RESPONSE TO THE CONSULTATION FEBRUARY 2015 Back Heathrow gives a voice to the silent majority in favour of a bigger, better and quieter Sir Howard Davies Chairman of the Airports Commission Airports Commission Sanctuary Buildings 20 Great Smith Street SW1P 3BT February 2015

Dear Sir Howard, As campaign co-ordinator of Back Heathrow I would like to respond to the Airports Commission’s request for comments on the proposals for increased airport capacity in the south east. I wanted to be able to set out in full our views on airport growth and to provide the Commission with a sense of what I believe the majority of west London residents are saying about their airport. Since we opened our office in Hounslow we have been inundated with calls, emails and letters explaining why people believe that their future and that of those living to the west of London depends on a flourishing hub airport. Indeed, the Commission will know from the views sent to your office just how strongly many of our supporters feel about the need for growth at Heathrow. Our supporters want jobs, growth and prosperity for Heathrow’s local communities but they have had to endure much over the past few years. Firstly their voices were drowned out by a minority claiming to speak on their behalf, then came a proposal from the to close Heathrow and build a new airport in the estuary. Soon after, Heathrow’s local council expressed a desire to build a new town on the airport site before some opponents threatened to do all in their power to obstruct the supportive majority. Back Heathrow has given a voice to so many local residents – just a few of the letters and emails are printed in our submission – which is why we have grown from a few hundred supporters to more than 80,000 in just one year. It is only the beginning. I hope that reading through this document you will understand the pride and optimism that so many west Londoners feel towards their airport. We at Back Heathrow do not have a view about whether the Commission supports Heathrow Airport’s proposal or ’s proposal but we do feel passionately that the UK’s hub airport should be allowed to grow. Yours sincerely,

Rob Gray Campaign-Co-ordinator Back Heathrow

BACK HEATHROW RESPONSE TO THE AIRPORTS COMMISSION CONSULTATION 3 80,000+ SUPPORTERS Each red dot represents a post code where one or more of Heathrow’s supporters live www.backheathrow.org @backheathrow 80,000+ SUPPORTERS Each red dot represents a post code where one or more of Heathrow’s supporters live www.backheathrow.org @backheathrow RESPONSE TO THE AIRPORTS COMMISSION CONSULTATION CONTENTS

3) Letter to the Chairman 4) 80,000+ Supporters 7) Welcome: We are Back Heathrow 8) Heathrow is a success story... 9) … but there is a problem 10) Why a hub airport is vital to the UK 11) Seizing a golden opportunity 12) Local residents say yes to Heathrow 14) Community champions say yes to Heathrow 16) Local businesses say yes to Heathrow 18) Polling support for a bigger Heathrow


“I give 100% support for Back Heathrow to keep Heathrow and maintain it as the busiest hub airport”. MANO, Hounslow South

“Heathrow is essential to the local and national economy. We Back Heathrow launched as a sign up and get in touch. We started to have the basis for a community campaign in September receive letters and emails from resi- truly great airport and 2013 with seed funding from dents, including a Second World War it must be expanded to Heathrow Airport. Heathrow veteran who had lived near Heathrow achieve this.” remains an important supporter of since the 1940s and a young appren- MR PARK, Feltham our campaign, alongside local tice embarking on an exciting career businesses, Heathrow Hub and at the airport. Teachers, airport work- many residents who have chosen to ers, doctors, councillors, parents and “I cannot bear to think make donations. Today, with more local business leaders came forward how some can even than 80,000 supporters it is one of to tell us how much they wanted the think of taking a plate the UK’s fastest growing campaigns. airport to grow and succeed. of food off so many tables as loads and For many years, independent polls had Many residents have since become loads of people rely on shown that there was a majority of lo- more involved in the campaign, al- cal residents in communities surround- ways popping into our office in Heathrow for a living: ing Heathrow who supported the air- Hounslow. Our incredible supporters it’s a way of life.” port’s expansion. It is important to have held meetings, run street stalls, MR RAMPHUL, Hounslow remember that these people had not opened envelopes, waved placards, been heard before but they are fiercely recruited friends, circulated petitions, “Heathrow Airport is a proud of their airport and the role it displayed posters and car stickers, plays as a major employer and force spoken to their local politicians, writ- valuable asset to the for good in west London. Many resi- ten to their local newspapers – and residents of Hillingdon, dents were simply becoming fed-up of even loaned us a lorry! providing both a vocal anti-Heathrow minority that employment and they felt did not speak for them. A bigger Heathrow can also be better further business and quieter – it has to be. Residents investment in the area.” Back Heathrow provided a platform most affected by expansion should al- to bring supporters of the airport to- ways be fairly and generously com- MISS JOHNSON, Hayes gether. No sooner had we launched pensated. We support a growing than thousands of people began to Heathrow, but not at any cost. n


