Species at Risk in Ottawa – As of June 13, 2017

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Species at Risk in Ottawa – As of June 13, 2017

Species at Risk in – as of June 13, 2017

68 species in this list; 38 protected under provincial ESA, 2007 and Provincial Policy Statement as endangered or threatened species in . Five more protected as migratory birds with threatened status under Schedule 1 of the federal Species at Risk Act. For more information about this list, please contact Amy MacPherson, Natural Systems Planner (ext. 14873).

 Includes changes in provincial status effective on or before June 13, 2017.  Note higher national status over provincial status for common nighthawk, red-headed woodpecker, olive-sided flycatcher, golden-winged warbler and warbler (all protected under Migratory Birds Convention Act, therefore SARA applies on private lands); also for western chorus frog, eastern musk turtle and flooded jellyskin (all protected on federal lands only at this time).  Some species are only present during migration (e.g., golden eagle, horned grebe, red knot) and others have not been found in Ottawa for several years (e.g., Henslow’s sparrow, loggerhead shrike, wood turtle, pale-bellied frost lichen, bumble bees). Therefore, Ottawa may not have any regulated habitat for these species.

This information has been compiled from a wide range of public sources, and is provided for general reference only. It should not be relied upon as the sole source of information on species at risk or related regulatory requirements for specific development proposals or other projects. In this regard, reference should be made to the actual legislation and to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (Kemptville District office) or to Environment and Climate Change Canada, as appropriate.

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 Birds (27 species; 12 E/Ts plus 5 federal E/Ts) Bald Eagle Special Concern None (not at risk Confirmed nest at Bald eagles are most often reported Pygargue à tête blanche (Sept. 2009) nationally) Shirley’s Bay since 2012. during spring and fall migration. (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Nest in mature forests near open Government water. Individuals and nests response issued June protected in Ontario under Fish and 2015 Wildlife Conservation Act. Bank Swallow Threatened (June Under consideration 12 confirmed, 2 probable Colonial nester; burrows in eroding Hirondelle de rivage 2014)* for addition to and 8 possible nests in silt or sand banks, sand pit walls, (Riparia riparia) Schedule 1; listed as recent OBBA4. etc. Individuals and nests also Recovery strategy threatened by protected under federal Migratory issued June 2016 COSEWIC3 in 2013. Birds Convention Act. Barn Swallow Threatened Under consideration 33 confirmed, 2 probable Nests on barns and other Hirondelle rustique (Jan. 2012) for addition to and 3 possible nests structures; forages in open areas (Hirundo rustica) Recovery strategy Schedule 1; listed as during recent OBBA. for flying insects. Individuals and issued Aug. 2014; threatened by nests also protected under government response COSEWIC in May Migratory Birds Convention Act. May 2015 2011.

