Copyrighted Material
Index Note: Page numbers in italics refer to figures and tables. 100-days plan, LBOs, 191, 251, 276, 277 between limited and general partners, 336 AA Capital Partners, fraud, 288 and diversification, 132 aborted/broken deal costs, 102, 135, 247, fund investors and fund managers, 107, 271, 294 110–11, 300–1 Abraaj Group, fraud, 289 private equity Board members and accelerators, start-up, 23–5 shareholders, 275–6 accredited investors, 167, 169 ‘alternative alternatives’ (exotic assets), acquisition(s) 234 consortia of, 134–5, 192, 254 alternative assets/investments, 315, 316 as an exit scenario, 29 alternative credit (direct lending), large and mega LBO funds, 267–9 215–16 leveraged build-up (LBU), 188, 252 Alternative Investment Fund Managers management buy-in (MBI), 187–8 Directive (AIFMD), 239 and value creation, 276–7 American Research and Development of venture-backed companies, 164 Corporation (ARD), 40, 43, 44 see also leveraged buy-outs (LBOs) American waterfall, 111 active ownership, 96, 146, 375 ‘anchor firm’ model of entrepreneurship, activism/activist investors, 133, 319 36 actors, LBOs, 188–90 angel investors (business angels), 161, ‘add-ons’ (complementary businesses), 165–6, 167, 170 188, 204, 270 anti-dilution clause, 249, 356 administrator of a fund, fees of, 110 asset allocation, 99 Advent International, business case, of pension funds, 100, 105–6 374–7 progressive shift in, 315 investment in Kroton Educacional and turn-around capital, 210 SA, 386 COPYRIGHTEDasset stripping,MATERIAL 192, 214, 327 adverse selection, 104,
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