Chris Reynolds: This Is an Interview with Charlie Harmony on Thursday
Charlie Harmony Memoir Springfield, Illinois October 9, 2006 Chris Reynolds: This is an interview with Charlie Harmony on Thursday. November the 9th, 2006 at Dean Williams Studio in Springfield, Illinois which oddly enough is on Harmony Court. We’re working on an oral history on the Harmony Brother’s musical career. My name is Chris Reynolds; the taping is being done by Dean Williams, and let’s just go ahead and get started here. Charlie, I want to do this in time frames, so the first time frame I want to work on is the pre-1956, before the band got started. But I want to start out with a question that I really failed to ask Ben which was can we talk a little bit about your family? How many brothers and sisters you had and what your mom and dad did and those kinds of things ? Charlie Harmony: Sure, there were eight of us in the family, four boys and four girls. My dad was a coal miner; my mom was a housewife, as was the case in those days. Of course she had eight kids to raise so she had quite a job. They were all like Ben and I, wild and crazy so she really had her work cut out for her. Chris: And you lived in Springfield at that same home over there? Where, near Ben is now? Charlie: Right in front of where Ben’s house was, the house in front of it is the family home. Chris: And the whole time you lived there, so that goes way back? Charlie: Yes, the house was built in 1940, the year that I was born, I was the first child to live in that house, prior to that, behind the house there was a little two room shack and that is where all of my family and the other six kids were born, Ben was born there, I was the only one born in a hospital.
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