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 Black Tern Special Concern None (not at risk Four confirmed nests in Breeds in loose colonies in Guifette noire nationally) recent OBBA. marshes. Individuals and nests (Chlidonias niger) protected under federal Migratory Birds Convention Act. Bobolink Threatened Under consideration Widespread; confirmed or Declining grassland species in Goglu des prés (Sept. 2010) for addition to probable nests found in North America (McCracken, 2005). (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) Schedule 1; listed as 39 out of 40 local atlas COSSARO5 identifies mortality due Recovery strategy threatened by squares during recent to early haying and loss of habitat issued June 2013; COSEWIC in April OBBA. as major threats. Individuals and draft government 2010. nests protected under federal response Sept. 2015. Migratory Birds Convention Act. Canada Warbler Special Concern Threatened One confirmed nest, two Prefers wet forests with dense Paruline du Canada (Sept. 2009) (Schedule 1) as of probable and six possible shrub layers. Individuals and nests (Cardellina canadensis) March 17, 2010 reported in recent OBBA. protected under federal SARA and Final recovery No critical habitat Migratory Birds Convention Act. strategy Mar. 2016 identified. Cerulean Warbler Threatened (June Special Concern No nests reported during SARO and SARA range maps both Paruline azurée 2011) (Schedule 1); draft recent OBBA. include parts of Ottawa. Prefers (Setophaga cerulea) management plan mature deciduous forests. Recovery strategy issued Oct. 2010. Individuals and nests protected and habitat Listed as endangered under federal Migratory Birds regulations deferred. by COSEWIC in Nov. Convention Act. 2010. Chimney Swift Threatened Threatened Confirmed nests in 3 Nests in traditional-style open brick Martinet ramoneur (Sept. 2009). Habitat (Schedule 1) squares, 2 probable and chimneys (and rarely in hollow (Chaetura pelagica) regulation deferred 11 possible reported in trees). Individuals and nests also until 1 year after Draft recovery recent OBBA. protected under federal SARA and adoption of federal strategy Mar. 2015 No critical habitat Migratory Birds Convention Act. recovery strategy. identified. Common Nighthawk Special Concern Threatened Six probable and five Nests in wide variety of open sites, Engoulevent d'Amérique (Sept. 2009) (Schedule 1) as of possible nests reported in including beaches, fields and gravel (Chordeiles minor) March 17, 2010. Final recent OBBA. No critical rooftops. Individuals and nests recovery strategy habitat identified. protected under federal SARA and March 2016. Migratory Birds Convention Act. Eastern Meadowlark Threatened Under consideration 22 confirmed, 11 Declining grassland species in Sturnelle des prés (Jan. 2012) for addition to probable and 3 possible North America (McCracken, 2005). (Sturnella magna) Schedule 1; listed as nests during recent Individuals and nests protected

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 Recovery strategy threatened by OBBA. under federal Migratory Birds issued June 2013; COSEWIC in May Convention Act. draft government 2011. response Sept. 2015. Habitat regulations deferred. Eastern Whip-poor-will Threatened Threatened Seven squares with Nests on the ground in open Engoulevent bois-pourri (Sept. 2009). Habitat (Schedule 1) as of probable nests and 10 deciduous or mixed woodlands with (Antrostomus vociferus) regulation deferred February 2011. Draft with possible nests little underbrush. Individuals and until 1 year after recovery strategy reported in recent OBBA. nests also protected under federal adoption of federal issued Mar. 2015. Critical habitat tentatively SARA and Migratory Birds recovery strategy. identified in 4 squares in Convention Act. western Ottawa. Eastern Wood-pewee Special Concern Under consideration 4 possible, 15 probable Woodland species, often found Pioui de l'Est (June 2014) for addition to and 19 confirmed nests in near clearings and edges. (Contopus virens) Schedule 1; listed as recent OBBA. Individuals and nests protected special concern by under federal Migratory Birds COSEWIC in Convention Act. November 2012. Golden Eagle Endangered – None (not at risk Migrant only; no reported Golden eagles are rarely reported Aigle royal previously regulated nationally) nests. even during migration, but are most (Aquila chrysaetos) under old ESA. often seen in the fall. Individuals Recovery strategy and nests also protected in Ontario issued Mar. 2015; under Fish and Wildlife Government Conservation Act. response Mar. 2016. Golden-winged Warbler Special Concern Threatened One confirmed nest, one Ground-nesting edge species. Paruline à ailes dorées (Schedule 1) probable nest reported Individuals and nests protected (Vermivora chrysoptera) Recovery strategy during recent OBBA. under federal SARA and Migratory issued Aug. 2016 Critical habitat identified Birds Convention Act. in Québec (adjacent to northwestern Ottawa). Grasshopper Sparrow Special Concern Under consideration 4 confirmed, 5 probable Area-sensitive grassland species; Bruant sauterelle (March 2015) for addition to and 2 possible nests in nests on ground. Individuals and (Ammodramus savannarum) Schedule 1; listed as recent OBBA. nests protected under federal special concern by Migratory Birds Convention Act. COSEWIC in