“Today, as has been the case for many years, the greatest industry in is right here on our doorstep - it’s called Heathrow Airport. Ever since it all began in 1947 no one has lived here or has moved here without the knowledge Undoubtedly Heathrow has been a Heathrow grows and flourishes, and re- that one of the most huge success story. It has attracted sponds to changing business needs, so more people to the area, businesses too will the local economy grow and popular and successful have set up around Heathrow and everyone will be better off as a result. airports in the world is the local economy is thriving. People right on our doorstep. I have money in their pockets and Heathrow employs 76,000 people on believe that Heathrow local businesses and the communities site and a further 38,000 in airport currently accounts for benefit. No fewer than 114,000 jobs related jobs. But that’s only half the over 110,000 jobs and I in the local community and a further story. In the boroughs around the am proud to say that 250,000 jobs in the wider region rely airport it is clear that the local on a successful Heathrow Airport. economy is dependent on Heathrow for forty years I worked flourishing – for example in Hounslow in the demanding yet As an island trading nation, Heathrow there are 10,750 residents who work fulfilling aviation has been our major gateway to the at Heathrow and a further 9,500 who industry.” world for the last 60 years. Its work in airport related jobs. In ALAN HOLLAND-AVERY, connections bring jobs, trade and Hillingdon the total is just under Staines economic growth to the UK. Taking 17,000, Ealing almost 11,000, Slough 78% of all UK long-haul flights, nearly 8,000 and Spelthorne 7,000. Heathrow is used by 82 airlines and carries 73 million passengers a year. In addition Heathrow attracts major Under their feet travels 86% of UK employers to set up their headquarters air freight representing one quarter of near to the airport – of the top 300 our national exports. Heathrow is one companies in the UK, 202 are located of the most famous airports in the within 25 miles of it. world and the busiest two-runway airport anywhere. Since Heathrow opened as a commercial airport in 1947 the fortunes The fortunes of local communities and of local communities have grown side Heathrow are inextricably linked. If by side with the airport. Heathrow has Heathrow declines, so too will local not moved towards people; people economies and standards of living. If have moved towards Heathrow. n


“This is no longer a one sided issue as portrayed in the media. It is high time to give people like us a voice. Our young people need jobs and this is our chance.” JEAN MICHEL AND CATHERINE, It is because of Heathrow’s success by airlines which operate through the West Drayton that it is operating at almost full ca- global network of hub airports. The pacity and has a waiting list of dozens decline of the hub airport has been of airlines wanting take-off and land- greatly exaggerated by Gatwick, for “I think Heathrow is ing slots at the airport. They could op- obvious reasons. something we are all erate out of Gatwick or Stansted but very proud of. We this isn’t viable. Heathrow has grown If Heathrow is not allowed to expand should support its over the years to establish itself as the and a rival overseas hub airport steps expansion to continue front door to Britain but it must not in to provide the new flights demanded to secure jobs there become closed to new business. by airlines, then the businesses that and also to support have set up around Heathrow because Yet Heathrow is full to bursting. At of its unique connectivity are likely to businesses there, of present, the airport is operating at 98% move away. It is highly likely that which there are many.” capacity and facing increasing de- these businesses will not just be lost MRS BLACK, Bracknell mands from many international air- to the local area but from the country lines who wish to operate more fre- as a whole as they relocate to be near “The loss of jobs is not quently, as well as others who are the hub airports in continental Europe extremely frustrated by the lack of that can meet their travel needs. what anybody needs available slots at Heathrow for new right now. This is a services. The airlines are simply re- This will have a highly damaging great campaign. Fight sponding to the demands of their cus- impact as jobs are lost, removing on, and on and on. I tomers who are saying they want more money and wealth from the local, really hope you win.” flights on existing routes and the abil- regional and national economy. CAROLE, Southall ity to reach new destinations, especial- Inevitably, over time, Heathrow will ly in parts of the world – such as Chi- shrink and more and more jobs will be na, Russia, India and South America lost, leading to a spiral of decline as – where economic growth is offering airlines and businesses that rely on a great opportunities for trade. flourishing airport and a successful local economy make the decision to The hub model is in demand. Even move on. 90% of the so-called hub-busting aircraft, like 787s, are being ordered It doesn’t have to be this way. n


