12-7-12 Observer

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12-7-12 Observer The Observer Weekly Cloverleaf Inside and Out December 7, 2012 Come Enjoy Breakfast with Santa By Allison Fazio The winter season has finally started, and Christmas will be here before you know it! Children are excited about the upcoming holiday and are trying their hard- est to be on their best behavior. To make the Christmas holiday even more special for little boys and girls in the Cloverleaf com- munity, Cloverleaf High School is hosting its annual breakfast, with the one, and only, Santa Claus! “My parents plan on taking my little sister,” stated senior Lauren Strebel. “She is beyond excited to sit down and have breakfast with Santa!” Not only will children be able to enjoy a nice, warm breakfast, they will also be able to get their picture taken with Santa himself! The pictures will include Santa, Mrs. Claus, and a winter scene background to fit the occasion. Getting pictures with Santa is a long-time tradition for children around Christmas. Other older siblings have Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons younger brothers or sisters that are attending this event. “I’m going to take my little This fun-filled breakfast will be “My whole family is going to brother and sister,” stated senior Saturday, Dec. 15 from 10 a.m.- have breakfast with Santa,” stated R.J. Laughlin. “I’ll help them noon in the CHS cafeteria. Tick- senior Rebecca Simpson. “We decorate their cookies and con- ets are $7 for adults and $4 for make it special for my sister by struct their crafts. I may even get kids ages 12 and under. Children all of us telling Santa what we in the picture with them!” that are ages 3 or younger get in want for Christmas, even my 24- The high school Swing Choir for free! Getting a delicious meal, year-old brother.” will be providing up-beat Christ- pictures with Santa, cookies, and Children attending this event mas music for this event. crafts for under $10, you can’t will also get the opportunity to “I love getting to sing at the beat that! decorate cookies and participate breakfast,” stated senior Chelsey If you have younger siblings that in different winter crafts. Vicker. “Just seeing all of the lit- love Christmas and Santa, this is tle kids’ faces, it’s awesome.” the event for them! Volume 6, Issue 15 2 Features Student Growth Important in Process By Brandee Bell sibilities of their own. places on my own. Plus, it’s eas- High school is a time when stu- “I work at McDonald’s and I ier on my parents instead of aking dents are maturing rapidly and like it because the money I make them to take me everywhere,” preparing for college or a career. pays for my phone bill. I love my said junior Brady Kotlarek. One day each student will be an phone,” said Molly Biegel. Sometimes it becomes hard adult of their own faced with Others have jobs and are saving when students drive places be- making decisions and being re- money toward higher goals. Some cause some of them have to pay sponsible. of these goals include college for their own gas money and Students practice responsibility funds and cars. some have their parents pay. Oc- through a multitude of ways. Driving becomes a huge part of casionally, when doing a favor for Some own pets, some drive cars, any high school student’s life a friend, they will offer to give and some even work jobs. when they begin to experience the the driver some money. “I guess I’m just a very unevent- opportunity to drive themselves High school is a time for fun and ful teenager because I don’t do and friends to different places. to gain experience and skills that any of that,” said Dillon Mullins, “Driving will change your life. will be useful later in life. So a Cloverleaf sophomore. It’s awesome,” said Garrison have fun and don’t worry too Some students still need time to Flora, a Cloverleaf sophomore. much about growing up! mature and take on some respon- “It’s kinda nice how I can go Blink 182 to Record New Album By Jake Klag Their next album, Take Off Your The band started out strong and Ever since the mid-to-late 90s, Pants and Jacket, released in was pretty popular, but started to the band Blink 182 has been a 2001, reached the number one lose their popularity after a while. major part of the punk rock genre. spot on the Billboard 200. Tom is still with Angels today, This wasn’t an instant success, The band’s next album, (self ti- making music and working on however. The band had to work tled) released in 2003, had a bit of their fifth album. to get to where they are today. a different, more mature sound. In 2009, Travis Barker had a Their first album, Cheshire Cat, In 2005, Tom Delonge left the near death experience, but luckily was released in 1994 with limited band and they broke up. During survived a plane crash. Both success. This album also features this time, all three members Mark and Tom went to visit the band’s original drummer, started working on side projects, Travis after the incident. After Scott Raynor. Their next album, which although doing well, never being reunited, they decided to Dude Ranch, was released in received the same amount of at- get back together. 1997 and sold over one million tention that Blink 182 did. Mark In 2011, they released their lat- copies. While touring that year, Hoppus started the band +44, est album, Neighborhoods. The Raynor left the band and was re- with Travis, but only released one album was popular, but didn’t do placed by Travis Barker, who is album that had moderate success. as well as the band is used to. to this day the band’s drummer. Similarly, Tom also started a There is still a lot to look for- Things only got better for the band with Travis, called Boxcar ward too though. The band is now band in 1999 with their multi- Racer. They too only released one coming out with a new album in platinum selling album Enema of album (self titled) which received February 2013, and they claim it the State. This album made it into some popularity. Tom then is their best music yet. the top 10 on the Billboard 200, stopped Boxcar to start his next gaining them a lot of popularity. band, Angels and Airwaves. Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Advisor The Weekly Observer Tricia Rice Tyler Mayfield Mr. John Carmigiano Features 3 Quiz & Holiday Spirit Has Begun Quotes By Morgan Garner ditions can sometimes go on and on for a As December rolls around, we all know long time. What is Your what December means. It means Christmas is “I open one present on Christmas Eve, right around the corner. and I love it because I cannot wait to open Favorite Families began to put their trees up. They the rest on Christmas,” said junior Tate decorate their houses, and even clean for Arters. Family Holiday their families to come over to celebrate Christmas is a great way to spend some Tradition? Christmas. quality time with your family. Celebrate Traditions are a big thing for the holidays. being together with the time we have with Although most times when you ask someone them. what their traditions are, they say they don’t A good way to get traditions going is to have any. What they don’t realize is that the remind your family what traditions are for, tiniest things can be considered a tradition. and what they mean to your family. “We always string popcorn on our tree Simple traditions can include just putting every Christmas,” said junior Jordyn Rose. your tree up on black Friday, and having a Some traditions mean a lot to families, like family day of decorating. a family in Medina. Their child passed away “My family makes Christmas cookies Job Gardner (11) - around Christmas, so they put lights on every every year, and it is always two weeks “Opening presents on inch of their house and property. They do the after Thanksgiving,” said junior Briana Christmas Morning.” lights to show the spirit of their child will Drogell. always be with them. Be with your family on Christmas and Many traditions come from generations of enjoy it! Hope everyone has a wonderful their family. They usually go way back. Tra- holiday season. Buckeyes Can Be Proud of 2012 By Briana Drogell for 122 yards. With the loss, Michigan Ohio State can't play in the postseason in dropped out of the Top 25. Matt Geig (11) - 2012, but neither the NCAA nor their biggest Bishop Woodell, a senior, that does not “Having a feast on rival could stop them from wrapping up one like Ohio State said, “I feel like they have- Christmas!” of the best seasons in school history. n’t played any good teams so they can’t The Buckeyes beat Michigan 26-21 and say that they are the best team.” finished the season undefeated at 12-0. Still, Michigan does have a postseason “I thought it was a great game. It was very game to look forward to, which is some- close,” said by junior Tate Arters. thing that Ohio State can’t say. The Buck- Like so many other games this season, this eyes are serving a one-year postseason ban victory for Ohio State was thanks in large for improprieties involving former coach part to quarterback Braxton Miller.
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