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 November 2013. Henslow’s Sparrow Endangered – Endangered No nests reported during Rarely reported from this area. Bruant de Henslow previously regulated (Schedule 1); recent OBBA. Prefers open, moist tallgrass fields. (Ammodramus henslowii) under old ESA reconfirmed in May Individuals and nests also protected Status reconfirmed by 2011. Recovery under federal SARA and Migratory COSSARO in June strategy issued in Birds Convention Act. 2011. Recovery 2010. strategy issued Mar. 2015; government response Mar. 2016. Horned Grebe Special Concern None – listed as Migrant only; no reported Found during spring and fall Grèbe esclavon (Sept. 2009) special concern by nests. migration on rivers, marshes, etc. (Podiceps auritus) COSEWIC in 2009 Protected under federal Migratory Birds Convention Act. Least Bittern Threatened* Threatened Confirmed nesting in 1 Found in marshes and shrub Petit blongios (reconfirmed Sept. (Schedule 1) square, 3 probable and 4 swamps, usually near cattails. (Ixobrychus exilis) 2009) possible reported during Individuals and nests also protected Recovery strategy recent OBBA. under federal SARA and Migratory Draft recovery issued in 2014. Birds Convention Act. strategy issued June Mississippi Snye 2016. identified as critical habitat in federal recovery strategy. Loggerhead Shrike Endangered – Endangered One possible nest The MNRF6 has had no confirmed Pie-grièche migratrice previously regulated (Schedule 1); reported in recent OBBA. nests reported since 2002, and (Lanius ludovicianus) under old ESA reconfirmed April therefore do not consider Ottawa to (reconfirmed March 2014 Critical habitat identified include any significant habitat for 2015) in Montague Township. this species at this time. It prefers Final recovery Final recovery grazed pastures with short grass strategy issued June strategy issued in and scattered shrubs, especially 2016. Mar. 2015. hawthorn. Individuals, nests also protected under federal SARA and Migratory Birds Convention Act. Olive-sided Flycatcher Special Concern Threatened One probable and one Forest edge species; forages in Moucherolle à côtés olive (Sept. 2009) (Schedule 1) as of possible nest reported in open areas from high vantage (Contopus cooperi) March 17, 2010. recent OBBA. points in trees. Individuals and Final recovery nests protected under federal

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 strategy issued Mar. No critical habitat SARA and Migratory Birds 2016. identified. Convention Act. Peregrine Falcon Special Concern (as Special Concern One confirmed nest (101 Nesting sites (101 Lyon and 875 Faucon pèlerin of January 2013) (Schedule 1) as of Lyon) in recent OBBA. Heron) in urban Ottawa considered (Falco peregrinus) 2012. Draft Second nest (875 Heron) significant wildlife habitat. management plan established in 2011. Individuals and nests also protected issued May 2015. in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Red Knot Endangered Endangered Migrant only; Ottawa Nests in far north. Also protected Bécasseau maubèche Habitat regulations (Schedule 1) as of River shores, area under federal Migratory Birds (Calidris canutus rufa) delayed, pending July 2012 lagoons, etc. Convention Act. completion of federal recovery strategy. Red-headed Woodpecker Special Concern Threatened One confirmed nest, one Nesting pair reported from Village Pic à tête rouge (Schedule 1) probable and two of Constance Bay in recent years. (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) possible during recent Prefers open deciduous woodlands. OBBA. Individuals and nests protected under federal SARA and Migratory Birds Convention Act. Rusty Blackbird Not at Risk Special Concern No nests reported during Prefers wet wooded or shrubby Quiscale rouilleux (Schedule 1). recent OBBA. Primarily areas (nests at edges of boreal (Euphagus carolinus) Management plan occurs during migration. wetlands). As a blackbird, not issued July 2015. protected under federal Migratory Birds Convention Act; however, individuals and nests are protected in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Short-eared Owl Special Concern Special Concern One confirmed nest, two Ground-nester; prefers open Hibou des marais (reconfirmed Sept. (Schedule 1) probable and two habitats such as fields and (Asio flammeus) 2009) possible nests reported marshes. Individuals and nests during recent OBBA. protected in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Wood Thrush Special Concern Under consideration 5 possible, 15 probable Deciduous or mixed woodlands; Grive des bois (June 2014) for addition to and 16 confirmed nests in susceptible to habitat fragmentation (Hylocichla mustelina) Schedule 1; listed as recent OBBA. and nest parasitism by cowbirds. threatened by Individuals and nests also protected COSEWIC in under federal Migratory Birds

