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r If North America's #1 Native " Lìbr4- IG iFfii -cs7anada Newspaper Jr. B Rebels host 1st pre- season tournament Collection 395 Wellington St. c"-IN; y 13 it ...See page Ottawa, ON KIA ON4 r Pub. No. 40016309 Reg. Okarahshona kenh Onkwehonwene, Six Nations of the Grar No. 10963 ,pril 2, 2008

Or - Reward offered for :r 4 *1 info on whereabouts i = 04 410SE41114,44 of missing woman _ - re i . By Mark Ladan l 4 Writer t. L t A $5,000 reward has been offered for information mARTIN zt 2_ that leads to the location and wellbeing of a missing @ e Six Nations woman. The Indigenous Elders and =s k:9 1 : Youth Council have provided the reward.

Tashina Cheyenne Vaughn Gen- port for work. . o ,Trii eral was last seen more than two The 21- year -old woman is, by iQtE . months ago, on Jan. 22. Her now, six months pregnant. She is 5- ` + '' . ®`1 boyfriend dropped her off for work foot-7- inches tall, 150 pounds, with at about noon that day at Village brown eyes and long brown hair. a Pizza on Fourth Line Road. But Six r Nations Police say she did not re- (Continued on page 2) I Developer of Brantford's , sa

Hampton Inn to meet with HDI rye.: By Mark Ladan Work at the project has been Writer stalled in recent weeks, as at least He won't talk to reporters, but a half dozen Six Nations people per the man behind the development of day - sometimes many more - .Simi ._ .ter. - the Hampton Inn hotel in Brantford block the entrance to the site pre- Six Nations All-Stars hoist the OMHA "C" Division trophy after Monday's deciding game at the Beeson - -_ ,; ,t intends to speak with the Hau- venting crews from doing any arena. The team took the deciding game 3 -2. Coverage of the game begins on page 8. (Photo by Jamie M . - á denosaunee Development Institute. work. Elders Floyd and Ruby Mon- Lewis) Danny Bawa is the owner of tour lead the group. Bawa Hotels , which is be- When contacted by the Turtle hind the Hampton Inn project near Island News last week, Bawa Calgary firm signs deal with Highway 403 and Oak Park Road. wouldn't comment on what was The development also includes a (Continued on page 2) small plaza. Saskatchewan aboriginal group to . Inside ci enamor explore for potash Local 2 REGINA - A group representing thick and contiguous the potash de- waste and holes in the ground are Editorial 6 First Nations has posits are under First Nations land part of that. Sports 8 Saskatchewan melts a deal that could lead to in southern Saskatchewan. If they don't, he said the com- National 14 signed to do the smelt- Careers 16 construction of a $1 billion potash The Piapot First Nation is one pany could arrange Business Directory 18 m mine. of 17 reserves that may be ex- ing and processing somewhere Classified 19 The Federation of plored. else. Indian Nations A mine could create hundreds of The announcement came one Price $1.25 . Saskatchewan r signed the agreement on Mar. 25 good -paying jobs, but band offi- day after shares in Canadian potash Daily news updates with Calgary's Encanto Resources cials say they have to weigh jobs grew after global contract prices whether it's eco- against the environmental costs of more than doubled and stocks were www.theturt eislandnews.com Ltd. to determine nomically viable to build a potash the mine. upgraded by at least two major 0 1> mine on aboriginal land. "We can't be poking holes in the Canadian investment banks. Encanto has developed oil re- ground and leaving clumps of rock The Legacy Potash project is lo- t serves on Saskatchewan First Na- and dirt and destroying it," said cated in southern Saskatchewan, tion land. band member John Rockthunder. near the Mosaic Co. Belle Plaine test- Standen said if the band wants a mine, the largest potash basin in iii 282 Argyle St. Encanto's Jeff Standen said ing is needed to find out how rich, smelting operation, mountains of the world. 74470 04551 9 a donia .t

( >liítitc';. Itic::' 1k, }'(q, Dealer H O G E W O N I N G T O Y O T A CO TOYOTA Real people selling great cars make things better 5 WOODYATT DR. LYNDEN RD BRANTFORD 519 752-1039

2 Afa l 2.2006 Aran ;2008 ` W W W.'I HET LI R!'LEISLAN DN E W S.COM LOCAL Funding BRANTFORD Dram MPP Dave Ism ha.,n. dais. Brantford Want were not overlooked y pairs was stone jointly b Omni County and Sia Watch our Turtle Newscasts! Podcasting ! flounced Ontario is ing in water. sewer and the 2008 Pros incul Budget. Our community will Nations. for Hwy th n municipal 'oprojects, now have M1 funds II needs f education. roads The finding is pan of Ontario's strategy m im. We're streaming native news all the time! $ 80,000 n l' tHighway and bridges, and goad nrs ImuaIn( the to Local local grants for fsmcture andp communityY cen- 54 repairs 'he-C('.deoy`b,e,.m.mm.M In elected of, 'In application for for High., Sctre- ire. Tashina's family concerned for her safety (CanUna/it,front) lowed up on and Hacked to the A crashing, banging, booming great time at Emily C. She black- rimmed eof the information," Martin glasses, hasara small "T" shaped said By Edna] Gooder played on a variety of drums ion percussion inst uncut was a rock sear on her hen brow and a round Testicle also had an extensive Winer dam, rai snare, military, bass and throughout the ages every cul- dark birthmark on the hack of her network of friends on Facehook. The students at Emily C Gen- and conga, as well a tambourines, ture has made then own and Mama left thigh. when last seen she was Indestigaro re trying to get in eral Elementary School were given 4 timpani and cymbals. They even them for various cultural events. believed to have Men wearing a touch with rs about 550 contacts maltreat on Ma 28 as they spent Ind wooden instruments the nude Smiling e said, plying percus- teal coloured jacket. Tashina had an the In[emotaoial- the Minn g entertained afternoon by variety of sounds. such as falling sion rvnem. en as a drum,. or Police say that when Tashina left ing site. the Canadian Percussion Ensem- rain, crickets and even -- twinkling en n the tiny Mangle can evoke a home for work she did not take any "A rut of the friends that More ble. variety of reactions from smile to money or identification with her, spoken to haven't seen her since Principal Sandy Hill said it was Halfway into the performance laughter, or even reduce the lis- nor did she take her cell phone. the Christmas holidays." Martin just twist-of-fate that the assem- Hair of percussionists brought tener to tears. Tashina's boyfriend is from Six said. Mama. all aware that she bly was held on the day the school Pu set of homemade drums made The rhythmic beating of the Nations, but attends university at was pregnant and she was staying observed Earth Hour, but it was a from a plastic water jug and a coy - Conga drums can make a person

