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Whiteley 50p V i l l a g e r www.whiteleyvillage.org.uk March 2015 CC Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 St. David’s Day Gutter Cleaning Gutter Cleaning Gutter Cleaning 9am Men’s Breakfast (CC) 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) 9am Private Function 10.30am St Mark’s 10am Theatregoers (CON) 9am Ladies’ Breakfast (CC) 9-10 am Weed out Wednesday (S) 9.30am Keep Fit (H) 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) (CON & H) 10.45am Upper Room 1.45pm Craft (CON) 10am Drop In (AC) 9.30am Art Group (AC) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) 7pm—Barn Dance (H) Fellowship (HH) 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 10-12 Volunteers’ Bureau (L) 9.30am Library open (S) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 8pm Big Bingo (CON) 2pm Mahjong (AC) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2pm Bridge (HH) 7pm Workout Zone 2pm Library open (S) 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2.15pm Water Fitness 2pm Story Club 7pm Line Dancing (H) 7.05pm Bridge (IH) 7-8pm Tap (CON) 7.30pm Private Function (H) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10.30am St Mark’s 10am Royal British Legion (CON) 9.30- 10.30am Eat as much West Gate Closed 8.30-11am 9.30am Keep Fit (H) 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) 9am Private Function 10.45am Upper Room 1.45pm Craft (CON) as you like breakfast (HH) 9am WDFAS (H) 2.30pm Drop In (AC) 2.30pm History Society (AC) (CON & H) Fellowship (HH) 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 9.30-11.30 Bowling Club 9.30am Art Group (AC) 2.30pm Let’s Talk (L) 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) 9.30am Library open (S) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) Enrolment Day (BP) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) 2pm Camera Club (AC) 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 10am Drop In (AC) 2pm Library open (S) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 7pm Line Dancing (H) 7.05pm Bridge (IH) 2pm Bridge (HH) 630pm Bingo (CON) 7pm Workout Zone 2.15pm Water Fitness 7.30pm Private Function (H) 7-8pm Tap (CON) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mothering Sunday Copy Date for Villager St. Patrick’s Day 9.30am Art Group (AC) 9.30am Keep Fit (H) 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) 9am Private Function 10.30am St Mark’s 1.45pm Craft (CON) 10am Drop In (AC) 9.30am Library open (S) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) (CON & H) 10.45am Upper Room 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 2pm Bridge (HH) 2pm Mahjong (AC) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) 2pm Story Club Fellowship (HH) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2.15pm Water Fitness 7pm Workout Zone 2pm Library open (S) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7-8pm Tap (CON) 7.30pm Movie of the Month (CON) 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7.05pm Bridge (IH) 7.30pm Private Function (H) 7pm Line Dancing 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10.30am St Mark’s 1.45pm Craft (CON) 10am Drop In ((HH) 9.30am Art Group (AC) 9.30am Keep Fit (H) Feedback Friday (S) 9am Private Function 10.45am Upper Room 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 2-4pm Our Village Event (H) 9.30am Library open (S) 10am –12 Sight for 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) (CON & H) Fellowship (HH) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2pm Bridge (HH) 2pm Mahjong (AC) Surrey Bus (AC) 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) 3pm Nonesuch 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2.15pm Water Fitness 2pm Library open (S) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) Orchestra concert 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7.05pm Bridge (IH) 7-8pm Tap (CON) 7.30pm Private Function (H) 2.30pm Drop In (AC) (St Marks) 7pm Line Dancing (H) 7.30pm Quiz Night (CON) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 8pm Big Bingo (CON) 7pm Workout Zone 29 30 31 Swimming Pool Timetable CON = Conservatory CC = Care Centre Remember Clocks go forward 1.45pm Craft (CON) 10am Drop In ((HH) Monday 9 —11am C = Club IH = Ingram House 10.30am St Mark’s 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 2pm Bridge (HH) Tuesday 9 —11am 10.45am Upper Room 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2.15pm Water Fitness Wednesday 9am-4pm DR = Dining Room BG = Bowling Green Lunches in the Club 7.30-9.30pm Fellowship (HH) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7-8pm Tap (CON) H = Hall BP = Bowls Pavilion Wednesday—Friday Thursday 9 —11am 7.05pm Bridge (IH) 7.30-9.30pm HH = Huntley House PCP = Putting Club Pav Breakfast and 10am Workout Zone (AC) Friday 9 —11am S = Store L = Library Carvery on 7pm Line Dancing (H) Saturday 9 — 9.30am AC = Activities Centre SP = Swimming Pool Sundays Sunday 11.30am — 2pm Rachel reading! Happy Building. to meinpersontheAdmin orgiven whiteleyvillage.org.uk) (rachel.bartholomeusz@ email should besenttomeby that allarticles andphotos A reminder of themagazine. me withphotosforthisedition whoprovided West and Neil Bruce Harrison Ware, Paula Kate