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 November 2012 Convention Act. Yellow Rail Special Concern Special Concern One probable nest Rarely reported; most often seen in Râle jaune (reconfirmed March (Schedule 1) – status reported in recent OBBA. spring migration. Nests in sedge (Coturnicops noveboracensis) 2010) confirmed by meadows and marshes. Individuals COSEWIC in and nests protected under federal November 2009 Migratory Birds Convention Act. Fish (8 species; 3 E/Ts) American Eel Endangered* Under consideration Ottawa, Mississippi, Primarily nocturnal, hiding in soft Anguille d’Amérique Status reconfirmed by for addition to South Nation and Rideau substrate or submerged vegetation (Anguilla rostrata) COSSARO in Schedule 1; listed as Rivers (including Rideau during the day. Also protected January 2013. threatened by Canal) under Fisheries Act. COSEWIC in May Final recovery 2012 strategy issued in Nov. 2013. Government response delayed. Bridle Shiner Special Concern Special Concern Rideau River Prefers clear water with abundant Méné d’herbe (Schedule 1) – status vegetation over silty or sandy (Notropis bifrenatus) Status reconfirmed by confirmed by substrate. Also protected under COSSARO in June COSEWIC in April Fisheries Act. Captured by City 2013. 2013 WEP staff between Hwy 416 and Stevens Creek, Sept. 2009. Channel Darter Threatened* Threatened Prefers areas with moderate current Fouille-roche gris (Schedule 1); St. over sandy or rocky substrate. Also (Percina copelandi) Lawrence population protected under federal SARA and downlisted to Special Fisheries Act. Captured by DFO Concern by staff in several locations COSEWIC Nov. 2016 downstream of Gatineau River in 2011. Lake Sturgeon Threatened None – listed as Ottawa River Only found in large lakes and rivers. Esturgeon jaune (Sept. 2009); final threatened by Forages in cool water, 4-9 m deep (Acipenser fulvescens) recovery strategy COSEWIC in over soft substrate; spawns in issued in 2011. November 2006 shallower, fast-flowing areas over Habitat regulation rocks or gravel. Also protected deferred. under Fisheries Act.

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 Northern Brook Lamprey Special Concern Special Concern Ottawa River Non-parasitic species; prefers Lamproie du Nord (Schedule 1) for shallow areas with warm water. (Ichthyomyzon fossor) Great Lakes-Upper Larvae live in burrows in soft St. Lawrence substrate for up to 7 years. Also population. protected under Fisheries Act. Northern Sunfish Special Concern (as None – listed as Ottawa River Records from Québec side of river, Crapet du Nord of June 2017) special concern by downstream of Gatineau River, (Lepomis peltastes) COSEWIC (April prior to 1994. No recent records. 2016) River Redhorse Special Concern Special Concern Ottawa and Mississippi Prefers fast-flowing, clear rivers Chevalier de rivière (reconfirmed June (Schedule 1) Rivers; unconfirmed over rocky substrate. Also (Moxostoma carinatum) 2017) reports from Rideau River protected under Fisheries Act. Silver Lamprey Special Concern as of None – listed as Ottawa River and mouths Larvae live 4-7 years in burrows Lamproie argentée January 2013 special concern by of tributaries from Rideau (prefer soft substrates); filter-feed (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis) COSEWIC (May Canal east (downstream) on plankton. Adults live less than 2011) two years; parasitic on (large) fish. Also protected under Fisheries Act. Molluscs (1 species; E) Hickorynut Endangered Under consideration Ottawa River Also protected under federal SARA Obovarie olivâtre (Jan. 2012) for addition to and Fisheries Act. Lives in sandy (Obovaria olivaria) Schedule 1; listed as bottomed large rivers, in deep (>2 Awaiting federal endangered by m) flowing water. Larval host recovery strategy. COSEWIC in May believed to be Lake Sturgeon. 2011