Onondaga Territory in New York home quite a bit. She was cm[unu- uùAround dence ple of tin cans and from the looks want to get up and dance, because State. Police have spoken with the na ting through Facctook, but mee 2 p.m, the students of glee on the children's feces some when you feel the beat you can't unidentified nun. but say he hfthunk (her friends) haven't seen her Ion from kindergarten to Grade 8 tiled will surely run home looking for help, but move your hips to that her y se en since lan.22. person) since December" into the gym for the show by clan C'a monk. to drum on. ' sultry, Latin rhythm. Early last week Six Nations Po- Six Nations Police has set a smelly trained lean Norman 1 Iadeluca and Porthouse have Iticluce and Porthouse perform lice, with aWstance from the OPP "crisis" phone line to take all tips ladeluca and Ernest Porthouse, traveled around southern ontano with the Hamilton Philharmonic Canine Unit and an OPP het., on the c both of Hamilton, prepared to )nun Noreen iadewoa mesweriressmdeds with his dill Tor the last 25 years and have Ou,,oa but then main Mann is earohed anal raved. pea; Genesu'grvndnoter A own General left her tat, Tara General and cousin Newt, Tit ker Anyonen with information is amaze their young audience. Ire smartens Men durwgan astemb* held Frdaat ego at Emi¡PC taught and entertained more than sharing their love of music, with of Sit Neiomt ...arched. The couldn't holdback the emotion at lay and k news conference. IDhswa has nor keen seen since lore. 32 urged to call 519-045 -2201 or toll IaSI., said they don't really want Genera,. (Photos by Edna. GOOderf 100,000 students in over 500 school children. From the smiles banks of the Grand River were also (PhoroMMarH LadaxJ lime at l- 11..5 -2204. teachers to hush their students as schools. The percussionists said on the faces of students and staff orlon quickly. help, but break Into smiles as ¢ached with help from the Six the roar of amend child. peeked ihey,,,,,e looks ofw and alike they certainly accomplished media and about 75 relatives and personal level) and that my Nosily During the performance, the Iadelnea and Porthouse smashed Nations Fire and Rescue Depart- and abruptly mopped as the pair amazement their style of music just that. friends who gathcrcd for the news would have to OE through this." students sat mesmerized cymbals and coerced melodies from malt Marine Unit. Those efforts began loud rat-tat-tatrut- tat -rat on the smallest provokes in their young !,-Armes. conference at Six Nations Poly- lam Terry Martin is leading a and the older students couldn't percussion instruments. They were unsuccessful. SIX NATION POLICE NEED YOUR HELP drama a r the o !adduce said be net the first technic- The Mi5Sing w teen of eight Six Nations Police the A onfené a last Tbm . - grandmother, Noma Green], officers in the stigatio m Police day, with police c and Native couldn't hold back the emotion as have been following upon mown Womena Aaocom of Canada MISSING PERSON she spoke She Serra her Cu- oils tips, as well as interviewing (NWACO presidenr Beverly ]acoba, Sewatokwa'tshera't - The Dish With One Spoon marks directly at Tashi.Tashina; "aYnet- Tsshina's family and friends A Tashina Cheyenne mlofTashine's !mile men- going°n,jus[tell is us you're number of tips have come intopo- Alter the screening, Martin -Hill there for hers were emotionally shaken by Vaughn General By Mack Laden people' okay Were really worried about line since last week's news career- Thera is no marketing budget her disappearance. They it's Writer told the Turtle Island News the title said us." 21 Ks, yw. Cull eau. And because Tashina has About 50 people filled the was chosen Whelp clear AT what for the film, but Martin -Hill is mutual for General to be gone for (ODE. Oct. 2 1988 ) It was the N WAC that organ- relatives in upstate New York, the Grand River Room of Six NationsNa was really behind thereclamation hopeful low 0 will be ram may so long .Mesa conmming Golly 5'T', 150 bs. brown eyes, wean' tied Minced conference te help posters hale also been distributed Polytechnic an evening last of NWels n Ma years people, nor i Six Nations, but embers. Her uncle, Chad Gcn- black rimmed glasses, long brown Sewatokwa'tshera't t draw more media mention to the Ira police there and both Canada ((e..,.. month to take n n the first public c c all eltedg and nationally internationally. col,. said the family simply wanü aria!( smat T slimed Sear on lei arch for bashes. Jacobs is and AS Customs. screening of the doclunentary Se- inter-connected and we all really The Dish With One Spoon a l think that it was done wire so to make contact with her- brow, round dark birthmark on TaWnas cousin. She echoed the { 'TShin, had Oct offiiends and atokwerthera't (The Dish With need to understand that we only much spirit from this community - "We care for herana ifshe's out back of left thigh. marks of other family members family on both sides of the Canada One Spoon). have one earth, and we all need to Iwear that awe get out las. ae there on her own and ifs her choice Last seen January las in the asking that Tannin. nuke contact and United Mates (hair).. any The 'durum film is meant to share ìt," she said "I think the en- said. "live had my other two films to go.. I just want ermcontact her vicinity of d Rd. & 4th SmylM1e's safe. and all leads are being followed, provide an overview of "the posh motel thinking of on potpie from the Elders Summit in Prance, family and just let tit Mow she's all Lace Oltsweken ) poi the last six years, through n," Mahn said. c oies of the Haudenosaunee Great got lost in all of the sensational Germany... you know, you taken right," he said. "lust law know N WAC, Jacobs Ice assisted efforts Friends of Tashines have reported ff boated ordyou have krawlegde Law of Peace, early treaty arrange- media and they don't understand to film festivals It would he nice - you're all so that right we can put of her whereabouts. contact Insp. I know that one of lock's (Cayuga to locate missing aboriginal to police the[ they had seen her at menu mfymg54 Natrona' long' the principle that we're really Mee lenon.' amen Terry Martin or Det/Sg( Damn Leroy 'lock' Hill) com- "I I Sub One never thought that I Six Nations up to early March. swab, relationship to the land in standing up for was the develop- -Chief One other member Monica @ 519 -445 -2811 menu was - he thought every "1.1" weld hart to deal with it (on a "These leads are till being fol- the southern Ontario region and ment - the insane development stepped forward to address the should have subsequent nation-to-nationagree- along the Grand. , drool in Canada one that's We're hope isle nts between the Crown and the "So I thine the title was appro- Obviously, as Six Nations confederacy." prime, because it was pre-contact educate as many people Paso. It was produced by local film- (with colonialists) and it was a ble" to Thé DOD is available for - Bawa meet HDI na- soon lot expected with made of other maker Dawn Martin -Hill, who treaty with. 525 each. Onde the caw in ss that understood we need to chase for I_continueditnmMora) when he is expo,. provide more sion available to him at the time and behest.. =ally lies on Ontario and Canada, as well as began the project filly of last hare the land" of making espiesofNedisc S cov- happening at the Hampton ten site. mount to the 1101 Worts to retrieve that," the munlùpahties. And because they've all, year with 524,000 provided by ... Martin -Hill and her team end famw52.500),. ftom When asked if there weak a time when That added information includes more de- Hill is hopeful that once Bawa sits down on behalf of the Crown, have faded to re- Public Awareness and Education fo- poured over hundreds of hours of the ak of the euaumwuey will be he would comment ..ropy replied "no." tailed environmental and archeological re- with representatives of the Hill something sped that, with respect to the Han - side table The doormen., clippings given to the Haudenas Con About three weeks ago, one of Bawa's rep- ports and title search Hill positive will come out of the "He denosaunee and °inland tights es been left noes v the many agra vidw footage, aewspapa denails..Iand, process. fssm fey. pyrig of hep need work made between the Six Nations peo- and photographs to determine what resentatives hand-delivered an envelope to said has shown that he i5 willing to within with developers Ito deal with). the cepyrigdt of the praduc- ple and the Crown, dating back to to include in Me production. The m the HDTV which contained what was de- Haudenosaunee has made it clear that we our processes. I don't doubt the sincerity." "However, for the most part the developers to the Confederacy the Haldimaad Proclamation in work, done on a volunteer basis, Iran scribed as the beginnings of the HDI con- want to be able to aces anal review any en- In general, believes that Ihe developers have been very receptive and open to Me Pot nod rev e., Os owe 1rio1 Er ..now 1784 tW how those ageemmis was almost nonstop from when suWtion pro HDI spokesperson Hazel 1woral archeological (repom) a feel a, though the% have been left alone by processes and they're willing to work with the funding was received until the Hill said at the time of the delivery no fee well as tine searches to those Ian., Hill the province ofOntdno and Canada, because the Haudenouunee. " and disregard for the them by the this, but I rted it out there. M represented," Martin-1W said- led to the reclamation of final edit. had yet been paid Last week, Hill said a said. "Those arc Mow standard areas, and I of the situation they have been left in. And Crown erne Iknes we were being ire- And we needed something out of hems went into me ting with Bawa was being planned, know the one archeological report wasn't the failure to consult, the responsibility ac. Kanonhsaon. "Hundreds Turtle Island News celebrates ECO Fun Day! Call 1- 877 -510 -510 -2 and talk to a Registered Dietitian for free. ßr1 April 22, 2008 tit iti °It, Learn about eco- living, solar & wind energy. Prizes, Tree give -away and more... Rd. k. G Drop by Turtle Island News, 2208 Chiefswood 110*- ill »I !- Nî*Mj Celebrate Earth Day with us, 10am - 4pm Y 519- 445 -0868 in f n' Contact Joy for a booth or to advertise in this special section yUlliliplilIdp 14 EatRight Ontario ontario.ca /eatright Pald ta by Se rwarnm.l of Ontario Ontario _._ LOCALAm April z 26a$ LES 12.2008 a LOCAL' °' Thumbs LOCAL Not all A tour a proposed private landfill site near was developed in 1958 It bolds 500,000 tonnes landfill is leaching, A lama edition of the Brantford Estella Carted a free. -i.. opinion piece been presenting consinlefion from proceed, until the ,1,,Oper winks there of the waste ro m it would be dug has Six waste, Brantford down to Cayuga convinced Nations elated Chief per cent owfTwhich up and buried in new cell. Chief said on Six Nations elders Floyd and Ruby Montour. The author claimed in the open- (uhomn,s of the Gaud... me Development ...ion. unidentified nun na Manes till MOto t h e should the plan m eabout n15 The an'stttotdeveaccording Clef men e m i[Me - residents ing sentence "There's firer hanging overate city in the form retired native cou five Brantford woman drove up to the site awes. goon 0000, vehicle and went in h Jody means Proposed Mande tal M1 kkk wvlb five other moles f one wee II on the gamy tig enough blake y" n hopes the pl h pio The lengthy article questioned the Mowers' motives and essentially to straight to Ruby. They spoke briefly, hugged and the woman left. ha t would 'mad. Ile against 'the T S Road their actions. Nations (kcal canal The Brooks file 0 IX bale f J: I and wn d h s hole to b alum 10 moos dap ad suggested that no one in Brantford supports lady, that just stopped at the road ,here, she just gave a money to go coffee and CapUga Floyd and : already Mine , trymnssons4 that A at landfill tutional over Bee wars. And because [cod takes up Mom area ofjust over two hate.. much different story unfolded law Thursday morning an Oak Park Road have something m eat said Montour. She just mopped by ta encourage In and I landfill Ruby show' emenar are. where Floyd, Ruby and several other Six Nations people have really appreciate her." The pair had never met previously. Elected Chief encouraged by provincial budget Six Nations councillors tackle almost 40 committees, and council By Grader Mast Education, Emergency Measures that will change. ldan. LndsFinance, Heal., Hou Melba Thomas - She sits on The By Mark Laden always been way we did before, "Particularly in the social area - the mental 0011100,10, Planning, Environmental, Ethics, : aloha, Meal moments. Donation a and Membership, Manor only dace inwral committees, Ed- Writer worked so teem change it "' health counsel) g, the drug and alcohol detox Six Natlors band councilors, not Fire Services, Social Services cod Youth Fund, in- committee home nial Real Property, Public Works, canon. Finance and Matrimonial The critics were out in full force on Mar. 25 - The government also sharply increased the centres and stuff like that to Wive got star only council maim mice eliding Mee ad Law. gamy Measures Planing, Matri- Justice and Law and Welfare: Ext Real Property the day that Ontario Finance Minister Dwight budget for the provinces aboriginal talking about how we're going to deal with that month. but are on internal com- committees: Real Property, airmen- External COMM. natal Parks and weal n : Gahkw'an External committees, Community Duncan unveiled the Liberal governments 1shy problem," he said mittees as well as external com- nity doesn't hono- Recreation, Public Living paya Works, Seniors Sm, Grand Riser -Post Secondary, Development Tunod 01h pays budget The stand -alone ministry was created after last The budget also includes more than $4 mil- rarium, Grand River Post Relief Fund and Social Services in- which pays $75 per meeting but $150 per half day and $300 for a There were a few things in the document that fall's election, with a budget of $21 million. The lion per year for at-risk urban aboriginal chit- Council has 20 internal commit- Secondary which pays an honoar- cluding.... and Law band councillors do not mail' ell full day. Community Living docs- caught the 00001on of Six Nation elected ministry will get 050 million this year and will dren andmeh families for counselling, and alter tees and 17 external committees m of $75 pm meeting and WiT Grand Eternal committees: Mohawk Chapel and Natural Gas e 't pay an honorarium and Chief Bill Montour Ile Is encouraged by IO help guide more than $600 million in social, school activities. There is also an additional $5 that all MAIM council mama- fred Laurier River Employment and Training, pays $70 per meeting Gnohkwa Sra. vestments in skills training, the acceleration of health, justice and job training programs for million next year for programs for both .bong. tives. Dave Hill District One Chair- which pays $125 per meeting and Wray 01 a retie -Chair Arts Barbara Harris - Internal spending on inhooloo Nre - roads. bridges, First Nations communities across Ontario. final students and to help raise awareness about Councilors are paid 5500 a week nun of housing overseeing a Mohawk Chapel and and Lands ana Culture c alt s: [Mom Develop- water co d sewn - and innovation. Chief Montour said there is a need for in- First Nations cultures in schools. inca Mamie. budget of $3,32.24 and battling District Three Membership ment Environmental, Health "Which is about time," Chief Montour said. creased funding in all of those areas at Six ..- But some councillors like Ava a huge arrears deficit pf Levi White - Chair Parks ana Internal committees, Public Park, and Recreation, Public "Ontario has never been very adventurous. Its lions, but added particular stand out. Cahn Hill erects tries N atia ns flag once Hill, George Montour and Helen 5011,05h00. 50,000tionsnlyre- Works, Arts and Culture, Lands et the enmince tort anrybrdeon- Works and Welfare Miller, are carrying a hmvy work- eres about 550,000 from the fed- and Membership Will be adding edo site eek. The con- Internal n on four External committees: Maw.. load compared to councillors al government to build houses more coninn ees. , FeeEducation, n . Environ- Faecal com- Museum. Gaming Commission. tractor on thehe site has pulled out, Emily C. students do their bit for Earth Hour Melba Thomas, who sits on only annually. "That's half a house," mittees: Mohawk Chapel and Li- until the, er entries to terms mental. Finance and Public Works Indian Burials ana st three eremites and Levi Whim says Hill Ile said Six Nations Ion brary. By Edna J Gender lightt out was held from 8 p.m. to I of a switch, but the most dramatic TIII WWI' said me one -how lights with (Photo by Meek Laden) External committees: Community Haldimn d Generale Hospimi. W0 HD!, who has only four committees. program is responsible for allele a Writer Pm. last Saturday and over 70 mil- powering down was the city ofTaì- out name solve the problem, but Development Trou which pays the District 5 Other external Committees mat The 8500 a week is a eat amount homing raking place, "if people OHEWEKEN - The students at lion people around the globe pout -. water light show as one by it would ffic. auentionontheaf- highest honoo,iaoariums of SI 50 per George Montour - Internal have con representative: Contractor pulls no matter how many committees don't pay, then we can't bill any Emily C. General Elementary mated by turning off their ligha. one its Aeneas went black ken ornate waning on climate. half day cod $300 fora full day. memitteetz Welfare, Finance, Arts Agri Group- no, does not paya councillors aln. houssa''). a School sat in their darkened class Cities worldwide powered down The event is promoted by Am wend bass recently a gigantic pecan the Joanne Johnson - is no and CLlmre, Health, Public Works honorarium to its boa. members, out of Hampton a Some councillors are able to in- Youth donations total $15,000 and rooms and held thehvery own Faith Wilkins ice Shelf many ties largo chairing any committee and Social services including Jus- or band council representatives. crease their income by sitting on Senior's Relief Fund of o Hour1 on Mm.28, asthe global Earth Dan the Manhattan Island collapsed Internal committees: Community tice and Law plus external com- Ganohkwa Sra s, but would- Inn site external committees that pay addi- S125,000. z Hour was held the following En= into the Antarctic Ocean and sew, Pinning, Economic Development, mittees: Agri Group which doesn't n't divulge the ammo without r Staff Writer tional honoraria and certainly the Internal committees: Fire Services, evening. IiTr 'LB Anshan, global worming and liar Health, Housing, land cod Mom pay en honorarium but Grand consulting, the boar t first, al- cor that hasn't Then able to biggest plum for elopment lathe Health, Lands and Membership, ., Plnclpal Sandy sold 1 Hitt lheschool more of the ,cc shelf will follow. Social and , does not pay an honorar- get areomphsh. at n herd bertha. Well and Sar- River Employment Training light- env.. Community Development Trust Public Works. and Welfare had shat off all its unnecessary The WIVE also suggested says b ices including lace and Law doe turn to band council project in Brantford .r the last few Mat pays councillor $150 for a External committees: Mohawk ing from 9m I0 am. m stand in sal- is tin km anglo on fishily basis, representatives. weeks Exon y .na Agri Group Chris Martin - Chair ofEOVi- , has poked ou, all neater and half day Councilmeeting and Levu for e Chapel and Ontario First Nation t idarity with Po rest oldie weld In ao unplugging small appliancm like ChiefswmM Museum - no hono- wan he back tit imes of lh land dosant paya biome = and Po- rename. no budget but included en need to cod conserve than day Councillors Levi ware Technical Services COmomron prowl toasters, mike make. and mi- lice o m wA.l des pyre cyan rve resolved with sou ana Melba Thomas st on that District Two under public works $3.5 million Mother Eats natural. resources crowaves: as well as walking orr S70 meeting honoraria. Grand River Post secondary - r 7, conMetor was attempting board as comet regs budget. fiom the came of clime change. cling to work. Asa Hill Chair of Health Serv- does pay boa. members n hono Veto its pan Oak Hampton inn District Four Grand Ruler Employment cod Internal cmmnGenoaGeubAaamn. Wide m M.. Hombery's Grade Al m í p Sm N th ices. oversees one of the largest . Avion of 575 per meeting four '11111 ar M Ipró r( Realm Training the near highest paid Helen Miller - Chair of So- Mode. FA locate 2 class sat in their dakened class. people mad oft theh lighrt ade band council programs and Ming Farm times a year, le had H,gNVay O(13ot HnntoN. WOrk M1ad committee mg Carl meet w,m a bodges ways pr ets saROf325 Mesa. Seals m Imming nad Fim Sm sitting does germ O room and discussed they could in Mc dark.lney lit candles mad gC at 512,381,549 and abo Ilwl by a small f Sx mg. 11 and of S3si65.085 Social services has Councillor Gd chair the ices External rang n conserve electricity including inns !s L H Oí0001 , o Mk dia crapalat k 00 lbprogmtns Also of Nations people but by Floyd and George Minnow an GREAT. manor 80. Commission pay S70 per meeting, ing off all unnecessary lights and in Student, at Emily C General sat darkened classrooms Awn, rorida sitting lo lawn clW, a Matrimonial Real Prop.y cors Community 1 i g - m. door. Mt. Rube Maim Councillors - o chairs of cote a Clair of Welfare has a budget of Library board pays 5100 per mee tad of doing laundry during peak mg Earth Hour Jroafrom 9 to Id am, on Mar. 18. (Photo by Lise A g t me smrs name pay an honorarium to anyone vo Floyd 1Montour m @c -.rue bland cil committees overseeing congi 53,973 864 rng hours do it later in the evening Goode.) ,ender Falls lour parse` Into nominee Co v tins on o boas Nee on day of Men in program bu.budgets and Other internal committees: She is The students in MS Skulk Grade2 too Toronto's skyline went dark, in Wildlife Fund (WWFIlo brings- Planning, Donation committee and Insole 6 "."111"1""''."."'q 'I's"... 6. fi edi dmequipment from rota 500 band employee the busiest councillor sitting on Fd and 3 class were busy making Earth eluding the colourful Clee Tower tendon of the need to reduce tome tghmg The WWI' hopes a con. Youth Fund, Education, Finer, me s,m SlItIo emmi cog. our posters, while sitting in their agars Falls spectacular light show house gases, considered leading linee its Fior Nnn0001entio for District One Halth, Housing, Lands and Mem- They said they've got five or six 1.. Van darkened classroom and they were to black and Parliament MID muse ufclimate change. Individuals years oomne bringing aunnab Claudine Even -Alhe.- be ip, and Welfare d work there, W,,i mid seemed to be quite comfortable as outside lights were aged to do their the climatethen Mange District one committees: Mohawk Arena Deane woe Cstm pipe of and its [Mane Iroquois Lacrosse solved ran coming .mil ìrs re. Chair of Education and Eco- they coloured rhea The famous Opera House in Syd- tWUC1 unnecessary use of power by affects on Maths Earth.. Chapel and Woodland Cultural sOIvN, "MOn[orsaid The second annual Farm Hou, ney, Australia went dark with a flip Noting off their lights for Mat hour. raie development Centre On Monday g Hornaa te. Internal committees: Community ami D PRESENTS THE Carl Hill is not chairing any u sitt will cont.. do Silly hat day Planing Economic Development, but says he expects and bake so every day. to ensure thm another comma. sale at O.M,S.K. 1 centimeter doesn't gal n de aloe e %Annual begni wore. l maiden Ibis Horne and Sehnt clubroom Lana Henhasak and her l .. , . est development asat or Six Na- silly lulled helms s (hilt' of yummy-rode dune Ow MOBILE CRISIS d ons weekly hake mie effiffiiSK. l Photo by Edna 1 Good.) "Well, feel mu wine Memo r!y' Maw .aunt fm rte. Mama RESPONSE a kt `l i~aS 1 told the peen* 7muk shut. dawn completely nth [developer mors 1 ray lewd thing, 1- -2204 'l pet. and eh 866 -445 Hint Outs nn twined that 'a.a eraser Hk m ,,.I 519 -445 -2204 Wheelie tandemn S NO, 7- 6 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week - r n - the shad River belongs .brat Na m""""'' The Six Nations Elder Network, The Alzheimer Society of Brant ween "Important Information onn Alzheimer Disease and Related Domains' -a nee weet ream writs on M Nadia- wand rela. : n a Iroquois lodge. April 4 5 6 Apt WEEKEND PASS: ,:M CommunicationC WawaBM eh, Students $25. Apr6W` Talon, Care the 0005,101 Adults $30, NOT Apra ?Sr Brain Health DAY PASS: m 1 b .es-. .lt. m Rn Adult $15, Student $25 866 290 3184 aehetimeno mot. m au ear ham.. 3201 Second Line Road, Six Nations ammo. L ttaudenosaunee Six Nations inquiries / input on Canada's offer to settle the Welland Canal Flooding NEEDED For more info. please call 905- 768 -3999 =An w VOLUNTEERS a.,awn ` April 2, 200S U b _ no AgeR120M1 '16 I5._.... - 1,1 - COMMENTARY lu "- - LOCAL