HEATHROW:Why our OUR hubGATEWAY airport TO THE matters WORLD

Air travel is facilitated by the global network of hub airports parts of the world become viable. And, vice versa, as flights that allow the transfer of passengers between the smaller arrive in the UK from far flung places across the planet. No and larger aircraft serving short-haul and long-haul destina- other UK airport does what Heathrow does. tions. Heathrow is the UK’s only hub airport and one of only four major hubs in Europe. At Heathrow domestic passen- We think it matters to local communities, the region gers can combine with both those from other European air- and the country whether our only hub airport is ports and valuable freight so long-haul destinations to all allowed to grow or decline. n


“I support the expansion of Heathrow Airport. It is a tradition for people I know, Asian and White British alike. I support the creation of jobs and job security alike.” ANA, Northolt

There is a golden opportunity for lo- be created across the UK, with no fewer “Heathrow keeps cal communities and the UK if than 50,000 of these being in the bor- Hounslow and Heathrow is able to build extra run- oughs neighbouring the airport. The ef- Hillingdon going. It way capacity. A decision to support fect on levels of unemployment in these needs to expand.” expansion at the UK’s only hub air- local areas would be seismic with a 50% port will send a message to the world reduction envisaged. HUGH, Hanworth that our country wants to remain a central part of the international air Alongside huge levels of job creation “Heathrow has been travel network. The subsequent im- there will also be a major push on ap- part of this area my pact on business decisions, employ- prenticeships at an expanded Heath- whole working life. It ment opportunities and economic row. As part of a wider programme of has influenced every growth will be wholly positive. investment in skills and training, the airport has committed to 10,000 new part of my family, For the hundreds of businesses – apprenticeships being created by 2030. providing jobs and small and large - that choose to locate When taken in combination with the social opportunities.” near Heathrow because of its fantastic number of new jobs being created by CHRISTINE, Taplow connectivity, a positive decision on expansion this vote of confidence in expansion would provide much young people could effectively end needed certainty on the future and, youth unemployment in the boroughs potentially, unlock large amounts of neighbouring Heathrow, a potentially new investment for the economy. historic moment.

The boost to employment through ex- We believe it is right to say that the fu- pansion at Heathrow would be immense. ture of local families and communities In the first instance it would help secure depend on Heathrow. Thousands of lo- the future of the 114,000 existing jobs cal people are now speaking up and that depend on the airport. And, expan- saying YES to the golden opportunity sion brings even better news for fresh that a growing and successful Heath- opportunities with projections estimat- row would bring to west London and to ing that up to 180,000 new jobs would the UK. n