Mammals (7 species; 7 E/Ts) Algonquin Wolf Threatened (June Special Concern Occasional reports Formerly known as Eastern Wolf, Loup de la région Algonquin 2016)* (Schedule 1); under Canis lupis lycaon. Not known to (Canis sp.) consideration for occur here, although range includes Threatened status much of Renfrew County. Local based on May 2015 reports likely involve large COSEWIC or hybrids. Listed as a furbearer assessment. under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Eastern Cougar Endangered – None – data deficient Occasional reports Southern Ontario cougar sightings Couguar de l’Est previously regulated are typically attributed to (Puma concolor) under old ESA misidentified animals or escaped

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 captives, however, MNRF staff have recently (2012) acknowledged the presence of a breeding population in the province. Eastern Small-footed Bat Endangered (June None Historical record in Smallest bat in eastern North Chauve-souris pygmée de 2014)* downtown Ottawa. America. Rare throughout its l'Est range. Overwinters in caves and (Myotis leibii) Recovery strategy abandoned mines. Individuals also delayed; draft protected in Ontario under Fish and expected June 2016. Wildlife Conservation Act. Gray Fox Threatened* Threatened Recent reports to south Eastern Ontario sightings believed Renard gris (reconfirmed June (Schedule 1) and west of Ottawa (2016 to be of single animals immigrating (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) 2017) COSEWIC status report). from adjacent United States; no Recovery strategy Draft recovery known local breeding population. delayed, pending strategy posted Listed as a furbearer under Fish completion of federal March 2017. and Wildlife Conservation Act. strategy. Little Brown Myotis (bat) Endangered as of Endangered Various sites in central Maternal colonies known to use Petite chauve-souris brune January 2013* (Schedule 1) as of and western parts of City; buildings; may also roost in trees (Myotis lucifugus) Dec. 2014. Draft no critical habitat during summer. Colonies Recovery strategy recovery strategy (hibernacula) identified in overwinter in caves and abandoned and habitat issued Dec. 2015. Ottawa to date. mines. Individuals also protected in regulations delayed, Ontario under Fish and Wildlife pending completion of Conservation Act. federal strategy. Northern Myotis / Northern Endangered as of Endangered Historical record in Difficult to distinguish from Little Long-eared Bat January 2013* (Schedule 1) as of downtown Ottawa, more Brown Myotis. Roosts mainly in Chauve-souris nordique Dec. 2014. Draft recent sites to east trees during summer; overwinters in (Myotis septentrionalis) Recovery strategy recovery strategy (Orléans, Clarence- caves and abandoned mines. and habitat issued Dec. 2015. Rockland); no critical Individuals also protected in Ontario regulations delayed, habitat (hibernacula) under Fish and Wildlife pending completion of identified in Ottawa to Conservation Act. federal strategy. date. Tri-coloured Bat / Eastern Endangered (June Endangered Unknown; historical Roosts mainly in trees during Pipistrelle 2016)* (Schedule 1) as of records from sites in summer; overwinters in caves and Pipistrelle de l'Est Dec. 2014. Draft urban Ottawa, Lanark mines along with other species, but (Perimyotis subflavus) recovery strategy County. No critical often uses deeper parts of the

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 issued Dec. 2015. habitat (hibernacula) hibernaculum. identified in Ottawa to date. Amphibians (1 species; federal T) Western Chorus Frog Not at Risk (2009) Threatened Scattered throughout, Requires vernal (non-permanent) Rainette faux-grillon de l’ouest (Schedule 1) as of with numerous sites in pools for breeding. Short-lived and (Pseudacris triseriata) March 17, 2010 western half of City. highly sensitive to habitat loss.