(o(0 4 /BMWs #1 Native Weekly Newspaper! an:11.006a ke (Ink, shorn ne YAH I KNOW!... FIRST L. TURTLE ISLAND NEWS SIGN OF Tori. Island News is published weekly on the Six Nations (:rand River Territory. It is apolitically independent newspaper that is SPRING wholly owned and operated by aboriginal people. No portion of du newspaper, including adornisemons, pictures or editorial content may bc reproduced without pcnniasion. PUBLISHER - Tank Island News Publications RN! EDITOR - Lynda Pavan. Turtle Man 0 Newels a member of: +Canadian Journalists Association + Native American JOUrrIAliSIS Association Hr" + International Committee to Protect .10111111.15 Worldwide Turtle Island lark, - RO. Boa 329, 2208 Cbierawood Road Olowaken. Ont. ,41,0 IMO Mt:phone: 019, 443-0868 Fax. (319, 443.0865 E-mail-adoor63380 tbalunleislandoconcom or non-ang lholortlaBlandnex doom What you do Volume le, Edition 12 Second Class Postage Registration .10016309 PAP Registration #19963 Websita:no Ind beg urIleislandnews.com


Ontario needs to clarify 4 Letters:

Six Natimis is continuing to leam more and more about how it, lads To bliss Gamble: believes passionately in her fight you MOVe. were taken over the past almost 200 years and how bas ear ammo I don't know if .yone else has against the predators of Mother These protests 011511 0,+111111 occur.. ruponded to your comments Earth. Ruby and Floyd have many would be environmentally safer 1,0111 the 1800s m the 1900s when it was illegal for any First Nation regarding Floyd and Ruby friends in all aspects of their Has anyone noticed the huge alters to launch a lawsuit to modem day squatting or cities surrounding the famous. As a close fdend and endeavors, the council, housing complex in Cainsville. Six Nations emnmunity. Our family. Our friends. Our p neighbour of Floyd and Ruby, I Confederacy, HDI, the church Can 1101 00111 system 14001, all As we loam ntore both Canada .d Ontario need to explain them- can, hold back any long, Sust ask the people in the Cayuga the near developments. lut think selves. although she loon` need anyone community, together they shut of the sewage overflow into our Canada created Ontario on Six Nations land. to defend her. As a devout down the impending dump. There Grand River. lad We all suffer when second -hand Then Ontario er.ted little municipalities all over Six Nations land Christians Ruby feels she has all are no questions about their Natives do no question Ruby without Six Nations approval and granted don authority, under the guidance she needs and actions. The, direction comes A Floyd, onions and mammy.my. smoke fills the air around us. We are Ontario, which also si. illegially on Six Nations lands, to ntle on Six soot, only to that higher power, from the Iran and their passion We question your actions. Your ands Nations As a cancer survivor she put for what's right from the native sources. Why are you so con- more threatened by illnesses like Ord., has collected taxes, development fees, sewice fee, from Six her life in the Crutor's hands and prospective and what was illegally sand about where our mono Nations 1+10101 500 if Six Nations pro.. (00 any f01 Nom for 1011 endured surgery, chemo, the taken so many years ago. They are goes? Why are you so concerned heart matter) then they threaten them by cutting funding, sending in police or oho, garnut of the cancer expo active on behalf of the ...iron- about the native community, If ear infections, asthma, even worse, as we saw main this week, throw them in jail. ence. which has left her stronger. a tiont, land claims. dumping, you are so concerned about the Canada created Ont.o simply as a throat to First Nations, a mecha- tote fighter. her faith unwavering. archaeologiul asosonents. The native community please start by disease and cancer when we breathe nism to mare more bureaucracy to make it virtually impossible for I he Slontour's efforts do not uranium issue is Mill in your back worrying about our water situa- First Nations logo! 10010011110 finding 000 lad and monies without imitate the wdons of anyone, they yard maybe you should direct tion. We struggle for the very second -hard smoke. 1111mbl0ng over red tape and they created Ontario as a permanent fix- worked. alongside Janie and Dawn some articles to those issue, I'm basics. Only a small aru around ture to continue that chaos. at th, Douglas Creek Eslates sub glad that .one thing (she uranium) Ohsweken has access to running One could well argue that the glacial pace of landclairn negotiation, division development in is closer to your home than to water and sevser treatment The But you can make it better renders this distinction pointless: tina land claims look like they'll Calulonia. From Re beginning ours. rest of us are left with contaminat- take *Stover to resolve Lauda refows to force Ontario to provide they naked long hours at the site, To the developers-Why are ed wells. We could use some press simply by keeping your land back re Six Nations, so what's Mc difference, 0010600 with thc cooking and you developing on our disputed on our water sitution, you are just As Ontario and its municipalities Dy to further their logitimacy, and Nor. she look over u the head land?' adding more rood to 0001 water. they have a long any to go. they nad to clank their status. cook. Ruby worked 12 hour day. What's so hard about moving The angry calls you speak of cigarette smoke away Are hem good, Six Simons land rights any th. for miudillesvd a. 7 days a week. She coked. beyond that onge, Then you should 00 4100010/ wont she fed- process the Confident. putv in place to clarity ihcir I:1115 includng ihooncd. aol,ited funds, food. could forget Mama ,11 of us, The eral government to the real all. from our lives. the Haudenosaunee Development Inatome. w nonc of these bodies whatever she needed to do when Iasi time I looked at a map of gandists. To Brantford who glow have contacted to explain their existence and how they legitimately her eunboarns were bare. She Oniatio these was some undevel- the development on disputed when Six land exist on Six Nations lands. or will they mammy Nations would ull Al Sault at CKRZ folio oped areas beyond our range. lands. tights ar, massa Or docs Ontario's cadence in the minds of those and we would all respond us their Maybe try tobacco hand. I'm sure PS Thank you bur the article. on who support the 01000001 holy nullify the need for a land claim 100- (the site) needs. Ruby a a wry you could get a good deal there. our molar trus. °ludo, outgoing person, speaks her mind, Ruby, Floyd and friends will help Oriene Mon The problem is Canada has set a precedent vv. dte Creati. of Ontario and Omar, added. it by creating little horn d villages and cities an land it does not owm pmcedents that came. with violcn. /continue frt. hp, Withom question Ontario andCanad.s,ding tad Make the ! E1011St the Id owner, Six Nations, breeding a lack of credibility tic, will undeniably have a long., impact on atone, development Letters to the Editor instille, in institutions through domocrisey. Brantford, Caledonia. and given the boon times in the local manunteturing dine,. mother commitment Kitchener, Camlnidge.... all ame into lacing illegally w.out Six impediment to employniient is not needed. la order to lomor discussion i of matters oBnionts Nations approval, Milton. democracy. may never bow exactly what opportunities shah lost Nominate ea... Gran4 Boor Tornio, 1 u01, of as a 01', There is no Mimeo 00 mammon any of these bodies came continued deem Six Nations finds itself under. 001 lough to imagine Island Nan, nolonno. all ',Gaon For more information visit: result of consultation with anyone let alone the Imd owners Six any business failing to consider the p.sibility of work dismptions when Goads and lenco to the... Nations There was no process like voting or consensus building with choosing its next location, knowing in the kialdimand Tract the land title Loners most be siped and include www.ontario.ca/SmokefreeMatters ro Si Nation,. legitimize Me exismnce of today, cities on Six Nations is under dispute. an addBos and ,,Inffla num. dot ani.honnany of (.64 lenor rank lands. A breaking point involving police action seems con- inevitable.... vcrificd. Toole Island Bens reserves lnsteadt-anadd and Ontario unilateralIy created institutions 0000010 0f lean its bullying tactics and sibs around us continue m pressure politi- br ode mon any mihraindon fin taxing redden. on land it did not one and did not got Me wooded cians to slop Sa Nadons Boni acing and ignore Six Nations rights. lena411. Boomer. wear the 1.ilttow. and no intomational body would maya Canada and Ontario lacks the transparcncy needed Ion public Oust, by either the peo- clan, Turtle Bland News. ( hdarnds ame. 6 rand,. «.natant' on du, sager,. of its ukimatc ple oran Nations, or surrounding communities. i RO. Box 329. Obsuredan, ont. pupae and tIla minion 11au1 4,1 to throe Whore is the money Canada collected on Six NRions lands, Where is the NON les I hm place 1 Ontario disobohance certainly IO m encouraging social money Ontario collected on Six Nations lands. Where is it going to2 low (519)445416611 a char, but thorn's a big botwoon peaceful (Gusts and tak- do de know how much okay is being collected, What happened to all fax (319)4400865 ing advonago of thou noun, to i111,0,C alta amasa. M. tiNV go, of Six Nations trust funds, taken to build Ordario and thc a,3a, anus E-rnail by Government 01 Ontario cum or Paid for the Hulot on ¡soul.: who /is. in it democracy. nding communities now enjoy. And wMai about Six Nations lands, lost news.thaturtkialandne. Gdonnaintunkolandnews.cona While the average Bottled loam may not be award orle Matey to squatters who continue to sit illegally on the lands. that nou them settle on SO any eventually Noma land, widows Was ,Tae soot wc loam about how Six Nations lost it lands to Onta0o and Checkout our non the coOnuation of gosernment m Worn Six Nations legitimate SOada. du more notions we have. We eaorly await some mswers. watni0 } rights will affect even the average homeownw who cannot even lac sum I 11,01 blear Our Noma. the Brantford bras... editorial of March 14. Ge deed to their home is in Go legal /unshod rink kW The Expositor by the our also sin on SA Nations land. A boot? kt. wootiort -r