“The only sensible I have lived in this area for 45 years and my husband has lived answer is to expand here for most of his 76 years. Heathrow has always been part of Heathrow. The the environment and we have looked on it as our capital city. It has infrastructure is “employed so many of our friends directly and indirectly with the hundreds already there with of other businesses that have flourished due to the trade Heathrow has direct motorway links, brought to the area. A Heathrow in decline will rip the heart out of the community. Without a heart, the arteries leading from it will rail links, tube and slowly die. coaches. Hundreds of VAL CLARK, Ashford companies based in and around the From working at Heathrow for 14 years, I have seen” the Heathrow area operate transformation of the airport into the 21st century. It’s a vibrant on the strength of and exciting place to work and provides more than just jobs to the Heathrow Airport and community. It is the community. Growth at Heathrow is also essential to “the future of London’s standing as a leading global hub. the business that it SUKH AUJLA, Slough generates, and that’s not just the freight I’ve lived near the airport for years. Heathrow expansion would related companies. be fantastic, bringing more jobs to the area. I understand” that Heathrow should be noise is an issue for some people but they knew they were about to move able to compete with near an airport. A couple of years ago, Hillingdon council sent me a voting “form on a new Heathrow runway but the literature was so biased against the best of Europe’s that I refused to vote. The council leader says that closure would benefit airports.” residents but that’s because most of the residents would end up on STEVE OSTROWSKI, Sipson benefits! GARY DIXON, Hillingdon “The continued success and growth of I believe a third runway would reduce stacking and reduce pollution, noise and delays. The majority of our air cargo” exports Heathrow is essential for businesses go via Heathrow and most export companies are located in west London and the Thames Valley. Failure to expand Heathrow would not only operating in the west of “jeopardise 114,000 on-site jobs but many more from local suppliers London and Thames including contractors, logistics, catering, hotels, taxi drivers and Valley.” industry. MATTHEW BATTLE, TONY BOVILL, Ascot Richmond I live directly under the flight path, have done so for 40 years.” LHR is a vital artery for the whole of the UK. I wholeheartedly support any expansion be it runways or terminals. “RAVI, Heston ”

12 BACK HEATHROW RESPONSE TO THE AIRPORTS COMMISSION CONSULTATION I believe that economic sustainability and employment is the “I did a four year bedrock of any community. Heathrow is the blood line of our apprenticeship community in west London and without it the consequences would be scheme, which I “disastrous. Doing nothing is not an option if we are to meet the needs and finished last year to do aspirations of our growing population. To ensure Heathrow is viable it engineering at has to be allowed to grow in order to generate prosperity amongst Heathrow Airport. I our communities. JAGS SANGHERA, Southall decided to go for the apprenticeship route We think it is vitally important to back expansion and for” local and get paid while I politicians to do all they can to ensure it goes ahead. The whole learn, rather than infrastructure around Heathrow depends on the airport to survive. My hus- getting into massive band has been employed there since 1988 and before I left to have debt at university. “children, I worked there for 10 years and that’s where we met. People moved to west JENNIFER TAYLOR, Sunbury on Thames London knowing I find that the convenience of Heathrow now well outweighs” there’s an airport close the reduced noise nuisance we have had since quieter aircraft by and knowing that and take-off procedures were introduced. A new runway further west there’s going to be should further reduce noise. Heathrow has a huge and established noise. You wouldn’t “support infrastructure, is already highly accessible by public transport, expect to move to east and is on the right side of London to serve the rest of the UK’s London and the bells to population PETER MYNORS, Ealing Broadway stop ringing just because you moved We support the expansion of Heathrow because it is the lifeblood” there. I think the noise of the area and keeps us on excellent public transport routes. But is an issue to some also because we want Heathrow to be the world’s largest airport and the people, but for the hub for Europe to the rest of the world that it was once destined majority of people in “to be. west London like me, STUART AND MARGARET FREARSON, Cranford we know that there’s We feel that as the hub airport of the UK, already established” and an airport close by and employing some 114,000 people as well as the only airport servicing we know that it brings those living to the west of London that serious consideration should be given many jobs to the to a new runway. This will ensure the continued expansion of trade community and for me “within the UK. The Government must make a decision soon. the noise isn’t an issue BRIAN AND ROSIE WELCH, Ickenham at all.” ” SALLY ROSE, Hanwell


