Annales ordinis equestris sancti sepulcHri hierosolymitani 2013 THETHE PILGRIMAGEPILGRIMAGE OFOF THETHE ORDERORDER FORFOR THETHE YEARYEAR OFOF FAITHFAITH vatican city 2014 Annales ordinis equestris sancti sepulcHri hierosolymitani 2013 00120 vatican City Ivan Rebernik Director François Vayne Co-Director and Editor With the collaboration of the authors cited in each article, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Lieutenants of the corresponding Lieutenancies Translators: Chelo Feral, Christine Keinath, Barry and Nicole Griffin, Chiara Andreola and Paolo Pecorari Layout: Fortunato Romani - Italiani nel Mondo srl Vicolo dei Granari, 10a - 00186 Roma
[email protected] Photographic documentation: Archives of the Grand Magisterium, Archives of Osservatore Romano, Archives of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Archives of the corresponding Lieutenancies, Carla Morselli, Hervé and Sophie Crestant. Cover photo: Pilgrims of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem gathered on the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, 14 September 2013, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, at the heart of the Year of Faith Published by: Grand Magisterium of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 00120 Vatican City Tel. +39 06 69892901 Fax +39 06 69892930 E-mail:
[email protected] Copyright © OESSH contentscontents “We should all study the teachings of the new Pope in depth” 2 The International Pilgrimage: a spiritual journey 4 The historic meeting with the Holy Father 14 The Consulta for a revision of the Constitution of