Aced 22008

April 7 2110/1 ,TLE N LAN... -_.., Put a little ^~ SPORTS -RTk .D GOT SPORTS NEWS? " FOR SPORTS COVERAGE Sanderson and the Rock, rust round . on 2 CALL "a'l Retch a rra dratted I originally b Roughnecks GTheCAL` lgry gM @ (519) 445.0868 A _4 kF rid- d inthe2W8NLLEntry Draft. Wooers in 2001 di the North round. The Lewi R I R h wams p Sanderson, 30 was drafted into the NLL Vittoria, BC native holds men. records we. Caledonia rea eowr and Rock 1! Icarie 1 1 - th Toronto Rmk g Wacondi 1997 by the Rochester I sa n 1PighMawks. The the Roughnecks with, roost goals waned 1210). SPORTS anal nnna toned pi k in the 2909 ELL Orangeville native was the swap players ELL scoring leader most assists 7251), most points (ably all In JO i i 8 1 1 6 S n a r l w n n n g 9 R nvY draft in exchange nor forward Inch ,n2nO6 with tt points career games. Six Nations Bantam All -Stars Silverhawks take lead in the Bush League final `We the Game 4 of series first goal at 18:58 was a creen are champions' shot from the point s that ByJamie Lewis ing the building to me sham. - Ir --.- tonight GPA, k e Tomahawks goalie Porter missed Former NHLer Stan Jonathan ',I.'IA at Special cir The Silverhawks took a Onto also the game. Jonathan ended .--T` melding 5 -2 after Tm vis BEETON -Ian Matin Iced the Six 8 p.m. made hcDimanektnwnmellh }» pr-!i Anderson intercepted Nations Bantamnta All Stars with two was ahan By Jamie Lewis _,./iwiJfv \ Tomahawk cleaning pass, he the to big goals in third period, lift as a Special n the [calm's sato,,g,t room M Flipped a pass to Bob Henry who the Six Nations Bantam All-Stars puto ,Rr ' o the young robe 't'y Q , I , -i- The Six Nations Silverhawks L raced into the Tomahawks end and to a 3 -2 .rimy °ver Beeton and foughthotptand clawed their way m the -. taken a 2.1 lead the bosh of slid á low shot past goalie Potter. theth Ontario Minor Hockey hip cna . The L seven Six Nations Bush Hock, 14 Tomahawks climbed back As ilion Provincial After tonal last Me. r ¡t League championship series. into the game when Chardon Hill Division chand decidin é, memo anal coach Terry Martin ' fled his and goal of the k I The Silverhawks defeated the g A PM and deciding game k\ g beanedlwim pride. te Tomahawks last Saturday in game. Hill's s goal was assisted by Me sett. Sas ymedafteforced 15- 6A o 'This win hoes opt m all my Moose Montefone. ldra last game three of the Reeks. The Mg 3-2 Six Ratio, K. mil all On people whocha- 't lititi I The Silverhawks were clinging ana a dramatic Tomahawks opened the sootingr at r Sa relay in Beam geed me," ne said. Manin who has _+ 1631 after Chardon Hill's low to a 5J lead. At 10.57 the J -2 se home last win S11ndaT guided the Maims to three atil Tomahawks moved to within one .P sap shat beat Silverhawks starter S hays a sell out crowd e Ore provìr 0), champlyoota s wlnnì 44 Dallas Anderson. Hill's goal was f goal when Jim Henhawk tipped Gaylord Powless Arena. years rid lamm Pemin 4 See Nmiwu lam Mama .Mmd. McNeven wrist shot. Adam The Six to the Bantam All - assisted by Kyle Gee and T Ito ins Mom hums the puck into the Benton err 'ankles. Lachance also assisted on the Sows rame to the small town or °Ian Manin, Quinn Pwlw lase Monday night in Benito me Alf The Silverhawks quickly goal. The Silverhawks' lead was (Retortt eooda e of ttlt, deter- Smart hilt shed eut fur us end fa hung on to win the game 3 -2 cut rte -goal margin. wT n responded walla goal of their own inedto become 318.w7.árepeat A marked aocredite - lord- r ad win the OHM '',Division at 12:40 when With ,57 left in the third peri- Inge nimber dC Si, Nations rthie Stew Montour Manin also encor his first lido (Photo beldam. Lewis) od the Silverhawks put the game tipped harmless a dents followed ito-team ta the year shot past ' goalie Spencer Hill, who away after Maim scored his sec- Seem Cbmmwity Crone pack- shocked Tomahawks goalie made huge savve in the ond goal of the game. Medan slid la final game Robbie Porter. Sot to be out done to mane dory the puck under the Tomahawk i the Tomahawks regained their p First year player lake ,mberry goalie The goal gave the lead after Adam than redi- Silverhawks a 6-41 ad and duns Iroquois Lacrosse Arena also played strong defensive rected Moose an r shot Mw it ended. series Pr the Bantams. into he Saverhawks net. '-Rim nos Stanley Cup gram go Noah nano go At 7'26 the Silverhawks tied Sly rhawkr¡arwaM men Mason jams the no r lost SaDolos, Bosh Gessoes championship Martin mow_t01.pin ceffiedtacepeaptactyceric he said. onight en row the game at two when T neared one goal to lift his ream r a 6-4 Ma (Ph b Janos Lewis/ Gaylord Powless Ar ena. d Both SCHEDULE If there vino o award for a play Anderson fired shot toward the - games 81", cenner would be son at p m April 2^ °, 2008 to April 2008 er with heart the Tomahawk goal His shot deflect The Savmhawks rounded out after the one period of play. lead to 4-2 when Johnny Medal u0.OaL TINKIIAV Mike Johnson. Johnson tossed scoring in the first period after The teams played close checkhtg scored his first of two goals. His MOROSOWI =DM PRIORY 88 0000 SARI ed off a Tomahawk defencetant the four weeks and played the plapfft wrist shot into hockey in the second period with Now lava Moo Into the goal. Anderson's goal was Martin snapped 14, laSp.www with a broken collarbone, still man- trading hits and 51. assisted by Tracy Anthony and the top of the Tomahawk goal. His both team norm. - Warriors Warriors Warriors aging to fire the puck and thaw his s Ryan Martin. goal was assisted by David Hill. ing. Moron nio io le 7. Cup Cup Cup weight around. The score was 3 -2 Silverhawks The Silverhawks padded their N. -Il 4Y.- Nal H.S.S. Crime Stoppers - Só3Fa. 'Tam kind of sore right now, but ows e at Ogl f atepm e 9 Sae .0 n aue this means the world tome and us;' 7p - 9om Mo - we*. Johnson said. 15th Annual Appreciation Then was no scoring in the first M. period. The All -Stars moved the Breakfast puck well is the period and took 4th Annual the play to Breton. Filly. the ore. Hageraville Secondary School Cafeteria a Nations' miscue Warriors Cup Tournament ond period Six almost cost the team. i' Friday, April II, 2008 Beetoces Luke Rake. inter- April 4th, 5th and 6th. 8 come an errant pass. Broken on -9 am, a clear break away, raced iota the Iroquois Lacrosse Arens, 3201 Second Line Hot Buffet Breakfast - $4,99 per person All -Stars end and fired a bard iirH:LtWS, CHIEFS. STING R R /5 Negro, ON 190S) 708.3059 (Continued on page 11) 53.00 ages twelve and under Everyone OVER 60 QUALITY USED a Welcome! - ,66. VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM! .--.7101110 1.800.599.5558 519.759.8220 tosses: bros.,a.) WWWxforbesbros.com For naoar information: '1 ;1 1 ( Dd hweder 19 -21 Lynden Road (At Wayne Gretzky Parkway) Brantford 6. !w hoore or ilt0P A dtinghoot y 7L #020 p C.ieaa S nil f D sti rttk about our 12 -ModI tit Remit Ploy= UCDA MEMBER O IP favI QT) CHEW TRUCKS YY 'x' ^, WALK. pi1- 800.322.84]] o Optimum R.A s 9-§t adknMB IT SI USED VEHICLES r" . ^ WEBUILD -1 FORBES BROS L Bandits vs. Mammoth GENERAL CONTRACTING I. l a ,Saturday, April 5m 7:30pm MBE Arena SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL 2007 Ford Ranger STJ) 7004 Rukk RendezvoOE 07 H2 Hammar Tickets available at Powless Lacrosse Store. RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS, RESTORATIONS, 3L, PW, PDRD. Mt Cruise Ar. 28.317 km. 6 Cyl4 DOor, 5 Pasa. A/C. CO. 34.000 teda, Furt 1ooIoK 5S.8f19 - YOUR CONSTRUCTION PARTNER 1.888.4672273 8andits.com FOUNDATION TO FINISH, 18,987 411 $ 55,987 Jeff Pankhurst Office: 1- 905 -768 -84' 0, 818/ 111. a«A $ 15,987 Cell: 1- 905- 975 -8417 Wind Deflector, or Bug MENTION THIS AD to a salesperson & receive FREE Window Tint, or Blair Debrau: 1- 5194661 -0213 Aptil2,2008 April 2,2008 It 10 - . _ LOCAL ENE SPORTS n.-. Rush send EDMONTON o history bu Colorado.. firs -mrvW pick a the rook NLL neu ,otonitiYeHLave trod. forward Gill, who ie 20h0012th season in NCNaliotal En0y Daft. Chris Gill. be former top scorer Lacrosse League was dealt to the Colorado Grin was acquired by the Rush alovg with can Gill was one ofreco0- prolific .0401' Fitness ?_ Nhalongtry esecovd.00 0pickothe Do Bhoupand Ryan O'COmorvàthe Chicago 1.0 o Colorado ere and holds a number of records in Iso fret- 2008 NLL 'entry draft in exchange for Shmnmx during the 2006 NLL Expansion Draft. fun and healthy at the same time . Bantam All -Stars hope for `three -peat' next season f,%ti !Continued! page 8) ; wrist slot toward Ilse goal. Six M Edna l thaJe. ymr si Nations goalie Spencer Bill loco 4 FIBP hold 444 4pd:4 glove hard Twn d'.ea4 .n WWI, ,.n.. ..wan. w.4d.m....4N his up deflating the 4.41, 4.1.ar wy puck into the comet Six Nations 1 ,y I A -r d All h rallied and moved safely - ar ofr.ree..di4ow.: 414 the puck (Van YON e. 4.110 .. .n.IV (1144 out of the zone. ^?E^ ..a.00dduwd amyr.d 4,4, 4, Six Nations' first goal came at 9: _ areir hV.kid a,new a..pq a 1:38 the second, when Jason ... a .amtr4 r 1 of aa 4.4. I>kke4y 44.. lol Martint faked a passand fired a a t f ma4:Mnah.I444 A.w nsa.n iaL vsrist B n goalie Ñ:y. ., shot past 442 Sen dtddren fake a. e:kbJ n.,.gwo.Bl.w on, lawnpry.tr.. .n.w Anthony ],10ìq who had moved .e way from the post. Greg i}I 440444 1 ,. 4 key /4 Longboat was originally credited ^e, at I with the goal. 1416. 414 da.w..w.. At 4:16 of the third period Ian 4 44y ewyerK,dlr k ow two en ono porn wtr oNe.4N Martin scored his first of }"N goals. Martin's for backhand Oo handcuffed the Demon goalie. . 44 NI ...w°4.s.e`.a 44,4.d- Mitch Green hued. SW Nations e4try4.r.4 414 now had a comfortable 2-0 lead. Ìka BRIM responded 24 seconds later, alter Cole Anderson tine 4d.wwarrn.iadW4+.r.m' edf d(WOOa y> 40-foot slap shot through a Growl d ay..w w,aRmy thm Spencer Hill did not see It won,bow row nrway r was now a 2 -1 lead far the All- s Stars. awe rear. ám P.:: !! j Six Nations scored their thin goal with 109 left in the final ''COME CELEBRATE THE ANNIVERSARY.' ' r4` period. With the face-off deep in `°:,á..roomy of MILES TO GO CANCER SUPPORT r9tion* he Beeson end, the Martin fed Six Nations All -Stars pose with the FUNDRAISER puck off N facc-off, somehow hardware last Monday night. , the puck found the back of the toe. IEW TUNS". and Davey assisted. dmnnF Green Kevin The wan, nquared h -nmdO LD Division lids in.ro THE BREEZE Six Nation, lead was 3-1 with AT THE The All-Stars .1 Il. York, Spar. Hid. Ian minute loll in the game. OHSWEKEN COMMUNITY MALL ti Marvin an£very. Kenny Elliot. Jason Martin, Seen Martinis . scored one more APRIL 11, 2000 troy tr .rIhr kuwv..o.wwd. Demo goal l Kevin Davey. Mitch Green. Greg Longboat Quinn Powless, Jake 1090 1.0 with 25 seconds left cutting the MUSIC 7:00 nr am P on n SUN .2019 Kyle Sault Mike Johnson. Brier i orzn All -Stars led to 3-2, but it wasn't Bomber, Johnson. onrlullba e awk H 1131, h ..ne Nerv instructor ..e a n -... Jonathon, Adam Booboo;0 Kurds Martin, coach Terry Smith and a... name Maws ..ä.=44 e tough and Six Nations hog on in Rachel her We one catch during an afternoon. of fitnessa throng Pn,aan. mtr to n their second provincial trainer Kyle General (Photo by Jamie Lewis) AG"lLCN: w 14104 games (Photatlhev, by Unal. Goad., Molts MOO FAAIL FUN. championship in two years. Children 3.8 tmeer FREE EVERYONE WELCOME Family Paakaael9usa ryaanaFLLOnaLFREE Workforce Connections Native American Business Alliance Fund Increase your Income presents the Conference Are you unemployed? Gram Ka( ((/ rossec de boll to au r photographer during the Healthy Babies 8th Annual National Business /Procurement program, afternon ofexerrse through games Or need help in deciding your career and achieving your career April 27- 29.2008 Pearl River Resort goals. SKIMMED BY Mississippi Band of CHRYSLER Choctaw Indians Reservation Choctaw. Mississip pi If you are an aboriginal person over the age of 18 living in Six ® Nations, Hamilton, Brantford or Niagara area we have a "CREATING WEALTH IN INDIAN COUNTRY" program for you. Workforce Connections is a program rTlIbeiwAllatheft designed to enhance your wok skills with training and match ar=,11..N 44.4 1 you with an employer. Imm mimaarmagmemmovedtair We provide a 12 week job readiness course and a two month amormmlemomagammornmma t. conowiesmi>k.v:a..®..,a job placement all combined with a training allowance. T. b...a....oPr..,...a,....w Stop by GREAT today to speak with one of our staff or call ga.lat" today ar 519- 445 -2222 ext 242. \ ... -amasr.n-waorc orrdlz..aab.alenror more details! f. ..a wdww(w.w4w y f era. seer Employment and-Parting

