.004 E26JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 26, 2015 taking up legislation to fix our broken immigra- IN RECOGNITION OF BISHOP IN RECOGNITION OF PAUL DAVID tion system. Over 18 months ago, the Senate PARNELL M. LOVELACE, JR. LANTZ, PRESIDENT OF THE JEW- passed a comprehensive immigration reform ISH COMMUNITY ALLIANCE bill with bipartisan support. House Republicans HON. DORIS O. MATSUI allowed that bill to die in the House without al- OF CALIFORNIA HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT lowing it to come to a vote. Republicans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA should come up with a proposal to reform our Monday, January 26, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES broken immigration system. They should not Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Monday, January 26, 2015 threaten to defund the Department of Home- recognition of Bishop Parnell M.
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