Globalization and Development
TWENTY-NINTH SESSION BRASILIA, BRAZIL 6-10 MAY 2002 Globalization and development Distr. GENERAL LC/G.2157(SES.29/3) 15 April 2002 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: SPANISH The preparation of this document was coordinated by José Antonio Ocampo, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, with the collaboration of Juan Martín, former Director of the ECLAC Office in Argentina; Reynaldo Bajraj, Deputy Executive Secretary; Alicia Bárcena, Director of the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division; Barbara Stallings, Director of the Economic Development Division; Vivianne Ventura-Dias, Director of the Division of International Trade and Integration; Eugenio Lahera, Consultant; and María Elisa Bernal, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Commission. Jean Acquatella, Oscar Altimir, Mario Cimolli, Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Len Ishmael, Luis Felipe Jiménez, Jorge Katz, Manuel Marfán, Jorge Martínez, Juan Carlos Ramírez, Daniel Titelman, Andras Uthoff and Miguel Villa were involved in writing the individual chapters. The following persons participated in the formulation and discussion of their contents: María José Acosta, Hugo Altomonte, José Pablo Arellano, Irma Arriagada, Carmen Artigas, Renato Baumann, Rudolf Buitelaar, Inés Bustillo, Alvaro Calderón, Berverley Carlson, Jessica Cuadros, Carlos De Miguel, Martine Dirven, Hernán Dopazo, José Elías Durán, Hubert Escaith, Ernesto Espíndola, Felipe Ferreira, Juan Carlos Feres, Gilberto Gallopín, Francisco Gatto, Christian Ghymers, José Javier Gómez, Rebeca Grynspan, Johannes Heirman, Michael Hendrickson, Isabel
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