“It has my full support. As Deputy Head of Greenford High School, a very large, I have lived most of my outstanding and successful comprehensive secondary school in life near Heathrow and Southall, I would like to express that we are fully behind the expansion of I have seen it progress Heathrow. We have had strong links with the airport over the years, from “the way it serves our community in terms of a whole range of businesses to meet needs and it and crucial employment, but also through the many learning opportunities has to stay that way.” and experiences it has afforded our youngsters. BOB, Feltham As a result of Heathrow expansion, not only will we be able to build on these experiences for our students, but also offer a local route to high “Any jobs Heathrow level business and technical careers. We have a large Post 16 centre of expansion creates can 600+ students, over half of which study a business related course. More only be a good thing. than 200 of our Year 13s go on to further education at University, and a Heathrow was there growing number are choosing to study Engineering. A number of students are also following Level 4 and aiming for Level 5 Apprenticeships. first! It gave my late husband a career that However, over the years we have found that our students move away from the area to seek high level training positions or start careers in their lasted over 32 years.” Post graduate field of study. From our school’s point of view, the main JULIE, Slough advantage we see in the vital expansion at Heathrow is in providing these students an incredible opportunity for training and pursuing their “I have seen Heathrow chosen careers locally. from a bunch of tents PAUL MANBY, Greenford High School, Southall in 1947 to what it is I have worked at Heathrow for 35 years and lived nearby” by today. Expansion was choice for 48 years. I also chaired the charity good for the local Operation Happy Child over a period of 28 years. Heathrow is important community then and it because it is London’s capital and financial lifeline. We do not want it to “go the way of the coal and steel industries. I support expansion of will be good for the local community now.” Heathrow because it is the main hub for England and thousands of people and businesses rely on it for work and jobs within a 25 mile MR VINCENT, Isleworth radius. Transport links are better than Gatwick which is a no-go. DOUG WOOD MBE, Ashford “Since 1938 I have lived in the Heathrow We should definitely get a new runway at Heathrow as” soon as area, with the coming possible because the airport has got to saturation point. I live of Heathrow it brought near the flight path so I know about noise but it provides jobs and helps many jobs and our community flourish. It is essential that this airport should survive and “expand. financial wealth to the SURINDER SINGH BENIPAL, Owner, area.” Hounslow Heath Post Office MR MATTHEWS, Feltham ”


“At 9am on 25th August 1919, some 95 years ago, the company “Heathrow Airport is a called the Aircraft Transport and Travel Company flew the first lifeline artery to many scheduled flight to Paris. So the original London Airport was here before families and any of us. I was born on the 19th December 1944, in Twickenham under companies in this area “the flight path some 25 years after the first regular air service from Hounslow, not Heston, not Heathrow but Hounslow. 1944 was the year of London.” the two new main runways were being built. I have lived under London JOAN, Northolt Park Airport’s runways all my life. I have lived in the same house now for 28 years and intend living there for the rest of my life. I am totally in favour “I am very of Heathrow expansion because it creates a vast amount of jobs and disappointed with my therefore wealth. Many people I know including family members and fellow citizens who friends rely upon it for their livelihood. “ CHRISTOPHER DURKIN, Chair of Hounslow Town Centre wish to run-down Neighbourhood Forum Group Heathrow. The management are not I live on the door step of one of the greatest gateways” to the idiots; they have made world. I live my daily life within the success of the airport and a wonderful job of the what it has brought to my community directly or indirectly and whilst I airport.” am aware of advantages and disadvantages it brings, Heathrow’s journey “has been a huge achievement. I want to be part of a Heathrow success CHARLES, Hayes story and offer opportunities to the local community and the future generation of young people. I want my son to be able to find work and not “We are an aviation line up in a queue of 50 people chasing one job because we family. My husband allowed the demise of Heathrow. and daughter work at STEVE O’KEEFFE, local employer, Langley Heathrow. Heathrow needs expansion to I am the son and grandson of people who have worked” at Heathrow over the last 35 years. I am one of many thousands of keep growing with people from the Southall area who have a similar experience, having been world industry and to brought up knowing that we have this magnet for attracting inward keep the future for our “investment and employment that has been such a benefit to our area. children and their Sometimes we tend to take for granted the very things which make our children bright.” community strong. Community cohesion is completely undermined when you do not have economic prosperity so I think the opportunities posed USHA, Uxbridge by the possible expansion of Heathrow are too huge to ignore. The vast majority of Southall residents, Southall businesses, Southall faith groups and Southall community-sector organisations are overwhelmingly in support of the expansion of Heathrow. There are negative impacts, but I think there are things which can be done sensibly through discussion and negotiation to mitigate those.” JANPAL BASRAN, Southall Community Alliance ”


