Provider Newsletter

A New Resource from Your Solutions Partner

The right care in the right place at the right time. Simple words of action that are the cornerstone of Centene’s approach to population health. As a member of our provider network, we know you share our goal of transforming for all, including the most vulnerable populations. We’re pleased to share a new resource, the Connected in Care newsletter, to provide you with expert insights, practical advice and tips that should prove valuable to you, as a boots-on-the- ground health care provider.

We’re lucky to be working in healthcare at a time when the connectivity between physical and mental health is understood and respected. This simple but revolutionary concept is relatively new, and one we’ll explore in depth in the feature article on the next page.

In this inaugural issue of Connected in Care, we’ll also explore some misperceptions around pay-for-performance compensation models and show how they can benefit you as a provider, as well as your patients. We’ll share a Q&A with a Centene HEDIS expert, along with important record-keeping tips. Finally, we’ll highlight key resources, news and events that we think you’ll find relevant.

Together, we are all Connected in Care Collaborative Care for Body and Mind

Centene’s provider network; community organizations partner to provide care where it’s needed most Body and mind. Though undeniably More than a trend, it’s a paradigm linked, our physical and mental well- shift, as general practitioners are being have historically been treated increasingly working in tandem with as two very separate entities. We go Behavioral Health Specialists to to primary care physicians to treat treat the “whole patient,” through aches and pains and to stave off approaches like the Medicaid physical ailments, and we entrust Collaborative Model, which makes it our mental health to psychiatrists or easier for primary care physicians to psychologists. While many Americans work alongside psychiatrists. visit a general practitioner like clockwork, the latter has often been “It’s an exciting time to work in the shrouded in stigma, with would-be behavioral health space, given the patients delaying or ignoring mental increased awareness and openness health treatment for fear of judgment of mental health and a more holistic from family, friends or employers. approach to treating it,” says David But imagine a medicinal landscape Stair, Director of Behavioral Health in which physical and mental health Clinical Programs, Centene Behavioral practitioners worked side by side to Health. “This marks a significant shift, treat the whole patient, bound by pushed by culture, technology and a common goal of optimizing both data, and allows us to better treat the tangible and intangible disease. most vulnerable populations.”

This type of bilateral communication health,” says Dr. Jay Butterman, between mind and body is Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice becoming a reality — and providers President, Centene Behavioral Health. and patients alike are benefiting. “For managed care providers like , this means “People are understanding that that investing in behavioral health behavioral health is a driver of may result in a magnitude of return on physical health utilization and cost the physical side, as a patient is better — and if we don’t make inroads in able to tend to his or her preventative treating mental health effectively, we’ll care needs.” see a substantial burden on physical David Stair

2 Collaborative Care for Body and Mind

The more vulnerable the population, Behavioral health providers can guage the more susceptible to chronic susceptibility through a 10-question medical conditions that impact assessment. A patient’s Adverse mental health. “Chronic physical pain Childhood Experiences (ACE) score is draining and can affect mental is one test where scoring high is not health as well,” says Dr. Frank Crociata, a good thing, as factors like abuse, Medical Director, Centene. “While any broken homes and poverty provide a of us who have ever felt pain can attest line of sight into potential mental health to this, we’re also realizing how much challenges — as well as the likelihood our mental health care impacts our of exhibiting healthy habits such as physical health. Depressed individuals Dr. Frank Crociata healthy eating, exercise and following are more likely to be noncompliant medication regimens. Children with an with medical regimes, diet and exercise While the old adage “an ounce of ACE score greater than 4 are significantly and may use food or substances to prevention is worth a pound of cure” more prone to drug addiction. deal with negative emotions.” may not have been written about health, it could have been. “As a “Toxic stress makes it harder for these “It’s essential to be mindful of the body/ provider treating adults, I deal with children to learn and, later on, they mind connection and flexible enough the repercussions of what happened exhibit more truancy, poor behavior and to engage [with the patient] effectively,” in childhood,” says Crociata. “A child’s poor school performance,” Crociata says Stair. To this point, Centene brain will rewire itself as a mechanism notes. “That snowballs into bad health.” has invested heavily in its Behavioral for dealing with toxic stress from Health Organization, through which abuse and neglect. This provides How can medical professionals it supports its network in providing insights into why some people are counteract the ramifications of psychological health services with more susceptible to disease.” toxic stress? the goal of mitigating adverse health conditions and afflictions. Relative Risk Ratios: BH/PH Illness Chronic Physical Condition, OR (95% CI) Diabetes Chronic Heart Mental Disorder Arthritis Any Chronic Disease Stroke Hypertension Mellitus Asthma Lung Disease Peptic Ulcer Cancer Mood disorder Major Depressive 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.5 2.1 1.7 1.2 Dysthmia Bipolar disorder (broad) 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.9 1.4 1.7 2.4 2.3 1.8 1.5 Anxiety disorder Panic disorder 1.5 1.9 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 1.9 1.6 Generalized anxiety disorder 1.8 1.9 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.7 2.5 1.5 1.0 Postraumatic stress disorder 1.8 1.9 2.1 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.9 1.6 2.3 1.3 Obsessive-compulsive disorder 1.4 2.1 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 0.7 1.9 2.0 1.8 Bulimia nervosa 1.5 2.1 1.9 3.3 2.3 3.6 1.3 0.7 1.6 1.6 Substance use disorder Alcohol abuse 1.6 1.4 1.7 2.1 1.6 1.3 1.6 2.4 1.6 1.4 Alcohol dependence 1.7 1.6 2.3 2.8 1.8 1.5 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.4 Drug abuse 1.9 1.6 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.4 1.9 2.0 1.3 Drug dependence 2.1 1.8 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.5 1.2 1.7 2.3 1.4