.h Sums. . 1- Vernon Henhawkr..a.. :tan break. and bar ten, he Mi,v. . up April 2. 20011 April 2.000, 12 UND :E.V r '14"" .No SPORTS u - - SuAt.D SPORTS r

a HAMILTON EDMONTON King, defereemn la, Crahley, and a first -round with the LumberJax his season along with YMCA tas for Ohn Kwe Hon We were Ryan Mamcle, Motorsports more chan doubled Millwrights Edmonton's a 020 eve -per- YMCA I ketball resumed oo Sunday in he Moron Trapper and Wilbur 77 The Edmonton Rush have completed a cade pick in the 2009 NLL Entry Drag Rom Portland 12.00 goalsagaivst ow., and 11 Hill. Local 1916 by a -34 score and n ., "ta sport d 0 -3 Mohawk College gym in Hamilton. other games: ith the Portland Lumberl tat sees he J vals in exchange for goeltrnda Man Dither and a dotage Dialler, 10 -year vue n n Basketball at ors beat Davis Fuels 03 -4h Disher sent to the with av 11.65 goals - downed in the DLL's weal division swap goaltenders. fourth -round pick in the 2009 Nr.l. Entry Drag. record with Rush along E, doubledSEtolal'sinees 75-40. op get- e q King, a native of Vimoria, has a 4 -5 record against average ands.750save- parentage Mohawk College point 0rvp bal CRA Drywall 53511T atMhawkColegein /aiaceeahSUMey Portland TM1e Rush have fired gosltender Matt Stallions win Winter Lax title - King; as tough Six Nations Rebels 1st pre- season tournament 4 on yl as they come t ,r 1 1 Hs,. Ifill - .t mt. rol ,.,l -two. He a 12,=NR He. stands six- foot gff0 weighs 228 pounds and he really , pack.. punch. St. Louis Mum King in N enforcer Dwayne (D.J.) i 'ckly becoming one of the most ~z Feared fighters in the National 'hy Hockey League. King is a MOM '( - 1%.. and was born on Jan. 27, 1984 in 'y < -M Medea Lake. SK and the left- - Ce roger was known for his tough .wsC in luwor hockey. 4t a King played his junior hockey o( rtM V ith else Lethbridge Hattie.. wan the 2007-08 Men, Lamer Lacrosse League Championship an Sunday at the DJ. King ool .e.tu Nations Salliona aM Kelowna Rocket of the the final game- Jhe Smillions won Me best-of-three series We Hunicarrn, King had eight goals ' RIA. They beat a determined Medina team 13-8 in We Hockey Leagues 21X1 are: Cody Craig Point. Kent Scan. -NIN, Roger Nah Cody Jacobs. and 15 mans foe 23 points. He 7 -R The Stallion players Jameson 2002Wee with Lethbridge, Kmg Vaughan Nic Davis. Kyle Point Ben VanReery, Ben Powlers, Ryan Burnham. Kirk also managed o record 102 penal - S Keegan Hill. Hamh played 65 games. Ha Hared 10 Montour, Micah Nanticoke. Lucas Mike Jake Hi /l, Dave Ellis, Miller Rushbridge, Dan Elliot TySkye, Matt ty minutes. 10í28 games with the goals and had 14 main for 24 Myke and Roger Rockets, King scored five goals Martin. oints. He also racked up 1NM end added two maims for seven calms and was awned penaly "a points. He also had 80 penalty Rebels sign 8 players for 2008 OLA season the Hnvirana Scholastìa P I Louis 8k Mantua 'dawn cover from of she natal Ihn Rebels lòunrumem Irrt Saturday at the ILA.. Tlr 01sí510 r h o roam tu Neal) thre011,4games New peuw.orranee*. the of the Year. The SL Blues The defending) Miller. cant ruching Staff m ounIl uns aero professional merit at hosted by the ream (Photo by Jamie Gods) dreg. King in the sixth round. champion and A MacDonald The championship wan will 2008 OLA Jr. -B' MI-Star genre, hockey for Kin &nIn 2064-2005, he in SL 190oveallinth42002 NHL 74 the Trophy (Ontario Championship) also hoe the tarn¢ coaching staff which will be Piny. any played in games for Rebels go 3-0 in inagural event ONTARIO FIRST NATIONS TECHNICAL SERVICES CORPORATION Dian. la 0002-2001, he suit. W Ails., Six Nations Rebels have han last year of head coach Stew Catharine on lime D. The Semen Wort.. INC.. of she American for 55 games with the H um By Jamie Lewis defeated Wallaceburg Red Devils assistants Wamom will Fast the game. Hockey League. He had six goals EMPLOYMENT sign. eight players for the upcom- Moisture, Cary point earners OPPORTUNITY and scored 15 goals and h d 17 Sproul 8 -I. The for the ing 2008 OLA le "B" season. Bamboo Derek' General, Royce The Rebels begin Nair title and eight sasista poker. points. King al o Rebels in game Iwo were: Stu 11111 in He 2008 Jr. a fa 11 minutes I. The Rebels have sign. Alex Vyse and Roger Vyse, trainer John defenses OLA "87 King ales rack. 40%4 Pleasant POSTING accumulateda 139 penalty min Six Nations Rebel. looked like (3G IAA James ML " Hill, Marty Hill. Sm MIL hobs and equipment manager an Sunday, Apr. 10,5,, they play s- in penalties. The following season, In 2000 -2004, King split the a team ready to defend their non (IG), Jeremy Johns (2G, IAA Jason Johns, Jeremy Johns, Derek Sandy. 5ose to Wallacebag at the Gaylord King spent most of it with the ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT son between Lethbridge d Founders Cup and IA MacDonald Kadoh Hill DO IA), Danny Vyse Thomas. lama Ma The coaching staff will Mohave Pooh Area. The game begins at 2 Peoria Mamma, of the Amedc1 Mama Kelowna. In 35 games with Trophy championships as they (IG), Russell Longboat /2AA ne mandate of te Ratan° Rrn.tions hon. xrwms capáaanloHesC) Ls to p0a Pleasant and 16-year-old, Mike He honour of being the western P.m. Hockey League. He play. 63 held their first annual Preseason Marty Hill (4A), and Shelton enhanced Mstary seekes to all first Nauens in CAltario. The a*ncawnn games with the Rove.. and had to the and -111.ntamOndno(AyN/AO)ana 1 water Ammo. Contact lacrosse Tournament Saturday at lard, en. :A admin... support person want mere, e ¡ \ five goals and six assis s for I l OR,. tot a awn cone, rhis mon will be located in the TOM. SM. Centre. the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena. Six Nations Rebels made it points to go along with his 160 The Rebels were the only team look easy again in their third Lisa Today! penalty minute.. King also played DITTIES of the day town all three games in game, defeating the Oakville Burn five games for the Alaska Aces of perfecting E T the six -team. All teams played 7 -3. The palm- earners ware: moo* b 1- 534 -4286 League, andd organization omise envlmnment ï 877- the past Coast Hockey Work requires some knowledge Mepoi gpaedures a of an three games, which were well Jeremy Johns (I(L IA), Andy The AdreinistratIve Support will ana Coordinator Behind The Wheel. four assists and four And Get where he had the daylong Jamieson (103 Jordan manThamtwasi Molded throughout 2AA /i e, a water and wastewater The 5ppr merésupo pmvid the OcIdaa onof penalty minutes: Last season, he hpo Trade -Ins Welcome event. Johnson (2AA Ryan Burnham related amvitles and ocher 4E> split it between the River men and Provide Noon= wah pNnnlrq,, organinng ai. deLvew of large scale meetings, working In Debt.-Let's Talk With a number players still (3G), Brent Longboat (IG), Mike man... 2.1 do The St. Louis Blues. In 38 games Group Committe. competing for positions on rapes Miller (IA), Bock Smith (IAA nave mammon. ma ant a V Over 600 Vehicles to Choose From with the Rivetmen, be scored five aPmvaparnwala.eT.YN.«. + ono .-10- tive squads, he urge was set for Kraig touted¢ (IG) and Kedah courier services goals and had four assists for nine intense lacrosse action in every Hill IA1 12_ points. He also had 102 penalty game. The tournament a huge Statement ofQualifications minutes. In 27 meshwith the Rebels stetted he mum, a cnrdiagwato Wray The mneal experience in Water a. Wastewater APRIL 2'" - APRIL 8', 2008 Blues King had a goal and an SIX NATIONS PARKS & RECREATION tit by thumping the Hamilton who took over this season Sorne college or equivalent combination of training and experience assist as well as 52 penalty min- Bengal, 9 -3 The point earners as the team's first vice-president Goof Communication Skills, both oral and written. WEDXESaA TXURSOAY FR IO SATURDAY SUNOAV NON, MOAT Gomna where Torrey Vanevery (2G, 1A), and general manager. King re-signed with the Blues Good AlNnlSUassulls. erdan Johnson DO IA), Jesse `Tom Johnson was important working Freels' Word, WordPerfect, WAWA Access a Mooson Excel WATT Computer L of PlAtte MISC S 1,019/ as a noted free agent on Aug. mum. .i'rT-re2 Saul) (IG, 2A) Nick ("ham (IG) as were all the volumecrs they yspeanrer apo Mans, 1.7 1711M PINS .1aur 9, 2007 to a multi -year contract. great," aid Owwensr.ow as mums Ir.namulm - PLAYOFFS Oman 9041-At CARMEL Kraig Morale (IG), Ryley ere all Maack,Ma rack. oso Pow. FLCOSIFIPALTO BOON MUM TO This season, King is leading the Toronto, WARS MOM 4 PM RNA LIAM a MIN SHOW ohnson (I A) Chancy Johnson W7We have 15 returning players SIMI VOA in pnalty minutes. If the biIllry to work under minium sué rvizion. UMW m 2FM Blues 1O) Pooh (10), Randy his year and we have five open LIMBO M71 7111 IN{ 71. VII Hill noun of Reference are to a renne Ilnwmn 011 MESS TOMAHAWKS VS TOMAHAWKS Blues wanted to send him to the inacaomancetoaeOFn75t MAN/ I Ilia A) Brent Longboat spots." referencewdlbe given ro First Naoon applicants Swat n AÆIII SOMAIINS I AMA minors, they would have to put S SRO (I A) Mike The Rebels kick their .cmon s aTMT IG) Zach Hill and him though waivers first because Miller (IA). April1 20 at the Gaylord Porker FALCONS he is on a one-way contract and it's Cmslrip Date: Friday April 18, 3008 (4A0 p.m. EST) i..1IAR IN In the second game the Rebels Arne. ovoraSom likely another team would claim maw man dearly on the envelope Administrative Support,. Mail/Fax your newme /cmn