“Heathrow has made a Everybody in this area benefits from the airport whether it be a very compelling case local greengrocer or a big company. Where I was born in Feltham, for airport expansion, everybody worked at the airport whether they worked for a cleaning com- no other case makes pany, a catering company, a transport company or for one of the “airlines. It means so much for the local economy. economic sense.” NEIL MARTIN, Manager at Parker Car Service, Isleworth DAVID KNOWLES-LEAK, Chairman, Thames Valley I live here and my business is here and we rely on the airport, and Federation of Small ” the people that work there for our business. I believe that if Businesses Heathrow doesn’t expand then everyone loses either directly with jobs at the airport or indirectly like businesses like mine. I think as long as Heath- “The Hounslow “ row is allowed to expand and progress, it has a secure future, Chamber of especially for those who work in it when their jobs are a lot safer. Commerce is right JASWANT DHILLON, Owner of Sadda Stores, Bath Road behind the Back Heathrow campaign. Heathrow is very important to National Express. Around” a third In our survey of local of all our journeys are to or from an airport and Heathrow is the firms, 77% who busiest airport in the UK. We take millions of people from towns and cit- ies to and from Heathrow. It’s a big employer for us with 50 staff based at responded were in “ the airport and a further 150 drivers and all of them live locally. It’s im- favour of expanding portant to us that Heathrow continues to flourish. Heathrow and some MATT GOGGINS, Head of Public Affairs, National Express, 55% were only located Heathrow here because of the The proximity to a hub airport at Heathrow is of critical” impor- UK’s hub airport.” tance to Thames Valley businesses. The airport acts as a gateway STEPHEN FRY, to new and emerging markets of the world. The ‘western wedge’ area to Chief Executive, Hounslow the west of London is a fiercely competitive global market and the need Chamber of Commerce “to facilitate more and better aviation links from an expanded Heathrow is absolutely crucial for keeping us well- connected, as well as ensuring that we secure reductions in the operational impact of Heathrow now, and for the foreseeable future. STEVE LAMB, Chair, Thames Valley Berkshire LEP

We wanted to support the Back Heathrow campaign by sending a visible message to politicians that Heathrow’s future” affects people like the 70 employees working for our company. There are hun- dreds of thousands of jobs in the region that depend on Heathrow and that “is a serious number of people to brush aside in this debate. I think it’s essential that Heathrow remains a hub airport and expands to enable com- panies like ours to grow rather than decline. ALAN SMITH, Founder, Mixed Freight Services, Feltham ” 16 BACK HEATHROW RESPONSE TO THE AIRPORTS COMMISSION CONSULTATION Alan Smith, Mixed Freight Services, backing Heathrow

West London Business fully supports the Back Heathrow cam- “Unite the Union fully paign. The negative impact of Heathrow’s decline on such a suc- supports the expansion cessful business region as west London would be disastrous. Expanding and continued growth the UK’s hub airport at Heathrow is the most logical, affordable and prac- of Heathrow as the “tical solution to help sustain the economic well-being of west UK’s hub airport, as it London and the UK economy. FRANK WINGATE, Chief Executive of West London Business is vital for the economy, the As a resident and small business owner I totally support the” expan- maintenance of decent sion of Heathrow. I am staggered that there are still meetings I at- jobs and the tend that hold residents whose businesses have benefited from the growth sustainability of local this area has experienced, and yet oppose its continued expansion. communities. Only “AMANDA GEE, President of Windsor District Chamber of Commerce growth at Heathrow can connect the UK The Heathrow Hoteliers Association appreciates the economic” globally on the scale benefits that a growing, successful hub airport brings -to indi that is required.” vidual businesses, communities in the local area and the UK. OLIVER RICHARDSON, “ANNA-MARIE DOWLING, Chair, Heathrow Hoteliers Assoc National Officer, Unite the Union Capacity constraints are eroding Heathrow’s position of domi- nance and threaten the UK’s position as a key destination” for air freight “The GMB is right DANNY PEDRI, Managing Director, DHL Express behind the expansion “ of Heathrow as it will Jobs are more important than things like noise for me. The air- secure the future of port is busier now but I believe that noise has stayed the” same; many thousands of we get more noise from the traffic than anything around here. The car existing jobs and at the park next to my shop used to be empty but look at it now - that’s the effect “of Heathrow! same time create a MOHAMMAD ZAFAR, Owner of Total Solutions, Hounslow multitude of fantastic new opportunities for Heathrow is the reason we are where we are, along with the rest future generations.” of the high- tech industry in the Thames Valley. ” PAUL CLARKE, CHRIS PARKER, Senior Director, Microsoft National Lead Organiser, GMB Union “ Heathrow is essential to our business. It is no coincidence that sup- pliers to the music industry, as with other sectors such as” motor sport, are clustered in the west London area. Heathrow’s multiple daily depar- tures for a huge number of international destinations are crucial to the com- “pany meeting the ever tightening time pressure on tour schedules. JOHN CORR, Tour Principal, Sound Moves (supporting artists including U2, Katy Perry and Lady Ga Ga), Ashford ” BACK HEATHROW RESPONSE TO THE AIRPORTS COMMISSION CONSULTATION 17 POLLING SUPPORT FOR A BIGGER HEATHROW

