The London To brighTon veTeran car run saLe veteran Motor cars and related automobilia Friday 31 October 2014 The London To brighTon veTeran car run saLe veteran Motor cars and related automobilia Friday 31 October 2014 at 13:30 101 New Bond Street, London viewing bids enquiries cusToMer services Thursday 30 October 14:00 to 16.30 +44 (0) 20 7447 7448 Motor Cars Monday to Friday 08.30 to 18:00 Friday 31 October from 09.30 +44 (0) 20 7447 7401 fax +44 (0) 20 7468 5801 +44 (0) 20 7447 7447 To bid via the internet please visit +44 (0) 20 7468 5802 fax
[email protected] Please see page 2 for bidder saLe TiMes information including after-sale Friday 31 October: We regret that we are unable to Automobilia collection and shipment Automobilia 13:30 accept telephone bids for lots with +44 (0) 8700 273 619 Motor Cars 15:30 a low estimate below £500. +44 (0) 8700 273 625 fax Please see back of catalogue Absentee bids will be accepted.
[email protected] for important notice to bidders saLe nuMber New bidders must also provide 21903 proof of identity when submitting illusTraTions bids. Failure to do so may result in Front cover: Lot 214 caTaLogue your bids not being processed. Back cover: Lot 222 £25.00 + p&p Live online bidding is available for this sale Please email
[email protected] with “Live bidding” in the subject line 48 hours before the auction to register for this service Bonhams 1793 Limited Bonhams 1793 Ltd Directors Bonhams UK Ltd Directors Registered No.