Avril t, Min TURTLE ISLAND NL0S ApaR3.Mm IS e 14 LOCAL

rat's Award i about his latest clade_ Ils Gov MONTREAL - He's already Geo¢ral's ..d oneofthe ammy, forer.. V uel and Media Ans. been a Bong (emy e lanrin. V5t lives i lea e final ".... ONCrrse(n(e adn, butoAtx the leg`rywansbow s A po- Lakc. AB, tue one of Ildt NATIONAL nrtisf' fuzzy in [he Janvier ee still ring ca le 1ato kr replied with n rs n cede Si.ddd toms' l 'd about receiving chu., when vskedlow Ne neir prizes -IFrf.wAle

Briefs A National Alleged police plan to e'I Alrmakew rat n J back ro Sask Frew Nalions group SASK.110N l - An abotightr leark, v le Nliiea Fe . when use force Nowa ml pm .snarl apex la.. e n.'x leo « TORONTO - province will donc right thmg for ow ers cvenaally renwvedtnebarricades, TIC ahem of Nekaatelmon khan Nations has reins. 1MIkMd An alleged OPPO 1 plan to beak p children mai y uN our commun, but sons to said the mene raged AIN ekewas a amalor 11,511 with face and Me laser eg- urweb at poins and suggested mm reso frvIeratio.chie, o ül ir ravin el, 1 M h d non of aboigaal leaders over land The communities wee men more that Fantinewould notkould not -!FAnerrsk dsp with mining companies are distressed aller hearing a CBC repot eme (N C uy1411 being cl all I Neal of the Shwd Lake Nation oppond notiormays mraneq.r Arany frail relate N 1 o Provincial Flic day t?xCBC'mihrteL M deosna dinkAir Jak h h...eds l.on temsWing im wled between Fationsoss N and g1L Comns:À..JWian Fandnoalleged Thenorwabo anon min ate, tar othe Manion. dm oy real Vos ernmem, aboi®rel leaders said lac y tut officers Nat they slmkd uve re use Ne special gestes Abrnrkew was kicked ow of de federation in 21X12 tie he was convicted WLV4day forte if necessary during pmtats on w.paw and Neri. team, Ne mah of willfidly pion.* hatred for femmes made about furs Representatives from several last June's aboriginal der ofaetim. penny TSx'ne raki and the public vcmrmed in 2116, but the GOSm rs m. ani northern Ontario FirstNatien comma- "Wens people wantm speak out oPdamitwxallrrdy.spring into Mar this year Mies gathenrhPTOrontoto speck ont forte* rights and g?ms are pulled ont action dont, upon. Police say drug ring exported Qu.. drug to U.S. Pnom. Mohawk aamMi. against. rases or sevra abodgrek _. Nat is rtes rep. and red jut Calls e provincial police eaters who receivedsix -mo plop?) and Nails whafsaffaNng our people spukewran were rot immediately MONTREAL- l'Olicc Nrecs hase cracked down on an ellcged drug lily tartes for violating wan orders today," said John tune. retorted. Nat invesepen vry expie d Quebec pot to Ne United Smtez Sough and continuing pro.. about mhdn5 spokesman for the In addition to une KI First Nation Mohawk cammwitica. en KìPT Np?maylmusib TPWnuwuglCI) Hors in jail, the chef d the Quel, provincial police Imp. Lire Meurtri°said2gsuspectswere amat- Weir neat lands. nt Nation, where sú community ANocb Algor?NnFirst Nation is also ed charge winoftnenincludinggpngarnwsl , drug uat- the children ofd, jailed pro., members bave bmn varying -rnenth sent... Mer rifting and conpiwq. COMPIepiLl t +i ers ms? msv go halfa}m *idem Cuba said We allegations Nat protesfing to stop warum mining ire r E®pIovment O000rtunitv one of their parents and nilwmmmi- provincial police officers weie nearly mdry. me in net yack Rcpresentstiv. from MW First m.IThépc1 a w,w.r aeemng mes the' spored by the Ontario goy- to foire to intervene Notre famille. Nos amis. Notre peuple. ab NaralhaT,wmaaow eminent, depute pro.. d new, day of action protests mas also sent a Nationcomrnunities wrote wr r nd.an healthier relmismhip in the yens chilldaough aboriginal comnewities Ontario's Aboriginal Affairs e ma: wmx rm..im m napw.. m~ws.s pwap moamnma immaaN aarwe. Paam: r.i.W ..nr Irm SrYn mmuwm ahead said Wcbequie Flrs The CBC repomd Nat a suis of Minime Michael Bryant earl?. las[ Narion.Chw45LUOJacob. notes hmdwntten by police officers week express* their outrage and Quand la fumée de cigarette 011MAdmrratmwmrwaaxvmnaurlmaowrwmern "The derision law week to nfón- *Meer orders cary out amone. waning Nat relationships with We oyrmñá Mar waar a as sewr cereR (abedhINi) ksdership to me rad of blockades West was set up on govemme t are sowing puottlan am rmao. wn a wuaa rri.mr m orne toms l'air, nous tous. respect., m 4drlxful relation6 higkreys in the eastern pan d the remplit souffrons wwnww In u.tmw Wa+Nr.w wlnwarum ...m.* n m.nmne a ma, moPmwa.+n, awu 13..1.t p"ne aid pionne. -IRe Crow. Preis 1,1111c77.i nunq 'We're still hopehd Nat the The raid Nd not oeuu and En la have . nww.aawr a Rend. Gares .a wN.n wtmamet protes, respirant fumée secondaire, meme am.a -,ar ..r í.s..aía. Ma w...... pus devenons plus vulnérables :.aan..`a :n: r. ONTARIO FIRST NATIONS TECHNICAL SERVICES CORPORATION mer KING er. aime *esse a aa ehnh EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY à des maladies comme l'asthme men .. - nwaeem.-.ar....muwl.ympmsnram. POSTING 6 les otites, et même les maladies me en. m. mye cemenumm the et INFRASTRUCTURE SPECIALIST rAaa , a.a .e re.e N. cardiaques et le cancer. SENO COVER tE ENANpREapNero. me Ontario F. Nacom TeChni.1 Sea pn (aFarrsC) maam de amen Of an mrra.mrm Specialist fer Me Tarente Service Centre. ne mandate of We Corporation is ro protide .hn.I and enhanced Fan* rom adviSery Sen.. tO Me Unaffile. H. Nations in Cima. primaty role of We smeteIame ni Man Ftendshlp centres he to conduct new housing insoewoos. Provide advisocr .roces regarding 0 M, Miner (1110121 asp. ä Aidez -nous à respirer l'air libre. Major Cap. a. Militai:ion of Training ReSOOlLeS. Tee Infrostruchire Specialist report directly to the Bra. Gardez votre fumée de cigarette CLOSING DATE: AMR. 18.08 punFC eh. id v.e Lame *Ah edic Ihe loin de nous. Belons In the m., n actinides , otto,, a asset inventar/ arsae...a. -" -rrao...ab...w. and reportra¿Srt vPantr'sm w MAC. GRAY Asset Per gmolovment Opportunity srfur),mraNn r Tile Ont. m Nitre New., Canuse currently...9 tllew on planning and development Of a Maintenance Management Pragrain relate to er.cm or micron OF . Tin xaNwaCapital ASeS. comon remarrere Ma F... C. Prenez mer. namm arien. evir Ire Statement dQu..ROlb.: edvde dia ana .ream.n.mneni.NVruvremroamin m dgr?ennman fields saedarty. aser n me asseli Mated or l'engagement Me.= sot resmen ses NO tes* pets. ... se m.e.. mperiena m the. Md M...L] roaaóm and amo wilding, water and sewer ouruernnem st.e..andtPreCrswts. madyLrPgs And amnwa/merarLL M.../1 wINiL?d orwwmten Coma R?Uon sm6. Pour plus de renseignements, consultez: eavairon and el le. epa p> anda .a,N?/ a software awaatn,s such as Ml0.011 Wwa, Excel aten «wwtrerv+m,ee:emw.aa"w bawr www.ontario.ca/SmokefreeMatters marem ro sors.. wrotes. ano moae nmmric wwamami taw.b noon Mrae.eal r H5I ° : atrntedonlnlmam or n Premeae.+ h aven to 1nn.emsr.e-.m nomme smenryewTels w.,ú,+°. w,..ee Mary b r nwomoñ. w.,.. mot. a. evaluse.s CLOSING GATE: Near aper IR 3006 (a:d0 p.m, EST) 10.._a... a°.wm.a Mmemn men a them Infraa..Fe allse and mai,Fax per Resume/EadwtenV.em r7 osso Nef* Flrian beak C1251,, Af ermeb manager _ V- Ontario Technical Services Corporation me ZEP LUTER AND B.W. TOr ú °Peter Street, =Mte °401 Tab Un message paye par le gouvernement de l'Ontario M5V 2H1 119 Fron. East Fax: (415) 651 -1633