A new poll by top opinion polling the results are dramatic – 60% of operating and succeeding as the UK’s company Populus backs the thou- those expressing a view now support hub airport. sands of local residents who have growth with just 40% opposed. told us that they want Heathrow to Nine out of the 10 areas polled had In many areas the polling shows that grow. more local people supporting local people are ahead of the politi- expansion than opposing it. Slough cians on this major issue. Back Heath- More people than ever before are sup- had the highest level of support whilst row believes it’s time that politicians porting the expansion of Heathrow. only Twickenham had more residents woke up to the reality of their residents Alongside the 80,000 local people who opposed expansion than wanting a thriving Heathrow for now who have signed up to Back Heath- supported it. All other areas saw many and beyond, with more jobs, better row, the new poll shows that those in more people supporting than opposing prospects and a brighter future being favour of growth significantly out- expansion. available for all. weigh those against. These are significant figures and show We think politicians should Back Nearly 10,000 people were polled in clearly that momentum is growing for Heathrow – and this polling shows 10 areas neighbouring the airport and those who want Heathrow to continue them why. n

Slough Feltham & Hayes & Spelthorne Ealing Brentford & Uxbridge Windsor Richmond Twickenham Heston Harlington Central & Isleworth & South Park Acton Ruislip Support 62% 57% 56% 53% 53% 52% 47% 43% 42% 38% expansion Against 21% 29% 28% 29% 28% 34% 32% 40% 41% 49% expansion Neutral 17% 14% 16% 18% 19% 14% 21% 17% 17% 13%

FLYING HIGH: WHY MANY Local Authority Area UK Resident Pax Total Passenger Numbers UK Rank RESIDENTS LOVE HEATHROW City of Westminster 4,091,194 5,124,838 1 New evidence has revealed just how much people living in the communities around Heathrow rely on Kensington and Chelsea 1,588,551 2,188,757 2 the UK’s hub airport for business and pleasure. Camden 1,042,165 1,509,569 3 In fact, some of Heathrow’s critics like , Tower Hamlets 530,915 881,394 4 Twickenham MP Vince Cable and Richmond Park MP represent areas that use Heathrow most Ealing 277,690 812,118 5 out of the entire UK. Whatever they may say, their residents are rushing to the departure gates – and no Hounslow 421,358 810,660 6 wonder as 82 airlines use Heathrow and carry 73 million Richmond upon Thames 316,542 786,920 7 passengers a year. Hammersmith and Fulham 352,161 757,602 9 The figures (see right) came from the latest annual Civil Aviation Authority Passenger Survey and show the Hillingdon 386,132 750,383 10 numbers of passengers departing from each local borough in a given year, providing huge knock-on benefits to local Wandsworth 194,482 673,472 11 communities. n

18 BACK HEATHROW RESPONSE TO THE AIRPORTS COMMISSION CONSULTATION Thank you for letting us have our say! Back Heathrow Premier House 50-52 Cross Lances Road Hounslow TW3 2AA e: [email protected] www.backheathrow.org