Recovery strategy Critical habitat identified NOTE: under SARA, Government issued Dec. 2015. in several atlas squares of Canada may extend protection to Protected on federal in western Ottawa. private lands if provincial protection lands only at this is deemed insufficient. This has not time. been ordered to date. Reptiles (9 species; 4 E/Ts plus 1 federal T) Blanding’s Turtle Threatened* Threatened Scattered throughout, Quiet lakes, streams and wetlands Tortue mouchetée (Schedule 1); uplisted with numerous sites in with abundant emergent vegetation; (Emydoidea blandingii) Recovery strategy to Endangered by western half of City. also frequently occurs in adjacent delayed, pending COSEWIC Nov. 2016 upland forests. Individuals completion of federal Draft recovery Critical habitat present in (including eggs) also protected in strategy. strategy issued Mar. Ottawa. Ontario under Fish and Wildlife 2016. Conservation Act. Eastern Musk Turtle / Stinkpot Special Concern Threatened Scattered Secretive wetland species; highly Tortue musquée (June 2014) (Schedule 1); aquatic. Individuals (including eggs) (Sternotherus odoratus) downlisted to Special Critical habitat present in protected in Ontario under Fish and Concern by Ottawa. Wildlife Conservation Act. COSEWIC Nov. 2012 Draft recovery strategy issued Mar. 2016. Protected on federal lands only at this time. Eastern Ribbonsnake Special Concern Special Concern Few reported; mostly Found in marshy edges of wetlands Couleuvre mince (Schedule 1) – status from northwestern and watercourses. Livebearer (Thamnophis sauritus) Status reconfirmed by reconfirmed in Nov. Ottawa (does not lay eggs). COSSARO in 2012. Management January 2013. plan issued July 2015.

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 Milksnake Special Concern Special Concern Scattered throughout the Found in variety of open, scrubby or Couleuvre tachetée Not at Risk (June (Schedule 1) northern half of the City edge habitats, including pastures. (Lampropeltis triangulum) 2016) Management plan Individuals (including eggs) issued July 2015. protected in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Northern Map Turtle Special Concern Special Concern Ottawa River, Rideau Highly aquatic species, found only Tortue géographique (Schedule 1) – status River (Burritt’s Rapids in lakes and large rivers. (Graptemys geographica) Status reconfirmed by confirmed by area), South Nation River Individuals (including eggs) COSSARO in COSEWIC in protected in Ontario under Fish and January 2013. November 2012. Wildlife Conservation Act. Draft management plan issued Mar. 2016. Snapping Turtle Special Concern Special Concern Widespread and Highly aquatic species found in a Tortue serpentine (Sept. 2009) (Schedule 1) as of abundant wide variety of wetlands, water (Chelydra serpentina) February 2011. Draft bodies and watercourses. Listed as management plan a game reptile under Fish and issued Mar. 2016. Wildlife Conservation Act. Spiny Softshell Endangered (as of Threatened Few historical records Ottawa River records are dated and Tortue-molle à épines June 2017) (Schedule 1) along Ottawa River, species is now believed extirpated (Apalone spinifera) outside of Ottawa. from eastern Ontario. Highly Draft recovery No critical habitat aquatic species found in shallow, strategy issued Mar. identified in Ottawa. slow-moving areas over sandy 2016. substrate. Individuals (including eggs) also protected in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Spotted Turtle Endangered*; Endangered Few reported (locations Secretive wetland species. Contact Tortue ponctuée reconfirmed June (Schedule 1); confidential) MNRF District for information (data (Clemmys guttata) 2016. Recovery reconfirmed Nov. Critical habitat present in sensitivity due to illegal collection strategy delayed, 2014. Draft recovery Ottawa. risks). Individuals (including eggs) pending completion of strategy issued Mar. also protected in Ontario under Fish federal strategy. 2016. and Wildlife Conservation Act. Wood Turtle Endangered. Habitat Threatened Few historical records in Primarily terrestrial forest species Tortue des bois regulation issued. (Schedule 1) as of NHIC, NESS (may have associated with clear, gravelly (Glyptemys insculpta) March 17, 2010. been extirpated locally). streams. Contact MNRF District for information (data sensitivity due to