For a Kennedy at (916) 651 -1143 art. 257 or tkennei _pi CAOesea Dare Atel 111. detalled lob description, o nan h men A.1. ar am er mark .. appllona, Nommer, m, nose reoi.ing an intamew win r contact* o.w.M ....a+ rm.+..ae.r.a Ise on.n. r Apnl 2, MOO 16 peil 2, 2008 SPONSOR PAGE 17 5 new ways to get advice Telephone service helps patients navigate drug coverage (9l0l-Fo, Chamtaineemanger 38 -year- vice where patients and their tam- related medication. old a Careers & Notices and support in Hies can find information and Here are some examples of the Scarborough, Onnrio, diagnosed advice about drug coverage most common questions CDAP (NC)--Are you or a loved one an help: with breast cancer in spring 2007, options. remiss currently receiving treatment for I. Identify public, private and e free provincial service that "My case worker at Check out our CDAP really How can I access drug cover - i cancer? Do you have questions industry coverage opportunities helped her find coverage for lord- went ro has for me. She could not age? about drug coverage and need for patients' therapies; NEW HOME town uahe needed from side have been more dedicated to find- l need mama treatment now and help? 2. ASSist with coordi.tion ofpri- atoms of her meatmenr trig me coverage," says vi t pay for it? Can you help me? For diagnosed with on the Internet! all Onager Wile undergoingmchemotherapy, Charmaine, who h. been cancer- My income level has changed cancer, there is a new provincial 3. insurance ram mastectomy, Charmaine Carl our cant free since September 2007. and 1 can't afford the Trillium Ft EP .theturtleislandnews.com series run by Cancer Care pang to comers and explore went blind for two -.; O B B O A weeks because "Becermeof this service, I was Drug Plan deductible. What can be POSITION EMPLOYER !SNP AT SALARY CLOSING DATE Ontario helping patients learn coverage options; of low blood cell count. She able to get financial help for the done? T.13.13 Aril about drug coverage options. The 4 Enroll patients in special pub needed medication to raise necessary PR Rarer CnarOnnor Mama arw Der am,.an her medication to enable me 1 have accessed my drugs Cancer Drug Assistance Program holy funded programs, such as blood cell count levels, 1so she to continue with SylphTen.a&TenaheirArriltanle h anngFtmntarynhod I Mew Orr T.0.0 ASAP THE MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION chemotherapy" through my private /public plan, (CDAP) is a free telephone ser- the Trillium Drug Program, for could continue chemotherapy. According to Cancer Care hen what arethe next steps for of New CrehFenRRNwMIh& ern .. Ad IS is accepting applications for the eats a ION Trailing C.wdinanl Mississauga . test pats nurse case workers additional assistance: and Charm.. was told by her private Ontario, there were an toted accessing the restricted costly Mississauga of tre New Orr RnMNn T.B.O Apri 16 LDM TRAINING COORDINATOR with c Canta. patients to help 5. Assist with completion and insurance company that M pre- 62,545 new sate es done- ...rough these plwl and social Services a Neagh Deprimen. patients explore drug coverage submission of government forms. scribed medication would not be nosed OI Ontario, alone. More information on this topic is options for all c related More information on this topic is vaned. JOB Without the medication, Charmaine wu one of theo edtlmat- available wlhfa at I47768 6 treatments. CDAP a is easy to available toll free at 1-877-681- Charmaine could not continue 8,043 women diagnosed SIX NATIONS ir-ff+ 77 To ymana. ata vagan lamas a es d all 6551 Cate workerswonky, ae amiable '""fP"R access and the nurses 6551. mama M Ma credit ragas SWIM ö completed in an elective provide Case workers arc available chemotherapy. That was when she breast cancer. CDAP is open to all Moldy m Friday, from 800 am. in and of Ore funding for straightforward advice andd sup Monday to Friday from 800a01 called lrr SALARY UMW all and efficient her p effectiveness Cancer Care Ontario's ens affected by canc.. 0 80l on and assistance s Me crap Pregams for community members. Ma to 8:00 p.m. and assists is Cancer Drug Assistance Program CDAP helps ram evadable in 170 kngngesenc QUALIFICATIONS Here are foe ways that COUP available In 170 languages. (CDAP) for help. CDAP is ser- drub coverage options for cancer- fleaeNlcalSurmrn Lama mm *Olaf T11 Add 2@bpm Airiness/Management Mated college dorms Grade 12 or equivalent. 2 @ 4pm alas Mated saps*. Primary Care Paramedic u e morns* Ik1aT YbaaaN Ola Ira .Strong aaountinglbWgedry skills wM08 ability to forecast requlremenö end 17@4vm tong rum Pare l Neagh saceicesl Time ola Commuhmativo Disorders Assistant hack budgets and spending. We would like to thank our Sponsors for making this page possible. 12@4pm applications, preferably Microsoft Ward, 3eniorAccountant _-- t ervicer -._ -_ nllmin I.t1 erase, loan Pruousing COUP,. Exce Mara Seem err Family 5u ppor t Worker - !Social Services) Leon T11 ril2@4pm -- a valid drivers are Lloyd SI. Omani! w.. Administration, TT T@ Spat S m written mompamtion and su a Ufa llama. dam @M. r panto, Member of Parliament a Dave current criminal reference check. Levac 4pm .Successful per pn.de is What -a- Early Childhood eee Ink Mal 4JWrar arm GRE MARS Commensurate with stamen. sd MNCN Salary a APPLICATION for Bra. @4pm Warm of Provincial OD6mn Moo e na Serous, NT US N1 s DEADLINE DATE Wednesday, Ap 2008®4 ysM lament-ßran Constituency Mace 100 oNanne Convenience 0recn 010180v Full Time IRO APi1110@4pm P nuke or ma resume N proof of quefutons, cover lenerand 98 Pans Road, Unit 3 Owned and M. recentnt references fore.. PP real MI Constituency Ofte Operated PE 3 BrandoN, Ontario NOR 1H9 call@ - 90 Nelson Streal (519) 445 -0919 2176 Chiefswood Rd M MST NATION Tel: 519754.4300- Fax 51,759-751-8177 ,aaa.abNmrerw AGRIAI_ T561ar22R1I.. r1DR6 SSI.AUGAS OF THE NEW CREDO Brantford, Ontado 1131,N1 R. HAGERSVILLE, ONTARIO SOM. Tali se.. v1445 -0257 meet R 46. ...Pod m 518-75.0361. Par A copy of darned Jab Description may Maas at the New fire, gdlevacmpp.eagymenlala orgsa miss. a ra 519 -445 -1844 'Maras Oa. rr,11t'MUa E Wail:ww lloydstamend.ce Mamas Adminisnatlon Burldlrg. Thad you to all thou interested appliunö- on ly rose masts in Om Hiring Sass Process 011 be mold . GRAND RIVER EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING Strres PARADISE GARDENS R.A. BENNETT Hydroponics INSURANCE BROKER LTD MapleGrove OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION THE MISSISSAUGAS Lumber 28 Main St. N. stEa is now accepting applications for the position of 49N., Niagara Regional Native Centre erg....auaaaa Hagersville, ON Appliances CARETAKER Lloyd S. King Elementary school PO. Box Olenvek 519-445-2275 Executive Director Pí:(519)445 -2944 Chiefswood Rd. (905) 768-3384 Brantford . MealnNPto aomel, Fa. (519) 4452.0 Ohsweken, ON li.r The %agate Kernel flack Dabs Programs and aos sector uarai.omaa 7.:1- 1..danNOgfo.mw" ean.eMa.am I¡Tri sta skCla including s Mmpro* re.y amepting resumes for haft Was TM successful - Superior Verbal and written communication (519) 758 -5321 marmaISsona II-0 your side. applicant will be responsible tyrrma mama ins hd pep lanarma . mp P [fil Strong `planning and organizational ability clans m achieve the pals d obiattives of Pm organisation. m;mgeam:,rv.nNa®taray Under the authority and guidance of Me Board of Ditectors and el ekilb dealing erren *smear >m amope ohMereued arad ln.tmtialmañNels as suet in aseadence with the estahlufied policies and posedures. with Nays° anarms tar. y rTr.,.W.W.TI.V;.:\ well as maintaining can monk and pane dilution scam* r man em PHARMASAVE ohsweken . Proof of nosier education, certificates and police Ir «Pa .I M Pap r Hoe.. Centre `1 ...Re VIOL CPR and Standard First Aid wM SDreamratciler Speedway n cram budgets and OHSWEKEN paate/d Knowledge arid 1.1..».a11.11...w4awmow. were. ea. 11. a a., caca Fund melea area lPremneawnSeangpa° (fle presently .nn sa445-447op Yee/zie NINO, Variety a a mana p aretPPISasa s OX.bnl ana gs,mn.n..earemMrxt.ar..Ntr..: 4454471 Phone: 905 -766 -8962 Mal ream arm Mara* w rot Yee wog .41 h bunts u l:e. Deans ers walk wear. tap sep 6.4u w t. gEaguxrú Toll Free. 1 866- 508-6795 '41=7= egenear.rns es ana Mua LHA4M onaeeeen.ON Promoting the organisation end its programs is .9 media and baro ce r Mc 200 fawawr®gm (SL9) 44S -0551 general phis. a,1 mio@drreanwicñenunnemm comm e eveant Meed d9asm..m.sieewréai. l.na (TrS..aad R4 Niagara bean an tan. mate. aamalraaree 519-445-9210* ment ana aboauma oomltory e mnwyelprw.aawtrre0m. 466 g el* w.t4ewalaaeraawa' e--46. Coraones Chair Ir Attention. Waal .-. vu0ege w nM n n n r.a MASON. COGNITITE . PPS sta Rand Maisie -onthe Lau Onuk LOS IJO mnBbMn®rrM+etun n. MOOPLIOP Of Qualifications: nif Prance II. MOON] rceeMeM..<.wM. antra cGaW R'ser l a \/ financial Yep .Me..eMINK 0.^w lhmama: Mora. g eme urma666 @hn.all..n Six Nations M t EaRmeaM R6 BUFFALO \ MraiPw.MMNam. LITTLE cop, sow. Unite amen rasa.. areas cif Men lirst nattons N Comer aa terne dm m,n.t, M.aMe..ar.. yne...M.er Police community development and VARIETY STORE -Rentals iss.s. Saga eves tor :w°°anrnammewled ^ legislation pertaining the Native and Nan Native social sera. : .n'Ma the darner of Chiefswood Rental, Sales, ;aa Located el mm.. mm.a.n on motel aan to be ne evaded a Rd and Wanks*, (Reg. Rd 201 Service & Supplies 150 Roy Blvd. Brantford 1969 Chiciewood Rd., Ohswekcn Tel: her u. Fanshawe College in Simcoe 519- 768 -3123 519 -756 -0700 ,.T:::e \ 519-445-4191 www.uccom it Early Childhood Education l Hagersville MGM Video still available for Fall 2008! Limited seats To advertise on our milli For all your video, DVD Two year Ontario College Diploma Program offered at the Simcoe Campus PHARMASAVE & gamega needs ' . Small campus catering to individual student needs sponsor page call: . Learn to work with children in various care and education settings G 30 Main N. Middleport Plaza FALVk711AWE articulations Hagersville n"`" 1110:Hwy. 54 Post -diploma opportunities; university { 519 -445 -0868 for details 1IF519- -9973 COLLEGE For more information contact Kathy Baker at (519) 426 -8260, ext. 223 905 -768 -1144 J Commonly Oven... Student Focused April 2. 2008 H 2. 2008. 19 To be on this A CLASSIFIED Business Directory To PLACE AD, CALL: Please Call PHONE: 445-0868 FAX: 445 -0865