3 Collaborative Care for Body and Mind

“The way we talk about mental to its provider network, it’s by no I believe that this collaborative care health with patients matters a means working solo. “We partner shaping is the future of managed lot,” Butterman states. “If we talk with providers, communicating care; we believe that we are leading about it like a common condition, with them regularly and explaining the way with this approach as we as we’d discuss diabetes or heart policies rather than simply have seen it as an effective method disease, it helps to destigmatize it. accepting or denying claims,” says over the past several years.” This changes how it’s perceived at Stair. “It’s our responsibility to both the patient and at the societal ensure medical necessity and high- In addition to a shared goal of level. It’s imperative that patients quality, evidence-based care.” improved population health, there understand the science at work in are also incentives in place for their brain as this helps them see general practitioners to promote their mental health issues as an mental health. illness, rather than as a weakness.” “The Federal Mental Health Parity The Right Care at the Right Act has ensured an equitable benefit Time in the Right Venue structure and process for behavioral health, on par with physical health Centene medical directors don’t treatment,” says Dr. Indira Paharia, just make utilization management Chief Operating Officer, Centene decisions or insurance coverage Behavioral Health, and licensed decisions; they are practicing clinical psychologist. “In managed physicians themselves, meaning care, we’re seeing more movement all have experience working with to carve-in behavioral health services patients on the front lines. This across Medicare and Medicaid, which hands-on perspective becomes allows for greater integration. This is even more powerful when combined Collaboration is so integral to so important given that more than with data. Centene’s behavioral health model half of all behavioral healthcare is that they’ve given it a name: Care provided by primary care physicians.” “We leverage data and technology Shaping. “It’s human nature that to work alongside the provider,” when you feel a sense of ownership, explains Stair. “By using metrics like you work that much harder to put penetration and readmission rates your best foot forward — and this is and length of [hospital] stay to guide why we look at our provider network decisions, we’re granted insight as collaborative partners,” says where resources are needed most.” Butterman. “By working with them to identify best practices, they see us While Centene offers extensive as a value-added opportunity while training, rigorous credentialing and we simultaneously learn about their a wide spectrum of field support community health needs from them. Dr. Indira Paharia

4 Collaborative Care for Body and Mind

Correlation between Depression approach that benefits providers, and Physical Illness organizations and individuals alike — and in a country where 7% of the n of subjects Puncontrolled/ Physical disease with condition OR (95% CI) Pcontrolledb population suffers from depression Any physical disease 4,397 1.67 (1.33, 2.10) <0.001*/– (and scores more deal with bouts

Migraine 361 2.07 (1.27, 3.39) 0.008*/0.087 of anxiety or other mild or acute

Athma 382 1.49 (0.91, 2.44) 0.137/0.182 behavioral health disorders), its

Diabetes 421 2.05 (1.17, 3.61) 0.023*/0.182 impact could prove significant for generations to come. Arthrosis, arthritis 1,186 1.79 (1.28, 2.50) 0.002*/0.021*

Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer 140 1.44 (0.71, 2.94) 0.340/1.000 Comprehensive Care for an Osteoporosis 357 1.86 (0.91, 3.81) 0.116/0.694 Uncharted Landscape COPD, emphysema 272 2.33 (1.29, 4.21) 0.012*/0.123 High blood pressure 1,921 1.29 (0.92, 1.81) 0.159/0.694 COVID-19 has impacted nearly every Myocardial infarction 181 0.90 (0.33, 2.45) 0.928/1.000 facet of our lives, and the period Apoplexy 77 1.37 (0.33, 5.83) 0.690/1.000 of confinement we’re only recently Renal disease, renal calculi 142 2.63 (1.31, 5.29) 0.017*/0.149 emerging from is expected to have Cancer, blastoma 244 2.45 (1.40, 4.30) 0.005*/0.064 long-term implications on our Allergies 873 1.59 (1.05, 2.41) 0.042*/0.297 collective mental health.

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidnece interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. *p<0.05. *Results are adjusted for age, sex, education, occupation, and household income. “The COVID-19 crisis has led to *Controlled for multiple testing using Holm–Bonferrori method. incidence of mental health issues Paharia also notes that common develop relationships within at-risk and substance abuse in populations chronic medical conditions, such as communities. that otherwise may never have diabetes, both exacerbate and are experienced behavioral health exacerbated by behavioral health “Some states have adopted payment needs. It’s understandable given the conditions. “There is a bidirectional mechanisms for Collaborative Care in direct impact to loved ones being impact of medical and behavioral Medicaid that are already being used sick, the increasing unemployment conditions,” she says. “Populations in Medicare, allowing reimbursement rate, increased isolation and fear experiencing severe mental illness for care coordination between of the unknown,” says Paharia. and substance use disorders have interdisciplinary providers,” “Behavioral health providers are higher rates of chronic medical Paharia explains. increasingly being called upon to conditions, which left untreated serve these needs, many of which contribute to the shortened lifespan In addition, some markets offer are being addressed through of this population.” outcome-based incentives. If telehealth.” the cost to treat a population This disparity of racial and ethnic is less than estimated, the These tolls on our social, emotional minorities illustrates the need difference is shared among the and economic well-being, coupled for managed care providers to population’s provider groups. It’s an with the soaring unemployment

5 Collaborative Care for Body and Mind

Six Ways to Create Symbiosis Between Mental and Physical Health

Treat the “whole patient” 1 by making behavioral health evaluation a standard component of physical exams.

Consider data (such as ACE 2 scores) for insights into treatment compliance and illness suseptibility. rate, will undoubtedly continue to press time, is developing solutions create an influx of new Marketplace to benefit both our minds and our Discuss mental health in and Medicaid enrollees, and bodies in a post-coronavirus world. 3 simple, scientific terms, patients and providers alike will as you’d discuss a suffer post-traumatic stress from “We are dedicated to removing physical condition. the health crisis. obstacles that may interfere with our membership getting the best Leverage external resources “It’s been especially traumatic for care,” says Butterman. “We’ll do so 4 like Centene’s training and those who weren’t able to be by by collaborating with our provider field support. the bedsides of loved ones who network that’s entrenched in their succumbed to COVID-19, but we’re communities. There’s a partnership Practice collaborative all mourning, in a sense, for life as there, and we’re all focused on 5 “care shaping” with other we knew it before,” says Crociata. achieving the same outcome — a community providers “There’s a cohesiveness, as we healthier community.” and stakeholders. all weather that together — and that’s a good thing. With treatment, COVID-19 is undeniably a daunting Be mindful of complex grief hopefully the brunt of long-term challenge for those tasked with 6 brought on by COVID-19. implications of this complex grief caring for an anxious nation’s mental Patients who have not can be mitigated.” health, but Centene Behavioral previously exhibited Health stands ready to continue depression or anxiety may Centene was quick to pull together working alongside community have symptoms stemming a task force to examine the behavioral health care providers. from extended confinement immediate, medium and long-term and uncertainty. impacts of the pandemic and, at

6 Measuring Success

Centene Quality Improvement and HEDIS Teams Help Providers Optimize Care

Leveraging HEDIS as a method to measure Quality performance is not a new concept, but it’s one that is more important than ever, given the changing healthcare landscape. As Centene’s Staff VP for Quality Improvement Strategy, Elissa Toder and her team help providers implement and use quality measurements and tools to keep care standards high.