Haywood, Davis, Joyce Th fi Whiteley withnofewer than theendofhertimeat marked who Terrie, Revsad farewell alsosaida We and even snow. anew quizmaster celebrations, Offi saw SectionWVRC Repand We certainly alotgoingon. was there a short month, thoughFebruaryEven was Photographs remain theproperty No parttobe reproduced without ve diff ve of theowners andshouldnotbe toChris Ceasar, ank you used without their permission. COPY DATE cer elections, Valentines Valentines elections, cer © Whiteley Homes Trust © WhiteleyHomes 16 leavingparties!erent Editorial MONDAY TH permission. WILL BE APRIL MARCH FOR West GateClosed................. West ...........................11 Help Tech ...........................Quiz Night 7 ........... Orchestra Nonesuch Our.............. Village Event 12 .............................. Let’s Talk 5 ...................Gutter Cleaning 7 .......... andMusicProg Film 23 ...............................Drop in 27 ....162015 DatesfortheDiary ............................ Date Copy 6 ..................18 ServicesChurch ............Caterplus Breakfast 27 ............................ Date Copy 3 ............ Bowling Enrolment 27 Big BingoDates...................10 Barn Dance........................... 3 Events 27 All tickets must be collected and paid for before Friday becollectedand paidforbeforeFriday All tickets must th February ascaterers numbersfor meals needpositive Barn DanceandBuffet Doors Open 6:30 pm Doors Open6:30pm Please indicate your preferences your Please indicate for theseating plan Enquiries/Tickets BillCrook fromPauline/ Dancing to Dancing to Buff Saturday 7 Saturday (vegetarians, pleaseletmeknow) (vegetarians, Coldmeats–various salads et: Tickets £15.00each Th Village Hall Revellers e Hersham Bar –Raffl 17 required. 4 for 7:00pm–10:30 WVRC Chairman’s Report..14 Chairman’s WVRC .............................WDFAS 21 .............................Welcome 25 .......................20 Village Fayre Sponsored Walk.................. 26 .......................15Section Reps RIP ..................................... 23 ..............Photo Competition 9 ............. 8 Trustees Introducing Housing andBenefi .............Freecycle................ 10 .................... Terrie 19 Farewell ..................... FAQs 7 Facilities .......Camera ClubDayOut 26 ...........................Bus Dates 15 ......25Am IaHomingPigeon ..................5 Amenity Charges Contents th March 2015 March March e Whiteley Villa t Offi t g er cer.. 9 cer.. 3 Birth....Days Monthly Amenity Charges • Costs of routine maintenance monitoring this closely. • Establishing a Cyclical 2) Introducing a new quality Maintenance Fund (CMF) monitoring system for routine maintenance to ensure that Given this guidance we a job gets done correctly fi rst undertook an exercise with the time, thus avoiding additional Fair Rent offi ce in the summer call out / return visits. West Gate last year to assess our rents against the local rates. Th is 3) Developing a planned Closed showed that in all cases the approach to maintenance that rental element of our charge will mean more certainty over is below the equivalent fair year on year expenditure in this market rent. In terms of service area. Last month, a group of chaos, into the well-ordered Wednesday charges the Trust will continue family and friends celebrated and more sober celebrations. 4) Making sure that we get All of you will by now have to show the full costs of these my mother’s 80th birthday. th the best out of our endowment Th is never ending story of 11 March received your individual letter and provide a rebate for as long Inevitably we pondered what investments so that we can family evolution is one which regarding the changes to as we can, as part of enacting else was going on in February continue to rebate (subsidise) we all share in our own way. From charges from April 2015. I our charitable purpose. 1935. Elvis Presley had been the true cost of housing for all thought it might be helpful born a month earlier and it Life is always about moving We are also taking action to our charitable benefi ciaries. 8:30 – 11:00am to give you some background was King George V’s Silver forward and we as a “Village minimise the fi nancial impact information and to explain We anticipate that all of these Jubilee that year, the fi rst family” here at Whiteley for you in future years by - what we are doing to keep actions will start to show Penguin Book was published will have an opportunity to increases to a minimum. 1) Setting stringent turn- a positive impact on Trust and a pint of beer cost 7d think about moving forward around times for void fi nances over the next few years. (3p today), but quite frankly together on 24th March. Th e As you know the Trust has properties, so that vacant we all agreed that there was Engagement Event will not spent £30m in the last 10 Steve Williams properties are let as soon nothing as momentous for us only allow us an opportunity years to upgrade the cottages Director of Finance as possible and we shall be as mum being born! Of course to celebrate Whiteley past and this huge commitment is any such family occasion is and present, but even more now nearing its end, with the a fabulous opportunity for importantly to look for the benefi ts for all to see.