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 Draft recovery No regulated habitat illegal collection risks). Individuals strategy issued Feb. identified in Ottawa. (including eggs) also protected in 2016. Critical habitat may be Ontario under Fish and Wildlife present to northwest. Conservation Act. Plants (4 species; 4E) American Chestnut Endangered* Endangered One population reported Endangered due to fungal disease Châtaignier d'Amérique (Schedule 1) along Dolman Ridge introduced nearly 100 years ago. (Castanea dentata) Final recovery Road (federal property); Local population was introduced strategy issued in may have been (outside normal edge of range in 2012. extirpated. southwestern Ontario). American Ginseng Endangered* Endangered Various Several sites reported previously Ginseng à cinq folioles (Schedule 1) (locations confidential) but some have disappeared (likely (Panax quinquefolius) Recovery strategy Draft recovery due to illegal harvesting). Contact delayed, pending strategy issued Apr. Critical habitat broadly MNRF District for information. completion of federal 2015. identified in Ottawa area. strategy. Butternut Endangered Endangered Widespread Endangered in long term due to Noyer cendré (Schedule 1); final fungal disease. Habitat not a (Juglans cinerea) recovery strategy limiting factor. Gene harvesting issued in 2010. programs in place. Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid Endangered. Habitat Endangered Richmond Fen (2 Richmond Fen sites protected by Platanthère blanchâtre de l’Est regulations issued. (Schedule 1) locations) ESA habitat regulations. One of (Platanthera leucophaea) approximately 20 colonies in Ontario. 200 specimens seen at this site in 2000. Lichens (2 species; 1 E, 1 federal T) Flooded Jellyskin Threatened* Threatened Stony Swamp, Seasonally flooded woodland Leptoge des terrains inondés Not at Risk (Schedule 1) Marlborough Forest areas, deciduous swamps. (Leptogium rivulare) (March 2015) Protected on federal lands only at this time. Pale-bellied Frost Lichen Endangered (as of Endangered Historical records in Most recent occurrence in 1900. Physconie pâle November 2009). (Schedule 1) as of downtown area Sensitive to changes in air quality (Physconia subpallida) Habitat regulations June 20, 2012 (extirpated locally). associated with urban issued. Final recovery environments. Believed to have strategy (adapted No critical or regulated been extirpated from historic

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 provincial strategy) habitat identified in location(s) in downtown Ottawa. issued Jan. 2016 Ottawa. Insects (9 species; 6 E/Ts) Bogbean Buckmoth Endangered Endangered Richmond Fen (2 Brunton (2005) indicates preferred Hémileucin du ményanthe (Sept. 2010); final (Schedule 1) locations) food plant bog-bean is also present (Hemileuca sp. 1) recovery strategy elsewhere in Ottawa (Mer Bleue, issued in 2011. Final recovery Albion Wetland and Long Swamp). Habitat regulation strategy (adapted issued in Dec. 2013. provincial strategy) issued Dec. 2015 Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bee Endangered None – listed as May have occurred Range in Ontario uncertain; most Psithyre bohémien (March 2015) endangered by historically; no known recent record from Pinery Provincial (Bombus bohemicus) Recovery strategy COSEWIC in May recent occurrences. Park near Sarnia (2008). delayed beyond 2014 March 2016. Monarch butterfly Special Concern Special Concern Widespread Risk factors include threats to Monarque (reconfirmed March (Schedule 1); uplisted colonial wintering sites in Mexico, (Danaus plexippus) 2010) to Endangered by pest control (insecticides and weed COSEWIC Nov. 2016 control of host milkweed) and threats to migration staging areas. Individuals protected in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Mottled Duskywing Endangered (June Under consideration Constance Bay area, Larval food plant (New Jersey Tea) Hespérie tachetée 2014) for addition to Burnt Lands Alvar found in sandy areas, alvars. (Erynnis martialis) Schedule 1; listed as COSEWIC assessment report Recovery strategy endangered by notes that last record for Constance issued June 2015; COSEWIC in Bay was in 1997 (may be government response November 2012 extirpated) and last record for Burnt Mar. 2016. Habitat Lands Alvar was in 2008. regulations delayed. Individuals also protected in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Nine-spotted Lady Beetle Endangered (as of None – listed as Unknown – historically Historically common throughout Coccinelle à neuf points June 2017) endangered by present, but COSSARO southern Canada but has declined (Coccinella novemnotata) COSEWIC in April reports no Ontario severely in recent decades and is 2016 records since mid-1990s. now rarely found.

