Southern Company Generation. 241 Ralph McGill Boulevard, NE Bin 10193 Atlanta, GA 30308-3374 404 506 7219 tel December 18, 2018 Langdale Project (FERC No. 2341) Application for Surrender of Minor Project License Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Room 1-A – Dockets Room Washington, DC 20427 Dear Secretary Bose: On behalf of Georgia Power Company, Southern Company is filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) an application to surrender the minor project license for the Langdale Project in compliance with the Commission’s regulations at 18 C.F.R. §§ 6.1 and 6.2. The current Langdale Project license expires December 31, 2023. This surrender application consists of this cover letter, the Notice to Intent to Surrender, Exhibit A, and Exhibit E (which contains the Draft Decommissioning Plan as an appendix). The surrender application will be available through the FERC’s e-library website, and, as requested, via email or U.S. mail. A complete hard copy of the surrender application will be available at the Southern Company street address provided in the letterhead. After January 7, 2019, copies of the surrender applications will be available at the H. Grady Bradshaw Library, located at 3419 20th Avenue, Valley, Alabama, 36854, in Chambers County, Alabama, and at the Troup-Harris Regional Library, located at 7511 Georgia Highway 116, Hamilton, Georgia, 31811 in Harris County, Georgia. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 404.506.7219 or at
[email protected] Sincerely, Courtenay R. O’Mara, P.E.