Decoding HEDIS Data: Q&A With Elissa Toder

How does HEDIS data How do HEDIS guidelines resource to help them identify patient   1 help providers in ensuring 2 compare to those set by health needs that may not otherwise quality care? clinical practice? be present without the preventive and screening metrics in place. In its simplest terms, HEDIS is the NCQA developed HEDIS measures accounting of services completed in an effort to provide and apples to How does Centene support during a measurement year. This apples comparison of healthcare 3  includes all services documented providers and systems. Its rules its providers with HEDIS and by a provider and reported to the and reporing deadlines ensure performance measurement? National Committee for Quality consistency and accurate reporting. We offer resources to providers to Assurance (NCQA). HEDIS measures HEDIS measures are based on help them to be successful, 365 leverage evidence based recommended clinical practice days a year. These resources include and standard of care for both guidelines, and it’s important to provider education (through a preventive and chronic care. HEDIS understand how to meet those provider relations representative or measures guide providers to focus measures in order to provide the best a quality practice advisor), HEDIS on prevention, which we know keeps healthcare for the patient. Providers tool kits, quick reference guides, costs and health incidents down. will always have their own established quality analytics and member gaps Whether you’re managing care for a ways of treating patients. HEDIS in care reports. In addition to tools Medicaid, Medicare or Marketplace guidelines exist not to change this, and resources, we partner and work consumer, HEDIS is the basis of your but to provide continuity to ensure with external organizations like NCQA, quality performance and determines patients receive excellent care no America’s Plans the effectiveness of the quality of matter where they are. Providers can (AHIP) and Centers for Medicare & care provided to Centene members. think of these measures as another Medicaid Services (CMS) to advocate

7 Measuring Success

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to slow and shift and operations for many providers, it’s more crucial than ever to improve for and implement changes that health outcomes for our members. What action(s) should benefit our members and providers.  5 providers take to pro Five Core Measures to Many health plans who interact with vide accurate and useful Keep in Mind to Improve providers have a team of quality HEDIS data? Patient Outcomes HEDIS experts and nurses on staff to help providers implement strategies In today’s world, it’s imperative Continue to focus on for closing a member gap in care and to address a member’s social 1 prevention to minimize provide education to the doctor and/ determinents of health, because health incidents, or office staff. they’re not going to take care of their healthcare needs before they take stress on the patient care of their families or their individual and related costs To what degree will immediate basic needs. It’s really 4 COVID-19 impact 2020 Properly diagnose and HEDIS reporting? hard to encourage a patient to go for a breast cancer screening if she’s food 2 treat conditions (whether The healthcare industry’s focus on or housing insecure. consulting patients in-office HEDIS is never going to go away or via telemedicine) The better the billing information because they serve as a useful guide a provider gives us, the more to help providers with insights to Identify and bridge gaps in comprehensive view we have better care for their patients. 3 care for all members to partner together and identify members who are having health NCQA added telemedicine options Monitor progress and areas issues to connect them to the right for some HEDIS measures, which will 4 of concern; keep detailed programs. Correct billing codes help bridge the gap in some instances. records of both Other HEDIS measures still rely on provide the data we need to assess member gaps in care and better a physical interaction between the Use quality measurements track outcomes. I like to say, “Do it, member and provider. and tools, like HEDIS, to document it, bill it.” Do the services 5 evaluate services and As we look towards HEDIS Reporting in for the member, document everything healthcare plans 2021, I can still see some area that will in your medical record, bill every remain problematic and am hopeful available code (payable or not) to the For additional information on that there will be increased reliance on Health Plan. Its important for us to HEDIS measures click here. digital solutions to help adjust. Time help a provider to understand their will tell what adjustments providers billing practices or build a strong might need to make to comply with relationship with their billing company. 2021 HEDIS reporting. This information is priceless.

8 Transforming the Patient Experience With Innovations and Interoperability

Five Ways Centene Is Innovating to Improve Care

The logisitical challenges posed by 2020’s pandemic led to a quick acceleration of telemedicine, allowing patients to seek medical counsel from the safety of home — but this isn’t the only timely innovation Centene credits with helping create a healthier population, one member at a time.

