[email protected] key'semergencetoChrisMaragos’punt-blocking ex- and registering nine turnoversthis season. Newcom- ASSESSMENT pertise to Darren Sproles’ dynamic returns,special er Malcolm Jenkins’ fourth-quarter interception at Philadelphia’sPhil d l hi ’ STHE EAGLESheadinto teams coordinator DaveFipp’s unitshavebeen rein- Indianapolis in Week 2gavethe offenseachanceat Beer Authority vented. Football Outsiders’ DVOA (Defensive-adjust- redemptioninaneventual, 30-27victory. A their byeweek,hereisalook ed Value Over Average) ratesthe Eagles’ special- 3. Improved front seven: The Eagles’ 19 sacks, tied back at what’s made the teamso teams unitsfirst in the NFL after ranking 25th last forsecond in the NFL, have lessened the offseason OVER season. The Eagleshavescoredfour special- teams concerns about the lack of adominant edgerusher. 260 AMERI- successful so far. touchdowns. Nose guardBennie Logan’s24tacklesare the sev- 2. Opportunistic defense: The Eagles’ defense enth most of all defensivelinemen, per NFL.com. CAN THREE KEYS TO 5-1RECORD helpedkeep them afloat duringanemic offensive Linebacker Casey Matthews has filled in admirably MICRO’S & 1. Game-changingspecial-teams: From Cody Par- playtobeginthis season, scoring three touchdowns the lastfew weeksfor the injured Mychal Kendricks. 500 IMPORTS WHO'S HOT FormerSaints: “Howdid the Saintslet these guysgo?’’has been afrequent refrain forEa- BUD LIGHT glesfans when talking about Darren Sproles LIMEARITA and Malcolm Jenkins.Sproles’ versatilityand 8-OZ CAN four totaltouchdowns,and Jenkins’ three in- $18.59 terceptions, makethe duo the steals of the BUD & offseason. BUD LIGHT Former4-3 defensiveends: Concerns about 12 OZ BOTTLE Andy Reid-eraholdovers Brandon Graham, $16.99 Trent Cole and VinnyCurryswitching to out- BLUE MOON side linebacker have been quelled, as the trio 12 OZ BOTTLE has combined for10sacksand 29 quarter- $26.99 back hurries, per ProFootball Focus.