445 'F- Business Directo 519- -0868 Classifieds Ain RIDING DEADLINE 015:00 v AL FRIULI BIRTH OBITUARY THANK You EVENT SERVICES Grand River I Negeire CAPITOL MILLER: SANDRA L. Six Nations Jr B Rebels KANIE NKEHA:K:s 6.NAPre nta m3 H Peacefully surrounded by fella Lacrosse Million would like 15 ,5510 LimousAe Services oo Fraction <, viiAA CAfE &.:. -, -- at Sr. Josephs Hospital, Hamilton to send out a big SIA W EY to MEETING Ohsweken, ON Con I - /iiiQi EQUIPMENT 5}6 è on Thursday, March 24, 2008. the Allowing for making mar 10 for Tekarraoken 905 -765 -9928 Daily Sandy age 611 years Annual Jr. 0 Lacrosse POI Season MCNeogSmv) Cell for tuna Phone: & Wellness Centre iluy RENTALS Miller, (Chief Allen Dicing beloved wife of Marvin LoF015e, Tournament a success: Aswan ni ion kwa taro ten Call in Advauc & Specials ID AUGERS COMPRESSORS .r: Diem 765 iy loving mother Tim, Broken Promises, l'ripp (Turtle is ALlnmm,ae A nn (905) -9858 Mon Massage Monday 6 Tuesday SKID STEER LOADERS Of Walt &lea, law the kind of clan we are) pos: y Andrew& Grace. Lov1 grand. taker's Variety. Jake Henhawk Sunday, April 6, 0008 Rñuld l:.s (905) 918 -2786 PdWt m Waxng Special R0T0TILLERS AIR NAILERS mother of Scott, Kyle, Flea. Hanks Mace. Lira YanEvery Tonle Building Call for miring Poaynn Trealmet il iL 2 Large Cheese 8 ROLLERS PUMPS WELDERS Courtney, Michelle, Marvin& Iroquois Lacrosse Arena Delby 860 Mohawk Road 1' Pepperoni Pizzas FOR RENT Colour E /' nI WIRE MESH SONOTUBE Sloan. Loving daughter or the late Se. Josh Fogless 11 Mon. Fri. $22.00 PIPE Winn. p m FURNISHED PLACE Breakfast k I ..` Facial Or- T2E1mli sf ` DRAINAGE CULVERTS Nark Everett Jambs 7:30am-5:00pm Thelma & Grant Miller. Beloved Legend's CuB IA Squires' Potluck REBUT Beautiful baby tau came into this Owns, Rugs, Fridge, Hat Plate, l user of Maxine, Edit. Hob C & S Water, Todd Meaner Special DRYWALL PANEL LIFTER world Weighing s Microwave, Table & Chairs, Cup - Ask AÒpl.,a5 Spe on Feb. M. Naas. Shawano tawdry, Chris BACKNOE WORK Sunday Special ,Kathy/: prclaceased hr Eugene, Ursa- . PP Pockopes MINI EXCAVATOR 71134 goz and 201/2 inches long EXCAVATING Large J item Marvin (MUñIYn), Arse rRalphL Shower. bad 'wí%r & I'aak.s proud Ennis an Sarah RONOMA'. AND BAKE TWA 5 ?75.00 a mouth includes COMMERCIAL 905- '6530Ór w. io (Larry), Earl ish&ini and Mohawk Lag Homes, Rudd Double Wings Steel Supply Centre & Everett Jacobs. Spoiling at Christ Church neat weal0 a gas, hydro, Tolle j Win ASO3010,,Inn Cony 5055,110 Squires, Veronica Raeene Colin or Out & RESIDENTIAL Crkf M Iawono' 32395 water (not mooing) nOT ea go GmndpasO '-317 oyugo Rd. Ohswekev &garbage. 85 Talbot Street East, Jarvis Sadly missed byb nmmrw, maces Taylor. Smokes. June Marlin aMRuby & Jacobs all Lana Ward, AMlSM CAI 905.766.1662 145.0555 Grand River Spo A nephew. Resin s the Wiles Wens! Go Coffee SAND GRAVEL FILL & Mike Isaacs. A new baby IOam -Epm Available April I, 2008 & Wellness Centre 519 -587-4571 Funeral Home, Ohsweken Sari- Cafe M. Scott Mangle TOP SOIL TRUCKING brother for Samara Kelvin- Also Lund. Available 3773 6th Line Rd. or 1- 800- 265 -3943 day where Funeral Semce was Lone Wolf Pit Stop, .Melon 16 4016. e BULLDOZING i -0396 Dunk the doctor and 445 you to infoOgrandriverspa.0om rata on snoods. term Sawn EVENT FOR RENT EIZZOMMEOMMII mars DO/1 and to Granny Stump Hall. Evening prayers -were ONE Automotive, Gary Johnson VACATION RENTALS Lana Daddy for taking aura Traditional Teachings & Dogz, Dave & Saturday. Renew, Muscle 10 minutes to Drsney. 2 beautiful, good can of mommy. Hill's Tire. Greg Hill Awareness 5 bedroom, 4 Bak Villas. With Open Tuesday to Friday Vision Trams An WHO ARE WE? Artworks, 'nose pool amt Wmcs room. Dr. Rick P Wiers(ll- OBITUARY Bvery d Way from 6 -fl Pm "al.*,4u BIRTHDAY thonY Email am07",(u'aol.com for more OPTOMETRI °' HENRY: G. MARJORIE. Ancestral Voices in Hill's Spins,BlakeOIO SL ono or cd1 511 2W -9511 T'- .7 KAWINEHTA ( Ohswcken Plea Comp 4, Powkw I moue Star+, Shellry, Whew /IV 1440; J. Mother ofCail. Meryl, Noncom. Ask About OUr Native Rates! Refreshments Open to all ages ZEHRS PLAZA Dwperamg DeIbY Powims Jr Genoa ' DebbieDe ie (Mì jidjonih.Prede- Any questions call 519- 861 -8611 lenses Gales Auto Glosses 6 Conlon erased by husband Reg (19931 and FOR SALE 322 Argyle St. Sou For all your HIGHSPEED Colour Print HIII FREE (MOIL Sister to Bob Drs LISE AND S ACRE LOT Wane Community Living Six Nations Great Law Elders - Ga venin -1971 costa Doreen and Jagogm Tm ofCeremonies Trod Loo Endless Morn, Caledonia 765 "ROnata5,6510- Gift Shop 'Cycle , atonal Friend Good lhmnage, Photocopying Needs Oshcjagehka.Hadeeo cone, Kyle and a to Grandma klart EVENT (L and. Marne leering SganawMh and Juanita, H sic 51:0, WE BUY & SELL S' Dey Ber. Carrie Rill WEEKLY EUCHRE- Contact: Joy Boyce at Max. Duncan Term. Newm. M t on r & USED 01 Audrey Hilo Elia NEW and . M1e I4 sWrnl p Á 11,0 515 Merl'" '',20W8,1'9:627-.1;":7":' VIDEO & VIDEO GAMES Happy MEOW, 0005.'1,5Y Hill Amanda IDA Gaye A: 1err E h h la G atgrandmother H han/ y 9 5 The Turtle Island News Sandy 5299 Sony NAN SNES IBM Sharer Leery lull y . Every do tl . I:w pour S.mr I b M tall M 'ryW AprIl Sa yank ryJ Hu, e ,ohaweken noanoñrrr.m Email: joy :U. theturtleislandnews,com croon dCharlie. Ais°. From lier Mam & rowdy Rke.rdSkye, CM1ery11RR Anyone 55 and Mer WANTED by many ana Celelnweians when `5e soso. leer vendor, Shay Squires H:II, become member of the Pu fm ood twine Will 519-445-0868 nepM1ews. ill be sadly missed by V DIO Office: she rccuwrr Kim Henry Su Nations Renevnlenr Assoc,- coconsider any breed. Can 1JR1 her students. Katyn 00M1ra dedreared pinny ]r. B Council c °mmian, Dave Jan please mean: take whole liner Fingers rra. Lof Is Lule tain Td Her ore w the preservation1001 Fax: 519 -445 -0865 CONGRATULATIONS sso,,S X-4411 ]7 or call: 01010000510505111ditions. Eisen If you have O1, Jr, B Teams, Hamilton, CarolCarolyn Beaver 5 /9-0452785 905 - 920-06]8 603 Colborne St. E. 751 -1073 rober home 211 Yn Wallucbulg, Sanie. Whin Hills, Everyone 'Mawr! Hoa Johnson tLJLSIJÜIJ Omndagt Road until LJ-1='IJUSJtf:l:I:i!I'cï!I Oakville 'vg then to the /.owes Six Nations Ambulance Services I NoEFAsP9YE4 Cayuga LOnghouse for Funeral Terry White, ROn l'homes RECYCLE THIS TILLSONBURG Service& Burial on Monday, 4) ' $26 Million lawn Johnson I 146 Tillson Ave March 31, 2008. rtea,, ¡/gypp Dhswcken Aæs NEWSPAPER 9V m 0 THANK You lacrosse Fw. SHOP WHERE THE BUILDERS SHOP! Welland Canal E cry h p h d k Thank you to the Dreamcatcher A, FAMILY ASSAULT SUPPORT SERVICES Building a Home, Garage, Bann or Deck the soso. Robes, Leroy Hill, GANOHKWASRA Fund for funding my 2007 William far your TSI TIONKWENTENTION ANON Wwa WONNE CALL JEFF (519) 429-9901 Montour, Offer r ,IACORS- REDEACLE Lacrosse Season.] Ally welcome letters. YOUTH LODGE COUNSELLOR 1- 800.363-4201 - Cheryl Jacobs and Leland Roden- appreciate all that you have done. Six Nations Jr, B Rebels Lacrosse PLEASE NOTE: M appllanls must oe willing to provide sense In The Welland Canal Technical Working dwda Mawurkk Henry players, coaches, Mb.r0e joined In marriage on Association environment net encompasses man, women gnu children Group Presents Friday, Feb. 29, 2(M)X in Elcahun, bench staff, executives, RANGE: California, U.S.A. THANK YOU If there is anyone we have OPEC. STATEMENT p BE3 Family Eyecare & Eyewear Vert wishes ram the families fps please accept our Mer the dlreaNn oIUe mb Lodge Sum1Msur, is responsible In panning I would like to thank the Dream- raub the.. sale Wraps, ensuring rase roan a long and happy lir1.0,0 cacM Fund for fir apologies. aMhtllllzing moray Dr. Annette J. Delia Meeting Jr. B Rebels Lacrosse: are completed wording lo ranimbl standards, prepay, an maned, Sic The Community Series /rive v.. hors generouo Rnancial contribution m MAr Normans a snipe.,, resoectU and hamnnous bam Health Care Centre ,I.ndnMaw ee Ameba toward my school trip to England, SEASON OPENER Continues with the Cayuga Nation pm, Suite #Z, West Haldimand General Hospital RADAR, f tai( Ireland and wales. Ir was a too of ...ht. sr., MI Ll BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Hagersville, Ontario Gaylord Winn Arena The Cayuga Nation is invited to an information a Merin, Post Same., graduate In Child and Most Wark. Social Work corn, -n warn Arrive Fart, for the NOTICE gar, prnMm.p d tree years equivalent combination of werk and session regarding the Crown's offer on the TAILGATE PARTY doW Tom As,w 'Wow f Ls sOluntear experience in Me provision regarding family violence (905) 768-8705 SIX NATIONS MINOR BALL ]lam 012pm [ö¡ Welland Canal and Flooding of Six Nations' nay d res Mu beb a three reputable REGISTRATION Barbecue. Free Parking ' OPEN HOUSE Meet Manner Mom, nalMra will badmen to appllcam° Kable nw , Land. Last One! , 0 óS ^ Bln,,50T Gl.ea,a etc, WS provide a amen cam gal Retard Saw. Must pnsseas a valid Limited Spaces Available Rugg Dimes CL0ER Driver, License. Monday April 7, 2008 Ç Sat. April 5 /08 One h./ Potluck DNFCIpNs - 4pm Pa New IMMEDIATE !1:11Mgriii loam no. al appmnls era° meat the regaremenb se the Gathering Place Six Nations Polytechnic s.s Nation. Community Hall Mall Apri14, 2008 awrmw Worts Den Gamnxwasa Family Assail/ Suppen Services MIKE'S DRIVING +ra L, ' fipm -Meinf. RN's/ RPN's 7 p.m. `Coaches Needed P.O. box 250 Dnaweken, Onnao NO61110 CRU. 519 751 -MINE Pray Deliver to. 78, Cnleúwovd Rd. posy aélnntRro ;a mnililht Welland Canal information available at OM1sweNee Ontario .Eyl.'. . TURTLE ISLAND NEWS ADYERSTISING not nia IRPrv1.Atireyears pay rata! s.------Z90 must have 2C.1 recent Nana mar envelope 1- 866 -3184 a LTC setting. , PHONE: 445 FAX: 445 -0865 experience in I "CONFIDENTIAL. ATTENTION: DIRECTOR 515 Part Rd., N. ravine Fab, -0868 vNN Closing April a, 2008 v.nvwmlkesadungsotool.ca RR IS FRIDAY WIN. EDLICAnONs , En ADVERTISING DEAD/ IVY 5:00 RM. g0=',1=1, mm ©IILrT`i..' (JP ove


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PLEASE PARTICIPATE IN OUR DOOR TO DOOR CONSULTATION Ped Guswhenta Developments has retained the services of SkyeLab Information Services CONSULTATION DURATION: and Consulting - an independent, third party consultant to conduct a door to door APRIL 4 THROUGH APRIL 25 survey within the Six Nations Community. Under the direction of Philip Skye, a team of SURVEY DURATION: surveyors comprised of community members will be visiting every household in order APPROXIMATELY 10-15 MINUTES to compile accurate information. The results of the survey will remain confidential with r SkyeLab. i `2¡ ., t,' . m,f Philip Skye gained notoriety in 2006 when he conducted a door to door survey to 1*-----,...... r .,.q`-__` _

sream C .111.- canvas opinion on the issue of on- reserve gambling. During this survey, he developed i3! 1 17' -1;4- a securing was comprehensive and objective. The > !" reputation for information that F-. PITNIN consultation process will begin on Friday of this week and run approximately 3 weeks. -Sae.ruaata. Community meetings on this consultation process are tentatively scheduled for April Trt,- 28th at Six Nations Polytechnic and April 30th at the Woodland Cultural Centre. In.l S.eC.»r.,Taew 111



Contribute to the overall well being of First Fully integrate communities through consultation Nations communities :11 processes

J Align with the values and principles that are in Ensure beneficial partnerships for every project a in inherent to planning for the seventh generation based on the community voice i