Species Name Status under Status under federal Distribution in Ottawa Comments Ontario Endangered Species at Risk Act Species Act, 20071 (SARA)2 Rapids Clubtail – a dragonfly Endangered Endangered None known Occurs along Mississippi River in Gompe des rapides (Sept. 2009). Habitat (Schedule 1) – as of Blakeney/Pakenham area upstream (Gomphus quadricolor) regulations issued. March 17, 2010. No regulated habitat of City. One of two extant Draft recovery identified in Ottawa. populations in Ontario (and strategy Jan. 2016 Canada). (adapted provincial). Rusty-patched Bumble Bee Endangered Endangered Historic records only from Habitat generalist; usually nests Bourdon à tache rousse (Sept. 2010); final (Schedule 1) scattered sites in Ottawa underground. Only known extant (Bombus affinis) recovery strategy and Gatineau. location in Canada is Pinery issued in 2011. Draft recovery Provincial Park near Sarnia. Habitat regulation strategy Mar. 2016. issued in Dec. 2013.

West Virginia White butterfly Special Concern None Unknown; no records in SARO range mapping includes Piéride de Virginie NESS or NHIC Ottawa. Requires mature moist (Pieris virginiensis) deciduous woods with larval host plant toothwort (Cardamine sp.). Individuals protected in Ontario under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Yellow-banded Bumble Bee Special Concern Under consideration Unknown 2015 COSEWIC assessment report Bourdon à bandes jaunes (June 2016) for addition to shows many historic occurrences (Bombus terricola) Schedule 1; listed as and a few recent (2004-2013) special concern by specimens from eastern COSEWIC in May Ontario/western Quebec region. 2015 “*” Indicates a species that is subject to the transition regulations under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (i.e., species which were listed for the first time when the Act was adopted in 2007, but which did not receive habitat protection until June 30, 2013; or more recently listed species as identified in section 23.13 of O. Reg. 242/08).


1 Under the provincial Endangered Species Act, 2007, endangered and threatened species and their habitat are protected. Species of special concern and their habitat are not protected under the ESA but may be protected under other laws as identified in the “Comments” column; habitat for species of special concern may also be considered significant wildlife habitat under the Provincial Policy Statement. Recovery strategies must be developed by the MNRF for all endangered and threatened species. The Ministry must also develop management plans for species of special concern (unless a federal recovery strategy or management plan has already been developed for the species under SARA). The Act also addresses extirpated species (i.e., formerly native species which no longer occur in the wild in Ontario) by protecting individuals and, if reintroduction is deemed feasible by the Minister, their habitat.

2 The federal Species at Risk Act applies only to species listed on Schedule 1 (Schedules 2 and 3 list species awaiting reassessment by COSEWIC, which will then be promoted to Schedule 1 if they are determined to still be at risk). Endangered and threatened species on Schedule 1, and their residences, are protected. This protection only extends to federal lands, except in the case of migratory birds or aquatic species, which are protected throughout Canada. Protection for other listed species may be extended to non-federal lands by the government if the species is not deemed to be adequately protected by the laws of the province or territory. The government must prepare recovery strategies for endangered and threatened species, which identify areas of critical habitat for protection under the Act. Management plans must be developed for species of special concern. The Act also requires the preparation of recovery strategies for extirpated species (i.e., formerly native species which no longer occur in the wild in Canada) and protects them and their critical habitat if they are reintroduced. 3 COSEWIC = Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. 4 OBBA = Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas. The Atlas is a multi-year survey undertaken by trained volunteers across Ontario to determine the distribution of breeding birds in the province. The most recent Atlas survey was undertaken in 2001-2005. 5 COSSARO = Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario. 6 MNRF = Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

Sources of information on species rankings and distribution:

Brownell, V.R. and B. Larson. 1995. An Evaluation Framework for Natural Areas in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, Volume 2: Technical Appendices. Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton.

Brunton, D. 2005. Urban Natural Areas Environmental Evaluation Study, Appendix A: Vascular Plants of the City of Ottawa, with Identification of Significant Species. City of Ottawa.

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