Tom Britt, Centene’s Regional Vice President in charge of digital technologies, shares five reasons to be excited about transformational innovations shaping the future of managed care.

1. Interoperability. At its core, patient needs,” states Britt. “Healthcare specific clinical or onboarding piece,” interoperability makes it possible for management can be more of a scalpel he says. “We’re taking strides to stakeholder companies to exchange than a sword. A customized model innovate from the moment a member data and information about a allows us to meet individual providers, begins their healthcare journey, from patient’s health. “I think this is a and their nuanced state needs, to get their visit to follow-up, explanation very big innovation that will really them exactly what they need, when of benefits and any bills they may help evolve the industry in ways yet they need it.” receive.” These improvements include to be determined,” Britt predicts. communications that are easy to “It’s all about getting better health 4. More data and analytics. understand and timely. outcomes and better access to care Centene’s provider analytics tool gives for our patients.” providers aggregated insights and key “Together, these innovations can performance indicators to help them alleviate many of the frustrations that 2. Increased acceptance of ensure effective care. “This allows can come with seeking healthcare,” telehealth. “Telemedicine was them to better identify and mitigate says Britt. “Interoperability in actually growing prior to COVID-19, care gaps,” says Britt. particular has the potential to but there’s a lot more acceptance of it significantly improve the overall now — and I think that will continue 5. Innovations woven throughout patient experience. I think it’s going to to grow in coming years,” says Britt. the patient care journey. transform healthcare in this country.” Britt says it’s hard to name one 3. Customized care modeling. specific innovation when Centene is To learn about future Centene “It’s really helpful to work directly with striving to innovate at every link in innovations, click here. providers and state plans to make sure the customer care journey. “It’s easy we’re understanding exactly what a to become siloed while focusing on a

9 The Upside to Healthcare

How a Pay-for-Performance Model Simplifies the Healthcare Delivery System

Value-based care. Pay for Performance. Upside versus downside contracts. It’s a lot of terminology that boils down to one common goal: giving patients, and their providers, more control for better health outcomes.

As a Senior Manager of Provider Engagement Strategy on Centene’s Payment and Innovation Team, Christine Hereford fields a lot of questions related to the nuances of a Pay-for-Performance (P4P) model, under its value-based care structure.

providers have the opportunity “As patients visit their PCP offices, to be paid an incentive based on they will potentially be referred to a their performance,” she explains. specialist and could end up seeing “Upside- and downside [risk]-based as many as four or five doctors for contract defines the level of financial one issue, with the PCP serving as the risk entailed to the provider, based primary lead for care coordination,” on either a surplus or deficit within Hereford says. “By helping their their programs, in terms of the value patients navigate what can be a provided to patients.” daunting process, these providers tend to see higher patient satisfaction Christine Hereford The past decade has seen a rates, a higher level of engagement significant shift from fee-for-service from their members and better care “’Pay for Performance’ is the payment payment models to fee-for-value efficiencies; so the patient, Provider innovation pillar that houses our models — a trend that Hereford and payer benefit from this care upside arrangements — those credits with simplifying the patient coordination approach.” based on HEDIS measures, for which health journey.

10 The Upside to Healthcare

Centene’s payment innovation structure includes dedicated, health plan-facing personnel to engage with providers about its value- based contracts, as well as a full reporting suite to help providers more effectively manage their panels. For example, Centene’s Provider Analytics, a secure portal and provider-facing reporting platform, offers monthly scorecards that allow providers to view their comprehensive member panel, down to the granular level of A Population Health Approach addressing food insecurity, stable knowing which panelists are overdue When it comes to cost controls and housing, social interaction and more. for mammograms and other crucial patient management, PCPs play a preventive screenings. crucial role in engaging members Likewise, by expanding its to manage their overall health. This partnership with Quartet’s national “Medicaid member panels tend to “population health approach” is network of care options, Centene is change often, and this population crucial for minimizing avoidable costs. also making virtual tele-psychiatry tends to have transportation and and tele-therapy available to those access issues that are also difficult “When providers effectively manage who need it most — especially given to track,” says Hereford. “So, their panel, those patients are getting the COVID-19 health crisis. we really try to partner with our in for annual visits; the pediatric providers to help them engage their population is getting recommended Through programs, technology, members in innovative ways to immunizations,” Hereford says. “By partnerships and value-based mitigate these barriers.” catching issues before they become care models, Centene strives to offer acute conditions, you alleviate many its providers the innovations and conditions that, left untreated, require tools they need to optimize their more management at higher costs.” patients’ health.

Centene designed the Social “No one has created a one-size-fits- Health Bridge program to help all solution for the provider payment providers bridge the gap between landscape yet,” says Hereford. community organizations to deliver “However, I think Centene is unique a better approach in tackling social in that we really think outside the determinants of health. The goal is box to try to meet providers and improving the health of a population, members where they are, through a one person at a time, by providing variety of options.” access to reliable transportation and

11 Population Health Data: A Powerful Prevention Tool

Centene, Providers Partner to Use Data to Bend Population Health Trends

The old adage, “a rising tide raises all boats” may not have been penned with population health in mind, but it’s a sentiment that population health professionals can likely relate to. By improving health outcomes of their patients, one member at a time, providers are positively impacting the health of the populations they serve, and driving down treatment costs in the process. It’s no small feat, but it’s being made possible by improved health analytics.

Take diabetes, for example. “Our ability to use data to inform Armed with population health population health strategies has data, Centene can spot utilization improved dramatically in recent patterns. If a diabetes hot spot is years,” says Lori Howard, Regional detected in a population, Centene Vice President, Digital and Clinical can then work with community Systems, Centene. “We’re now Dr. Howard Shaps partners like schools, farmer’s able to use a lot more emerging “By understanding population health markets or even the local YMCA to risk data, in tandem with insights data, providers are able to get ahead of promote preventative measures gleaned from our analytic models, issues before they develop,” states Dr. like diet and exercise to reduce the to develop programs that allow Howard Shaps, Centene’s Vice President occurrence of diabetes, as opposed us to be very proactive. This has and Deputy Chief Medical Officer. “This to treating it. Data trends can then a powerful financial impact, but level of sophistication leads to better be used to track utilization changes more importantly, it dramatically overall patient health, delivered by to gauge the effectiveness of improves quality of life for our medical providers and improved prevention protocols. It’s a new — population members.” member outcomes for healthplans .” and powerful — capability.

12 Population Health Data: A Powerful Prevention Tool

Improved Technology, Improved As agencies like the Centers for Patient Outcomes Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) As technology continues to improve, move towards more delegation of so will providers’ abilities to engage care management, the partnership with their patients to change habits. between managed care companies and their provider networks will only “We’re starting to see more grow stronger to affect change. technology being implemented at the patient level through remote “The combined use of artificial patient monitoring — checking intelligence and the notion of blood pressure, oxygen levels and predictive modeling have already blood glucose levels,” says Shaps. proven incredibly powerful in “With this technology, providers have bending the trend of population greater opportunity to interact with health,” says Wendy Faust, National their patients, providing a higher Vice President, Care Management, touch for at-risk populations through Centene. “The data this yields allows This comes at a time when our text, phone calls or telemedicine.” us to show our providers the value nation has a collective and increased membership of care management emphasis on prevention. This fall, These innovations don’t end at the and help them understand Centene is launching a Fluvention provider level. “Technology is making preventative risk.” program as part of a greater it easier for us to better support campaign to encourage smart flu- them in targeting interventions, and Such partnership between managed prevention habits — a measure to better support our members in the care and health providers is proving that’s more important than ever broadest sense of holistic care and vital to optimizing population health. before, given the pandemic crisis. prevention,” says Jennifer Michael, Vice President, Enterprise Population “Whether we’re talking about the “Centene continues to invest in Health Programs, Centene. flu, diabetes or prenatal care, our technology solutions that allow us goal is to offer the best healthcare to better analyze our internal data to our members. — Fostering an (claims, authorizations and quality open dialogue with our providers, data) in order to evaluate how well and ultimately our members, will we’re addressing population and help us to obtain best outcomes,” provider needs,” says Michael. says Shaps. “Whether we work as a “Looking to the future, we’ll continue healthcare provider or a managed to use this data to partner with our care provider, we all went into the providers to help them pinpoint and healthcare industry with a common target impactful interventions at the reason: to improve the health of the practice level.” patients we serve. It’s what drives us Jennifer Michael to do our work every day.”

Such services are funded in part by the State of New Mexico. 13